Checkmate - RATED R

By Love_Bri94

2.1M 75.5K 61K

She wasn't what he was used to....he had finally met his match. More

Before It Ends❤️
Decision Day


26.5K 898 493
By Love_Bri94

A day late...i know

Chapter Fiftysix
Chris Brown
Mid July - Los Angeles, California

It's been almost two months since we all headed back to LA and so far everything has been going good. Mya moved back into the house she previously had and Tim been at my crib. That's my brother so I don't mind. Mya told me that her parents would be moving here soon.

But anyway, today is the day Mya and I made things official last year. I don't know if this should be considered our anniversary due to us breaking up but oh well, ima still celebrate with her.

The last couple weeks, we've both been busy. I'm planning my Indigoat tour, something she doesn't about yet but I got something up my sleeve. And Mya has been working on a third location and looking for a vendor for children's clothes. I love the fact that my baby hustles. That makes me want to just give her everything.

Tonight I planned something special for us. I had Eva go buy her an outfit. I told her something simple but still sexy. I set us up a nice dinner at Nobu since it's her favorite. They gave us a private room so that we wouldn't be bothered.

Honestly Mya and I haven't seen each other in almost two weeks. We've just been so busy. Tonight is really needed. She made sure I got to spend time with Landon though.

Pulling up to her house, I grabbed her bags then headed inside.

The smell of food ran up my nose, making me head into the kitchen. Mya and Mariah was cooking. Landon sat in his little chair knocked out. I crept behind Mya and wrapped my arms around her.

"Oh my goodness." She jumped. "You scared me."

I laughed before kissed her cheek. "Hey baby."

"Hi my love." She leaned back and kissed me.

Moving away from her, I went over to Landon and just kissed his chubby cheeks over and over. "Mariah, you still watching Landon for me tonight?"

"Yes I am." She answered.

"And why is she watching Landon?" Mya asked.

"Follow me." I grabbed her hand and headed upstairs. When we got into the room, I locked the door then showed her the bags. "Happy Anniversary."

She looked at the bags then at me and smiled. "Happy Anniversary." Mya wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek. "Would this even be considered our anniversary though?"

"I don't know but it don't even matter."

"I wish I would've gotten you something."

"Just being with you is enough. I got a whole night planned for us though. And I bought you something to wear, I just came by to drop it off."

"Aww, thank you baby."

"You're welcome. I gotta go get dressed but I'll be back in two hours. Mya." I held her face. "Please be ready."

"Okay." She gave me this stupid smile that told me she wouldn't be ready.

"I'm serious. I'll go eat by my damn self if I have to."

"Oh hush, I'll be ready."

"Alright, I'll be back."

We kissed again then I headed back downstairs. I went and took Landon out of his seat. "Wassup little man."

"That's why he spoiled now." Mariah said.

"He ain't even spoiled."

"Whatever, He fusses every time somebody sit him down."

"Well I'll put him back in his seat since you're watching him for us. Thanks again, I owe you."

"You don't, he's my nephew."

"You sound like your sister." I said while putting the baby back in his seat. "Alright, I'll see y'all later." I kissed Landon one last time then headed out.


It took me about an hour to get ready. I got dressed in something similar to the black outfit I had on in Heat. I swear Mya is the only person that can get me dressed up like this. She loves when I'm all suited up. Anything that gets her horny, I'll do.

After checking my outfit again, I headed back to Mya's house. When I got inside, the house was quiet, so I went upstairs. Music was blasting from Mya's room and that's usually not a good sign. I opened the door and she was just now slipping on her dress. The fact that she didn't have no panties made me bite down on my lip. She know what's going down after dinner.

I watched as she slipped on her shoes then looked over her clothes.

She finally spotted me through her mirror, then she looked over her shoulder and smiled. "Hey boo."

I started walking over to her. "You look so fucking good." My hand ran over her ass. "I see you forgot something."

"I didn't forget." She winked.

Man I love her freak ass. "You ready?"

"Yes, let's go kiss on our baby, then we can go."

I nodded before she led me to his room. Mariah was putting on his pajamas and her kids were helping.

"Let me see my son before I go." I said before picking up. "Hey there be good for your Auntie and I'll buy you a Lamborghini for your first birthday."

"See what I mean? Spoiled." Mariah said.

"Well since she wanna call you spoiled, give her a hard Time son."

"Don't be mad when your son gets a spanking."

"Whatever, you know his mama crazy and will beat yo ass." I said while handing Landon to Mya. She kissed him before handing him back to Mariah. "Alright we out. If you need anything call us."

"We'll be fine. Have fun."

"Okay, good night. Love you." Mya said before we walked out the room and headed out to my car.

"You ready to enjoy the night beautiful?" I asked.


"Let roll out then."

At Nobu

Mya and I sat across from each other, while we ate dinner. Tonight has been going perfectly. She's been all smiles and I love that. But now I gotta drop the bomb on her.

Me going on tour.

After the whole situation that popped off last year, I know this is something that she doesn't want to hear but with this new CD, it has to happen. But like I said, I think I know how I can make this work for the both of us.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?" I asked her while grabbing her hand.

"You did but I don't mind hearing it over and over."

I smiled. "So uh, talk to EJ lately?"

"No, it's like he just fell off the face of the earth. He still likes my pictures and I think he congratulated us on the baby but he doesn't text or call. If I'm not mistaken, he's been with Karrueche, Teyana and Megan."

"Yeah." I took a big gulp of my wine.

"Is everything okay between you two?"

"Naw, I fired his ass."

Mya's eyes grew. "Oh my goodness why?"

"I don't like people that play both sides. And he was messy as hell."

"Messy how? Because of Kae."

"I can't stop the nigga from making his money....well I know they wasn't paying him like I was but. Like I told you before, his head was always up her ass and a lot of times he ain't come through for me because he wanna hang with her. I ain't have time for that shit so I let him go."

"Wow....that's insane."

"So with that being said, I'm out of a stylist."

"There are a bunch out here."

"But what if I told you that I wanted to hire you."

A shocked look fell on her face. "What? Me?!"

"Yeah, you be fly. And how many times have you had to put shit together for me and it's always the perfect thing. I've never hated something you picked out for me. It's always the right shit and you get it right the first time. I don't have to tell you things a millions times just for it to be done the way I want it."

"I mean I guess that would be dope." Mya said before picking up her glass.

"So if you do it that mean you can dress me for my tour right?"

Her eyes shifted to me quick as hell. "Excuse me?"

"I'm planning my tour for my new album. The Indigoat tour."

"Oh really?"

"I know after everything you really hate when I go on tour now but baby I have to go. Touring is how I bring in a lot of money and that's why I decided that you should come on tour with me?"

"How Chris? We have a two month old baby."

"He'll be about 7 months when I leave."

"So you want us to live on a tour bus for like two months with you?"

"Yes because I want you around me and my son. And I really want you to style me. I'll pay you whatever you want."

"Chris.....I don't know. I'm trying to open this new store and taking care of a baby on a bus isn't comfortable."

"I damn near got a whole room on my bus. Shit I'll get a bigger one if you want me to."

"I have this feeling that you aren't going to let me say no to this. You're going to find every way to convince me to go."

"You are 1000% correct. I don't want to be away from you or Landon for 2 months. I wish I could even bring Royalty."

Mya exhaled. "Why does the tour have to be this year?"

"Because it has to baby. I want to go perform these songs while they're still fresh and people aren't asking me drop my next album. This year is the perfect time."

"And I feel like you're doing this just so that I can basically babysit you. It's not just the styling thing. You don't think you can control yourself after I bust out all your windows? I only got four I can do the rest and then beat you with the bat."

I shivered thinking about that damn bat. "I just want you to see how you're my only focus."

"You do that when I'm not around, that's how you prove yourself to me."

"That's exactly what I did when you moved back to Miami......just take a week to think about it, alright? This is more than me wanting you around so that I won't mess up. I really like how you dress me. And I'd rather have somebody that I know will be all about their business than somebody who keeps bullshitting around. You feel me?"

"Yeah....I'll think about it."


It got quiet. I watched Mya as she ate more of her food. My baby is so beautiful. It's like she has a different glow on her since the baby. "I bought you something." I said.

She looked up at me with her food hanging out her mouth. "Christopher."

"Hush hush huuush. I don't even wanna hear it." I leaned over and grabbed the bag under my seat then passed it to her.

"You're annoying."

"You love me though."

Mya smirked before rolling her eyes. She dug in the bag then pulled out a box. "More expensive ass jewelry huh?"

"Open it."

She pulled the top back and revealed what was inside.

"Oh my goodness, this so pretty. You must know how much I love pink diamonds, my ring for my birthday last year had pink diamonds in it." Mya smiled. "I love it baby, thank you."

"You're welcome."

"I can't wait to see what my engagement ring is going to look like." She looked up at me and winked.

"Oh we talking marriage now?"

"I'm just throwing that out there, no pressure, no pressure."

I laughed. "Yeah yeah....but I got a question about that. Everything between us has happened so fast. So when do you think it would be the right time for marriage?"

"That is true. Everything has happened fast and marriage is sacred. I'd love to be your wife some day but I think we have a lot more growing to do before we take that step. You'll know when you're ready and I'll know when I'm ready."

"What if I felt like I was ready?"

"Chris we just got back together. We had a baby after being together for 3 months."

"Time means nothing Mya."

"Just a while ago, you didn't even want to get married."

"Because I've never met somebody as real as you. You're a hot commodity and I need to lock you down before anybody tries." I said. "Let me're not ready?"

"It's not that, I just don't want to rush nothing else between us. Let's do one thing the right way."

"So if I got down on one knee right now, you'd tell me no."


"Alright." I sat back in my seat. All I wanna do now is make this woman my wife. But if I gotta wait then I guess I'll wait. I didn't plan on proposing to her tonight. But I did have something planned for the near future. Guess I better hold off on that.

I'm not trying to rush her or pressure her, I just know that tomorrow isn't promised. I've already lost her at the blink of an eye, why wait?.

Mya got up out her seat then came and sat on my lap. She held onto my chin and kissed me. "I wanna be your wife just as much as you want me to be."

"You just want to wait a little longer. I get it Mya, I'm not tripping. I already made you a mother before you were ready. I don't want to force you into anything else."

"Chris even though you did technically trap me, Landon is the best thing ever and I wouldn't trade him for anything in this world. I love how badly you want to give me your last name though."

"You're an amazing woman that I just want to have my last name and to grow old with. Be some freaky ass old people."

Mya laughed. "We would. Age don't stop this pussy from popping."

This girl is crazy. "I love you."

"I love you too Papi."

I pulled her face to mine and we kissed again. Eventually her tongue slipped in my mouth. My hand gripped her thigh.

Mya broke our kiss, she was about to straddle me but I stopped her. "Hold one second baby." I said while getting up.

I hurried over to the door and opened it, calling over the manager. He quickly walked up to me. I reached in my pocket and pulled out 400 dollars. "Don't let nobody in here for the next 30 minutes." I said.

He took the money and nodded.

I shut the door back and walked over to Mya. I pulled her out her seat and started kissing her again. Her arms wrapped around my neck and my hands started pulling up the bottom of her dress.

"Chris we're in a restaurant! I'm sure they have cameras in here."

"Ask me do I give a fuck?" I lightly bit her neck causing her to moan. "Turn around."

She worried about them cameras but it took her no time to turn around and lay her body on the table.

I unbuttoned my pants and pushed them down a little. My dick was hard just from seeing her open like this. I wasted no time slipping in her.

"Mm." Mya moaned.

My hands tightly gripped her waist as I stroked in and out of her. Closing my eyes I bit down my lip. This is the first time I've hit it raw in a while. Just to make Mya happy, I used condoms. Even though she's back on birth control she's taking other precautions to make sure she doesn't end up pregnant again.

The table beneath us started rocking as I hit harder. Mya's moans flooded the room. I leaned down and flicked my tongue on her ear, a few grunts and moans slipped from my lips. "So fucking wet." I stood back up and slapped her ass.

"Stay right there baby." She reached back and grabbed my waist making sure I kept hitting her spot. "Ooooh, fuck."

I felt her muscles starting to tighten and she started throwing her ass back at me. I smirked while watching her ass move. It just jiggled every time it touched me.

I gripped her hips and matched her rhythm. Her legs started spazzing letting me know she was about to cum. Mya gripped my hand and her nails dug into my skin as she came all over me.

Once she was finished her hands gripped both sides of the table. I know this girl about to try to break me. Her ass just started moving effortlessly. "Oh shit." I said trying to keep my balance. " wa—ah."

She looked over her shoulder and blew a kiss.

"Fuck." My head tossed back and my nails dug into her hips. My thrusts got sloppy as I tried to stop myself from cumming but with the way she was working me. I couldn't. "Shit!" I bit down on my lip hard as that orgasm shot through my body and I came inside of her. "Damn baby."

Mya started laughing.

Ain't a woman out here that can fuck me like she can. I pulled out then grabbed wipes from her purse to clean us off. Once we got situated I pulled her to me and kissed her lips.

"Happy Anniversary." She said before smiling.

"Happy Anniversary."

The Next Day - 10:42AM

My eyes fluttered open and I looked around our hotel room. Shit got even wilder once we left Nobu. We fucked in the car, then I made her cum in the hotel elevator, when got to our room she sucked my dick as soon as the door closed. We got high then I had her screaming like somebody was being murdered once I fucked her on the floor.

We took a small intermission then she rode me like a fucking rodeo.

What a night.

Picking my phone, I hit the lock button. I had a few text messages from Mark and a couple emails.

I opened the messages and when I read them I just burst out laughing. "Baby." I shook Mya.

"Hm?" She answered still half sleep.

"We're banned from all Nobu locations." I laughed again.

She turned and looked at me. "Even the one in Vegas?"

"Yes baby."

"Damn....oh well." Mya turned and went back to sleep.

Man it gets no better than us.

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