Chamber by Chamber // Snowbaz

By TheSmallTownGal

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SO bitches I'm a lonely blob just trying to pass the time writing stuff she loves in hopes it may bring some... More

The Magic Words
True Love's Kiss
Goodnight Kiss
Penny Ships It
Pitch on the Pitch
I Wanna Hold Your Hand
We're Magic in a Normal World
Drunk Confessions
Magic, Books, and Sleepy Kisses
Is That You?
Playing With Fire
A Sticky Note A Day
To Endings and Beginnings
Green-Eyed Simon
Romeo and Julien
Use Your Words
It's The End Of The World
Maybe We Can Be Broken Together
I'm Always Sure Of You
The Stars Taunt Us
The Stars Taunt Us- Ch. 2
The Stars Taunt Us- Ch. 3
Golden Days
Swaying In the Snow
Authors Note
In My Shoes (Literally)
The Dragon Boy, the Vampire, and Crup
Your Fucking Moron
Lost Chances
Fed Up
The Main Characters
My Love
A Fine Line
Force of Nature
This Will End in Flames
Use Somebody
My Beautiful, Broken Boy
Some-bud-y to Love
What Are We?
He Wouldn't Understand
Careful What You Wish For
Secrets in the Dark
Soft Punk Husbands
Kiss Me, Kill Me
Sing Along
The Tells of a Reflection
Not So Secret
Gaining Love
Talk? Talk.
Realizations in the Cold
Laying Into Love
Silver or Wedding Bells? (Both?)
Please Read
Chance Encounters
Finding His Fangs 101
If I Had $1,000,000
Some-bud-y To Love Pt. 2
Daydreams and Doodles
Our Purpose
Grey is the Loneliest Colour
Sour Cherry Scones
Fill Me Up
Say Cheese

For Real This Time

1.9K 77 36
By TheSmallTownGal

Otp Prompt #13: Baz and Simon keep fake proposing to each other in restaurants to get free food, but when Baz finally proposes for real, Simon doesn't get it. 

27 days and counting that Simon and I have been doing this. We've discovered (by watching other couples do it) that of all the bloody things, proposing at restaurants gets you free food. We decided to test this theory out by doing a fake proposal at a Normal restaurant called 'Chuck-E-Cheese'. (I wouldn't recommend it- the fake animals seemed to be spelled to play music and follow you around with their eyes). We went to the dollar store (Crowley, the dollar store. Normals are so cheap) and bought a bag of fake rings. Simon popped down on one knee and said some total fucking shit like 'Man, I've loved ya' forever' and I said yes with feigned surprise. He slipped the fake ring on my finger (which later stained green) and kissed me.

Some restaurants' standards are so bloody low it's ridiculous. Once I just popped down on one knee and said 'will you be my bro forever?' and the waiters went fucking wild. I'm fairly certain we used a ring pop that time. But every time, no matter how either simple or extravagant the proposal, my heart glows. I don't know about Simon, but around the twentieth time he proposed, it started feeling real. We've not been doing it quite as much anymore.

But now, I'm sure of what I want. After everything went down with the fucking Humdrum (we never refer to him as just the 'Humdrum'; it's always the fucking Humdrum or the bloody Humdrum. Sometimes the 'rat bastard Humdrum') and The Mage and everything, I took Simon out on a real date. Not a 'We're-dying-in-a-forest-so-kiss-me' date. Not a 'We're-surrounded-by-vampires-that-want-to-kill-us-but-I-would-still-gladly-fuck-you' date. A proper date at a restaurant. After everything Simon went through, it felt a little silly going to a Normal restaurant for dinner. (Plus, I feel as though he was still a bit thrown by the fact that he was snogging and dating his mortal enemy). (He's since gotten over that). But after that night, he thanked me profusely... and it was then that he told me he loved me. I'll never forget it.

It was absolutely pouring out, and Simon and I were trying to run to my car from inside the Italian restaurant (something the Normals call 'Old Spaghetti Factory'. Superb). I couldn't find my keys and we were caught in the rain like in that one movie... The Notebook or some bloody shit like that. (Simon made Penny and I watch it. He cried. Penny teared up. I laughed). I was cursing, running my hands through my increasingly soaked hair. My suit (Gucci- I couldn't believe it was getting ruined) was nearly all the way soaked through and Simon's t-shirt was clinging to his torso. (Which only distracted me more from finding the keys).

I heard something loud beside be, and I turned my head to see Simon doubled over in laughter. The rain roared around us and I couldn't hear anything but splattering on the ground and Simon's laugh. "What in the bloody hell is so funny, Snow?" (I only called him Simon when we were alone together and being soft) (I don't know when the fuck I started saying things like 'being soft'- it just happened). He gained his composure (as much as was possible for Simon, anyway) and wiped away a falling tear as he walked toward me.

He wrapped his arms around me, and I let myself melt under his touch. "Oh, Baz. This is perfect!"

"Perfect? What about this is perfect?" He looked up at me, eyes glinting in the street lights. He was still the sun... but it no longer felt like I was going to get burned.

"Because it's us, Baz. Of course it would start pouring at the end of our date. And of course we would lose our keys and get stuck in the rain. It's just..." He shook his head and sighed. He leaned in, giving me the slowest (and quite honestly most arousing) kiss we had ever shared. He leaned back, only our noses touching and looked me right in the eyes. It was like looking into my future. "I love you." My heart swelled and I couldn't help the complete fucking grin that spread across all of my futures.

"I love you too, Simon."

We've been together for two years now. I know we're young, but I have wanted Simon Snow since we were children. And now that I have him (and he wants me; sometimes I still can't believe it), I will never let him go. It's not just that I don't want to let him go- it's that I simply won't. Because if Simon Snow ever left me, I would die. But anyway, my point is that I want to marry him. I want to marry Simon Snow, and I have everything all planned out. We're going to the restaurant where he told me he loved me for the first time tonight (we haven't been back since). I have the ring (a real one this time) and a full speech (not just 'please marry me bro') and reservations.

Right now he's sitting in my lap while I read (just an hour before the reservations) and he watches a movie. He absentmindedly plays with my hair (he had me grow it even longer just for his pleasure) and I can't help but feel my stomach flip while I look up at him. He's just... amazing. If you would have told 16 year old Baz that Simon Snow (whom past Baz suppressed his emotions for every waking day) would one day love him back, he would have laughed in your face. And then spit on you. And then probably would have punched you.

I place a gentle kiss on the back of his neck (he smiles like he's trying not to) and I try to maneuver him out of my lap without getting slapped with his wings or tail (which are fucking hot, by the way). I go to get dressed, and five minutes later, we're both ready and in the car driving for restaurant.

When we arrive, the waitress finds our name on the list and shows us to our table. I feel the weight of the ring box in my jacket pocket like a weight. Simon smiles brightly at me as he proceeds to order virtually everything on the menu. (He really breaks the bank- one thing he definitely didn't lose after losing his magic was his appetite). I just have a salad.

Halfway through dinner, I take his hand and begin my speech. "Simon Snow..."

"Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch..." He laughs and squeezes my hand lightly. (I'm so nervous. And I never get nervous). (Only around Simon fucking Snow).

"I love you so much. I have loved you since the day I laid eyes on you when the Crucible cast us together. Simon Snow, I have never believed in fate. None of that destiny bullshit or 'meant to be.'" I pause, looking at him. A small smile still plays on his lips, but he doesn't say anything. "But Simon... meeting you was fate. It was destiny, and it most certainly was meant to be. When we were first cast together, I thought it was a curse. A curse that I had to room with the one person that I was destined to love, and destined to kill. But really, Snow... it was a blessing. A blessing that for seven and a half years, I got to watch you grow on your own. A blessing that of all the people at Watford, I was cast together with you. Because before you, I thought I would never love. That I never deserved love." He squeezes my hand tightly, and his eyes are watering. I just love him so much it hurts. "But then, you let me open up. You let me be vulnerable. I learned to love, and what it felt like to be loved. And for that, I can never thank you enough. It was here that you first told me that you loved me- it was here that my life started. Every day that you stay and love me feels like a day that the sun shines a little brighter. Because when I was younger, I thought that love was foolish. It just made you blind. But now, Simon, I realize that's anything but true. Being with you makes colors brighter, sounds louder and sights even more beautiful. I want to feel like that every day of my entire life, Simon Snow."

I get up from my seat and get on one knee, getting the ring box and opening it for him to see. (I feel like a proper bloody fool, getting my trousers dirty on the floor) (I would do it again for him. I would do anything for him). "Simon Snow... will you marry me?" All around us are quiet gasps, but I'm focused on only one person. His face is flushed and he seems rendered speechless- but he nods his head vigorously and snatches the ring out of my hands to slip it on his finger before I get the chance to do anything. He leaps up out of the chair and kisses me with as much passion as he did all those years ago, cupping my face while I run my hands through his hair. There are cheers all around us and the waiters come over to tell us that dinner is on them (no surprise there).

When we sit back down, Simon finally says something. "Holy shit, Baz! Where in the bloody hell did you get this ring?! It looks so real!" Oh fuck. He doesn't know that this isn't another fake proposal. God fucking damnit, fuck me in the bloody ass. I should have known better than to propose him at a restaurant. Before I can interrupt him, he continues on. "This is the coolest proposal we've pulled off! And when you were talking, I thought you were serious for a second! Crowley, but did you really mean everything you said anyway?"

Before he can keep talking, I nod my head and try to clarify. I get up out of my seat, squatting down in front of Simon. "Simon, it was real. That's a real ring, and this was a real proposal. And I meant every word." He looks at me for a long moment, thinking, before he finally responds, a ghost of a smile still dancing on his features.

"Okay, good one, Baz. You don't have to keep pretending- we got free food! But Aleister Crowley, where did you get this ring? We should use this kind more often." It's taking everything (and I mean everything) in me to not yell at him or storm out of the restaurant.

"Simon, I'm serious. I want you to marry me. A real wedding. Like legally married. I got that ring at a jeweler. This isn't fake- everything I'm saying, everything I'm feeling... it's real, Snow." I hesitate to get up as he keeps thinking. (Crowley, how much fucking thinking does he need to do? I think this is the most he's actively thought for in his life).

"It's really real?" He whispers it so quietly that the only reason I can hear it is because I'm a vampire. I nod my head slowly. He looks at me and I move to go back to my seat, head falling.

But before I can make it even an inch, he's grabbed my suit collar and pulled my forward, smashing my mouth into his. It's sloppy and slobbery, but it might just be the best feeling in the world. He pulls away and we're both breathing too fast to care about the people staring around us.

"I would love to marry you, Basilton Grimm-Pitch." He smiles again before he pulls me back in.

I have never been happier in my entire life- all because of my fiance (I could get used to that)...

Simon Snow.

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