The Arrangement | ✔️

By Phunmito

9.2M 322K 53.8K

Kayla Andrews was living a simple life even as the daughter of one of the richest men in the society, she sti... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Author's Note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Bonus Chapter 1

Chapter 52

125K 4.2K 359
By Phunmito

"Jesus Christ! Please don't tell me they did it in front of you guys." A voice said from the entrance and we all turned to look at Brandon.

I felt my whole body turn red and I seriously wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.

"Babe, that's private." Dray said from beside her and I couldn't help but notice how awkward he looked.

I would have laughed at him if not for the situation I was in.

"Private? It's fucking news. Thank you so much for finally doing it Jason! It's about time." She said with a broad smile and I shot her a glare as I felt Jason move to wrap his arms around me.

"Why are you more excited than them anyway?" Brandon asked as he moved towards the table and I saw him eye my pancake.

Not today sweetheart.

"Because my son can finally have someone to play with during family outings and birthdays. They'll be best friends!" She gushed excitedly.

"Calm down babe. She's not even pregnant yet." My brother said to her.

"Yet." She answered with a smirk.

I let out an embarrassed groan as I buried my head deeper into Jason's side and I felt him let out a small laugh.

"Alright Bella. Please don't embarrass her any further." He said before turning to look at Brandon.

"Who let you in?"

"I let myself in because I have a key." He muttered with a careless shrug, "Yay food!" He screamed and stretched out to grab my plate.

I snatched it away from him before he could reached him and I laughed at the way his smile dropped.

"I'm not about to lose my breakfast the second time in a roll. Go make yours." I shooed him away and grabbed a fork to eat.

"But this is my best friend's house and what is his is mine." He said with a childish pout.

"I'm his wife you idiot! That phrase is meant for me." I replied rolling my eyes.

He gave me a look before he finally spoke.

"Oh right."

"Oh right." I mimicked him.

I suddenly heard a slap and turned to see that Jason had hit Brandon on his head.

"What the hell dude?" Brandon cried with a mouth full of pancake.

"Stop trying to piss my wife off and you sure as hell know I didn't make that for you." He growled at him.

"But you love me." Brandon whined and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I love my wife you dumbass." He replied.

His eyes suddenly found mine before he spoke.

"I'm sorry Kaybear," he started before his face turned into a mischievous smirk, "but it's not my fault you're so hungry. If anything it's Jason's fault." He said.

"Why?" I asked with a suspicious look.

"He's the one who kept you up all night doing adult stuff, not me." He said with a smirk and I picked a banana and threw it at him.

"What the hell is adult stuff? Why are you so PG 13?" Cami asked with a raised eyebrow.

He let out a loud laugh, "Speaking of adult stuff, do you mind giving Lisa some pointers?

"What do you mean?" I asked with a mouth full.

"I've tried everything I can but she doesn't seem to want me." He said with a frown.

"Not everyone wants to sleep with you egg head." Cami muttered from where she was sitting.

"I know so shut up Annabel." He drawled which caused her to scowl at him.

"I don't mean sleep with me. I like her, a lot but she always thinks I'm playing her. It's so frustrating."

"Well you don't exactly have a clean record with girls so I can't blame her for not trusting you easily." I told him with a shrug.

"I'm a changed man! And I'm tired of trying to prove myself!"He said with an exasperated sigh.

"Trust me dude, if she's worth it, you'll never get tired." I heard Jason say and when I turned to look at him, he was staring me.

"Awwn, thanks babe." I gushed and blew him a kiss.

"You guys are cute and all but that doesn't solve my problem." Brandon whined from beside me.

"Look Brandon, I don't care how long it takes you but you better be patient and prove yourself to Lisa. She's an amazing woman and if you even think of hurting her, I will castrate you! Are we clear?" I asked him with a low threatening voice and he visibly swallowed before nodding.

"Yes ma'am."

"Great. Now that that's established, not that I don't like it or anything but can I know why you guys are here?" I asked looking at them one by one.

"Why? Did you plan on continuing what you started last night?" Cami asked with a smirk and I saw my brother shift uncomfortably beside her.

"Please stop torturing my brother." I begged her with an amused smile.

"Come on babe, I tell her about us having sex all the time." She said waving him off.

"No you don't!" I shouted at her after seeing the horrified look on Jason's face while Brandon just laughed.

"Well I'm glad you find this amusing." I muttered sarcastically.

"We're here to talk about your wedding." Cami piped up.

"My wedding?"

"Yes. Now can we all move to the living room while we wait for Emma?" She asked getting up before Dray and Brandon followed behind her.

"What am I missing here?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as Jason walked to stand in front of me.

"I told them to come over so we can talk about the wedding."

"And why am I just hearing about this?" I asked with a frown.

"Because I got a little distracted last night." He drawled before trailing his fingers up my thighs and resting them on my bum.

"Really now?" I asked with a smirk as I tried to hide my flushed state.

"Hmmm-I happen to have a very sexy wife so it's not my fault I'm easily distracted by her amazing body." He mumbled before nibbling gently on my ear.

I let out low shallow breaths before he pulled me flush against his body and before I could think about it, he slammed his lips against mine.

My hands went up to his hair on instinct as I trailed my fingers through his soft silky hair.

His tongue explored my mouth and I savored the taste of the pancake in his mouth.

Food tends to taste better when coming from him.

He used his other hand to grab the back of my leg before pulling me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist immediately.

He gently placed me on the kitchen table before moving his head to kiss the soft spot beneath my ear which caused me to let out a low moan and I felt him smirk against my neck.

He was about to trail his hands further upwards when-

"You guys better not be planning on having sex while we're here because I know that was May moaning!" My best friend called from the living room.

I buried my head in the crook of his neck from embarrassment and I heard him chuckle lightly.

"I hate her sometimes." I muttered.

"Sure you do." He said before placing a kiss softly on my forehead.

"As much as I I love seeing you in my shirt, I think you need to put on some shorts." He said running his hands softly through my hair.

"Why? It's just Brandon and my brother." I whined.

"I don't need Brandon staring at what's mine." He growled lowly.

"He doesn't even see me like that. I'm like his sister plus the dude is so hung up on Lisa anyway." I said rolling my eyes.

"Just put on some shorts babe. Please." He pleaded with a pout.

"Fine. You're acting like a freaking caveman anyway." I said with a sigh and kissed him before getting down from the counter.

"That's my girl." He said before tapping my bum lightly.

I let out a loud yelp before scowling at him to meet with his amused smile.

"Pervert." I scowled at him.

"You love me." He said with a smirk.

"Whatever." I said and walked away.

I walked upstairs and rummaged Jason's wardrobe before grabbing a pair of shorts and putting it on.

The sound of the door opening caused me to walk downstairs to meet Emma in the living room.

"Kayla!" She greeted me cheerily.

"Hey Emma, how are you?" I asked her as I hugged her.

"I'm great and you?"

"I'm okay." I answered before moving to sit beside Jason.

I found him staring at me with a raised eyebrow.


"You're wearing my shorts."

"It's not my fault they're so comfy." I said with a careless shrug as I placed my leg on his lap before turning to look at my guests.

"Shall we begin?" I asked in my most professional voice.

"Not yet. We have to wait for Tammy." Emma answered.

"Who's that?" I asked trying to remember where I'd heard the name before.

"The wedding planner of your last wedding. We've decided to hire her again because she's actually very good."

"Oh okay."

As if on queue, the door barged open to reveal a rough looking Tammy.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. My car broke down and I had to walk here." She rushed trying to catch her breath.

"It's fine Tammy. Why don't you settle down and I'll get you a glass of water?" I asked her with a friendly smile.

"That'll be very nice." She said with an appreciative smile and sat down.

I quickly got up and grabbed a glass before filling it with water and taking it to her.

She gulped it in a flash and muttered a quick thank you. We gave her a few minutes to settle before she finally spoke.

"So let's get down to business, what are we looking at?" She asked staring at Jason and I.

I gave her a blank stare because I didn't even know what I was looking at and luckily, Jason came to my rescue.

"Nothing big. It's just a private wedding because we don't want the press all over us to avoid the unnecessary questions. All we're doing us renewing our vows basically but I also want to give her the wedding she deserves." He said with a small smile as he stared at me.

"Do you have any suggestions Kayla?"

"Honestly speaking, I loved what you did with the last wedding even if I didn't really have a say in it but I'd like for this one to take place in a garden since the weather is so beautiful this period and since it's just close family we don't need to cater for a large amount of people." I explained.

"And your train?"

"Well there's Cami, Emma, Lisa and Amy. I'm not sure my sister will want to be a part of this but I need to confirm with Lisa and Amy. Jason can choose his groomsmen."

"I'm obviously the best man. Again!" Brandon shouted with a proud smile and we all chose to ignore him.

"I don't really have much people but I can definitely meet up with her number." He told her.

"Alright. I'll assume you all will sort out the wedding dress, the tux, the bride's maid and grooms men's clothes inclusive."

"I've got that covered." Emma piped.

"And food?"

"I'm good with anything that tastes good." I told her.

"How about the wedding cake? I can get someone to bring samples over for you guys to choose from."

"That'll be amazing."

"Okay then, we've got food, dress, cake and decorations under control. Now we just need to pick a date and venue." She said typing some things into her tablet.

"How about you guys do it on the same day as your last wedding?" Cami asked out of the blue and we all turned to look at her.

"That's like a month away. Won't it be too soon?" I asked her with a look of concern.

"Since we don't have to plan for a huge wedding, we have enough time if we start preparations now. And I think that's a amazing idea because that way you don't have to forget about your previous wedding."

"You just recreate it and make it more amazing. That's a great idea!" Emma cheered from beside me.

I turned to look at Jason.

"What do you think?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"As long as it means I get to spend forever with you, I'm down for it but I also want to make things right so I think it's a great plan."

"Wonderful! The date is set. Now for the venue." Tammy asked with a clap.

"James' hotel has a wonderful garden view." Brandon suggested.

I turned to look at him,"It does?"

"Yeah. I saw it yesterday night and it even looked beautiful in the night so if you want to have an after party, it's also a great place." He said with a shrug.

"Okay Tammy, can you talk to him or do you need me to do it?" I asked her.

"What kind of wedding planner would I be if I left that to you?" She asked with a small smile.

"Okay then."

"I've got the basics all covered. I'll go and sort all of this out then I'll get back to you if I need anything else." She said as she packed her bag.

"Feel free to call me if you need anything." I told her.

"I will. I'm so sorry I have to leave now but I have to sort out my car." She said apologetically.

"It's totally fine." I assured her.

"Do you need my driver to drop you off?" Jason asked.

"Oh no Mr. Anderson. I can handle it thanks."

"Please Tammy, it's Jason."

"Thanks Jason. Goodbye everyone and have a lovely day." She called before hurrying out and we quickly replied her.

"Well that was the quickest wedding planning ever." Cami muttered.

"I know right?" I asked with a light laugh.

"Don't worry babe, when this little guy comes, we'll have our own wedding and we'll go on an amazing honeymoon." My brother told Cami as he rubbed her back gently.

"Yeah! Then May and Jason will have to babysit him the whole time we're gone." She said with a huge smile.

"That's my mum's job and I'm sure she'll love it." I told her rolling my eyes.

"Wait, you're having a boy?" Emma asked with wide eyes.

"Yes we are!" Cami gushed again excitedly and they plunged into a series of congratulations, mostly from Emma and Brandon.

"Speaking of honeymoons, where will you guys go to?" Brandon asked us.

"Well I actually want to go back to Hawaii. I never really got to enjoy my time there but I'm not sure where Jason wants to go to." I told him while looking at Jason.

"You first my love. I have the rest of my life to travel the world with you." He said lovingly before planting a light kiss in my lips which caused me to smile broadly.

"So people, what's for lunch?" Cami asked all of a sudden and we all turned to stared at her wide-eyed.


I'm done!

This isn't exactly the best way to end it bit I needed to end it somehow and I didn't want to use another cliff-hanger because the next chapter will probably be of their wedding and then the epilogue.

I suddenly don't want to let them go anymore because they're finally so cute😭😭😭😭

My babies❤❤

I'll see you guys soon. 😪

Thanks for reading and don't forget to click on the little star at the bottom of your screen and leave your comments(as positive as possible please)but constructive criticism is allowed.💋💋💋💋💋

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