A Dreamers Dream

By Choose_love_H_S

289K 13.1K 2.3K

For as long as she can remember, Maddie Graham has had only one dream, to stand on a stage, facing an adoring... More

The Isle of Wight- England
Surrey - England
Birmingham- England. Part one.
Birmingham - England Part Two
Birmingham England - Part Three
After the show - Birmingham, England
The Hotel - Birmingham, England
The Morning after the night before
Food at last. Still in Birmingham, England
Manchester - England. Part One
Manchester, England. Part two
Till now, I always got by on my own
On the road... again
Somewhere on the M40, England.
Another day, another interview. London, England
Soho, London, England
InterContinental Hotel. Greenwich, London, England
Sammy. Dublin, Ireland.
Guilt, shame and heartache. Dublin, Ireland
We don't talk enough, we should open up. Ireland.
Well damn. Dublin, Ireland.
Leaving on a Jet plane. Heathrow, London.
We're looking down on the clouds. The sky, the world.
Perth, Australia
If you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms. Perth, Australia
Sunshine & Margaritas. Perth, Australia
Fancy a swim? The Indian Ocean, Perth. Australia
I swear i am NEVER drinking again. Perth & Melbourne, Australia.
I've been roaming around, always looking down... Melbourne, Australia.
...At all i see. Melbourne, Australia
She's mad but she's magic. There's no lie in her fire. Melbourne, Australia
So many dates, so little time. Sydney, Australia
It's as simple and as complicated as that. Sydney, Australia.
Second time lucky? Sydney, Australia
Doorways, Dance floors and Darkened corridors. Brisbane, Australia.
And we danced all night! The bar, Brisbane, Australia
Two steps. The hotel, Brisbane, Australia
Homes sweet home? London, England.
Kale a banana and a basket of sweets. Hampstead, London, England.
Game on. Hampstead, London, England.
Back where it all began. Surrey. England.
A very uncomfortable evening. Surrey, England.
A Royal conundrum. Windsor, England.
A Prince, A Popstar and me. Windsor, England.
Fireworks and free champagne. Windsor, England.
On the Road again (again). Buenos Aires, Argentina.
One tequila, two tequila, three tequila floor! Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Sao Paulo. Brazil
Confrontation. Sao Paulo, Brazil
I was stumbling, looking in the dark, with an empty heart. Sao Paulo, Brazil
Harry. Sao Paulo, Brazil
Devotion and commotion. Mexico City, Mexico
Meet me in the Hallway. Mexico City, Mexico
Is it too late now to say sorry? The hotel, Mexico City, Mexico.
Kiss and make up. Sunrise, Florida. USA.
Good intentions. Sunrise, Florida, USA.
Car parks and flip-flops. Nashville. USA.
Oh Tell me something I don't already know. Nashville & Pennsylvania, USA.
Secrets out. Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA.
From bad to worse. Travelling to Philadelphia, USA
Harry. Philadelphia, USA.
Toronto, USA.
Showtime. Toronto, Canada.
After the show. Toronto, Canada.
I told you but I know you never listen. Toronto, Canada.
Find what you love and let it kill you. Toronto, Canada.
Cause we don't say what we really mean. Toronto, Canada.
City of Angels. Los Angeles, California. USA.
New York, USA
Coast to coast. New York & Los Angeles, USA.
Even my phone, misses your call. By the way. USA.
Conflicted. Los Angeles, California. USA.
I'm missing half of me, when we're apart. Chicago, illinois. USA
Los Angeles, California, USA
I'm sorry if i say i need you, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Heartache and happiness. Los Angeles, California, USA.
Welcome to the Final show. The Forum, LA. USA.
Hope You're wearing your best clothes. The Forum, LA, USA.

Two hearts, one home. Los Angeles, California. USA.

4K 155 26
By Choose_love_H_S

Maddie's Perspective

I am so caught up in the excitement after the show finishes and Harry, and the band leave the stage, that I don't even notice as the tearful crowd thins out around me and whittles down to nothing. One minute we are surrounded by thousands of crying, screaming fans, all hugging each other and commiserating the end of Harry's first worldwide arena tour, and the next you could almost hear a pin drop in the near-empty venue. Even the crew have started to filter off in various directions, some heading backstage, and others starting the tedious process of dismantling Harry's set up for the final time.

"Well, I guess I should probably do some work," Sammy grumbles unhappily as she stretches up out of her seat. Clark disappeared to the bathroom ages ago now and never came back, so it's only the two of us sitting here chatting away, happily catching up on all the stuff we've missed in each other's lives whilst we've not been speaking. I tell her all about my recording and writing sessions, about my ill-advised kiss with Dean and the excitement of signing my contract. Whilst she fills me in on all the crew gossip that I have missed out on since I've been gone. If it weren't for the churning in my stomach reminding me that I still need to actually speak to Harry, I'd almost be able to convince myself that I've never been away.

"Mind if I join you?" I ask her. True to form, I am being a coward. The last thing I can cope with doing right now is making my way backstage to find Harry and talk to him. I just don't have the balls. At the same time, I don't want to just leave without speaking to him at all, so I figure that if I hang around, he will either come looking for me or he'll call, and maybe I can distract myself in the meantime and try and get my heart rate to go back to something resembling normal and my hands to stop shaking.

"Ha! Sure, but don't expect me to share my wages with ya!" Sammy giggles and stretches out her hand to me. I place mine in it, and we make our way hand in hand down towards the barriers that flank the catwalk between the two stages and start our usual routine of dismantling them, just like old times.

I heave up a heavy piece of the metal barrier and cringe at the ache in my arms as I do so. Over the weeks I was part of the crew, I built up a little more upper body strength and physical tasks stopped being quite so tricky for me, but it seems that any muscle I gained has turned back to soft, squishy fat during the time I've been in LA, either that or the barriers have gotten heavier which seems unlikely.

"Well well, would you look at that, a real live music artist with a record deal and everything mucking in to help out the little people. You're making me look bad." a deep, smooth voice booms out from behind me.

My mind flashes back to all those months ago in Birmingham when Harry was a complete stranger to me, just a face I'd seen on television occasionally and my new boss, who crept up and startled me and my breath catches in my throat. Caught completely off guard yet again, I turn to face him quickly, too quickly... the arena starts to tilt bizarrely, almost in slow motion and I lose what little balance I had whilst trying to carry a heavy section of barrier and topple to my left, feeling myself falling as the metal crashes to the floor, the ground seems to rush up to meet my face as I tumble. Deja-vu, I think to myself as I once again, try to mentally prepare myself for the impact.

Before I can hit the hard concrete surface though, two tattoo-covered muscular arms swing out and wrap themselves around me, grabbing me around the waist and pulling me close in to the chest of their owner as he prevents me from falling any further and drags me upright. It takes a few seconds for my brain to catch up as I stand in his embrace, but eventually, I lift my head slowly, desperate to delay the moment that I'll have to make eye contact with him. Unsure of what I will see when I finally do connect my gaze with his, and his bright green eyes bore into mine. When our gazes finally meet I stare in amazement as his pupils dilate and I feel his arms tighten around me, pressing me even more tightly against him until there isn't a single centimetre between us.

We stand there in complete silence for what feels like forever, every sound, every person left in the arena fades away to nothing as I look into his eyes and my heart beats harder and faster against my ribcage. How did I ever think for one moment that I could bear never having this again? Never being in his arms again? Never smelling the unique scent on his skin which is one hundred per cent Harry, never feeling his warm breath against my cheek?

I love this man. With every single fibre of my being. From the top of my head to the tips of my toes. Every inch of my body and soul belongs to him. At that moment I know, I can't bear to be apart from him. I don't want to waste any more time, so I stretch up on my toes at the same time that he bends his head down towards mine. I don't really know who instigates the kiss, all I know is that it is without a doubt the best kiss I have ever had.

Harry's perspective.

I'm semi-aware of the cheers and whoops sounding out from the crew scattered around the arena, somehow sounding louder than the cheers of the thousands of fans did just a couple of hours ago, but I honestly couldn't give a shit who's watching. We could be in a room filled with television cameras, press and fans and I'd still keep kissing my girl. There is nothing in this world that could entice me to stop right now, except perhaps the idea of taking Maddie to somewhere where I can remove her clothes, that part of our reunion doesn't need to happen in public I don't think.

I can't believe that I almost let her get away from me. What the hell was I thinking? She's mine, my girl, the only girl I've ever felt this way about, certainly the only girl I've ever gone out of my way to chase and given one of my favourite suit jackets to, I really must get that back off her I think idly, Lambert will go mental if I don't. God, I really don't want to be thinking about him right now, I don't want to be thinking about anyone or anything I scold myself and allow my mind, body and soul to completely disappear into Maddie's lips. To feel their soft curve underneath mine, the brush of her tongue, the lingering taste of vodka and chewing gum in her mouth. I tighten my arms around her and lift her slightly off of the floor so that I don't have to bend so much, feeling one her arms snake around the back of my neck as I do so and the other into my hair as she lets out a soft, contented moan.

Eventually, we break apart, both somewhat gasping for breath, and Maddie buries her head between my neck and shoulder, I swear I can feel the heat coming off of her beautiful face, and I know without needing to see her that she is blushing adorably, embarrassed by our public display of affection, but not so much that she is willing to let go of me just yet. Slowly, I open my eyes and look over her shoulder at the small crowd who seem to have gathered behind her. The first face I see is Sammy's, she is beaming so widely from ear to ear that I can't help but wonder if her face will split into two and tears are glistening in her eyes. Clark walks up behind her and places a hand firmly on her shoulder, and she glances back at him momentarily, he winks at her happily before returning his gaze to me.

"You're not gonna hurt her again, right Styles?" He says in a mock threatening tone, and I feel a chuckle rise in my chest.

"Not a chance. I've learned my lesson," I begin, and gently manoeuvre Maddie off of my shoulder and place her feet back on the ground so that I can look at her beautiful face and say my last words directly to her, "These last few weeks have been torture. I'm not going to risk losing her ever again." a single tear breaks free from her eye, and I raise my hand to wipe it away with the pad of my thumb. "I love you, Trouble. And I want to be with you if you'll have me?"

"Of course, I will!" She squeaks back, her voice a little hoarse with emotion. "I love you so much."

"Alright alright, shows over folks! Back to work!" Jeff's voice calls out over the crowd and with a few giggles, everyone starts moving off to continue working. "Well thank fuck for that. I don't think I could take another week of this one moping about." Jeff teases me, directing his words to Maddie.

"Hey! I've not been that bad have I?" I quickly defend myself

"If it makes you feel better to believe that, then you go ahead, mate. What are you two even still doing here? We've got this, why don't you go have a proper reunion somewhere a little more private?" Jeff suggests, and I look down at Maddie, raising my eyebrows questioningly.

"What do you think? Wanna get out of here?"

Maddie flashes a brilliant smile towards Jeff before stretching up on her tiptoes and whispering into my ear, "Take me to your place Styles, before I rip your clothes off right here."

I quickly try and cover the obvious look of arousal that I know is covering my face from her words, but a glance at Jeff tells me I've not been quick enough and that he can pretty much guess what she's said when he gives me a lewd wink.

"I'll see you tomorrow H, for the party. Now get out of here, before I try and take her home myself!" He chuckles.

With one final smile at my manager and friend, I wrap my arm around Maddie's shoulders, and we make our way out of the arena.

Maddie's perspective.

I know logically that I should probably be paying at least a tiny bit of attention as I follow Harry through the huge wooden door to his LA home, having never been here before a little part of my mind is telling me to look around a bit, to take it all in. But I cannot, for one moment, manage to take my eyes off of my delicious boyfriend as he pulls me along the hallway towards the curved staircase. Granted all I can see of him right now is his back, but God what a back.. and his arse... "Shit!" I curse as I manage to miss the next step as I'm not paying any attention at all to where I am putting my feet and start to fall, my hand is ripped out of Harry's as I flail about trying to grab the bannister and stop myself from face planting the carpet and my knees hit the stair with a dull thud.

Harry spins around and looks down at me quizzically, raising an eyebrow.

"It's reassuring really," He says cryptically.

"What is?" I grumble as I pull myself back to my feet.

"That despite everything that's changed in your world lately, you're still the clumsiest person I've ever met!" He laughs, I try to pout unhappily, but my tantrum is cut short when he sweeps me up off of my feet and into his arms. "I think this is safer. I don't really want this night to end up with us in A&E." He chuckles and places a soft kiss in the middle of my forehead. I attempt to keep my frown in place, but somehow I get distracted by a particularly supple piece of neck which is swaying slightly in front of my eyes as Harry starts to make his way up the stairs, and I can't help but start placing little licks and butterfly kisses along it, feeling exceptionally proud of myself when a low moan escapes Harry's throat.

"If you're not careful trouble, we won't even make it to the bedroom." He scolds me

"Am I supposed to care about that?" I ask as I start to try and pull his shirt up to expose more of his skin, my progress hampered by my own body being held against his torso.

Finally, we reach another doorway, which Harry kicks open with his foot to reveal a huge bedroom, in the centre of which is a massive bed covered in sparkling white sheets. The wall opposite is made entirely of glass, and I take just a second to look out over the LA skyline, mesmerised and completely distracted by the pretty lights sparkling in the distance. It's in that split second that Harry decides to take advantage of my momentary lapse in concentration and throws me unceremoniously onto the bed. The air is forced out of my lungs as I land and bounce lightly on the plush mattress. I look up at Harry just in time to see him rip his t-shirt over his head before he leans down over me, a predatory look in his eyes as he starts to work at the buttons on his shorts and his lips crash against mine.

I've barely had time to catch my breath but right now, I breathing really isn't my top priority. All I am interested in is getting as much of my flushed skin against his as I possibly can. Our kiss becomes almost frantic in our desperation to consume one and other and more than once our teeth clash together, but I can't seem to find the energy to care as I run my hands down the smooth planes of his broad back and feel the muscles tensing under my fingertips. After several minutes, I break away from our kiss for just long enough to tug my dress over my head, leaving me laying on the bed in just my underwear. Thank God I thought to wear a nice matching set, I pat myself on the back in congratulations as I frantically search for Harry's lips again, but the air in front of me is empty.

Harry's perspective

As Maddie rips her lips away from mine and pulls her dress over her head, I stand and take a small step back from the bed. I need a moment to take her in, this gorgeous woman, who is all mine, lying in red lace underwear on my bed, in my home, it couldn't be any more perfect. If I had my camera to hand, or more patience to go find it, I'd take a picture of her so that I could look back on this moment forever, but all I can think about right now is the growing need I have to touch her. I want, no I need to taste every inch of her ivory skin. My eyes roam across her face, taking in her heated skin which is tinged pink with pleasure, then slide lower, counting the delicate brown freckles on her neck, down to her breasts, tightly encased in soft red lace, rising up and down in time with her accelerated breathing. I take in the smooth skin around her belly button and the flatness of her stomach, the contours of her hips, the thin patch of hair above her most private area, her long slender legs, demurely crossed at the ankles, they won't be staying like that for long I think to myself.

"See something you like?" She teases me with a wry smile, and it's all the encouragement I need. Released from the spell of her body, I come back to myself, shake off my shorts and clamber on top of her, pressing the full length of my body against hers and grinding my almost painfully hard erection against the soft skin of her thigh and I look deeply into her ocean blue eyes.

"Just trying to decide where I want to touch you first," I tell her, the arousal in my voice evident as my hands roam down her slender arms, over her fingers, before landing on her hips and gripping her tightly as she rolls her groin up towards mine.

"We've got all night." She whispers against my lips before kissing me passionately and running her nails down the bare skin on my back, sending a delicious shiver through me. I sit back on my knees, pulling her upright with me, and rush to undo her bra, freeing her glorious breasts and cupping them with my hands. God, I've missed her body, I think to myself as I allow my index finger and thumb to gently squeeze one nipple and bow my head to take the other in my mouth, sucking it tenderly until it raises into a stiff peak. I brush my lips across every inch of skin I can reach, nibbling gently on sensitive the flesh beneath her nipple, before moving over to her other breast and repeating my actions as she moans and writhes in pleasure beneath me, her head thrown back and her eyes firmly closed as her hands tangle in my hair and pull harshly on the curling strands.

It doesn't take long before my lips are searching for hers again, and I place a hand behind her head to lay her back against the soft white pillows as our tongues entwine to give me access to her full length, I start to slowly make my way down her body, taking my time and immersing myself entirely in her scent as I nip, suck, kiss and lick my way down to her most sensitive area, still encased in thin red lace. Taking the band of her knickers between my teeth, I work the fabric down over her thighs, sliding it slowly over her knees to her ankles then throw it somewhere across the room, I've got no idea where her knickers land and I don't care, I can't take my eyes off of her for long enough to track their progress.

Maddie's perspective

Looking up at Harry as he leans over me, his eyes racking across every inch of my body, I feel strangely at ease. Normally being so exposed like this makes me uncomfortable, but not tonight, tonight I want him to see me, I want to feel his eyes boring into my skin, taking in every inch of me by the light of the moon and the twinkling lights from the high rise buildings far outside the window, thankfully too far away for anyone to see in, but close enough to bathe the room around us in a romantic half-light.

I reach my hands up and tenderly run them across his collarbone, tracing the outline of the two sparrows that flank his upper chest, working them down to his nipples and giving each one a tiny squeeze, Placing my hands flat against his pecks, I push him back on to his heels and sit up, letting my fingernails graze over the moth in the centre of his stomach and make their way lower and lower until they come into contact with the fabric of the waistband of his boxer shorts. I hook my index fingers into them and carefully ease them over his rock hard cock which springs out to meet me enthusiastically. My mouth begins to water slightly as I lean forward and place a tender kiss on the tip, before opening my jaw wide and sliding my lips over the head and as far down the shaft as I can manage, using my other hand to gently caress his balls, he lets out a low groan as I do so and his hands find their way into my hair.

"Fuck, Maddie." He curses low and deep as his hips thrust forward slightly in time with my movements. I immerse myself in my task, delighting in the obvious pleasure I am giving him for several minutes until I can sense him getting close, I'm not ready for him to come yet, I have a whole other destination in mind for the final act, so I pull my mouth off of his penis with one last forceful suck and smile up at him coquettishly, batting my eyelids.

Harry full on growls down at me, baring his teeth and pushing me back against the bed before instantly burying his head in between my thighs. I raise my legs and cross my ankles behind his head, willing him closer and closer as his talented tongue makes its way through my damp folds and finally settles against my sensitive bud of nerves, twisting and turning, sucking and licking, and I swear I see can see stars in front of my eyes, and not the ones glistening outside the window either.

"Harry.." I moan as he slides a finger inside of me, feeling the heat and wetness pooling there. "I need you inside me," I tell him as I grind my hips up to meet his mouth. Breaking away, he makes his way back up my body until we are face to face, and kisses me passionately as on hand reaches out blindly into the top drawer of the bedside table to grab a condom which he rips open and rolls down the almost angry-looking red length of his cock which he lines up with my entrance.

"I love you, Matilda Graham." He says fervently as he pushes himself inside me, staring deeps into my eyes as he holds steady for just a moment to allow me to get used to the insanely full feeling that always comes with him entering me for the first time before starting to thrust. Slowly at first, peppering my face and neck with soft butterfly kisses as he builds his tempo. Our bodies move in perfect sync with one and other, and I reach up to wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back, running my lips over every piece of skin I can reach.

"I love you too Harry, so very much," I tell him as I start to feel a familiar fluttering sensation deep in the pit of my stomach and my orgasm begins to build, sensing this, he moves suddenly, sitting upon his knees and pulling my legs over his shoulders so that he can penetrate me even deeper, a hand reaches down to stimulate my clit, and the feeling is sensational, I don't even try and contain the moans escaping my lips as I gaze up into his eyes. He is panting with exertion now, sweat pooling on his upper lip and I know he is close.

"Come with me." He whispers through gritted teeth, and I throw my head back and allow my eyes to close as he thrusts again, once, twice, and my orgasm overtakes me, and I cry out in pleasure as I feel Harry twitch inside me as he finds his release.

Hours later, after another round of mind-blowing sex, we lay on our stomachs on the floor of Harry's huge bedroom, tangled in a thin sheet from the bed, a half-empty pizza box in front of us and James Corden on the tele on the Late Late Show.

"If I eat any more I'm going to explode," I tell Harry, throwing the piece of crust in my hand back into the box and rolling on to my back, my hands wrapped around my bulging stomach.

"More for me, then!" He smiles, grabbing yet another slice. "I love touring, but there is something amazing about being able to stuff myself with pizza and not having to worry that I won't be able to get my trousers to do up tomorrow night."

"Ha! You've still got the party, remember." I tease him

"Yeah but I don't care if the crew think I'm fat. It's not like I'm trying to impress anyone there, other than you of course."

"Me?" I say curiously "I'm not part of the crew anymore, Harry."

"The party isn't just about the crew, it's about all of us celebrating this amazing thing we've achieved together, and you, my beautiful girl, were one of, if not the most important thing that has come out of this tour, you have to be there. Please?" He says earnestly, and I feel a small lump rise in my throat.

"Hmm, OK, OK I'll go. But. I'm going to have to go back to my hotel in the morning then and try and find something to wear. I'm fairly certain I've got nothing clean that's suitable." I tell him

"Well, now that could be a problem. Because you see, having been apart from you for so long, I am not OK with you having to leave, even just to go back to your hotel."

"What else would you suggest? That I turn up in the same outfit, I wore tonight and ensure everyone spends the entire party talking about us having clearly spent the night together? Or should I just go naked, and we can give them even more of a show than they got earlier?" I tease him.

"God no! No one gets to see this beautiful body except for me. How about, I send Stuart to get your stuff?" Harry asks

"I wouldn't know what to tell him to get, it'd be too complicated." I sigh, rolling back on to my stomach and propping myself up on my elbows to look at Harry.

"What if he just got everything?" He asks, and I raise my eyebrows at him in confusion.

"What would be the point in that? Him bringing all my shit here just for me to drag it all back again tomorrow."

"You're not following me Trouble. I mean, what if Stuart goes to that tiny little box you've been living in and packs up everything you own, clothes, guitars, makeup, books, everything. And brings it all here. I don't think that a burgeoning pop star about to release her first recordings should be staying in a place like that anyways do you?"

"Are you... are you asking me to move in with you?" I ask confounded. As much as I am over the moon that Harry and I have managed to sort ourselves out and get back together, it's only been a few hours, he can't seriously be suggesting that we jump straight into living together?

"Why not? We were practically living together when you were on the crew, and frankly, I've already spent more time away from you than I am happy with. I have no real commitments coming up, mostly I'm just going to be writing, so I can stay in LA for a while... I know it's sudden, but, nothing would make me happier than getting to wake up to this beautiful face every single day. And we could always just try it temporarily, get you out of that hotel, if it doesn't work out then I'm sure we can find you somewhere better than that at least." Harry says quickly, speaking faster than I think I've ever heard him, and as he brushes a stray strand of hair from my forehead and tucks it behind my ear, I notice his hand is shaking slightly with nerves.

I take a moment or two to try and make sense of what he is suggesting, to try and rationally think about it and decide if this is a good idea, to weigh the pros and cons in my head, but honestly, I can't think of anything other than how amazing it would be to live together, how much I'd love to be able to do exactly this every single night, OK well maybe not exactly this because if we both eat our body weight in pizza every night, we won't be able to fit through the door to the house anymore, but the idea of being able to wake up with Harry every morning, to fall asleep wrapped in his arms every night, to be able to kiss and cuddle him whenever I want to. Watch TV with him, cook dinner with him, play music with him.. it sounds like heaven.

"Yes," I say quietly, my voice barely more than a whisper as I raise my head to look into his eyes and smile.

"Yes? Really?! Really really?!" Harry says stupidly as he bounces up on to his feet and grabs my hands to pull me up with him.

"Really really," I confirm, and I swear, I've never seen his dimples pop as much as they are right now as he smiles the brightest, happiest smile I've ever seen.

The End.

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