Already Mated

By plscallmeB

1.8M 41.6K 16.7K

He was meant to choose me. He was meant to love me. He was meant to mark me. He was meant to be mine. My o... More

ONE: Already Mated
TWO: Sobbing and Heartbroken
THREE: Car Ride Home
FOUR: Tense
FIVE: Another Long Car Ride
SIX: "Get In Here Now"
SEVEN: Tossed Away Like Garbage
EIGHT: Sound's so Safe
NINE: Give Me Strength
TEN: "I need you but I do not want you"
ELEVEN: No Longer Exist
FOURTEEN: Lets Do This
FIFTEEN: Confront My Mate
SIXTEEN: To Be Continued
SEVENTEEN: Family Reunion
NINETEEN: I'll Tell You Everything
TWENTY: Never Be Enough
TWENTY ONE: Decisions
TWENTY TWO: Believe it When I See it
TWENTY THREE: The Death of Me
TWENTY FOUR: Practice Makes Perfect
TWENTY FIVE: Birthday Preparations
TWENTY SEVEN: Butterlfies
TWENTY NINE: The Beginning
THIRTY: History
THIRTY ONE: Just a little one...


63.7K 1.5K 868
By plscallmeB

"Why men great 'til they gotta be great?
I just took a DNA test, turns out I'm 100% that bitch! Even when I'm crying crazy! Yeah, I got boy problems, that's the human in me
Bling bling, then I solve 'em, that's the goddess in me! You coulda had a bad bitch, non-committal! Help you with your career just a little! You're 'posed to hold me down, but you're holding me back! That's the sound of me not calling you back!" I sang while I bopped around in the passenger seat of Eric's car.

I looked over at Eric in the drivers seat and then back at Kai who sat behind him, they both had huge grins on their faces. Caleb, however looked down and fiddled with his thumbs.

I focused back onto the road as I sang the rest of the lyrics, directing them at a certain brooding wolf that sat behind me.

We all thought that because I'm still in need of a little wolf training, it would be quicker to drive.

I was so anxious about seeing Alpha and Luna Storm, even more anxious to see Ruby.

I didn't know how I was going to react when I finally saw her again.

Will I cower away?

Will I let her touch Caleb?

Will I call her out?

Will I ignore her?

Will I tear out her throat, rip apart her skin, digest her organs, mangle her face and roll around in her blood?

We will have to wait and find out.

"Kai, is it just my parents or my sister and brother too?" I asked with a large smile as I adjusted my sun visor around so I could see his face.

"I believe all of your family will be there and of coarse Wade as well" he sent me a huge smile, which only made my eyes brows raise in confusion.

"Why would Wade be there too?" I ask confused.

"She doesn't know?!" Caleb asked shocked from next to Kai.

Kai sent his brother a warning look.

"What don't I know?" I asked confused, turning in my chair to look at both of the brothers.

Kai pulled his fingers across his lip and 'threw away the key'. I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

"Kai, you know I don't like surprises!" I wined, adjusting my seatbelt so I could turn around completely.

"She doesn't?" Caleb whispered lowly, looking at his brother.

Kai responded with a small shake of the head to signal no.

Caleb locks eyes with me, looking like he was fighting with himself.


"Caleb..." I whined softly, staring at him with puppy dog eyes.

"No! Caleb don't look!" Kai tried to cover his brothers eyes as I reached out to take a hold of his hand.

"Caleb... look at me... please..." I whined again, moving my hand to his chest.

He was breathing hard as he tried to wrestle away from his brother.

"You're making the car sway!" Eric barked from the front seat.

"Ha! You'll just have to wait and see!" Kai smirked victoriously.

I sent him a glare as I turned back around in my seat.

After a few moments of silence, I felt a hand lightly touch the back of my elbow.

Tingles shot through my arm as Caleb wrapped his hand around my elbow and pulled my arm behind my chair.

He intwined our fingers together and rubbed his thumb against my skin.

I closed my eyes briefly at the wonderful feeling that spread through my body.

Within the blink of an eye, the blissful feeling was gone as I quickly pulled my hand away from his and placed it in my lap.

I looked up at the visor and caught a glimpse of Kai sad eyes.

I looked down briefly and when I looked back up I could see Kai comforting his little brother by ruffling his hair.

I played with my fingers as a pang of guilt consumed me.

Maybe I shouldn't have done that... I mean, he just wanted to hold my hand.


He broke my heart in so many ways, so many times.

I'm not going to forgive him easily and I refuse to let the mate bond force me into a toxic relationship.

I can get through this with my heart and happiness in tact!

"Take the next left and then follow the road until you get to the pack house" Caleb has turned grumpy as he instructed Eric in where to go.

My nerves grew as we turned down the long road to the pack house.

We had been driving through windy roads in the middle of the forrest, hidden deep away for a good three hours now and I was growing restless sitting in the same spot for so long.

"Eric, does Ruby know you're with us?" I asked nervously.

I hope she doesn't try to hurt him.

"I don't think so... Caleb?" He glanced back at Caleb in the rear view mirror.

"She knows that we have spoken to you about the situation... she does not know that you are with us right now, nor the things you have said so far. I didn't want her to have time to prepare excuses." He answers with a shrug of his shoulders.

I gulped nervously.

I was praying to the moon goddess that everything went as smoothly as possible.

I prayed that Ruby owned up to everything and let go of the hold she has on Caleb. I prayed that Eric wouldn't be harmed and that I could be strong enough to handle any outcome.

I nibbled on my bottom lip nervously as I thought about all the possible things that could go wrong.

I felt a slight breath on the back of my neck and I flinched forward slightly as Caleb whispered lowly in my ear.

"Hey... do you think I could have a quick word with you before we go inside and see everyone?" He asked with hope in his voice.

I turned my head to the side slightly, he was close to the back of my seat and I could hear his breath become rushed and his heartbeat rise.

I slowly nodded my head a couple of times, he let out a breath of relief and whispered a "thank you" before leaning back into his seat.

I looked forward again to see the familiar beauty of the Storm Pack fill my view.

Just like the first time I drove through the lands, I was in awe of the strength, power and culture that was clearly displayed by every person and wolf roaming the land.

I smiled softly as the pack house came into view, I was so close to seeing my family.

I was so close to talking to Caleb alone... I think my heart rate tripled with that realisation.

I felt a little nervous having everyone's eyes on us as we parked the car and exited the vehicle.

Some pack members had stopped their activities to see who was arriving.

A few shocked looks and gasps could be seen and heard as they all realised that I was back.

I looked down at my feet embarrassed and slowly followed the boys to the stairs of the pack house.

I was staring at my shoes when I ran into someone's back.

"Ow" I mumbled, rubbing my forehead slowly.

Caleb turned around in a flash "oh goddess, Sophia I'm so sorry, are you ok?" He reached out to pull my hands away from my head so he could examine the damage.

"I'm fine" I replied with a confused look as I pulled away from his hold.

"Sophia and I will meet you inside... we need to talk." Caleb looked back at Eric and Kai, both boys looking at me for reassurance.

I nodded slowly, letting them know that they could go inside and hesitantly, they listened.

"Sophia... I just want to make sure you are as prepared as you can be... I don't want you to be blind sided by anything and I don't want you to feel like you're feelings aren't being considered..." Caleb held eye contact with me as he spoke "Ruby is going to be dramatic and she is going to do and say whatever she can to save herself... I want you to know that I am going to try my hardest to see the truth above anything else. I am going to try my hardest to make sure you are safe and you are heard. You matter to me Sophia and I am going to fight whatever connection Ruby is manipulating and controlling me with. I am going to fight it, for you." He ended by trying to take hold of my hand.

I took a step back and slipped my arms behind me back.

"I appreciate that you are trying to consider my feelings but please don't just do this for me. I didn't ask for any of this and I definitely didn't ask you to protect me. I can handle anything that Ruby is going to try and throw my way. Just focus on doing what's best for you and we can sort out our stuff later on." He looked taken back by the bluntness in my voice "oh, and please stop trying to touch me all the time... it's hard for me to pull myself away from you but I need some space for a little while." I added as I walked past him and made my way up the stairs.

I didn't look back to see his reaction, I didn't want to. It wasn't just hard to avoid his touch, it was an emotional struggle to see him hurt.

As I opened the door to the Storm pack house, I heard the familiar chuckle of my father coming from the living area.

A huge smile spread across my face as I jogged into the room that held my family.

"Dad!" I called out happily as I launched myself at my cheerful father.

"Oh Soph," he called out as he stood up from his position and pulled me into a crushing hug.

"It's so good to see you kiddo!" He shook us side to side as he squeezed the air out of me.

"I've missed you" I replied burying my head into his shoulder.

"Ok I want a turn now!" My mothers strained voice piped up.

I let go of my dad to peer over at my tearful mother.

"Sophie, my baby" she gushed as she engulfed me into a desperate cuddle.

"I'm only the baby by 3 minutes!" I replied back with a chuckle.

"Best 3 minutes of my life" Wyatt called out, his voice restricted by something.

I half let go of my mom to look over and see that my twin brother was stuffing his face with what looked to be Doritos.

"The womb was pretty fun without you hogging all the room!" I laughed as Wyatt faked a shocked look.

Everyone joined in with our laughter and I finally realised that not only were most of my family here but Eric, Alpha and Luna Storm aswell as the Storm brothers were scattered everywhere.

"Sweetheart, it's so good to see you" Catherine gushed as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I hope my sons have been treating you well these past few days" she whispered to me, giving me a small kiss of the cheek.

"It's lovely to see you safe and healthy Miss Sophia" Brad gave me a small kiss on the top of my hand as his wife came to his side.

"Thank you" I replied with a warm blush in my cheeks.

"Wait, where's Brianna? And Wade?" I asked confused as I looked around the room for my sister.

Everyone's eyes lit up and huge smiles filled there faces as they looked at each other.

I looked around confused. What is going on.

All of a sudden, Bri's cheerful voice broke the silence "Hey sissy!" She jogged over to me, a huge grin across her face.

I was tackled into a hug and our laughter filled the room.

"Careful Bri, you're preg... nant..." My eyebrows came together as I took in my sisters flat stomach.

"Oh my goddess..." I looked up at her, shock, joy, sadness, hope all shooting through me.

"This is your niece, Billy" Wade spoke up from behind my sister.

I looked over at the small, precious sleeping baby girl wrapped up in a pink blanket in my brother in laws arms.

"Oh my goddess..." I gasped shock, taking on the beauty of the small baby girl.

"Here, she's been needing a hold from Aunty Sophie" Bri said softly as Wade began to place her in my arms.

I stared down at the precious bundle of joy in my arms in complete awe.

I looked up with a huge smile across my face and tears slowly streaming down my cheeks.

"She's beautiful" I said to my sister and her husband, "absolutely perfect." I finished by kissing her on the forehead.

"Why did no one tell me?!" I gazed around the room and everyone's smile faltered for a moment.

"We just thought you had enough going on... we wanted you to focus on yourself for a little while" Brianna answered as she reached over and stroked her daughters cheek.

I let my eyes meet Caleb's and he looked down for a moment but then looked back up again.

He slowly mouthed what I believe was an "I'm sorry" as he rubbed the back of his neck, ashamed.

He was blaming himself.

"It's not your fault" I mouthed back, giving him a small smile.

I couldn't lay blame on anyone but if I had to, I would blame Ruby.

If she had never manipulated Caleb then we would have met, it would have been perfect and I would of been able to be there for the birth of my niece.

He smile at me in return and we sort of just sat there for a moment staring at each other.

His smile was a beautiful thing to gaze upon and I couldn't bring myself to look away.

That was until a shrill of a voice caused us all to grow either nervous, annoyed, angry or shocked.

"Caleb! Caleb are you in here?!"


"Here we f*cking go"

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