[TwicePinkVelvet] High School...

By thisismeLeo

45.8K 1.8K 315

A socially awkward student finds herself transferring to a new school after her family moved to Korea. She me... More

Chapter 1: First Day
Chapter 2: Impressions
Chapter 3: The Game
Chapter 4: Lunch and Tension
Chapter 5: Orientation Fair
Chapter 6: Orientation Fair Pt.2
Chapter 7: Help Wanted
Chapter 8: Out Of Nowhere
Chapter 9: Time Will Tell
Chapter 10: Chasing Pavements
Chapter 11: What Lies Beneath
Chapter 12: Connect The Dots
Chapter 13: Spooky Or Lovely
Get Well Soon, Mina
Chapter 14: Eventful Night
Chapter 15: Where We Belong
Chapter 16: Dinner With The Families
Chapter 17: All According To Plan
Chapter 18: Friends?
Chapter 19: The Obstacle Named Friendship
Chapter 20: Treat You Better
Chapter 21: I Have A Plan
Thank You
Chapter 22: Girls Night Out
Chapter 23: Get Help
Chapter 24: Way Back Home
Chapter 25: It Feels Right
Chapter 26: Getting To Work
Chapter 27: In The Area
Chapter 28: In The Area Pt.2
Chapter 29: I Just Can't
Chapter 30: The Final Steps
Chapter 31: Am I Enough?
Chapter 32: Clarity
Chapter 33(Ending): Everything Has Changed
Epilogue 2: The End And The Beginning

Epilogue 1: A Decade Worth Of Stories

942 41 15
By thisismeLeo

10 years later

'What time is it?' Tzuyu asks herself while still half asleep then she remembers it's one of the rare days that she doesn't have to wake up early. The day has finally come, the reunion day of her high schol class. Everyone will be there, just like the old times, at least it's what she hopes so since a lot of things has happened. She tightens her hold on her girlfriend, well, her fiancee and rubs her stomach lightly eliciting a satisfied hum from her. Tzuyu starts to pepper kisses along her fiancee's shoulder and along her naked back.

Sana turns around and wraps her arms around Tzuyu's neck. "I wouldn't mind being woken up like that everyday." She then pulls Tzuyu's into a deep and slow kiss, just like every single morning that Tzuyu can stay home. "Good morning, Dr. Chou." Sana says with a bright smile.

"Good morning, future Mrs. Chou." Tzuyu kisses Sana's forehead and rubs her back slowly, knowing her fiancee absolutely loves it.

"We're meeting the girls today, right? I'm so excited!" Sana does a little dance in the bed while Tzuyu is just staring at her while stroking her hair. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Sana blushes lightly.

Tzuyu chuckles. "Just wondering how I got so lucky. I got my dream job, a house of my own and I'm about to marry a cutie like you." Tzuyu pinches Sana's cheek. "You look even more excited than when you see your film poster on the billboard the other day."

"Of course, Choo. We haven't seen all of them since we graduated. They played a part in bringing us together you know." Sana smiles when remembering the old days. "Besides, I only designed that poster, it's not super important or anything."

"Said one of the most wanted designers right now." Tzuyu's hand slips under the covers. "You're really good and your works prove it."

Sana puts her hand on Tzuyu's cheek. "You know, we're having a romantic moment right here, Choo but your hand is not so innocent."

Tzuyu smiles. "I'm a surgeon and I know your body like the back of my hand now. I'm pretty sure my hand is at the right place." She leans closer to her fiancee and whispers. "And you really enjoyed it last night."

"We need to get ready." Sana glares at Tzuyu but her body still leaning closer.

"It won't be long, try not to be too loud." Tzuyu smirks and ducks under the covers.

After a couple of hours of getting ready and some other activities in between, they are now on their way to Mina and Momo's private beach house.

"I'm pretty sure the people next door won't be sharing their pies with us for a while." Tzuyu chuckles while glancing at the map.

"They're the same as us. They were as loud if not more on the days you have to stay at the hospital. I can't even sleep." Sana pouts and glances at the road. "I think we're getting near the place."

"Oh, there we go, I saw it, it's just like the picture Momo sent me." Tzuyu turns the corner to a private area with two big letters M at the entrance. The couple walk inside the place to be met by the most gorgeous beach they have ever seen and a beautiful house overlooking it. "Wow, Mina doesn't hold back with stuff like this huh?"

Sana nods. "Well, she's a Myoui."

"Correction, she's a Hirai." A voice calls out behind them. Momo smiles brightly and wraps the couple in a big hug. "I've missed you two a lot."

"How are you? You've been on tour for like the last three months." Momo becomes a singer/dancer almost right after she finished college. She got scouted by a few companies and spent a few years training. Now she's working for a newly established entertainment company.

"It's a bit tired here and there but it's so worth it. I didn't know that many people are crazy about me. And Mina's been an incredible wife." Momo smiles, the type of love-struck smile that's extremely dreamy.

"Where is she?" Sana asks while looking around.

"Inside the house, she's resting after, you know." Momo wiggles her eyebrows and high-fives Tzuyu. "Our room's on the first floor, first room on the left. I've got your names on the door of your rooms, you can put your stuff in there."

"Let me help you." Tzuyu follows Sana to the house.

"Nah, I can do it. You go and talk to Momo." Sana grabs the bags and drops them in their assigned room. She then peeks inside the opposite room and finds Mina sitting on the bed while playing her Switch.

Sana knocks lightly on the door. "Hey, Mitang."

Mina's signature gummy smile appears on her face. "Hey, Satang, come in here." She puts her Switch away and hugs Sana tightly. "How's my best friend doing?"

"Great, as always. I see you've enjoyed your married life." Sana looks around and sees some photos of Mina and Momo with a few photos of Mina's class at YJM. Mina became a Math teacher and she chose to work at YJM over all the other schools that offered her a job.

"It's everything I hope for. A somewhat peaceful life with the people I love. Momo will be on tour at least once a year but I'm happy that she gets to do what she loves."

"Have you thought about having kids?" Sana lies on Mina's stomach.

Mina chuckles. "I got a bunch of kids at school to take care of. They are pretty much my kids already." Mina thinks deeply for a while. "Probably in a few years, when everything is a little less hectic for Momo. Where are our wives anyway?"

"At the beach, probably flexing on who has the better wife." Mina and Sana share a laugh.

"I've been thinking about kids, you know. But probably not now. How about you?" Momo turns to Tzuyu.

"We have to get married first. But if we're gonna have kids, Sana will probably carry the baby. We mentioned the problem once but it's best to take our time." Tzuyu brings up another topic. "I hope we can see all the other girls today."

"Yeah, to be honest, I'm worried for Jennie, Jisoo and Seungwan. I hope things are fine, I sure wish we could help though."

"What you said there reminds me of one of your songs. I've been listening to it." Tzuyu shows Momo her phone.

"You should thank me for that song." Chaeyoung stands on her toes and drapes her arm around the other two's shoulders.

"Tzuyu, meet my producer." Momo rubs Chaeyoung's head, messing up the younger girl's hair.

"Yah! Don't mess up my baby's hair." Dahyun runs towards Chaeyoung and rescues her from Momo.

"I'm not a baby." Chaeyoung puts her hand on her hips and puts on a mean face.

Dahyun smiles. "Sure you're not. Want a gummy bear?" Chaeyoung looks around and nods cutely. "Here you go." Dahyun takes one out from the packet and feeds Chaeyoung like a little baby. "Now, I'm going to change into my bikini. I can't wait to go into the water."

Chaeyoung widens her eyes. "Hey, do you need my help?"

"No, honey."

"At least wear the black one." Momo and Tzuyu gives her a look. "What? It makes her skin practically glows."

They suddenly hear a loud voice. "What do you mean we don't have enough dance practice rooms? We have 10 rooms and two dancers are in the same place with me. Just help me handle things for like two days." Jisoo hangs up her phone. "God, I need an assistant."

"I think you need to breathe, Chu." Joohyun and Seulgi comes up behind her. Each of them has a wedding ring on their finger. "Just let the people do their work, have fun today. I got my colleagues to handle two of my cases."

"Those two cases of yours are probably simple. If it's something complicated, you're probably on your phone right now." Jisoo frowns while typing a text.

"Hey, don't call Hyun out like that. She's trying to help you. Now can you please relax?" Seulgi takes the phone out of Jisoo's hands. Jisoo is about to protest but she is met by her cousin's terrifying glare.

"What you just witnessed there Tzuyu, that's how our days at work feel like." Momo points towards Jisoo. "Meet Stardom Entertainment CEO, Kim Jisoo."

Jisoo holds out her hand and starts shaking everyone's hands. She has a reputation of being a somewhat strict but effective leader of a new entertainment company after retiring from performing and streaming games. The day she announced that she won't be on stage anymore, her fans were devastated but they soon found out she's the head of Stardom, which is now where Momo, Seulgi and Chaeyoung work at. The actual owner of the company still hasn't been revealed after all those times though.

"Come on, get down Nayeon. I have to put down our bags." Jeongyeon walks in carrying three bags and Nayeon on her back. Joohyun and Seulgi rush to help Jeongyeon since the girl is basically on the verge of falling down. "Thanks guys." Jeongyeon breathes a sigh of relief and lets Nayeon sit on a bench while she flops down on the ground.

"What happened? You look like you just ran a marathon."

"It's close. I carried the bags and my wife all the way from the parking lot and I've been doing that for more than a month now." Jeongyeon tries to catch her breath. "If you're wondering why, I want to keep Nayeon as healthy as possible. As you know, we've been trying for a baby and last month we did it."

Momo gasps and points to Nayeon's stomach. "So that means?" Jeongyeon nods with a big smile. "Oh my God!" Momo shouts making Mina, Sana and Dahyun come out of the house.

"Why are you shouting?" Mina plugs her ears.

"Nayeon's pregnant!" Everyone takes their turn hugging and congratulating the couple when someone calls out behind them.

"I know that's great news but can anyone help us with these?" Lisa and Rosie are carrying a bunch of floats on their arms. Tzuyu runs towards Rosie and hugs her tightly making the blond girl drops everything on her arms.

"I've missed you so much." Of all her close friends, Rosie is the one she hasn't seen for the longest time. It's because Lisa and Rosie have spent a year travelling around the world to complete Lisa's photography collection and just simply celebrates their relationship. They didn't become a couple until the last year of college, which now Tzuyu thinks about it, is a really complicated story.

"Let's get the party started!" Sooyoung and Yerim chant as they're walking in.

"My children! Come here and give me a hug." Joohyun drags Seulgi over to the other couple and holds her arms wide open.

"I thought I'm not your child, Joohyun." Sooyoung joking says while Joohyun is hugging Yerim.

"Do you want the hug or not, brat?"

Sooyoung laughs lightly and wraps her arm around Joohyun. "Now that's my Mom."

"We're still missing three more." Seulgi asks.

"Seungwan and Jihyo are right behind us, they should be here any minute now." Yerim points at the cars and sure enough the two girls appear, chatting animatedly.

"How's married life treating you?" Seungwan asks her childhood friend.

"Pretty good." Jihyo hesitantly answers

"What is it? It's everything okay?"

"It's not about Daniel, he's great. I mean..." Jihyo gestures towards Seungwan.

"What do you mean? I'm fine. I'm actually glad that you guys have been together for 10 years now." Seungwan smiles while looking at her feet.

"Look, I haven't seen you in a while. Let's not think about the bad things, just focus on having fun, alright?" Jihyo places a hand on Seungwan's shoulder.

Jisoo says excitedly when she sees Jihyo and Seungwan. "Let's hit the water. You got the food, right Jeong?" Jeongyeon hesitantly nods while glancing at everyone else. "Why are you guys looking at me like that? Everyone's here. I'm going to change." Jisoo walks towards the house.

Jennie's call from that day, when they were on the roof after the concert, it was from her dad. Turns out he's sending her to New Zealand to study and that didn't stop there. Jennie had to stay and help with her family's, well her dad's company. It hasn't been easy to Jisoo, the first years were not that bad, they still kept in touch through video calls and almost anything they can use. But since five years ago, everything has stopped. Jennie probably changed her number and deactivated her social media accounts leaving Jisoo with particularly no ways to contact her. Jisoo then buries herself in work, streaming games and now running Stardom. She's standing in the toilet right now in her bikini while trying to wipe her tears away. She doesn't want to think about this problem today and she also don't want to cry in front of her friends.

"Sometimes you should convey your feelings to others. I don't want to see you like this." A familiar voice speaks up from behind the door. Jisoo opens it to find the face that she wants to see the most and the least at the same time. Jennie is now standing right in front of her, in her work clothes while holding a bouquet of flowers.

All kinds of thoughts are running through Jisoo's mind right now. She wants to hug Jennie tightly and never let go but she also wants to tell Jennie's how much the last few years have hurt her. Without a second thought, Jisoo slaps Jennie right on the cheek making everyone gasps.

"I deserve that." Jennie mutters. "It's only fair."

"Okay, now talk to me. What really happened?"

Jennie sighs and turns to Mina. "Can we talk at your balcony for a little?"
Mina nods and leads everyone out, leaving Jennie and Jisoo. "You may want to grab a seat."

A/N: This first half of the epilogue is to let you know more about how the group is doing in adult life. Second epilogue will come soon.

Have a nice day, readers.

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