Vangsvere Reckoning

By Devils_Assasin

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He took everything from her. Annalise Dragos is the chosen one, and after realizing the rumors and prophecie... More

Chapter 1: In Caritate Perpetua
Chapter 2: Itd Be A Damn Shame Not To
Chapter 3: I Make You Hot?
Chapter 4: He Was a Roger
Chapter 5: Maybe They Over Exaggerated
Chapter 6: That Girl Needs To Get Laid
Chapter 7: A-S-S-H-O-L-E
Chapter 8: What The Actual F*ck
Chapter 9: He Insinuated Banging
Chapter 10: We Don't Mate With Vampires
Chapter 11: Buried With A Flashlight
Chapter 12: Would You Shut Up?
Chapter 13: Who Knows, Maybe I Slept With Her Fiance
Chapter 14: Let Me Drink From Her
Chapter 15: Happy Eclypsis
Chapter 16: The Wrath Of A Mother
Chapter 17: She's Strong Physically
Chapter 18: Despite All That He Is Now
Chapter 19: The Message
Chapter 20: You Don't Have It
Chapter 21: She's Mine!
Chapter 22: Walk Me Down The Aisle?
Chapter 23: I Do
Chapter 24: I Doubt He Wants Space
Chapter 25: Her Savior
Chapter 26: I Promise You That
Chapter 27: Little Shit Actually Did It
Chapter 28: I Can Hear Them
Chapter 29: Viktor Viper
Chapter 30: Im Back
Chapter 31: He's Smart, I Like That
Chapter 32: Vydia Vixen
Chapter 33: Good Job Eva
Chapter 34: Eva, You Are A Life Saver
Chapter 35: Lauchs A Dragon
Chapter 36: I Love That Woman
Chapter 37: I Love You Too
Chapter 38: Another Lincoln?!
Chapter 40: Just One Last Happy Night
Chapter 41: And You, Will Rise
Chapter 42: The Awakening
Chapter 43: Lets Kick Some Fucking Israfel Following Ass!
Chapter 44: Ghost Of The Past
Chapter 45: The Fall Of...

Chapter 39: In Three Days

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By Devils_Assasin

Tossing my bag on the floor, I sighed and felt exhausted.

Michael walked in behind me and ran his hands around my waist pulling me to his chest before kissing my cheek and jaw and down to my neck.

I smiled and ran a hand behind me into his hair, "What do you think about Lauch coming out?" I asked as I turned around and he lifted me up walking me to the bed slow and thoughtfully, "I think it'd be smart." He said low.

Me too.

As he laid me down, he trailed sweet kisses over me and I wondered for a moment....

What's Lily up to?


"Are they prepared?" Lucious asked as he stared over the many cells that filled this basement.

I gave a nod and smiled at Lou, "They're amazing, stronger than ever." I said thoughtfully.

Lucious gave a nod and walked up to Vince's cell eyeing him over, "These two are a lot calmer." He said confused.

I smiled at Mitsy, "They're amazingly strong though." I said shrugging.

He walked over to the Angel vampire, Michael, the first known of his kind. "Is he still consuming bodies whole?" He asked staring at Lou.

I watched Lou shake his head, "He's normalized now." He lied looking to his clipboard and then back at me.

Lou was forced into this job and threatened to stay working. A few months ago, we had a conversation about my plans to train the changed army and he said he believes it'd be smart.

It's a tactic that will help Anne and no one knows it. They have no idea that when the war begins, my army, the changed army, will fight first.

Lucious gave a nod, "We get ready to storm the castle in three days. Make sure everyone's ready." He said before going up the steps and out of the basement.

I looked to Lou and gave him a soft smile, "You're doing the right thing. I promise." I said watching him give a strong nod, "I believe I am." He responded.


Turning my attention to Ryker, he gave me a small smile, "This Anne girl is real lucky to have you." He said as if for the last three months he hadn't been making sweet comments that slowly steal my heart away.

Damn you, Ryker.

I gave him a smile back, "I'm the lucky one Ry." I said before going back up the steps.

"Lily" He called, I turned to look at him over my shoulder and watched him stare at me with desperation, "You look really good walking away." He said breaking into a smile.

What a dork.

I laughed and gave him a wink before going out the basement.

My mind thought of Leandro, of what a life with him was like. He was sweet, soft and always such a gentleman, but Ryker was like this electric current that constantly filled me with waves of exhilaration and laughter.

Maybe Leandro moved on too.


Lifting the last speaker, I walked it over to the edge of the stage and put it up.

Anne's voice came out as she was talking with one of the new girls, I think that ones Vydia. The two laughed and talked but when Anne laughed, I swear my heart ripped from my chest from how fast and hard it beat. It's been over a year and I still feel my heart race at her laughter.

The night she trusted me, came to me and put her entire life in my hands without knowing me, that was also the first time I ever laid eyes on her.

She had everything I ever wanted, look wise, for a girl, and when she looked to me hazy and weak, her eyes met mine and I was knocked off my feet in love.

It was in that moment I realized, I was fucking screwed.

But now, looking at her, I knew I would follow her into that battle and defend her life, her smile, her laughter, her.

(Not that she'd need me at all, I'm very sure she could win this alone.)

I never stood a chance and I was sure of that as well.

"Stop day dreaming about my cousin, you'll get to bang her later, help me plug these in." Levi said focusing on the cords.

I smirked and walked over helping him out, and honestly I can't lie, I missed him and his pain in the ass sarcastic self.

He was the closest to a brother I had, and I wasn't sure what a brother was anyhow.


'Stop checking me out, Shouldnt you be helping Levi?'

I'm not checking you out, I was just wondering how you could go all day without noticing the gum on your pants.

Anne turned and started staring at her pants before looking at me and I grinned.

'Good one, I'll get you back Mikey.'

I smirked and continued hooking the speakers up.

Goddess, I love that woman.


Anne grabbed two drinks and handed me one, "Have you guys just stayed hidden out of fear or is it something else?" I asked her not understanding why they even hide.

I mean sure it was a shock to find out, but as I stay with them, hang around them, I realize they're just like us. They just have a few quirks.

She shrugged, "Humans are very fragile creatures, we often avoid ruining their organized minds and rules." She smiled at Michael and I thought about how they really looked good together.

"So I heard Kai is your husband?" I asked confused.

She gave a nod, "Yeah married the asshole to get the wolves on our side but he tried something that ended our marriage." She said taking a drink and trying to avoid the topic.

I understood, "So tell me about your sisters, and what's it like living with all those Viper guys? I met Viktor and he's so serious." She said cringing.

I laughed softly, "My sisters are the best parts of me, but over time I think my mom is the greatest." I liked being able to call Aunt Mel my mom now.

She was my mom, I mean sure I grew up with the thought she was always my aunt, but after I was given the truth, I am proud.

Now it's just about letting Killian know I'm his daughter.

I'm not sure he even remembers me, or Mel.

Maybe he just had a bad drunk night.

I wonder if Anne would be able to help me, or if she'd think I was lying or something.

"Anne? Can I ask you something sort of personal?" I asked as we reached the lounge room where Lucien and Lincoln sat with Dayna.

She's actually pretty cool, I'm a bit mad at myself for being so petty before, I kind of like her because she's really outgoing and weird. She's a very awkward person.

Anne gave a nod and started walking slower, "Has Killian ever talked about a woman named Melissa?" I asked her and watched her think on it before shaking her head, "My aunt Jolene would know." She said shrugging.


Maybe this is a conversation to have with Jolene.

I gave a nod and smiled, "I'll ask her, thank you." I said going to Lucien and sitting down beside him taking his hand.

He's been very cool about all this, he even tried deer blood on a dare from Ben and Kala.

Ben is a cool guy, very serious and fit.

Lana was smoking a joint by the window and talking with that Eva girl. They've become close, I think it's their 'lost a sibling' connection that they can sort of bond over.

"But who would win in a fight, Lana or Anne, that's what I'm wondering." One of the other guys, I think he was Vlad, said.

Anne stared up at Lana with a look of amusement, almost like she wanted to know too.

Lana smirked and stood handing her joint to Eva, "Only one way to find out." She said cocking an eyebrow at Anne.

Dayna stepped aside and laughed awkwardly when Lana stood beside her, "I'm all for watching this go down, but don't drag me in." She said shaking her head.

Ben grinned at Lana and she gave him a wink.

He seemed confident in her and his grin dropped to hold his emotionless face again.

I looked at Lucien and watched him smirk, "You wanna see if you can beat them?" He whispered.

I shook my head, "No way." I said quietly.

There's a reason Anne's so highly respected by both werewolves and vampires, she clearly earned her title as the one woman army.

As for Lana, well her reputation and power are something the human world is highly aware of. The girl took down gangs, the army, police and even other assassins.

Me? I just learned.

Anne walked with Lana to the back field and we all followed gathering up a crowd too.

Michael walked over and sat on the bench staring over at Anne with admiration the way Ben looked at Lana.

Looking over at Lucien, I caught eyes with him and noticed him watching me, "Creep." I said low teasing him.

Luce shrugged, "You're just so beautiful sometimes I get stuck on you." He said laughing and blushing.



Anne stood in front of Lana, both of them ready to fight and determined to beat the other down.

Two legends and one fight.

My eyes fell to Vydia and her mother's face crossed my mind, Melissa was always such a sweet girl.

Killian had to choose between two great woman. Nevana suits him much better though, but I wonder if I should tell him about Vydia.

Maybe another time, I'll wait for Vydia to come to me.

I leaned into the window sill and watched the two as Lana threw the first punch. She missed and earned a hard punch to the stomach.

Then the two went at it, tackling one another, pinning each other and at some moments, I actually couldn't tell if Anne was winning or not.

Lana was fighting and beating an actual vampire, not just any, but our strongest.

I watched as Anne kicked into gear and lifted Lana off her slamming her to the ground and breathing heavy before smiling down at Lana.

"You're amazing, truly. I think you could kick half the werewolves asses here." Anne said as she held a hand out to Lana.

A grin blew over Lana's face and she took Anne's hand standing up and brushing her arms off, "You're one hell of a fighter. Are all vampires that strong?" She asked breathing heavy.

Bronx cut in, "Anne's the strongest, well when she puts her all in. She hasn't done that yet." He said proudly.

Link piped in, "When she's really all in, you'll know because she's got blood dripping down her chin and neck and her hands are covered in internal organs." He said nodding like he was helping Anne.

"Let's shower and get to that dinner dance." Anne said giving Lana a smile to forget what Link had just said.

A hand touched my side and I turned my head looking back at Thomas before he kissed my cheek, "Watching Anne?" He asked quietly.

I gave a nod, "Lana is remarkable." I said cocking an eyebrow and watching them all laugh and then lead inside.

The door opened and I watched Nevana run in tired and breathing quick, her face determined, "It's happening Jolene, three days. He'll be here in three days." She said breathlessly before collapsing onto the floor.

"Nevana!" I said worried and hurrying over to her.

Her entire backside was gushing blood, she'd been attacked.

He knows she's on our side.

Oh, Nevana.

"Go get Anne! Now!" I said to Thomas watching him sprint out of the office.

Three days? That's so soon.

Can we even assemble everyone in time?

We have no choice.

He came back with Anne minutes later and she fed Nevana before looking to me worried, "She'll be okay. Go to your dinner, please Anne, we don't want anyone suspecting anything." I said worried.

She gave me a long stare, "When's he coming?" She asked looking at me with her eyes watering.

I stared at Nevana, "Three days. Enjoy tonight Anne, with all of them. You don't know when you'll have this chance again." I said watching her wipe a tear and then nod going out the door.

Goddess, I still haven't told her about Kristoffer.

All these secrets are getting too heavy.

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