Secrets ↠ Peter Parker

By kingdombyers

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{SEQUEL TO SENSELESS} "It's simple." // "Nothing ever is." More

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By kingdombyers


Oops.. I did it again.

What if I'm overthinking this?

I had woken up earlier in the morning, a couple hours after Peter had returned to the room. He didn't seem to know I had been following him, thankfully, because he tiptoed back in the room.

"Ethan," I said, "What time is it?"

"5:47 am."

"I can feel it," I said, rubbing my eye.

I made my way down to the confinement chamber, devising my plan. Knowing me, I was probably blowing this out of proportion. I didn't see anything happen directly, so maybe I interpreted their words in a different way?

Then I had to confirm it for myself.

Half of me wanted to quit right then in there, and trust Peter. Mainly, because I should trust him. I walked up to the huge metal door, and turned towards one of the guards.

"I'm here to release my father," I said, the words rolling off my tongue.

The woman nodded silently, and I heard the doors click open. As the sides slowly parted, I slipped inside and made my way towards the last cage. Loki was laying on the floor, still in my father's disguise, tossing his fake reactor in the air.

"You know that's not supposed to come out of your chest," I scoffed, "unless you want to die?"

The man glanced at me through the window, and sat up.

"I've done it before," he said, "it's become more of a habit really."

"Is that so?"

"Yes," he spat out, popping the heart back in, "I'm not amused that you left me here overnight."

"It was a simple punishment for 2012," I said, "but I'm here to get you out."

"But you're here for something else," he said, standing up and pressing his hand against the glass, "what is it?"

"At this point I'm reconsidering," I mumbled, "it might seem silly to the god of mischief."

"It's the boy isn't it?" He guessed, "what did he do this time?"

"This time? This is the first time we've met."

"Assumption, Stark, I make assumptions. I've spent enough time on this earth to know about mortals and their depressing aspect of love."

"In second thought," I hissed, "I'll just leave you in there."

"Just tell me what you need me to do, and I'll oblige," Loki said reluctantly.

"I need you to transform into the princess of Wakanda," I explained, "and help me figure out if Peters' cheating or not."

"Easy enough."

"You aren't surprised?"

"Not really, no."

I rolled my eyes and walked over to a panel sticking to the side of the chamber. It didn't take long for me to figure out how to work the machine, because soon Loki was prancing about around me.

"Put this in your pocket," I said, handing him a small chip.

"Is this another one of your inventions?"

"Yes it is, actually," I muttered.

"What does it do?"

"I can listen in to your conversation, and get a visual report."

"Or you could just let me tell you what happened. Does everything have to consist of technology with you?"

"No, but I don't trust you entirely yet."

"I can't disagree with you," he said, shoving the chip into the pocket of his pants.


"Are you ready?" I asked, staring intensely at my laptop.

"Other than the fact that I look like a teenage girl," Loki said, "yes I am,"

"Peter should be in the main hall," I directed, "you'd want to take a left and go down those stairs."

"I'm perfectly aware of where to go."

"You're heading in the wrong direction."

"Purely intentional," the man snapped, "I wanted to see if you were paying attention."

"Of course, Shuri."

"So this girl has a name?"

"Yes. now stop talking and go talk to Peter."

I watched as Loki, in the princess's body, strode down through a mass of people milling around and made his way towards the boy.

"You're walking to much like a self-obsessed egomaniac," I pointed out, "try and act normal."

"I am a master of disguise," he retorted, "let me handle it, mortal."

"Fine. I'll just listen."

"That's the only good idea you've have since we met."

I rolled my eyes and watched as Loki approached Peter. I had to give God some credit, his voice and appearance was almost exact to Shuri's.

"Oh, hey!" Peter said, as he saw the 'girl' standing in front of him.

"What's crackalackin dude," Loki blurted out, trying to seem chill.

"Oh my god, never say that," I said into the mic.

"I apologize," Loki muttered back, covering his mouth to reduce suspicion, "but I have never played the role of a teenager."

"Just keep talking," I said, "speak like me."

"Is that a new phrase?" Peter asked, "I think it's pretty crackalackin."

"Right... anyways I have a question."

"That's more like it," I said, "keep it up."

"Uh, yeah- go ahead," the boy said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Are you cheating on Y/N?"

Jesus loki, could you have been more blunt? I scrunched my forehead, my head resting in my hand as I watched everything unfold. As much as I wanted subtlety, this is the best I could get.

"You should know the answer to that," Peter laughed.

"I should?"

Peter stared at the girl in front of him blankly, trying to process everything. I didn't like where this was going, and I had to resist the urge to shut my laptop closed in fear.

"Yeah," Peter winked, "last night I made the answer pretty obvious."

"Oh yeah, last night. Fun times bro."


"Yeah, I gotta blast, I'll see you around."

At this point I wanted to scream. So I did.

I screamed my head off.

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