Go Ape-x (Jason X Reader)


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Searched the darkest most twisted corners of my mind to make up this story ! Hope you find ot weird enough XD... More

Chapter 1 - The Calling
Chapter 2 - Face to Face
Chapter 3 - Hospitality
Chapter 4 - Taking Cover
Chapter 5 - Companion
Chapter 6 - Settling In
Chapter 7 - Vanessa
Chapter 8 - First Kill
Chapter 9 - Mother Knows Best
Chapter 10 - Photograph
Chapter 11 - Modern World
Chapter 12 - Game Night
Chapter 13 - Mother,Mother
Chapter 14 - Coating
Chapter 15 - Deal
Chapter 16 - Commitment
Chapter 17 - Spooks
Chapter 18 - Tummy Aches
Chapter 19 - Frozen
Chapter 20 - Cold Night
Chapter 21 - Cold Blood
Chapter 22 - The Book
Chapter 23 - A Team
Chapter 24 - Deforestation
Chapter 25 - Roomie
Chapter 26 - Best Friends
Chapter 27 - Treats
Chapter 28 - Shopping
Chapter 29 - Back Home
Chapter 30 - Happy Accident
Chapter 31 - Bear Berry
Chapter 32 - Little Loss
Chapter 34 - Dream
Chapter 35 - Heaven and Hell
Chapter 36 - Whirlwind

Chapter 33 - Burning Rage

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You stretch into bed and look around you. Jason was already up. You reach for your phone but notjing is there. Then you remembered. You go wash you rface and gp down the stairs. The house was empty. You tun your laptop on and see its one 1 p.m. 

''I guess I'll go straight for lunch.'' you say to yourself.

You take the pie and put it in the oven to warm it up when Jason comes back whith Cookie. Jason had both his mask and gloves on. It wasn't just a casual walk. It was scouting.

''Oh, you're here. How is everything ?''


''Did you have cake for breakfast ?''. Jason nods. ''I'm warming up the pie, you can sit down, if you like.''

He sits down and settles the machete on the table. The metalic clanking made you jump. It was time, once again. You hoped the sweet Jason you got to know wouldn't disappear completely. He takes of his gloves and mask and settles it down next to a very clean and sharp machete.

''So it begins, huh ?'' you try to joke. Jason nods. He takes his duty very seriously.

~Knife ?~ he asks.

''My knife ? Jason...we talked about this...'' you say not wanting to circle back into the moral argument. ''Plus, you don't need help. I'll only hold you back.'' you say and go get the pie. Jason gets up to get utensils and plates. You start eating without saying anything else.

''Want me on your walk this evening ?'' you ask. Jason nods. He wanted ypu everywere. Even if that meant he had to force you. He was hoping that it wouldn't come to that.

You both finish eating. Once again, Jason offers to do the dishes, thinking it might be some sort of tactic to convince you. You sigh and go brush your teeth. You get dressed and go back downstairs. Jason was using the bathroom too, so you plopped on the couch waiting.

Having no phone to stare at,you stare at your library. It had some books on it but nothing interesting. You spot the book you had found on the altar and chuckle. As tempting as it was, you didn't want to open it or own it ,for that. You still wondered...could Pamela be right ? Can this book provite answers or -at least- a hint of all the supernatural mess that is Crystal Lake and the camp, holding all that residual energy from event after event ?

Jason gets out and sees you sitting down and joins you.

''Feel like watching something ?'' you ask. Jason shakes his head. He then points to the door. ''You wants us to strech our legs a bit or do you have to go ?''

Jason considered this for a second. He nods as to say both. ''Okay...I could use the exercise.'' you reply and go get your jacket. You step outside. There was a bit of wind that meesed up your hair a bit but you thought nothing of it. You start walking with Jason, until you noticed something odd.

''Are doing a cyrcle ?'' Jason nids but doesn't look at you. ''Scouting again ?'' another nod. It was no time for relaxation for him. ''Aren't you like a liiiiittle bit paranoid about this ?''. Jason stops dead in his tracks and looks at you. ''Okay...just asking...'' you say and keep walking side by side. Keeping up with such a big guy was already exercise enough.

In your walk Jason points in the distance. You squint and then see it. Two squirrels going up and down between two trees. ''Awww they're so cute.'' you say as you unconciously lean closer to Jason. You keep walking till you see a clearing on your far right.

''What's there ?'' you ask Jason. He doesn't respond. Instead, he takes you by the hand there. It was Camp Crystal Lake's shooting range.

''Can we shoot ?'' you ask excited. Jason nods happily. ''Where are we gonna find bows and arrows,though ?'' you ask,looking around. Jason sees a big metal locker that wrote 



''Well,shit.'' you say, sort of disappointed. Right at that moment, Jason punches the locker and rips of the doors and hands you a bow. ''Umm..wow.'' you take the bow in shock. His superhuman strength is not something you will get used to anytime soon. You take some arrows and start shooting. Remebering the darts match you had with Jason, you cringe.

''Let's hope this is better than darts.'' you shoot the first arrow.Nothing. You shoot a second one. It lands on the tree behind the target. ''At least I hit something...'' you whisper. Suddenly, you hear a thumping sound on your right. You see an arrow in the air htting bullseye.

''That's not fair, you're like fucking Katniss! Do it again and I'll watch.'' Jason nods and does it again on the next target. You try the same adjusting your stance...but fail. Jaason, then, puts down his bow and comes right behind you. You feel heat in your face right away.

Jason puts his arm around yours. You are so close together for the first time,apart from the occasional hugging. You can feel his every muscle on your back. Counting them ?                          You get back to reality once you feel his hot breath down your neck along with your heartbeat. It was such an intimate moment.

Jason squeezes you hand and pulls the bow's cord. You jumped a bit but then realised what was happening. You shoot the arrow that hits the bullseye. ''Oh. OH ! We did it!'' you say and cheer a bit. ''Le me try on my own this time.'' Jason nods and crosses his arms. You take your stance and he adjustes your elbow and and chin. You take a deep breath to banish your latest thought and shoot. Bullseye !

''OH. MY. GOSH. Did you see that ? I did it !'' 

Jason nods happily, most likely smiling under his mask. You run up to him and hug him. Sadly, your cheering is being cut short butan awful smell.

''Jason ? Do you smell that ?'' you say sniffing the air. ''Smells like something's burning!''

Then you both see a thick black smoke and decide to follow it.The smoke begins to be darker and thicker to the point you start coughing. While making ypur way Jason moves a mama duck and her duckling away from the smoke. The fire seems to be coming from the camp.

As soon as you realise, Jason teleports you there. You see flames coming out the main buildind  of the camp, trying to find a way ro extinguish it. Withou anything to call the fire department you try to stop the fire from spreading.

''Jason-'' you call out for him when you hear loud tire tracks from the road ahead.

''Arsen.'' you mumble to yourself as you see more smoke that flames. Your eyes start feeling with tears and your chest starts aching. You start sobbing. A feeling of sadness has come over you as you see the camp in flames. Whoever did this had no respect for this place.

Jason came over to you. ''Just get a bucket or something.'' he nods and leaves. You look at the calm lake and take a deep breath,wiping your tears with your sleeve. Now your sadness is replaced by anger. Whoever comes here again will pay the price. Jason comes back,empty handed.

''Check the cabins for extinguishers.'' you tell him. He comes back and gives you one. You head towards the fire and after a while manage to put it out. Ypu got by the lake once again to take a deep breath. Crisis averted. The camp was damaged, but that was none of your business now. You'd just have to call the police later. Too bad you hadn't seen who did this.

Now your anger had turned into rage. Whoever tresspasses here again, litters or burns or disrespects this place,its history or symbolism will have to face you. Not Jason. You.


Jason-sensei is the best ! uwu (imma kill myself now for writing this)

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