I Still Like His Shitty Hair...

By kirishimaunbreakable

297K 15.5K 26.8K

Another angsty, gay fanfic about our favourite bois all grown up with lust, longing, love and a lot of smut... More

They're Just Shitty Feelings
It's Good to See You
Can This End Well?
Midnight Visitors
Yeah, You Said That
Ready To Go Again?
It's Not Just Coffee
Was That What I Thought It Was?
Are We Doing This?
It's Just a Bed
Like What You See?
That Was Impulsive
And So He Gave In
I Need You to Touch Me NSFW
As If I Could Forget NSFW
Is This Really Appropriate?
Tell Me What You Want NSFW
Stop Doing Cute Shit NSFW
I'll Make it Worth It NSFW
Is That... Glowing? NSFW
A Mother Always Knows
My Turn NSFW
This Was... More
Just This Once NSFW
I Wanted to Give You the World
The Sun Will Set for You
I Never Stopped
I Remember Liking the View
This Is It NSFW

Epilogue: It's Just a Wedding

7.4K 450 812
By kirishimaunbreakable

Kirishima tried his suit on once more just to make sure everything was perfect for the wedding.

He adjusted his cuff links in the mirror and smiled at the word Kat he'd had engraved in them, knowing his soon-to-be husband had the almost matching set. They'd both gone for black suits with white shirts. Surprisingly though, Kat had insisted on a deep red tie for himself and a red bow tie for Kirishima.

He grinned at his reflection and checked the time again. He felt like he'd been waiting for this day his entire life.

Bakugou was nervous and he fucking hated being nervous. He felt like he was going to throw up and he probably looked like it too. He knew he didn't have anything to be nervous about but it didn't help. He was about to marry the love of his damn life.

His eyes flicked over the photos framed along the wall in their apartment. Some old and some new. His eyes caught on the last one and he smiled at Eijirou's too bright smile, the one that made him feel like everything would be ok. It had been snapped at their engagement party. He remembered how happy their friends and family had been for them. He blew out a deep breath as some of the tension left him.

His eyes drifted over the paperwork still scattered on the table. Now that was something worth being nervous about. They'd been to a couple of agencies trying to find the best fit for them both.

Adoption agencies that was.

They'd thought of the idea of a surrogate but when Kirishima had talked about all the kids in the system needing a family, the choice had been simple for Bakugou.

His eyes went back to the photos of the two of them, soon to be three, and he smiled. He had so much to look forward to, starting with marrying the love of his life in a few hours. He didn't know how he'd gotten so lucky.

They'd decided on May for the wedding because Bakugou didn't want to be crammed inside with all the people Kirishima wanted to invite.

As he approached the place where he knew his Red would be waiting for him, he took a second to breathe in the soft dusk light and looked over the crowd gathered to celebrate them.

Both of their families were there along with all of their friends. Deku and Icy-Hot stood near Round Face and the smaller version of her she had bundled in her arms. He looked to the other side of the group and spotted Amajiki huddled next to Mirio near the rest of his squad.

His eyes flicked over the framed picture of All Might someone had set up in the front row and his heart squeezed tightly as it always did when he thought about him now.

Bakugou remembered the joke he'd made about blasting himself down the aisle. He smirked at the idea but jammed his hands into his pockets instead and sauntered toward his betrothed. No one could know Katsuki Bakugou was nervous.

Mina made a choked noise as she stood and turned toward where Bakugou had appeared. "Kami, he's nervous! He's clenching his fists in his pockets and I'm sure Kiri said he only does that when he's nervous. I think I'm gonna pass out from the cuteness of it all," she whispered in a rush in Kaminari's ear.

Bakugou looked down the makeshift aisle where their guests had parted and caught a glimpse of Eijirou. He was as bright as the fucking sun and his breath caught in his throat when their eyes met.

He stepped up to the front and reached for Eijirou's hands as everyone took their seats.

Kirishima rubbed his fingers over Katsuki's like he had a hundred times and watched the tension leave his shoulders.

They began their vows as the sun started it's decent from the sky. Dragging pinks and reds with it.

Bakugou didn't hear most of the words the minister said because he was too caught up in Eijirou's eyes. He was watching the sunset colours play along his skin just like he had so many times before.

One thing stuck out to him though. "True love is when two people allow each other to love themselves more." That was exactly what Eijirou allowed him to do and he knew it was the same for him.

Eijirou squeezed his hands and Bakugou blinked back into the moment. He smiled softly across at the red head and it was returned in a toothy grin.

The minister gestured to him and he said the words he'd been memorising for the last month. He'd taken a painstakingly long time to get the words right and forced his voice not to shake as he spoke.

"Eijirou, as I stand here today, I stand next to my best friend and the man who has always had my heart. You are sturdy and strong and safe, you are the most kind and patient person I have ever met and I know you will always love me the way I love you.

I promise to fight with you and for you and respect you as my equal and I promise to stand by your side through whatever life brings us.

You know my weaknesses and insecurities and still never make me feel inadequate. You have always loved me without reservation and because of you, I am the best version of myself that I can be."

Kirishima drew in a shaky breath and blinked his eyes hard before he returned his own vows. "Katsuki, today I am marrying the love of my life and my best friend. I have loved you from the moment I first laid eyes on you.

I promise to stand by your side as you take on the world and to always be there to back you up.

I promise to coax your laughter with my own and when you can't look on the bright side, to sit with you in the dark.

I promise to love, respect and trust you, and give you the best of myself because I know that we will build a life together that is far better than either of us could imagine alone."

Bakugou wiped his cheek with his sleeve before reaching for the wedding band he'd picked out for Eijirou. He slid the ring onto his finger and spoke the words that would officially make them one.

Eijirou beamed down at his hand before he patted his pockets for Kat's ring. He found it in the third pocket he patted and gave his almost-husband a sheepish smile. He slid the band onto his slim finger and was finally allowed to kiss his husband.

The rest of the evening was a blur, flitting between each guest while making time for cake and speeches.

Bakugou could feel the happiness rolling off Kirishima in waves. Every time he looked at him he had that dumb toothy smile pasted on his face, the one that turned his insides to mush. He knew he'd been sneaking glances at him all evening but Bakugou only knew because he'd been doing the exact same thing.

He still couldn't quite believe that Eijirou, his fucking perfect ray of sunshine, was his husband, his family.

As the day disappeared and the stars took their place in the sky, Kirishima reached for his husband and held him in his arms while they swayed to the music, imaging the rest of their life together.

Bakugou lay his head on his husband's shoulder and moved with him. They were surrounded by everyone who was important to them both but they were completely alone in this moment. He wondered again how he'd ever got this lucky.

He never planned to fall in love with the boy with the shitty hair, the boy who stole his heart with his beautiful personality. But in Katsuki's explosive world, Eijirou would always be his sturdy foundation.

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