Don't Give Up On Me ✔

By Karenj128

176K 7.4K 901

Every high schooler says that high school is hell, but for an eighteen-year-old, Isla, it really is. For som... More

Author's note **Warning** Very important please read
Author's Note
Chapter 1 ~ Beach
Chapter 2 ~ Hell in a handbasket
Chapter 3 ~ Gut him like a fish
Chapter 4 ~ Group hug
Chapter 5 ~ Star Trek you idiot
Chapter 6 ~ You have cooties
Chapter 8 ~ He's an overgrown kid
Chapter 9 ~ My world comes crashing down
Chapter 10 ~ You disgusting pig
Chapter 11 ~ I didn't think you were a bad guy
Chapter 12 ~ It's lonely not having anyone
Chapter 13 ~ Hay-Hayden? H-Help
Chapter 14 ~ You're stuck with me for forever
Chapter 15 ~ I won't freak out
Chapter 16 ~ Friendship? There's no friendship anymore
Chapter 17 ~ I would take it all back if I could, but I can't
Chapter 18 ~ Sunshine, you're not stupid
Chapter 19 ~ You caught feelings for her
Chapter 20 ~ I will wait
Chapter 21 ~ I don't want her to spit in mine
Chapter 22 ~ Please give me a chance
Chapter 23 ~ Of course, it's your damn fault
Chapter 24 ~ The princes always finds his princess
Chapter 25 ~ Well there's one piece of the puzzle
Chapter 26 ~ I guess I will be repeating senior year
Chapter 27 ~ You scare me a little
Chapter 28 ~ Ouch! Why the hell did you hit me
Chapter 29 ~ Why should I waste my time
Chapter 30 ~ I love you more than death
Chapter 31 ~ Big mistake going against me
Chapter 32 ~ If anyone of us says run, then run
Author's note *New Story*
Chapter 33 ~ Please don't call the cops
Chapter 34 ~ I burnt the toast
Chapter 35 ~ He would burn this house to the ground
Chapter 36 ~ His mom has to be on drugs
Chapter 37 ~ Get over your damn selves
Chapter 38 ~ Happy Thanksgiving
Chapter 39 ~ I'm not worthy of you
Chapter 40 ~ They're trying to kill us
Chapter 41 ~ I struggle with depression
Chapter 42 ~ You wound me baby sis
Chapter 43 ~ We aren't going anywhere
Chapter 44 ~ I've put the house up for sale
Chapter 45 ~ I want to keep you
Chapter 46 ~ Why would you kiss me
Chapter 47 ~ Make yourself happy
Chapter 48 ~ I-I don't know why I said that
Chapter 49 ~ Hardy har har
Chapter 50 ~ Oh, sweet baby llamas
Chapter 51 ~ You better damn well tell me
Chapter 52 ~ I was kicked out of the damn store
Chapter 53 ~ You could have killed me
Chapter 54 ~ How could I forget you
Chapter 55 ~ You can choose me
Chapter 56 ~ Don't be. I'm not
Chapter 57 ~ Burnt toast again
Chapter 58 ~ Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica
Chapter 59 ~ Can you shut the hell up
Chapter 60 ~ Control your girlfriend
Chapter 61 ~ Intentionally trying to hurt me
Chapter 62 ~ There can't be an us (Pt. 1)
Chapter 62 ~ There can't be an us (Pt. 2)
Chapter 63 ~ B-Blood everywhere
Chapter 64 ~ Don't leave me
Chapter 65 ~ I'll kill everybody
Chapter 66 ~ Is she...
Chapter 67 ~ I love her
Chapter 68 ~ They hate me
Chapter 69 ~ Don't leave me
Chapter 70 ~ Always My Angel
Chapter 71 ~ As a friend
Chapter 72 ~ You will Always be my Angel
Chapter 73 ~ How do I say goodbye ~ Epilogue
Music List
New Story!

Chapter 7 ~ Some 'bad boys' they are

3.3K 155 9
By Karenj128

Isla's POV

I rush to school and meet up with Kaira, Lucas, Nick and Hayden. They put their stuff in my vehicle, and we make our way inside the school. School has been better and worse since becoming friends with the four of them. No one messes with me when one of them is near me, but the rumors are getting worse and I hate the thought of rumors bringing my friends down.

I walk into my math class and take my usual seat in the back of the classroom with Nick beside me. Nick is back to his scary 'bad boy' persona. The guys are different at school from the guys who they were at my house last night. They look dangerous. They don't smile or talk to anyone. They show no emotions whatsoever, or at least until they see me and Kaira. They're sweet and caring to the two of us. I'm glad we can have that special bond with them.

The classroom fills up with students and I was hoping today was going to be a good day. I was looking forward to spending the weekend with my friends. Wow I have friends again. I spoke too soon. I should have known better than to think that I could have a good day at school. The she-devil must have smelt the happiness, because she makes her way over to me and Nick. "Nick, baby, why did I see you, Lucas, and Hayden putting suitcases in the back of that trash's vehicle?" She says in a flirty tone.

Nick sits in his seat ignoring her. "Oh no!" She screeches. "My poor Nicky, did she cast a spell over you? Wait... Is she black mailing you? She's making you sleep with her, isn't she?" She starts rubbing herself on Nick in a seductive way. She is oblivious to the disgust look he is giving her.

I am fuming now. I can normally keep my temper under control, but not today. She has no right to say those things to him. "Chelsea." I growl. "You should go back to your own seat. Now!"

"Excuse me, whore?" She hisses at me. Really? ME? A whore? She's the one practically dry humping Nick in class.

"How the hell can you call me a whore? I'm not the one who is rubbing myself on someone who is clearly repulsed by me." I spat. "And not that it's any of your business, but Nick, Hayden and Lucas, are staying with me this weekend." I cover my mouth the moments those words go flying out of my mouth. Crap. I just made the situation worse. Now the guys are really going to hate me, because everyone is going to think that they are coming over to sleep with me. Stupid. Stupid, Isla.

"What are you black mailing them with you slut?" She hisses at me. Hello? Where the hell is the teacher at this moment? I think our teacher should be fired. If I come in late, I will get detention, but if the teacher comes in late it's no big deal. Well guess what. It's going to be a big deal when I'm killed by Chelsea.

"I'm not black mailing anyone. They are just coming over as friends."

"Stop lying, Isla. It makes you look even more pathetic than you already are. How much are you paying them to sleep with you?" My eyes widen with shock when she says that. First, I'm a whore and sleeping with every guy. Now I'm paying guys to sleep with me? Does she really believe that I would pay someone to sleep with me? We used to be best friends. I just don't understand what all changed.

"Why is it so hard for you to believe that I have friends? What did I ever do to you to make you hate me so much that you must make every single day that I come to school a living hell?" I yell no longer caring that everyone is staring at us.

"You got in the way of me and Lucas." She growls. "We were going to be the perfect couple. We would have ruled the school. You knew I liked him, and you just had to get in the way. You slept with him so that he would rather be with you. You are a whore. You have slept with just about every guy at this school. Ask any guy in the senior class, they will all say that they slept with you. You can lie all you want, but you will never be anything besides a whore, Isla."

"I haven't slept with anyone, Chelsea. If you want to see a whore maybe you should take a look in the mirror." I say, with confidence.

Chelsea growls at me like a wild beast and lunges forward to attack me, but Nick stands up between us. "Enough, Chelsea. Isla is right. Lucas, Hayden and I are staying at her place this weekend because we are friends. Something you wouldn't know much about."

Her face turns red and she scoffs before turning on her heels and taking her seat. Nick then faces me, but I can't look him in the eye. He's probably upset with me because I told everyone in the class that he and his friends are staying at my place this weekend. I'm staring at the floor when he picks me up in a hug and spins me around. "I'm so proud of you, baby girl! You stood up to that she-devil." I blush as he puts me back down on the ground.

"You're not mad at me or embarrassed because I basically told the whole class that y'all are staying the weekend at my place?" I whisper.

"Why would I be mad or embarrassed? You're my friend, Isla. I don't care what other people think." He says with a genuine smile. "Wait until I tell Lucas, Hayden and Kaira. They're going to be so proud of you." He exclaims.

Second and third period come and go without any problem, but I should have known better than to think that Chelsea wouldn't try to seek some type of revenge against me for the scene in math this morning. I make my way to lunch when I grab by someone and shoved into an empty classroom. Standing in front of me are three jocks from the football team.

Lucas' POV

The guys and I are sitting under the willow tree waiting for Isla and Kaira as Nick tells us how Isla stood up for herself against Chelsea. To say that I am proud of Isla would be an understatement. The only upsetting part of the story was that she was worried that we would be mad at her for her saying that we were her friends, and we are staying with her this weekend. There is nothing that she can do to upset me or make me mad. I want people to know that we are Isla's friends. Maybe then they would leave her alone. Of course, I would rather be more than friends with Isla, but like Hayden said I need to take things slow.

"Lucas? Hayden? Nick?" I hear Kaira call our names frantically. "Is Isla with y'all? I can't find her anywhere, and I have a bad feeling."

"No." I say as the three of us jump to our feet quickly.

"She normally meets me at my locker before heading to lunch, but she never showed up. I check the library and the girl restrooms, but I can't find her."

I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach. "Shit. We need to find her now."

We run into the school and head in the direction that Isla would take to go to Kaira's locker from third period. As we are running down the hall, I hear screaming from one of the empty classrooms.

Isla's POV

"Looks like your boy toys aren't here to save you now." Tyler, one of the football jocks, tells me while I'm curled up in a ball in the corner of the classroom. "You will give it up to those three asses, but not us. You little slut." He slaps me in the face, "Most girls would beg to be able to get with us and you're going to say no?"

He grabs me roughly by the arm and pulls me up so that I'm standing. "I-I d-didn't give up anything t-to anyone and I-I'm not g-giving up to anything t-to you either." I stutter.

He then throws me to the ground and starts undoing his pants, while his two friends laugh.

Lucas' POV

We run into the room that we hear the screaming in. I turn to see Isla is on the floor crying with a giant handprint across her face. I look over to Tyler who hasn't noticed us yet. He is undoing his pants. What the actual hell is doing? Is he going to force himself on her? Kaira rushes over to Isla to make sure she isn't hurt.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" I growl at him.

Tyler looks at me and smirks. "Oh, come on man. We were just going to have a little fun with her before the three of y'all get her all weekend." His two friends laugh at his comment.

"Don't you ever touch her or talk about her like that again." I growl. I clench my fist.

"She is nothing but a slut. Why does it matter?" He laughs.

Without saying anything my fist collides with his face. Hayden and Nick go after his two friends. I keep punching him only seeing red. I want him dead. How come no one else can see how special and pure Isla is? I keep punching him until Hayden and Nick pull me off Tyler. He's lying in a pool of his own blood, but he's alive. Barely, but he is alive. If I had my way, he would be dead. "Dude calm down. You're scaring the girls." Hayden whispers.

I look over to Isla and see her crying in Kaira's arms. I slowly walk over to her, scared that she hates me after seeing that side of me. She looks at me with tears falling down her face and I tense up. Shit. She's afraid of me. I can see it in her face. She walks over me and wraps her arms around my waist hugging me. For the second time she has surprised me with a hug. I hug her back and ask, "Are you mad at me?"

She looks up at me in confusion, "Why would I be mad at you? If you didn't find me, he might have..." She trails off and starts sobbing again.

"Maybe we should skip the rest of our classes today and head to Isla's house early." Hayden offers.

Isla nods her head while continuing to cry in my chest. We walk out of the classroom leaving the three idiots behind, and head over to Isla's vehicle. She hands the keys to Nick to drive. I get in the third roll with Isla next to me so I can comfort her. Kaira sits in the front with Nick and Hayden sits in the middle row. On the drive to her house I keep my arms wrapped around Isla's small body.

Kaira's POV

Nick parks in front of Isla's house and I grab the keys from him. I unlock the front door for everyone, and we are greeted by Isla's parents. Uh-oh.

"What are y'all doing here? Shouldn't y'all still be in school?" Isla's mom says locking her eyes on the five us.

Hayden and Nick stand there like deer in front of headlights, Lucas is still comforting Isla which leaves me as the only one to answer. "Isla wasn't feeling well, so we thought it would be best to bring her home early."

Ramiro then appears behind his wife. "Okay, so that explains why Isla is here, but what about the rest of you?" He questions.

"You see sir, since you have important business to take care of today, I have taken it upon myself to care for Isla in her time of sickness." I hate lying to her parents, but she still doesn't want them to know what's going on.

"Well that is very kind of you, Kaira, but what about the boys?" Ramiro asks, trying to act serious, but I can see the small upward curve on the edge of his lips. Isla's parents are pretty cool.

By how nervous the boys look, they don't see it. This is my cue to mess with them a little. I look at Ramiro, and he knows what I'm thinking. "That is a very good question, Mr. Camarillo. They just followed us." I look over at the boys. "Why are y'all here?" I say with a straight face.

Ramiro is glaring at them with a menacing look. I've never seen the boys look so scared. Some 'bad boys' they are. It's a big contrast from the three angry guys that they were when they found those jerks with Isla earlier. The room is eerily quiet, until Isla burst out in laughter. They all look at her like she's gone crazy. "Okay. Okay." She says through laughter. "Dad, Kaira, be nice to them," causing Ramiro, Alissa, and me to laugh now.

I smile at the boys, "They're here to help watch Isaac and Isabelle, while I take care of Isla."

"I figured that much." Ramiro chuckles. "Boys, relax. I trust in my daughter's judgement. So, if she finds y'all trustworthy, then so do I."

"Oh, honey, you've been crying." Alissa hugs Isla. "Come on let's get you to your room. Come with us Kaira."

"Yes, ma'am." I follow Alissa as she ushers Isla upstairs to her room.

Lucas' POV

I watch as Alissa walks upstairs with the girls. "Lucas, can I talk to you?" Ramiro asks.

"Yes sir."

I take a seat across him in the dining room. "Lucas, I know my daughter, and I know she's not sick. I am guessing something happened at school today?"

I gulp. "Yes, but..." He doesn't let me finish.

"Whatever it was, I know she's not ready for me and her mother to know yet. I'm guessing whatever happened you and your friends helped her. Thank you, Lucas. The past several years have been hard on her." He sighs. "I know she's hiding things from me and her mother. I'm just happy to see that she has found friends that she can be open with. Y'all make her happy and I haven't seen her truly happy since he moved away."


"Yes, she had a friend through elementary. He was kind of labeled a troublemaker, but she didn't see him that way. She saw the goodness in him. He was the light of her life. She was heartbroken when he had to move away without saying goodbye."

"Oh." I look down at my hands in my lap. Great, I already broke her heart.

"You know?" He ponders for a moment. "I don't think it was his choice to leave without a goodbye. I bet if her childhood friend ever showed back up, she would forgive him for leaving, no questions asked. She still really cares about him." He winks at me. "Isabelle is right. You do have the same color eyes as him." Ramiro smiles at me and walks out of the room. That was weird. Is it possible that he knows it's me?

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