Simply Naughty-Joey ✔

By Supernatural_baby_

175K 3.9K 421

Re-Upload She's suffocating from her problems and secrets until she has to tutor him. A collision of personal... More

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2.4K 73 1
By Supernatural_baby_

"Joey, put that away!" Enna said, her face going bright red as a few heads turned our way. I grinned at the onlookers and pulled her towards me, my arm around her shoulders. "No need to be shy, sweetheart. You know what they say, dress him up before you mess her up." I winked at her, after making sure that my voice was loud enough for the whole store to hear.

I looked down at the bright red Enna, her head bent a little with her hair covering most of her face from the world but visible for my eyes. She glared up at me a little, before trying to move away from me and I let her making her stumble a little. I walked up to the shopping cart and threw in the condoms among the piles of food and drinks (and a couple essentials).

"What? You never know, the girls could have missed their favourite buddy." I pointed down to my dick and Enna scrunched up her face in disgust before pushing the cart. Chuckling under my breath, I watched her ass move as she struggled with the heavy cart; it isn't my fault I wanted her to be healthy.

Instead of helping her, I walked passed her and turned left. There was still one more aisle that I thought we should go to, the best aisle in any grocery store: the cereal section. My face practically lit up when I rounded into the right aisle and saw my baby glowing up in its space on the shelves.

"Joey, you look as if you weigh two hundred pounds and I'm pretty sure that you've mentioned the decreasing weight my form holds, yet you still make me push this cart. Half the things in here are not even mine!" I blocked out her voice and walked slowly to the best cereal of all time, Cap'n Crunch.

As I took it off the shelf, my eyes were practically glued to the box that I have loved since I was a kid. Then I realised how my masculinity dropped by quite a bit, which was when I returned to my normal self, clearing my throat and walking back to the cart, Cap'n Crunch safe in my hands.

I caught Enna staring at me with a look that clearly stated she didn't understand the happiness this cereal brought me, but she didn't question it. "We're almost done, although I'm thinking we need to go back to the condoms, I may have brought a size too small." Enna flushed bright red as a woman walked by with her kid.

"Could you be a little less embarrassing? I understand we don't live here and these people don't know us, but have some shame, Joey." She struggled out the words, just like she was struggling to push the cart. I shifted myself and stood behind her, too close for her comfort. "Don't you know, Enna...I have very little shame when it comes to you." She shivered.

I took a step back, one hand on the handle of the cart. Enna moved away from me, careful to not touch me. I flashed her a grin, in which she returned with a stare from under her huge glasses as her right hand rubbed her left arm. My eyes glanced down to the arm before I turned around and pushed the cart effortlessly. What was she complaining about?

Enna had followed in suit as I walked to pay off the masses and masses of shit that I mostly put into the cart, I had to in my opinion. How else was Enna supposed to manage herself? My mind moved back to the fact that she had barely been able to be bothered to take care of herself and practically brushed it off.

By the time it was our turn to get served, my face had darkened and my fists clenched, clearly scaring the girl behind the cash register. I tried to attempt a smile, but with Enna standing so close to me, I failed. However, when I really did look at the girl again, I noticed the way she was giving me a broader smile, a flirty smile...who was I to not return it?

The cash register girl and I were making small talk, which made a big effect on her, while all the items were pushed towards the end where Enna stood, struggling to keep up with the fast pace. I grinned at the girl, Savannah, before handing her the cash (thankfully before Enna managed to grab anything out of her purse).

"Have a lovely day." Savannah said to me, winking and tucking her fist under her chin as she leaned her elbow on the table. I winked back, replying with "My day's just got ten times better because of you, baby girl." She giggled before turning to her next customer, glancing up at me a couple times as I pulled the cart to help out Enna a little.

"Thanks for the help, Joey." The sarcasm that came out of Enna's mouth once we left the store made me freeze. I slowly turned around, facing a confused looking Enna who parted her pink lips to question why, but I beat her to it, again. "Did you just use sarcasm with me?" A sigh of annoyance left her lips as she rolled her eyes and took her hands off the cart, walking to the car.

"I'm sitting in the car, since you weren't at all bothered about the way I was struggling with the stuff. See, I wasn't being sarcastic there." I narrowed my eyes playfully at her, watching her walk to the passenger side of the car. I chuckled, shaking my head, putting the stuff away.

The car ride was mostly filled with the tunes on the radio, but it wasn't an uncomfortable drive home. I tried annoying her a couple times so she'd actually converse with me (yes a new word, I learnt it from some magazine), but then I left her alone the closer we got to home.

"Hey, Enna?" I turned to her, but then didn't say anything more when I noticed that she was asleep. I had pulled up to this park I saw on the way, there was a river close by and I thought we could go there...take a break from people for a bit. I sighed and leaned back in my seat, until I heard a buzz from my pocket.

Taking it out, I saw Josey's name flash across the screen but before I could respond, I heard Enna shift and groan. "Are we home?" I tucked my phone in my pocket and backed away from the parking space, but didn't respond to Enna's question as she fell back asleep. My mind was slowly going haywire as I realised this day was nearly over.


Our faces were only inches away, her breathing made her chest rise rapidly. Her eyes were concentrated downwards, while mine were focused on her, more importantly on her lips, the ones I have been thinking about since she used her sarcastic tone in me, bringing the fire in me to want her just a little more.

"Enna." Her name sounded playful as it came out of my lips. She pressed herself into the wall, her hands reaching up to stop me, touching my chest ever so slightly, but she hesitated. Slowly, her head rose and looked at me through the little light that we had. Her breathing returned to normal, but she was still hesitant.

"Take control, baby. Show me what you want to do."

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