By OpalLynnAbernathy

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Lenna is the youngest daughter to the CEO to the construction company Filmore Enterprises. She's 23. Single... More

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By OpalLynnAbernathy

AN: Oh wow its been like 4 months since I've updated. I've been super busy I promise I haven't been neglecting it! I have a brand new nephew, a god son and god daughter on the way and I had three jibs, quit one, bow I'm down to two and school. My brain has just been everywhere. But I've finally updated. And its starting to tie up the missing pieces so it's almost finished :) ReVomment -Opal

I stayed up late or early depending on how you looked at it, waiting for Axel  to come back home. He had left in such a hurry, he didn't explain to me what was going on.

When morning light started to shine through the windows I gave up on trying to fall back asleep and got out of bed to let Freya out.

When I walked out of the room i ran into Axel. He had apparently just gotten back. "Did I wake you?" He asked as he leaned in and kissed my head.

"No. But now that your back do you care to explain what the hell is going on?" I questioned.

"Trying to press for warrants to question the 4 stooges but I have no grounds. The court would just render your dreams as stress related." He informed me.

I sighed. "And here I thought you were going to be my number one hero and tell Me that I never have to worry about them again." I told him. Axel rubbed his temple. "I just don't have grounds, I need..." He paused. "You need what?" I asked. "I need you to have an open mind about what I'm about to tell you next, can you do this?" He questioned.


I sat at the kitchen table fingering the napkins to miniscule pieces. "All you would need to do," Alexis told me, "is convince Rhett that you've had an epiphany, that you can't live without him. Get him back in your clutches," she paused and looked at Axel, "and knowing his current obsession with you, he should cave. We can have you wired, have his apartment and vehicle bugged and we can go from there," Axel finished.

I looked at Alexis. "Is this legal?" I asked. "Legal? No. But will it hold up in court if he confesses his intentions or plans? Yes. You just need to act the part Lenny okay? I've known you a long ass time, I know you can do this.," she assured me.

"I have to pull out all stops?" I questioned looking at Axel. "All stops," he agreed. "Including ..." I couldn't finish my sentence. "Hopefully it won't come to that," he replied tersely. "But we really need him and every one else in jail Lenny so yes, even that," I looked into his eyes and saw what he was feeling and he didn't even have to tell me.

He didn't want anyone to touch me other than himself. But some things were worth sacrificing, to put dangerous people away. "Okay," I agreed after a moment. "Great!" Alexis exclaimed and then she reached down under the table and pulled up a large black suit case and plopped it on the table. I jumped at the noise. "Let's get started shall we?" Axel said grimly.


A week later I was released back to work. A job my dad still held for me but I hadn't been to in weeks. I had explained to my dad and my brother what I needed done and when 12pm rolled around I left for Rookies.

I pulled into the parking lot and took a breath, thinking back to this morning.

"This button is a mic, discreet, no flashes so even if he suspects he won't be able to pinpoint exactly where you are wired," Alexis explained as she quickly sewed on the button. "It can travel from outfit to outfit." She patted the button After it was sewed on and I looked at Axel.

"You loved him once Len, tap into that just for a short while. We need to know everything they have planned. This could mean our lives, the lives of the companies, our families. I can't marry you until they are all put away," he said softly.

I jolted back to the present. I took another breath and got out of my car adjusting the outfit Alexis had picked out. It was one of Rhett's favorites. skinny black pencil skirt matched with ink black pumps and a Greys blouse. All easy to maneuver if the going got rough.

My steps were shaky. I was nervous. But I knew that I needed to be calm. If I was calm I could pull this off and all misconceptions would be handled. I could marry the love of my life. The Corrine thing could be handled at a later date.

I walked into the door of Rookies and paused and looked around. There he was. Sitting at the booth. Like I knew he would be. If there was one thing about Rhett it was his obsession with me and his obsession with power. He wanted me. He didn't want Valerie do what she did, but I kept refusing him. And then power reared its ugly face and my rejection coupled with her offer, made for a nice doctor bill on my end.

I walked across the bar and slid into the booth looking him straight in the eye. I did as I was told from Alexis and Axel earlier. I handed him my keys and my phone.

His eyes went wide. "What are you doing?" He questioned, confused. "I was an idiot. I know you didn't mean to...hurt me," I stammered and looked up at him. "I couldn't get away from Axel, but he was called away to a convention for the something, and well....I miss you." I laid on the luster thick. So thick I felt like I would choke any minute.

I watched as his face softened. "I told her that you would come around. That you needed me! That we could use you!" He said excitedly. I wanted to puke but I forced myself to smile.

He pocketed my phone and my keys. "I need to make it look like nothing has changed though, or he will know!" I whispered acting horrified. Rhett grabbed my hands and caressed them. "Leave Axel to me," he told me menacingly. Deep down I wasn't sure if this was the direction Alexis had planned for this to go in.

After an hour I asked very politely for my keys back as I needed to head back into work. "Can...can I meet you there after?" He asked softly. "I know people are looking for me but can I pick you up after work?" He asks quietly.

I look into his eyes. He's deluded. He's a criminal. An arsonist. A pre meditated murderer. But really, all I could see in his eyes was hope. And that killed me inside. I wanted to hate him for everything he had done to me. But seeing him like his old self...it would be way to easy to fall back into old habits. So I look at him and smile. "See you around 5? I'll park in the far parking lot. No one ever parks there." I reminded him.

He leans in and kisses me softly. Once the touch of his lips used to make my heart race. Now it just made me want to kill myself. But I put all my effort into returning it. And when we parted, he handed me my phone and my keys and promised to meet me at 5.


When I got back to work I was tossed straight into an Executive meeting about a stretch of I90. The estimated time of finish for the project wasn't until early to mid 2015 but with the lane closures and angry speeding traffickers that didn't pay attention to speed limits, things were getting pushed back.

Filmore needed an extended 6 months and Sheridan who were going to be merging with us, wanted to know if it was logical.

I looked at Axels dad. "There is a reason as to why I have this job sir. A 6 month extension won't break us, it will put us behind schedule for other repairs to be made in Chicago, yes, but 500k isn't enough to call out a halt on the construction over winter. Traffic won't slow, we will just have to enforce more law enforcement in the area to enable clear passage through the zones for our supply semis." I explained.

Sheridan frowned. I had went with something he didn't approve of. "When we merge brash choices like that will not be made," he told me. I smiled at him. "That's when we merge sir, as of right now, we are two distinct companies. And as the daughter of the CEO of Filmore I suggest you back the hell off," with that being said I gathered my papers and left the conference room in anger and stomping heels on the floor.

I sat in my office steaming half an hour later. I barely even hears the knock on my door. It wasn't even until I heard the door open that I realized someone was there. I looked up and my breath left my body. Axel. He was in uniform and was looking at me like I was the next best thing to steak.

"Busy?" He asked me. I shook my head no not able to form words. "Good," he said as he walked towards me, lifted me out of my chair and crushed his lips to mine. Kissing was still hurtful at times, but feeling the pleasure with this pain was too much. I was floating. His hands roamed to my shirt and he idly twisted a button, turning off the mic.

He moved his mouth from mine to my neck and I leaned back against my desk so I wouldnt fall to the floor with my jello legs.

"I've been waiting all day to do this," he said growling and then he pushed away from me, leaving me a hot sweltering mess of confusion, and he turned to lock the door. And when he turned back to face me...he unzipped his pants and the sound made me shiver.

I stay rooted at my spot by my desk and he comes back towards me, strutting, now holding his impressive length in his hands. I'm going to have scandalous office sex. With a police officer. I was giddy. Quickly he bunched my skirt up and pushed my panties aside and thrust in while capturing my mouth with his.

HOW was I supposed to convince Rhett I didn't love the man that was pleasing my body stroke by stroke? I didn't know. And at the moment...

I didn't care either.



As I was walking out of the building I twisted my button turning the mic back on, and fixed my hair trying not to look like I just took a romp in my office.

I looked to the far parking lot and saw a black SUV next to my car. It was now or never. I walked a little faster and when I got to my car the window of the SUV was rolled down. "My place?" Rhett asked me. "I don't know where your new place is," I admit.

"Follow me, he said and he waited for me to get in my car and turn it on.as I followed him on to the Interstate

" okay you idiots I know you're listening," I say so Alexis and Axel can hear me through the button. "I'm freaking out here. I need back up. Scratch that. I don't need back up. But I am freaking out. I can't do this. I need you to call me. No. Scratch that too, he will check my phone. Oh god. I think I'm hyperventilating. This is hyperventilating right. Oh god," I stammered. I was full on freaking out. "This is crazy. You can't marry a dead person Axel what if he kills me! Oh ahit what if he kills me!" My breath started to come in spurts and my vision started to go. Then my phone rang.

I answered it and I heard Axels voice. "Baby calm down." He cooed. "You'll be okay, you're not doing this alone. We are here. Squads are on call. Of anything happens we will be there." He assured me. "How do you know where there is!" I asked breathlessly. My head was starting to pound from lack of oxygen.

"You didn't think I would put a tracker on your car? Oh darling you underestimate me," he said laughing. I let out a shaky laugh. "Just hang up and change my name under the number. We know he's watching." Axel advised. "Okay," I agreed and then neither one of us hung up. "I love you Lenna," he finally said. I smiled. "I would hope so " I replied and then hung up.

We were stuck in traffic for a moment and that have me enough time to change Axels name to my assistants. I didn't have Roses number to begin with and there wouldn't even be a reason to call but we all knew Rhett.

He was a wanted man. He had been avoiding the law for weeks now and he wasn't going to go down for something as stupid as a phone call. I put the phone on the passenger seat when I was finished and the traffic started up. .

After we drove for a bit, I started to get weary. We passed Hoffman Estates and we were heading the way that Axel had taken me the first time we went to see his grandparents.

"Houston we have a problem," I said softly. "We aren't staying in the area what do I do?" My phone rang again a few seconds earlier. "His house is in Elgin," Alexis told me. "Oh now you feel the need to tell me this," I snapped. "Why can't you just arrest them!" I groaned. "Easier said than done, Lenny, now concentrate." Alexis coached. I turned off my phone after that.

These jerks were seriously sending me in blind.

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