The Bad Boy Has My Bra ✔

By Supernatural_baby_

483K 11.7K 1.5K

Re-Upload It's a little cat and mouse game between this good girl and the smirking bad boy, with the catch be... More



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By Supernatural_baby_

I was awoken by the ruffle of the bedsheets and the sun shining through the window of the bedroom. Smiling at the memories of last night, I turned to cuddle with Hunter but saw that he was getting dressed with his phone in his hand and that when I thought that I shouldn't get up or do anything for that matter apart from continue to lay in bed, pretending to be asleep. Hunter was talking but I paid no attention to his words as I prayed to God that my tears didn't fall and I continue to fool Hunter that I was asleep. When I heard the bedroom door closing shut with a click, I breathed out shakily letting the tears escape from my eyes, not bothering to keep them in anymore because nothing could have hurt more apart from the feeling of rejection.

Getting to the bathroom felt like an eternity as I cried from the bedroom to the bathroom non stop leaving me with a tear stained face as well as red eyes and puffy lips; what an attractive look for no one what so ever. I turned on the shower and stripped naked then got in, welcoming in the hot water as it rained down onto my sore body, washing away the memories and sweet passion of last night. I rubbed the strawberry smelling soap onto me, crying softly in the shower then muffled my sobs with my hands because I knew that this was truly my fault and there were many things that I could have done to stop last night from happening but it happened, I chose lust over safety from myself.

My clothes didn't feel like clothes on me as I put on two layers on me, I didn't want to feel the regret on my body but I also didn't want to pile up clothes on myself because of the heat that seemed to have made its way through the house during the midday. I still hadn't gotten over it and it was slowly starting to bug me as I got more miserable; Natalie wasn't even here for me to talk to as she was probably having an awesome time with her baby daddy and having fun at school, better there than here, curled up on the sofa and dreading the sun that's trying to peak out from the curtains. I made it my job to close the curtains so that the room was dark, light wouldn't help me right now.

'Why are the curtains closed?' I jumped when I heard Hunter's voice. I had fallen asleep on the couch as I thought about the pain and hurt that went through my life, I had also been crying then too so that's what caused me to fall asleep. His voice awoke me from my slightly uncomfortable position and I wanted to punch him for that as well as punching him for thinking about coming near me. 'Have you been crying?' Shit.

'Go away, Hunter. You've got places to be right?' I said in a raspy and rough tone as I got up from the couch, avoiding his gaze with my hair falling around my face like curtains as I practically speed walked away from him. Hunter didn't want to do as I asked though as I heard his thunderous footsteps behind me then suddenly, I whipped around to face his angry and a little confused face; an unlikely combination.

'What the hell is wrong with you!?' He yelled at me, anger clearly making a point. I didn't realise his hand was on my arm until his grip started to hurt me, but I did not dare show my weakness once again.

'Let go of me.' I spat out harshly, just to let him know of my anger but my plan only backfired as his grip got tighter on my arm and now I was pretty sure that there was going to be a bruise left there. 'Not until you tell me what the hell is wrong with you.' His tone was firm but also understanding.

'Why did you leave without telling me this morning?' I asked him, not bothering or wanting to look at him anymore from not only embarrassment but I knew it was a stupid answer to ask since I was the one that didn't want any feelings in this what so ever but I wanted to know why he left because it did hurt knowing that he was another person that thought of me as trash.

'I had to run out because I had a job to do and I had to meet that friend that you met, plus you were sleeping so peacefully I didn't want to wake you up. Why? Did you miss me?' His grip was loose on my arm and I had the chance to get away from him but the humour in his questions made me stay, as did that smirk that was on his face. Hunter pulled me into him by my waist so that I whimpered as our bodies made impact without any space in between us.

'Think you could give me a sorry kiss?' He questioned as he came closer to me. I thought about it for a minute but then I didn't have to as Hunter's lips crashed onto mine.

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