Twist of Fate- 5sos Fanfic- C...

By Unqualifiedauthor

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Hipster. Fangirl. Derper. These are words to describe Raven Taylor. She is an internet kid. A reader of books... More

Twist of Fate- (5SOS Fanfic)
Chapter 1- Two Years.
Chapter 2- Why You Do This?
Chapter 3- Turbulence
Chapter 4- The Pristine Beaches
Chapter 5- Protecter
Chapter 6- Jacking Off, Mario Kart, and Wraslin'
Chapter 7- Arrival Of The Derpin' Hooligans
Chapter 8- Just an ANNOYANCE
Chapter 9- I AM A PRUNE.
Chapter 10- Playing Nurse
Chapter 11- Dinner and Potter
Chapter 12- Departure Of Derping Hooligans
Chapter 13 - A Stupid 3OH!3 Song
Chapter 14- The Best Way To Piss Off Any Janitor
Chapter 15- Oh SHIT..... Ooopies?
Chapter 16- Waiting
Chapter 17- Fancy Seeing You Here
Chapter 18- My Idea Of A Romantic Gesture
Chapter 19- The Great Reunion
Chapter 20- Mikey Is Queen Elsa
Chapter 22- Fate, Destiny, A Long Ass Time
Chapter 23- Sacrifices

Chapter 21 - So This Is Love

869 19 1
By Unqualifiedauthor

       Two days after going ice skating, I woke up. We'd forgot to close the curtains, so sunlight flooded into the room.

        Yawning, my nose twitched. I stretched, my face still buried into the pillow. Next to me, Calum stirred, equally as disgruntled. "God. Why did we leave that thing open?" His voice was crackly, until he cleared his throat mid-sentence.

        I lifted my face very slightly; "Because their was a bunch of stars out last night.. And we're stupid." The last part was a lot more accurate. We'd come home after ice skating, but we'd also stopped at a movie, then for dinner, and when we got back to the house, Mikey insisted on a Just Dance tournament, and we had to do it silently, so we wouldn't wake up the entire family. Then after all that, we'd come upstairs, I'd taken off my makeup and clothes, put on an oversized tee-shirt and shorts, Calum had taken off his shirt and pants, and we'd just headed straight to bed.

        "Go close it."         

        "No, you go close it."

        "No, you."

        Groaning, I stood and walked to the windows. Pulling them shut, I reached for my phone as I sat back down in bed. I looked at my texts. Two from dad. I opened them. Apparently, I needed to call him. I layed back down, then dialed his number and waited for it to ring.

        He answered it tiredly. "Hello?"

        "Hey, dad. It's Raven." I greeted.

        "Hey, Raven. I've been wanting to see how things are going there."

        I omitted what Calum and I had been doing, then added; "Good. Mrs. Irwin is really nice, and she makes this amazing chicken thing with ranch and hot sauce. Luke, Michael, Ashton, and Calum and I went ice skating and to the movies, and to dinner. Its been great, we've just been hanging out."

        "Sounds fun." He commented. "What movie did you all go out to?"

        "The Maze Runner." I responded.

        "How was it?"

        "It wasn't bad, it was reeaally long."

        We continued to talk for about ten minutes, until I told him I had to go. "I have to go, dad. Bye

        "Alright, see you soon. Bye."

        I hung up, and put my phone back. Calum had fallen asleep again, and I poked him with my leg. "Wake up, you little boggart."

        He shifted, and blinked his eyes open. "Rave...I'm trying to sleep."

        "Well stop trying, I ain't gonna let you." I slipped down and kissed him on the nose. Even though he had sleep in his eyes, his hair was messy, and he didn't look thrilled to be awake, I still thought he looked adorable.

        "Mah." He snorted.

        Laughing, I stood, and walked over to the dresser. I got dressed in a pair of dark-wash jeans, and a band tee. Calum still didn't stir. I walked over to the bed, and ripped off the blanket. "Get up, Cal."

     He sighed, and rolled over and stood up. I bounced up on the balls of my feet, kissing him, my hands on his bare chest. He pulled me into him,  arms around my waist. He kissed me again, and I smiled into his lips. I pulled away slightly, looking up at him.

        "Well good morning to you too." I laughed

        "Hey, what's on the schedule for today?" He asked, arms still wrapped around my waist.

        "Nothing, yet." I responded.

        "Good. Because I'm taking you out for dinner tonight. Three months, and I still haven't."

        "You don't need to take me anywhere fancy, Calum. I don't think I own anything I could wear into a nice restaurant."

        He laughed. "I love ya, but that is probably true. Fine. I'm at least taking you on a nice date this afternoon. We're getting take-out, and then eating on the beach."

        Rolling my eyes, I poked him. "So cheesy."

        "Would you expect anything less from a boggart like me?"

        "True." I smiled, and kissed him again. He kissed me back, but I pushed him away lightly, and he released me.

        "What time do I need to be ready by?"

        He paused a bit before responding. "6:00 ish."

        "I'll be ready."


        I was ready. Not like I'd done much, except showering, and putting a bathing suit on underneath my jeans and shirt. I'd also braided my hair in a fishtail, to prevent it from tangling, if I actually touched the water.

        Calum and I headed off to the Chinese takeout place, and picked it up, before starting the drive to the beach. I had the volume cranked up, and we were cruising down the highway with our window's down and spirits up.

        When we got to the beach, the sun was still fairly bright, so we knew we had plenty of time. We set our blanket out, and began to eat and talk. For awhile, the conversation was light-hearted. Then, as I bit into the last few noodles of my food, he changed the subject.

        "Rave. What's going happen we get back home?" His voice was dead serious.

        "I don't know." I admitted, chewing and swallowing quickly. I knew what he meant. After being able to NOT hide, we'd found out how amazing it was. I didn't know if I could go back to hiding, only being able to steal kisses in our bedrooms at night, and spend time together as friends.

        "I just.. I don't think I can do it. Hiding. Lying. Sneaking around." I looked at him, and he was biting on his lip, looking sadly into the distance.

        "You do it all the time, when you want to sneak out."

        "That's different. I don't love sneaking out like I love you. It's easy to hide something you couldn't care less about." He sounded choked up.

        "Calum... What other choice do we have?" I knew we couldn't tell our parents.

        "We.. We... Never mind. We don't have another choice."

        "Well, what were you going to suggest?" I asked, leaning forward curiously.

        "You won't like it."

        "Just tell me."

        "We could run away." His voice was wistful, but he said as it wasn't the first time that he'd thought about it.

        "Calum." My tone was very guarded. He knew we couldn't. He was FAMOUS. They'd find us. "You know why we can't."

        "Exactly. So we don't have another choice."

        "Unless.." I couldn't believe I was about to suggest this. "We just tell them."

        "Raven." He mocked. "You know why we can't."

        Rolling my eyes, I continued. "No, I'm serious. I mean.. They can't get married. We don't know where my mother is. It isn't illegal. I'm almost eighteen. We can do it."

        "Are you sure? What if they aren't cool with it? They'll never let us be alone, they'll freak out."
 He was looking at the sand as he said it, instead of at me.

        "I love you. You are worth the risk." I was a little unsure, but I knew I could do it. For him. For us. For me.

        He smiled, and we had a moment of just staring at each other and smiling. I laughed, and tackled him in a hug. He collapsed, and I stared down at him, pinning him down, hands on his biceps. I was sitting on his lower stomach, smirking as I looked down at him.

        Leaning down, I kissed him. He responded eagerly, slowly lifting his arm, and putting it on my waist. Our his got more and more heated. I bit lightly on his lip, and pulled away slightly, for breath. He was grinning up at me. I smiled, and was about to move in on him again, when he rolled, and suddenly he was grinning down at me. I closed my eyes, and our lips met again, this time much more passionately. Though Calum was pinning me down with one hand, the other hand was free to move all over me. Generally, if he got to aggressive and touchy, I would push him off, or tell him to slow down, or something. But I knew I was ready for us to have sex again, and so instead of pushing him off, I just pulled my lips away. "Calum. I know that sex on a beach is supposed to be amazing, but sand being pushed into my vagina will BURN. So, come on. Let's go the car."

        He nodded, and we packed up our things. Walking to the car and putting our stuff in the front passengers seat, we quickly got in the back and resumed. The sun was beginning to set, and the air was beginning to chill outside, but as Calum and I were warm and toasty as we made love in the backseat

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