The Avengers New Cat | Loki...

By PricklePeach

1M 36.1K 13.1K

Sparrow may not be the most interesting person on the planet at first glance, she's just a girl who works wit... More

Chapter 1- Messy Meet and Greet
Chapter 2- New Place to stay
chapter 3- a little hungry
Chapter 4- A little untrusting
chapter 5- Accidental Discovery
Chapter 6- Found but timid
chapter 7- Settle yourself in
chapter 8- Try that again
chapter 9- bickering over movies
Chapter 10- visiting the best dad
Chapter 11- Rough ride
Chapter 12- Blueberry Catastrophy
Chapter 13- training for trouble
Chapter 14- Son Of A-
Chapter 15- old friendships
chapter 16- making plans
Chapter 17- Time to get it on
Chapter 18- overbearingly protective
chapter 19- "..."
Blazing pain.
On The Hunt
The unbelievable truth.
Let the experiments begin.
In the same vicinity
I dont believe you.
Let's get out of here!
A new start.
little by little
fearful kitty cat
Socks for your feet
-Authors Note-
Sweet sweet fluffy cat you are finally back
an afternoon tangled in sheets
roll in the dramatics.
much needed discussion.
Trying to taking my mind off things
Sorting things out-ish
Im not leaving you here.
An awkward return
What if he came back early?
uh oh.
To us.
Odd changes.
butter knife.
What. The. Hell.
Waking up worse
Figuring it out
Let's begin the end.
The end has arrived

Traveling cat

17.1K 614 615
By PricklePeach

;) Asgard has got to be one of the coolest places ever, what would you do if you went to Asgard for the day?


right now I was jumping for joy spinning around the room squealing with excitement, I actually barely used my room now that I actually thought about it.  I called dad to tell him that he would have to wait a bit longer to see me, I didn't want to wait for too long but I think if I go to Asgard and buy something for him it'll make up for my absence.

He sounded disappointed but I assured him I was alright and was going to come straight to the cafe as soon as I step back on earth. At that he was worried 

'Are you sure it's safe?' 

'yes Im sure, Loki wouldn't let me go with him if it wasn't'

'alright...well I will be waiting for you when you get back and dont expect me to not crush you in my bear hug either because that will definitely be happening'

I laughed and we said our goodbyes which set my heart at ease for the time being. I let out a sigh and glanced around the smaller room with white walls and little nicknacks each of the team had filled the room with.

Each morning I found a new item, Clint's arrow, Natasha's pistol which for some reason vanished the next day, Tony would put little gadgets around and I wore the digital watch he'd gifted me. Thor actually didn't know what to put in my room, so he sufficed for squeezing me every morning when I stepped out of Loki's room.

He didn't even question why I was in there but it usually resulted in Loki tugging me free, pulling me back in, and closing the door before snuggling under the covers again. I of course noticed the golden chalice sitting on my bedside table.

I was already throwing all of my clothes into a suitcase and doing my best to jam it shut by sitting on it and heaving as it would not close.  I can't wait! I've heard so many stories of Asgard but I never thought I'd really get the chance to go!

"Loki!" I cried out and he materialized in front of me causing me to jump and fall off the edge of the bed. 

"You need to stop doing that!" I yelped and he came over and helped me up with a soft grin and twinkle in his eye "Sorry Love, what's the problem?" he questioned pulling me to my feet.

After I was stood straight I dusted the imaginary dust from my clothes and pointed to my suitcase "It won't close" I grumbled and he snickered. 

"Oh, kitten" he shook his head kissing the sweet spot my head making my rosy cheeks return. Gah! every time!

Plus the nicknames! Ever since I woke up its been 'love' 'kitten' 'sweetheart' I mean I dont entirely hate them...but still! isn't it weird for him? 

"you must fold the clothes, not simply shove them in" he advised and approached my half-open suitcase with clothes spilling at the sides that Tony purchased me not too long ago after hearing my new adventure was to take place. It had a garlic bread print on it and I loved it with my entire soul.

I swear if someone tried to take it I would go feral.

He proceeded to unzip the half-zipped part I managed to get done and grimaced at the sight, what can I say? I was too excited and too lazy at the same time. 

Who the heck has time to fold clothes?

It's much easier to just throw them in any way.

He looked at me and rose a brow and I just shrugged and came over to him, with the snap of his fingers all of the clothes before me were folded and compacted neatly and perfectly and I gawked.

Stark gave Loki some more of his abilities back, I still dont know why though, not that I'm not happy about it though.

Loki's magic really comes in handy and I am always grateful for it,

"Ah thank you!" I squealed and hugged his waist, he was still far too tall for me making me feel small but it's not like he could control it so I decided not to whine about it too much.

He hugged back "it was no problem, now please, we must take our leave now" he affirmed and I nodded and dashed to the bathroom removing a couple of knots in my hair because I forgot to brush it out this morning because I was up like there was no tomorrow. 

Right now I had my denim jeans on and a black tank top to pair, Loki told me not to worry about overdressing because they have other outfits there anyway so I just threw something together and tied my hair up into a ponytail and brushed my teeth. 

"Alright, I'm done!" I called stepping out and he nodded "well, come then, let us leave" he stated quite regally and over-exaggerated and it made me giggle. 

He smirked and I grabbed my suitcase and lugged it to the elevator which we both hopped in and took to the roof to see the team ready to see us off.

"hey Sparr, see you in a few weeks!" Nat exclaimed giving me a squeeze and I hugged her back of course. (nickname pronounced like the first part of 'Sparrow') 

She released me then Tony hugged me "see ya later kid" he teased and I rolled my eyes but of course gave him a small squeeze back "will do old man" I jested and he laughed letting me go. After saying a few more goodbyes it was time to go. 

Thor stood in the center of the roof waiting for us both and I dragged my garlic bread suitcase across to him the wheels scuffing the surface.

 "okay-" I said with a content sigh "-let's go" I finished and looked up at Loki smiling as he took my hand and looked down at me with- admiration? He then pulled me to his side and I squeaked in surprise from the sudden jolt his arm sleeking tightly around my waist.

"Hold on that's a bit too clos-" The last thing I saw was Tony stepping forward with an angry look on his face before it all wooshed by and I shut my eyes tightly as Thor boomed "HEIMDALL! OPEN THE BI FROST!"

Everything was a blur and I shut my eyes tightly and felt Lokis grip on my waist tighten slightly as it felt like a major rollercoaster and made me feel dizzy even with my eyes closed tightly.

As soon as I felt us land on the hard solid ground I peeked my eyes open only to see everything spinning and I let go of my suitcase which I had also been gripping with a death grip and held onto Lokis arm tightly as if he would disappear. Honestly, I wouldn't put it past him.

He chuckled and I frowned up at him but he was still a tad blurry, "you will get used to it Love" he purred and I attempted to roll my eyes only to stumble back out of my grasp on Lokis arm and into Thor's arms accidentally as he caught me before I fell.

"Oops, sorry Thor" I apologized blinking a few times looking up to see him looking at me upside down because I was leaning back onto him "There is no need to apologize Lady Sparrow" he smiled and uprighted me and I heard Loki grumble but frowned at him when he stood in an angered stance and stiff. 

"Loki, if you didn't want me to fall into Thor maybe you should have caught me" I stuck my nose up as a matter of factly and he glanced down at me then scooped me up bridal style without any hesitation. 

I yelped and gripped his leather armored chest tightly and he chuckled a deep laugh. 

"There I caught you, better kitten?" he cooed and I rolled my eyes and folded my arms over my chest "put me down" I snapped. 

But he didn't. 

"Welcome, princes of Asgard" A deep voice suddenly echoed and I turned to face a man with deep brown skin and golden eyes with matching golden armor as my jaw dropped. 

His eyes were golden! like literally shining and sparkling right before me! he held a sword that came out of a slot thingy on this podium and I was dumbfounded at the sight. We appeared to be in some golden dome but a faint hum of something caught my attention.

 I looked just past him to see a bridge made of rainbows! 




I scrambled out of Lokis grasp accidentally kneeing him in the chin making him stick his head up and frown in disapproval as I rushed out an apology and uprighted myself in between the two gods.

"And the mortal Sparrow," the man continued and my eyes widened "how do you know my name?" I blurted out internally smacking myself for the rude tone. To my surprise, he chuckled "I am Heimdall, I see all souls" he stated and my eyes widened even more, "wow..." I breathed in shock.

Then he turned to Thor "The All-father will not be pleased with this" his voice went a bit deeper and I blanched, was it my fault?

Loki must have noticed because he pulled me back to his side and whispered "it's alright darling, relax" he whispered and I fought off my blush aggressively. 

He may be teasing but it doesn't mean his nicknames don't get the best of me. Pretty sure that's the first time he's used that one before too.

Stupid attractive tall velvet-voiced, dark-haired Norse god.

"I am aware good friend, but we will discuss with him when the time presents itself" Thor answered walking past Heimdall, I and Loki followed just behind and he kept me close.

My jaw dropped even further as we stepped onto the bridge made of rainbows, it was so pretty, "its called the rainbow bridge" Loki piped in, 

well, that makes sense. 

I nodded and bent down and placed my palm on the platform as it zapped a little bit and when I took my hand back it made a brief imprint of my hand before fading back into its normal straight-line path of colors. 

I giggled to myself in excitement and stood back up "you seriously find it that interesting?" Loki questioned with a bit of a silly expression on his face.

"Its a rainbow bridge Loki! how could I not?!" I cried and he rolled his eyes, he walked just behind me and put both hands on either side of my head as I tried to see what he was doing behind me. 

He tilted it forward and my eyes widened and I gasped.

 A golden palace stood before me the Rainbow bridge leading to it, it was so magnificent and stunning I couldn't find the proper words to describe how truly breathtaking it was. 

"I think this is much more interesting than a 'bridge made of rainbows'"

I blinked a few times snapping out of my trance "you... live here?" I breathed in disbelief and he nodded walking forward to the left a bit; I notice the black horse and brown one lead by guards in golden clad armor.

"yes, Lady Sparrow, welcome to Asgard" Thor called triumphantly and I smiled and ran over to Loki who lifted me onto the midnight black stead by my waist.

He hopped up shortly after and Thor was already perched on the brown horse next to us and we began to gallop as Loki lead the reins behind me and I got a front view of the realm. It was unbelievable.

The wind whipped against my face and the horse jolted us forward the galloping of their hooves colliding with the bridge merged with the hum as I looked around the golden city that was becoming clearer and clearer. 

The clopping sound of hooves eventually slowed as we neared the entrance of the grand palace, and Loki and Thor hopped off, Loki escorting me down again and placing me back onto the ground as if I weighed nothing.

 Well to a god I suppose I do weigh nothing.

Loki took my hand as we all approached the golden doors and two guards heaved them open upon noticing our arrival and there stood a beautiful woman dressed in light blue silk and grey armor and had sandy blonde hair neatly braided down her back in light curls. 

"My sons! you have returned!" she called joyously and Loki let go of my hand for a moment as the two were embraced in what I can only assume to be a motherly hug.

The sight warmed my heart as the two boys embraced their mother grateful to see her again.

 She smiled then let them both go and glanced at me as I stood awkwardly to the side not really knowing what I should do fiddling with my fingers and my suitcase tucked close to the side of my leg like some unknowing foreigner.

Is this what Loki felt like when he properly introduced himself to my dad?

"And who is this?" she inquired sweetly and approached as Loki explained "This is Lady Sparrow, she is a great friend of ours from Midgard," He told her smiling proudly at me as I returned it and she glanced between us.

"I see," she said slowly with a smile of her own rising. "Welcome darling, to Asgard, I am Frigga the All mother" she clasped my hands in hers and I paled. Wait Loki's a prince right? that means his mom is... a queen! oh, shoot.

"it's a pleasure to meet you my queen" I blurted out suddenly, shit, she's not my queen I don't live here!

She chuckled softly "oh dear you do not have to use the formalities, please call me Frigga" she commented with a warm smile.

She was very kind and I could see myself getting along with her well "thank you Frigga you are very kind" I remarked gratefully for her sweet personality towards a stupid me.

 She smiled then turned back to her boys, "shall we give our guest a tour?" she inquired and my eyes lit up and Loki noticed "why of course" he beamed with a smirk and a grin took on my features.


Wow just wow

The inside of the palace was so extravagant! so grand! there were indoor water fountains, golden pillars lined with intricate markings and designs that truly tied everything together in making everything look elegant and expensive.

 We walked down quite a few corridors and Thor had to leave to attend some other business but I didn't mind I was too engrossed in looking at everything there was to look at. 

As we were walking to my chambers as Frigga called it, I couldn't help but notice a few tapestries and paintings of people along the wall.

 All blonde hair, blue eyes but eventually a family portrait caught my eye. It was done by an immaculate painter, Frigga in the back with a man stood to her side, two little boys in front. 

A certain boy with raven hair caught my eye however as he was positioned in front of his mother with a slight smile as her hands were just over his shoulders which were covered in green material. 

Loki was walking next to me taking his, as per usual, way too long strides and I nudged him with my elbow.

"Hey Loki, you look pretty cute as a kid" I whispered and he looked at me utterly confused it was kinda cute, "how did yo-oh" a look of realization crossed his features as he noticed the painting. 

"I see you have noticed our family painting" Frigga mused as she walked just ahead of us and then slowed to my side. 

As we were walking and Loki was ahead she leaned in and whispered "he was just as much of a trouble maker as he is today when he was far smaller, he made everything in his brother's room flip upside down and hover in the air" she giggled and I sniggered and held a hand over my mouth to contain the laughter. 

Loki glanced over to us and rolled his eyes "mother..." he warned "yes, dear?" she questioned innocently he sighed but she didn't show any signs of acknowledging what she had said. 

I smiled to myself thinking of the troublesome raven-haired boy running through the palace causing havoc with his brother. Cute.

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