Break Free

By FearlessWriting

55.1K 1.5K 403

After two years of being on her own, a young woman named Jack finds herself in desperate need of help. With h... More

Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Chapter 2 - Nightmare
Chapter 3 - Sick
Chapter 4 - Saved
Chapter 5 - New home
Chapter 6 - The Tour
Chapter 7 - For You
Chapter 8 - Then and Now
Chapter 9 - A Gift
Chapter 10 - Dance With Me
Chapter 11 - Sing Us A Song
Chapter 12 - Attack
Chapter 13 - After The Fact
Chapter 14 - The Meeting
Chapter 15 - The Great Outdoors
Chapter 16 - Opening Up
Chapter 17 - Self Defense
Chapter 18 - Revelations
Chapter 19 - Hangover
Chapter 20 - All Over Again
Chapter 21 - Closer
Chapter 22 - Lost
Chapter 23 - Along The Way
Chapter 24 - Long Drive
Chapter 25 - Outpost Down
Chapter 26 - Confrontation
Chapter 27 - Temptation
Chapter 28 - What Next ?
Chapter 29 - Testing Limits
Chapter 30 - Three Words
Chapter 31 - Guilty
Chapter 32 - Bad Dreams
Chapter 33 - One Way
Chapter 34 - First Visit
Chapter 35 - The Search
Chapter 36 - Bonding
Chapter 37 - Dinner For Two
Chapter 38 - Tough Love
Chapter 39 - Burned Up
Chapter 40 - Alexandria
Chapter 41 - Wicked Games
Chapter 42 - Winning
Chapter 43 - Alone Time
Chapter 44 - Truth Hurts
Chapter 45 - Betrayal
Chapter 46 - Don't Know You
Chapter 47 - Sneaky Plans
Chapter 48 - A Song For You
Chapter 49 - Join The Cause
Chapter 50 - Last Chance
Chapter 51 - Before The War
Chapter 52 - This Is It
Chapter 53 - Showdown
Chapter 54 - Return
Chapter 55 - Let Me Help
Chapter 56 - Under Siege
Chapter 57 - Trapped
Chapter 58 - Great Escape
Chapter 59 - Wash Away
Chapter 60 - Think Ahead
Chapter 61 - Invasion
Chapter 62 - Revenge
Chapter 63 - Moment Of Truth
Chapter 64 - Finding Out
Chapter 66 - Coping
Chapter 67 - Motion
Chapter 68 - Back and Forth
Chapter 69 - You Asshole
Chapter 70 - Needs
Chapter 71 - Home Sweet Home
Chapter 72 - The Challenge
Chapter 73 - Now or Never
Chapter 74 - Execution
Chapter 75 - Don't Go
Chapter 76 - Long Goodbye

Chapter 65 - Heartbeat

193 6 1
By FearlessWriting

Never in her life did Jack think she would be having a baby. She had always wanted to have kids, as they have been a passion of hers since she was a teenager. But now this is real, and it is happening everything that has been going on it comes down to this. Jack is in full on pregnant mode now and she is growing anxious by the minute. "Babe, we can hear a heartbeat with this" she holds up the fetal doppler. It is just a small little thing, but it is going to be their only way to hear their baby.

"I Can't fuckin' wait, but can we hear her this early?" Negan asks as he places his hand on Jack's leg as he drives.

"Yeah maybe i'm 8 weeks so we should hear her, how about for now we call the baby her since you are so fucking sure it's a girl, and it's funny because i thought you would want a boy" she giggles. "I always thought if we had kids you would feel that way, about having a boy"

"Well shit, you thought about having kids before you never told me that baby" he raises a brow.

"Yeah, after you know i met you again and i fell in love with you and i do love you so fucking much that i realized that someday i would love to have a baby and i know now is not the best time but i got the bun cooking already so it's a little late"

"That's for fuckin' sure i guess i don't need to wrap up or pull out anymore" he jokes and Jack shakes her head. "Sorry baby, had to say it but i don't think i can keep my hands off of you for nine months my dick has got somewhere to be, balls deep inside your tight pussy"

"Negan ! What the fuck" she laughs. "Stop talking so fucking dirty to me"

"You fucking like it baby, i bet you're dripping in those panties, i bet your nice and wet for me right now, so wet and tight, just the way i like it" Jack can feel it, how wet she is being pregnant is making her sex drive go through the roof and she wants so badly for Negan to pull over right now and fuck her really hard, she can almost feel herself cumming just thinking about it.

"Fuck you" she laughs "Stop talking like that i can't take it" He stops and she is relieved taking a deep breath, and then she thinks about how she is anxious to get back home to try out this doppler but then it might be too early to hear the baby. Negan and Jack arrive back home and Jack definitely needs to change her panties, the soaked fabric bothering her. Jack hurries to the room, and she takes off her jacket and clothes to change, and she lays down to take a deep breath.

Negan walks in shortly after and sees Jack laying across the bed on her stomach, with her bra and panties on. Negan takes off his jacket hanging it up and he lays down gently next to her as she writes in her journal. "Writing again baby?" He lays down and places a hand on her ass, her cute cotton panties fully visible.

"Yeah, writing another song i'm thinking of writing it for our son or daughter that way i can have it done by the time i give birth, so i can sing it" Jack holds her pen and taps it against her notebook. Negan looks down and sees the page blank. "But i can't fuckin' get anything down, my mind is like blank as fuck right now and it's really making me mad and my hormones are driving me crazy, my boobs are sore like feel them"

Jack grabs Negan's hand and bring them to her tender breasts. "Feel them, how tender they are, like my body is fucking changing already" his breath chokes in his throat.

"Yeah, um that is gonna happen baby" he moves his hands away feeling a little to turned on, but Jack is just messing with him and he knows it. "What do you say we give this a try see if we can hear our little bean?" He points to the fetal doppler.

"Okay, can't guarantee it will work so don't get your hopes up" Jack lays down as Negan turns it on. "Here let me see it, i had to use one of these before the world got fucked over, i helped my mom with one before so i tend to know these things" she smirks as she turns it in and it beeps, she lays back down and holds the wand just above her panty line. She waits and turns the volume up all the way, but no sound.

After a few minutes she tweaks it a little, moving it around a little to a certain spot where she can hear very lightly a small thumping coming through. "Shh, wait babe hear it" the room goes silent as they both listen closely and it can be heard, but quietly. "It's there Negan i can hear it" a tear falls from Jack's eye as she can briefly hear her babies heartbeat.

"Holy shit, i can fuckin' actually hear it" he exclaims and he is happy, this is real his baby can be heard for the first time it brings a smile to both of their faces. "Wow, it's real Jack our baby is in there i mean fuck this is amazing" she cries over how happy he is never did she ever think she would see Negan cry but this means a lot to her that he is so in love with this child already. Jack sits up and turns off the doppler.

"That was so fucking cool, our little bean in here" Jack rubs her abdomen soothingly as she lays back down on her back. Negan lays down beside her, holding her close. "Goddamn it" he curses under his breath as he shifts on the bed to sit up.

"What's wrong?" Jack notices his sudden change in behavior and he wants to tell her. "You can tell me anything babe, i'm here" she rubs his shoulders.

"It's Gavin still haven't heard anything, i got to send a fucking team out now, and fuck i forgot i sent Simon to the junkyard he hasn't come back yet either it's getting fucking late now"

"Sorry baby, i'm sure he is on his way back now and i bet Gavin is fine too probably just got held up with some shit" Jack says trying to make the situation a little less tense but she can tell that Negan is a little on edge and that makes her worry.

"I should go out and check things out make sure this team gets on there way, i want you to stay here and relax okay, i will be back later for dinner" Negan gets off the bed and picks up his jacket zipping it up and he grabs his Lucille. "Take it easy baby, take a bath and relax yourself just keep the door locked okay?"

"I'll be fine babe, i love you" Jack watches as he opens the door and she stands up to kiss him and locks the door behind him.

"Love you to" he says and walks down the hall. Jack takes this alone time to soak in the bath to relax her sore muscles, after she gets out her stomach growls so she gets dressed, but as she gets dressed the door creeps open and she thinks it's Negan but she turns around and looks at the figure. She can't believe her eyes as to who it is, Kyle. He broke the door open, busted the lock.

Negan heads out the double doors and he orders the team to head out to find Gavin at Kingdom. He waits and observes around the yard but sees that Simon is back, pulling into the yard in his truck. He comes to a stop and he walks down to meet him as he gets out of the truck.

"Got it done?" Negan asks Simon as he walks past him casually.

"That and then some, you good"

"Nothing on Gavin yet" Negan speaks out as they head to the back of the truck.

"Want me to turn back around, roll out and end the mystery"

"I already sent a team out there"

"Ah, well i'm sure he is a okay if not then we can send another message, so what about you everything good with Jack how does she feel today?"

"She's good, heard the heartbeat with that little fucking machine thing she got and let me tell you best thing i have ever fucking heard, there is no feeling better than hearing that little thumping" Negan says seriously but he is also happy about it too.

"Great that's some good news"

"So, tell me how it went with the garbage people?"

"Standard message and delivery. Showed 'em and told 'em" he sniffs, trying to act cool and collected. "There was remorse and lots of it too" the two men are interupted by another man calling out to Negan.


"Yeah, what is it?"

"It's Rick" the man holds up a walkie and Negan takes it from him stepping off to the side, curious as to why he is calling him and he wonders if he is actually going to surrender, he hopes so. This needs to end and now before Jack is too pregnant to fight back.

Jack stands before a man she thought was dead and gone forever, she stands in her bra and panties as Kyle glares at her trapping her inside her room. "Kyle, i...i thought you were dead" she takes a step back till she hits the wall and Kyle gets closer to her.

"You really thought i was dead, no Jack i am not fucking dead, Negan kicked me the fuck out of here after your little accident, sent me out there on my own and the thing that kept me alive was the fact that i would have the chance to come back here, fuck his bitch and kill him, and now that i look at you damn you really are fucking sexy, holy fuck. So tell me Jack, how good does he make you feel, i bet i could make you feel so much better. I could probably make you cum so much better than him, i bet your creaming in those little panties right now" Kyle gets closer pinning Jack against the wall and she cries out for him to stop.

All she can see at this moment as she has her eyes closed, is Kevin. He used to do this to her if she did something wrong and now here she is again, this time facing the same situation. Kyle puts his hands on Jack, groping her body, running his hands all over her breasts and down to cup her through her panties and she cries out. "Please...stop" she chokes out but he hits her across the face, knocking her to the floor.

Jack sees red, her and little bean are in danger right now and she thinks about the self defense lessons Negan taught her. But he's really tough and Jack doesn't even have any chance to fight back before Kyle picks her off the floor and grabs her, throwing her down face first against the wall. "Kyle please stop, i'm..i'm pregnant please you can hurt my baby"

"Wow, you really are a fucking slut you been here how long and you're knocked up what a fucking whore you are" he lets her go and Jack gasps for air as Kyle paces the room. "Put your clothes on you're coming with me to the armory, since you're sucking Negan's dick obviously you have a key to get in, i need those guns so you're going to be a good little girl and get them for me, and then well i won't kill you, probably not i mean i might take you with, for that hot little body of yours and just to torture Negan a little see i want him to come for you so i can kill him, i will make him watch as i fuck you and then, well i will kill both of you"

"Fuck you" Jack spits at him and he ties her hands up and walks her out of the room. He keeps his head down as Jack walks in front of him as he keeps a gun to her back.

I have to do this, i know that he won't hesitate to kill me, so i have to save my baby and Negan. Kyle is out for blood he doesn't want to kill me, he is obsessed with me he wants to kill Negan and i can't allow that. I need to figure out how i am going to kill this fucking asshole.

Jack keeps walking till they reach the armory and she pulls out the keys from her pocket and unlocks the door. Kyle forces her in and he slams the door shut behind him. He takes a bag and fills it with the little bit of ammo that is left and he loads up a few handguns and a large rifle. He makes Jack carry the rifle, and since she is an authoritative figure here she will not be questioned for having it. "Move it, lets go" he orders her and she moves out.

Kyle leads her out the back of the sanctuary and forces her into a car with the guns. Her hands are tied up again and her mouth is gagged. Kyle starts the car and drives off, but Jack unties her hands and pulls out the gun she snuck onto her body when he had his back turned. "Stop the fuckin' car now or i will fuckin' shoot your head off" he stops the car and Jack clicks the gun behind his head.

"I outsmarted you, you stupid asshole you really thought you can fuckin' steal from Negan and get away with it you're wrong Kyle, now i'm going to shoot you because i know you will come back and i won't allow that. See i need to protect myself, my baby and Negan and if you think i will let you live after this shit, you are so fucking wrong so it was nice to know you piece of shit" Jack shoots him, in the stomach so he can bleed out and suffer. She throws him out of the car to some dead who tear him apart before her eyes and she drives back to the sanctuary.

Negan is back at the sanctuary as he has no clue what is happening with his pregnant girlfriend, but he has Rick on the other end of his walkie and this intrigues him. The fact that Rick the dick actually has the balls to call him directly he has got some nerve. So he answers back.

"Ricky boy look at you callin' me up. You wanna tell me where you are so we can end this face to fuckin' face" he snaps back through to Rick's end.

"Carls dead" Rick says through blankly, and at that moment Negan actually feels sadness hearing the news of his death, that night he talked to him he admired the boy all the more and now he is dead. He feels guilty knowing that they might have caused it. "He wrote letters, he wrote one to you. He asked you to stop. He asked me to stop. He asked us for peace. But it's too late for that now. Even if we wanted a deal now, it doesn't matters. I'm gonna kill you" he says seriously, but Negan is not phased by his threats anymore. Rick has no balls he won't do it and Negan is counting on that.

"How did it happen?" Negan sends the question through wondering the truth.

"What?" Rick answers back.

"How did he die? Was it us? Was it the grenades, the fire?

"It wasn't you, Carl went out to help someone and he got bit" the news shakes Negan's core. He knew the kid had guts that was for sure, but he died a horrible way and he feels really horrible about it.

"God damn it" is all he can manage to say, through the remorse he is feeling. "Shit, i um..i am sorry. You know i wanted him to be part of things, i had plans and that kid was the future"

"The only future is one where you're dead" Rick says angrily.

"What the hell are you doing Rick? Why are you making this so hard? Why are you fighting this? Carl is dead because of you. Because you couldn't leave shit well enough alone. I mean fuck maybe he would have died some other way, any one of us can get our tickets punched at any time. But in this case he is dead because of you. Because you weren't there to stop him from doing something fuckin' stupid. You set this course Rick, you chose all of this, so who's next?"

"You are"

"No, but someone is you see i stop people from dying i am the answer now it may take a hard lesson for you to hear it but you need hear it now. Do not let any more of your shitty decisions, to cause you to lose anyone you love. That garbage that sticks with you forever. Just like Carl will and hell i'm feeling it and i will be feeling it for a while. You could have just let me save all of you. So you can sit there and say you're gonna kill me but you fucking won't, so you should give up because you have already fucking lost"

Negan hangs up, and he takes a minute to process this, he is feeling it dramatically. He knows that something has to be done about Rick so that things can be settled and his family can be safe. He is weary on whether or not to tell Jack about Carl, she is emotional as is and he knows that this will upset her. So he goes back inside, and this is a hard thing for him to say, but he has too.

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