Always and Forever ~2

By Vampirediaries1996

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A dark prophecy follows Sofia Gilbert all the way to New Orleans where more danger awaits her. She was promis... More

New Orleans
Werewolf in the Quarter
Another Masquerade
Bayou Doctors
The Harvest
Unlinking Lessons
To the Bayou and Back
Memoirs and Sabotage
New Reign
Revenge Part 1
Revenge Part 2
Revenge Part 3
Afterlife or Hell
Moving On or Failing to Live
Sacrifice of Innocence
Love at First Sight
New Leaf
Wedding Bliss
Temporary Goodbyes and Rebirth
Nothing is Permanent
Keeping the Fight Alive
Here Comes Mother
Deciding Fate
Steps Back
Farm House Life
Trust Ceremony
I Hear Wedding Bells
Eva or Dahlia
Betrayal at Its Finest
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold
Blissful Happiness
Lucien and the Sires
Seer's Lies or Truths
Hayley's Return
Parties and Bait
It's Just Getting Started
Ex's and Oh Shit
We Really Shouldn't Have Dinner Parties
Untold Truths and Lies
Baby Showers
Christmas Miracles
Getting Closer to Hell
Breaking Sire Bonds
It's Raining Enemies
Like Father Like?
Not Safe at Home
On the Run for Some Rum
Fighting a Beast
Heavy Heart
Start of the End
Bite from a Monster
Goodbye for Now
Missing You
Planning Life
Never Let Go
The Armory
A June Wedding
Surviving Hellfire
Here Comes Freedom
An Enemies Attempt at Revenge
Closer to the Heart
Sharing Memories
Let's Start with Forever
Possession and Kidnapping
Throwing a Party for Reading
Red Paint
The Ancestors
Twist of Fate
Hard Choices
Transferring Power
Not Gone Forever

No Hesitation

2.2K 72 17
By Vampirediaries1996

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Klaus' POV

I wake to find Dahlia standing near me in an old village. "And thus Niklaus, you find yourself here. With me."

"Dahlia." I feel a pain in my heart and see a wound with blood seeping out. "What have you done to me?" I'm weak as I stand. "Where are my daughter and Sofia?" I rush at her but she appears now behind me. "Get out of my head."

"I'm not in your head. You're in mine. As I lie daggered by your own beloved have no choice but to listen. I have a proposition for you. Come along."

"Spare me the agonizing boredom and explain what it is you want." I order her.

"Quiet." Dahlia orders me. I watch with her as we look on at a village.

"I've no use for demented dreamscapes..."

"Niklaus, listen." I hear people screaming and Viking's slaying the villagers. Dahlia takes me over to where younger versions of my aunt and mother are hiding from the Viking. I watch as  Viking grabs my mother and Dahlia retaliates and they are apprehended by the Viking.

"Let me guess the Vikings slaughtered the entire village?"

"Esther and I were the only ones who survived. Who promised to stay together. Always and forever."

"A familiar promise, but then you knew that. I suppose you think that makes us kindreds."

"Not exactly. What I mean to show you is that we can be allies." Dahlia leads me into a little shack.


"This dismal hovel is where I endured the terrors of Viking captivity...for years." Young Dahlia comes in as she is thrown by a Viking to the ground. "I performed the dark magic they that Esther would be free of their violent abuse. While she was out in the sung gathering herbs, I toiled in the gray of this room. But I never resented her. We'd made a promise."

"Is this your feeble attempt to garner sympathy? To what end? No ancient plight will ever justify your intention to enslave my daughter."

"Oh, Niklaus, our plights are the same." Now my mother comes in dressed with flowers on her head and a smile on her face. I listen as my mother declared her love for Mikael over her promise to Dahlia to start her own family. Young Dahlia falls to the floor sobbing after being denied by her own blood and it does hit me to the core.

"So Esther was cruel. You'll excuse my complete lack of surprise. Seems as it does run in the family. She left me for one of the very men who slaughtered our village and stole us away. My own sister abandoned me. Just as your siblings have done. And like you...I have been unjustly painted. As the villain of the story."

"If you have a deal to propose then find my body and undagger me." I demand of her.

"Oh. I have the means to undagger you. I'm just not finished here."

"I don't care about my mother..."

"What I have to show you next is not about your mother, it's about your daughter. And if you have any chance to save her from what is to come...I suggest you listen." Dahlia leads me through some of the village.

"Very cliché. Tell me did you inspire witches of Grimm lore? Enslaving young girl in a hut on the edge of a dark forest." I mock her. "I suppose you plan for this to be Hope's fate."

"I did not enslave Freya. I kept her from those who abused our craft, demonized us...and most importantly, I shielded her from herself." Freya comes out and begins to light a huge bonfire which Dahlia comes out worried for her. Her magic comes out of control as she gets angry and it reminds me somewhat of Sofia's magic in the beginning but not that extreme. Dahlia calms Freya down.

"She was completely out of control."

"Firstborn witches in this bloodline possess devastating power."

"You're saying this is what's to come for Hope."

"Hope will suffer far more than Freya. Hope's magic will be tainted with your vampire well as the aggressive wolf temperament. And let's not forget her mother's abnormal magical abilities. Hope may not posses Sofia's siphoning ability but she does have her lack of control."

"Watch what you say about Sofia."

"Without the proper tutelage that only I can provide...Hope's powers will grow unchecked. She will lash out at everyone, including you and Sofia. She'll devastate the city that you love and then her terror will spread far beyond. She could even bring the end to your beloved Sofia. I too am a firstborn, so I was the only one to help save Freya from herself. Just as I am the only one who can save your daughter. You see Niklaus you need me. I see you need more persuading." She raises her hand and we're transported into a modern looking home.

"Where the hell are we?"

"Watch?" I hear small feet running. Suddenly a child no more than five runs past me with his blond curls bouncing. His laughter is infectious.

"Darling?" I know that voice. My heart warms as I lay eyes on my beloved Sofia. She looks happier than I've ever seen her and for once in my life, I see her pregnant.

"My love I thought I said I would bring you breakfast." A version of me walks up to her and kisses her on the cheek.

"I know I said that but Erik was hungry and the baby is kicking." I watch myself place a loving hand on her growing bump.

"And how is our little prince doing?"

"I believe it will be a girl." Sofia says with a smile.

"And how can you be sure?"

"Just a mother's intuition."

"I know you liked it that we stay home but I have arranged for us to have a trip as a family before we become four."

"And where to?"

"Wherever you want my love." Suddenly I'm whisked back to the village.

"What the hell was that?" I ask Dahlia.

"That is a version of a life I can give you."

"That's all lies. You can not give me that Sofia could..."

"Sofia is pregnant right now. She is with child even if she didn't believe when I told her. You and she could have the life you've always wanted with more children. Your daughter will need my guidance. Just as Freya did." She pleads with me but no matter a fake life she shows she will not have her way.

"I think I'll find someone less hostile to teach her. Shouldn't be difficult. Anyone will fit that criteria. Will you be interviewing tutors while you lie desiccated? How long do you think before Elijah and Rebekah release you? How old will Hope be?"

"After twice failing to create a family of your you wish to commandeer mine? Not gonna happen sweetheart."

"Family? Family only ever brought me pain. I want power. I am owed Hope's...and without it, I will slumber again within the year. Freya turned on me because I denied her a basic need. The love of a parent. That is why I need you, remain her father. And for Hope's benefit, she will also have a mother to love her. Try to imagine this. You and Sofia will get to raise your daughter...and I will channel the magic promised to me...and I would help Hope to hone her craft that you two couldn't possibly comprehend. With us by your side, no one would ever test you ever again. could lie there and pray that Elijah releases you...before Hope learns to call Jackson daddy." Her argument is compelling, to say the least. Sofia and I would raise our daughter but she will be forever channeled for her power as long as she lives or until another generation of firstborn Mikaelson children is born. "By all means think it over. Though know this, I shall not ask twice."

"In my experience, an offer from a malevolent witch...always comes with a catch. What's yours?"

"Hope is Sofia's daughter but Hayley sees the child as her own. Hope is all Hayley will ever have. She will fight us, she will not relent. In order for us to succeed and live in peace...Hayley will have to be eliminated." As easy as it sounds to kill Hayley there is still someone I worry about. Sofia doesn't hold grudges and she will hate Hayley for a while but not forever and she is still Hope's godmother.

"You would have me rob my daughter of her godmother so she will grow to hate me and Sofia?"

"When she grows, you two can tell her whatever story you like. But in the end, the truth is..." Dahlia stands closer to me. "You will have made the right choice for her. Let me show you one more thing." I'm transported into the safe house where I see Sofia's unconscious body chained like an animal. "They ambushed her when she thought she could trust them most. She is not worth their time. She needs you."

"This proves nothing."

"It proves that you and Sofia Gilbert are an unstoppable force. I know you will make the right decision." With that Dahlia blows something in my face and I'm in the coffin my siblings stored me in and I slowly pull the dagger from my chest. Now the fun really begins.

I walk out hearing the sound of my siblings voices and one that I would much like to rip the head off. "I'm calling to say goodbye." Hayley says over the phone. Hope and I...we can't be apart of your family anymore. Despite Sofia's attempts all of her daughter's life her family has tried to destroy her. That can't be my goddaughter's story. Family is supposed to love you. Even if she is free of Dahlia's firstborn curse...Hope would still be Klaus' daughter. She'd inherit a thousand years of enemies...all his anger and rage. I don't want Hope to be a Mikaelson. All the pain that comes with that name...she doesn't deserve that. I know if Sofia understood that being blood doesn't mean you know what is best. Hope is my goddaughter and I will not see her suffer the way her parents wish for her too. Goodbye Elijah." I want to kill that wretched girl forever speaking ill of Sofia and me ad taking our daughter as her own.

I make my way back to Dahlia's to let her know she has a deal. "I knew you were the smartest of your siblings. No brute Viking blood in those veins. I'm glad to see you've made the right decision."

"I've never cared for Hayley. But you should know the rest of my family will stand against us in defense of her."

"We will have to go through them. Are you prepared for that?"

"They have more than earned everything that is to come. Hayley may have carried my daughter but she is not her mother. They have time and time again disrespected Sofia and me as Hope's parents. We have to hurry. Even now, Hayley is attempting to flee with my child."

"Don't worry. She won't get far tonight."

"She's right darling." I jump hearing the voice I didn't expect to hear. "Hello, Nik did you miss me?" I don't need to be told as I can already tell this is not my Sofia.

"I'm glad you could finally join us."

"Sorry I was busy for a while but I see you have yourself a little problem with the wolf bitch who hijacked our daughter."

"We are handling it, my love."

"I wish I could believe that but I will go along with what you have planned but I want to add a little something special to this."

"Anything in mind?" Dahlia asks Sofia and we all feel the ground shake and huge thunder and lighting outside.

"It will make her wish she could die."

Sofia's POV

Dahlia gathered a plethora of people for us to feed off. "You've never looked so beautiful."

"Flattery will get you nowhere."I tear the head off my fifth meal.

"I want you both at your strongest and your child will be returned to you and the people who've crossed you will pay."

We wait out in the house to strike against Hayley and Klaus' siblings. "My deadline has come and gone and yet you two bring me here."

"I find it fitting. This is where Freya plotted her own treachery."

"When I granted you the strength to overcome that dagger's curse...I assumed you would thank me by taking swift and merciless action."

"Oh, and he will in all due time." I assure Dahlia who is looking pissed.

"Am I to traipse around in this monsoon you've created?" Dahlia causes pain to Klaus and I raise my hand and she stops.

"I would watch what you do or I will have to go against you."

"You wouldn't dare."

"You don't know me."

"Ladies no reason to fight when we have bigger things to worry about." Klaus interrupts us.

"This storm is to stop your family from running with the child. So I wonder...are you two having second thoughts about standing against them? They are the family after all, who left you here to rot and you." Dahlia turns to me. "They have not once but twice belittled your existence as the child's mother and stole the baby from your very arms."

"I assure you there are no seconds thoughts."

"We struck a bargain for the benefit of your that she would be delivered to me safely and be happy being raised by both parents. But make no mistake, I will take her with or without."

"Is that a promise?" I egg her on and she hates it.

"Let me be clear about one thing, witch you need us both. I know my siblings better than anyone, their strengths, their weaknesses. They are powerful and determined lot. Perhaps capable of evading you for the short year you have...until your slumber beings anew. You may well lose everything. But I know how to vanquish those who stand against us." Klaus stands on one side of Dahlia.

"And that is exactly what we intend to do." I say on her other side. Dahlia calms the storm.

"The storm has served its purpose. Now, enough delays. I will take what is owed to me, and if the wolf resists or attempts to run I will kill herself." Dahlia threatens which causes me to laugh and her to glare at me. "Something funny?"

"Besides you always repeating the nonsense of taking what is owed to me every time we talk. Don't you worry about that bitch. I have something special in mind for her which like I said will make her beg at my feet for me to kill her painfully."

"You seem so sure of your abilities."

"Don't get in my way and there will be no problems." I shove past Dahlia not giving two shits about her.

Who is your favorite Mikaelson sibling?

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