By arios2004

693K 18.6K 3.5K

"A Lannister and a Stark. They have no idea how dangerous that is." LION AMONG WOLVES SPIN OFF SEASON THREE O... More



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By arios2004

— 23. Joffrey's Wedding

    Outside the castle at a banquet table, Annalys sat with Sansa, Tyrion, Joffrey, Tywin, Cersei, Tommen, and Pycelle. Mace Tyrell stood before them, gifting Joffrey with his wedding gift, "From House Tyrell and the people of the Reach, Your Grace, it is my honor to present you with this wedding cup." Mace explained to Joffrey, placing the cup in front of Joffrey, "May you and my daughter Margaery drink deep and live long."

"A handsome goblet, my lord," Joffrey thanked the man, beginning to smirk, "Or shall I call you Father?"

Annalys rolled her eyes at Joffrey, which was something she found herself doing quite a lot in his presence.

"I shall be honored, Your Grace," Mace responded, bowing before leaving.

Annalys frowned when she saw her mother eying one of the handmaids. She watched as the woman brought a tray to the table and set it before Sansa, "She's the whore I told you about," Cersei whispered to Tywin, which caught Annalys' attention, "The dark-haired one."

Tywin turned his head to see what Cersei was talking about, watching as the woman, whose name was Shae, walked away and left, "Have her brought to the Tower of the Hand before the wedding." Tywin ordered and both Tyrion and Annalys immediately became concerned, each for different reasons.

As Podrick walked past Annalys, he sent her a small smile, just before he placed a large book before Joffrey while Tyrion walked to stand at the front of the table, "A book?" Joffrey asked, a puzzled look on his face.

"'The Lives of Four Kings.'" Tyrion told his nephew in a calm tone, "Grand Maester Kaeth's history of the reigns of Daeron the Young Dragon, Baelor the Blessed, Aegon the Unworthy, and Daeron the Good. A book every king should read."

Joffrey stared at Tyrion, looking to be at a loss for words. Tywin turned to look at Joffrey, gesturing for him to respond kindly, "Now that the war is won, we should all find time for wisdom. Thank you, Uncle." Joffrey tried his best to maintain kindness with Tyrion despite that fact that he wanted to do the opposite.

Tyrion bowed, walking back over to his seat. From her seat in the chair next to her mother, Annalys immediately noticed how the handmaiden, Shae, looked at her uncle as he passed by. There was clearly something going on there. She just knew it.

Annalys was snapped out of her thoughts when she found the Mountain approaching the group, causing her face to turn cold. The large man brought forth a sword, laying it down on the table before Joffrey as Tywin stood up, "One of only three Valyrian steel swords in the capital, Your Grace, freshly forged in your honor." He explained in a calm tone.

Joffrey, who was excited about the gift, quickly stood up and walked around the table, immediately unsheathing the sword, "Careful, Your Grace. Nothing cuts like Valyrian steel." Pycelle warned Joffrey, who clearly not going to listen to his warning.

"So they say," Joffrey responded, stepping away from the table before he suddenly spun back around.

Annalys watched unamused as Joffrey repeatedly cleaved the book that Tyrion had just given him with his new sword. Numerous people gasped while Annalys rolled her eyes once more. It was honestly the only thing she could do at that moment, knowing she couldn't speak up.

However, it did annoy her that her brother had the audacity to destroy a book as old as the one laying on the table. before him. That book had the history of four kings, history that was probably not known nor written down anywhere else in the world.

Now, it was gone. All because of Joffrey and his need to make a spectacle.

   Everyone at the table began to jump in fright as Joffrey continued to tear apart the book with his Valyrian Steel sword.

  Annalys, on the other, stood in place, watching him closely. She wished she could do the same to her brother as Joffrey was doing to the book at that moment. More than anything in the world.

"Such a great sword should have a name. What shall I call her?" Joffrey asked the crowd, smile on her face.




"Widow's Wail." Annalys whispered softly, finding the name to go well with her brother's personality.

"Widow's Wail," Joffrey suddenly spoke up, causing Annalys' eyes to widen in shock at the fact that Joffrey had actually picked the one she suggested, "I like that. In honor of my sister's treachery, of course," he smirked, looking over at Annalys, whose face had turned cold, "Every time I use it, it will also be like cutting off Ned Stark's head all over again. "

Joffrey sheathed the sword once more and both Annalys and Sansa looked dejected. He sat back in his seat, Annalys continuing to stare at him.

In a way, she found what Joffrey said amusing.

"It will be like cutting off Ned Stark's head again," He had said and Annalys wanted to laugh, knowing that Joffrey wasn't even the one who swung the sword in the first place. It had been Ser Illyn Payne, not Joffrey. Joffrey had only given the order.

Annalys thought that to make her brother an even bigger coward. Since the first time she had been forced to stay with the Starks as a child, Annalys began to believe in a phrase that she heard Ned Stark say multiple times.

"The man passing the sentence should swing the sword."

Since then, she always believed in those words. Robb did as well. She and him lived by those words during the war multiple times.

Annalys knew she would keep doing so, even when she finally killed the Mountain. 


   At Joffrey and Margaery's wedding, Margaery and her father walked down the aisle together before Mace handed his daughter off to Joffrey. The pair smiled at each other, locking arms as they continued to walk up the steps to the High Septon. Without having to be told, Joffrey placed his cape over Margaery's shoulders, the two of them clashing hands as the High Septon began to bind them together.

"Let it be known that Margaery of House Tyrell and Joffrey of the Houses Lannister and Baratheon are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder." The High Septon announced loudly.

Joffrey held Margaery's hand, turning to look at the crowd as he spoke loudly, "With this kiss, I pledge my love." He announced before turning to his new wife, kissing her, the crowd applauding.

While everyone clapped, it seemed as though Olenna Tyrell and Annalys were the only ones not clapping, The two women stared at the newly-weds, both of them wearing unreadable expressions.

"We have a new queen," Sansa told Tyrion and Annalys, who stood next to her behind Tywin and Cersei alongside Lady Jeyne.

"Better her than you," Tyrion remarked and Annalys couldn't help but agree.

"Most definitely." Annalys agreed with Tyrion, a faint smile on her face.

She turned to look at Jeyne, who clearly knew what was going on, but didn't say a single word about it.


Later on, outside at the wedding party, Joffrey watched everyone from afar from his seat beside his new wife.

Where Annalys sat with Sansa at a table close to Joffrey's, Lady Olenna walked over to the two young women, her eyes fixed on Annalys, "I must say, you look exquisite, my child." Olenna politely greeted Annalys, acting as if she never met her before, "I haven't had the opportunity to tell you how sorry I am for your loss."

   Olenna touched Annalys' braids before grasping the younger girl's necklace, which was all part of the plan. After taking one of the stones off, Olenna placed the poison in her dress, continuing on with what she was saying, "What sort of monster would do such a thing?" She asked, clearly directing it toward Annalys, which caused her to look a bit offended, "As if men need more reasons to fear marriage."

Just then, Tyrion entered, taking a seat next to Sansa, and Annalys, "Princess. My lady. My lady." He greeted the four women, nodding his head.

"Lord Tyrion, you see? Not as bad as all that," She paused, turning to Sansa to speak to her directly, "Perhaps if your pauper husband were to sell his mule and his last pair of shoes, he might be able to afford to bring you to Highgarden for a visit. Now that peace has come and all is right with the world, it would do you good to see some of it. You must excuse me. It's time I ate some of this food I paid for."

With that, Olenna walked away and Annalys turned to the band, who was playing 'Rains of Castamere'.

She didn't mind the song any longer. She heard it so many damn times since returning that it didn't bother her. However, it did remind her of Robb.

Had he found out about the annulment? If so, how did he react? She wondered if he hated her. She truly feared he did and that broke her heart. If she were him, she'd hate her too.

It was all her fault.

Annalys forced herself to smile, wanting to get her mind off of Robb. She turned to look at Tommen, who sat directly beside her with their mother sitting on the other side of him, "Hey," She called out in a hushed tone, causing Tommen to turn to her.

She smirked, holding out her glass of wine, which she hadn't even touched yet. Tommen looked hesitant, knowing his mother wouldn't like him drinking. Tommen was already treated like a baby, seeing as though he was the youngest, but sometimes it was annoying.

  Cersei had Annalys drinking wine at every dinner by the time she was eleven, but Tommen was twelve and Cersei was still refusing to let him, "Come on," She encouraged him quietly, knowing that Cersei was too busy conversing with Tywin while also glaring at Margaery to pay attention to what Annalys was doing with Tommen, "She's not looking. Have a sip."

Annalys was convincing Tommen to drink on purpose. Since he never drank, she knew he'd be able to get drunk off of one cup if he consumed it quick enough. She wanted him drunk. She didn't want him to be sober during Joffrey's death. She refused to let her little brother see Joffrey die in such a horrific way. It wasn't right. He was but a child.

    Annalys knew if she herself had been saved from witnessing such horrific scenes growing up, she wouldn't be in the position she was in now. She refused to let the same happen to Tommen. Out of all her siblings, Annalys felt as though Tommen was her favorite, but Myrcella was the one she was most protective of.

Annalys continued to lightly wave the goblet around until Tommen finally grabbed it from her. He continued to drink and before he could pull it away, Annalys gripped onto it and tilted it upwards, causing him to be forced to practically chug it.

Once it was empty, Annalys pulled the goblet away and Tommen began to cough loudly. Annalys couldn't help but laugh in amusement at how much of a lightweight Tommen was. She had seen Northmen chug down entire bottles of liquor far stronger than wine during the war.

The sound of Annalys laughing hysterically and Tommen coughing severely led to Cersei turning to look at them in concern. She became unamused when she fought Tommen coughing and laughing at the same time with wine spilling down his chin and neck. She turned toward Annalys, who was laughing as well.

"Annalys, this isn't funny," Cersei scolded her eldest daughter as she picked up a napkin and quickly cleaned Tommen up, "You're making a scene."

"My apologies, Mother. I seems I've gotten carried away," Annalys apologized to her mother, but Cersei knew for a fact that she was being sarcastic. She looked over at Annalys, giving her a warning look, "What? I was being truthful."

Before Cersei could scold Annalys again, the mother-daughter duo's attention went elsewhere when Joffrey threw coins at the musicians to tell them to shut up, causing her to roll her eyes.

After Margaery whispered something to him, Joffrey stood up, clanking his goblet for attention, "Everyone. The queen would like to say a few words." He announced loudly and the crowd applauded as Joffrey sat and Margaery stood up.

"We are so fortunate to enjoy this marvelous food and drink. Not all among us are so lucky," She explained to the crowd, a large smile on her face, "To thank the gods for bringing the recent war to a just end, King Joffrey has decreed that the leftovers from our feast be given to the poorest in his city."

As the crowd began to applaud, it was clear to Annalys that Joffrey adored all the attention he was getting from Margaery's act of kindness. It was the only reason he did it.

Growing tired of celebration and of watching Joffrey be happy with his new wife, Annalys stood up, taking her glass of wine with her. She walked away, only to bump into someone, "Oh!" Annalys gasped, giving the man to apologetic look, "My apologies."

The man had dark brown hair and eyes to match it. He looked to be Dornish, which gave Annalys the inkling that he was Prince Oberyn, just the man she was hoping to see, "It is quite alright, Your Grace." The man said, causing Annalys' eyes to widen in alarm. Did he know?

"Forgive me, but I'm no longer a queen..." She trailed off and despite Robb being alive, it was still the truth, "What is your name?"

"Prince Oberyn Martell." He introduced himself, bowing in front of her to show respect.

"Annalys Stark," She introduced herself to the man before she began to speak to him in a hushed tone, "But my family is forcing me to go by Baratheon once more."

"I am sorry for your loss, Annalys," He told her sympathetically and Annalys knew by the look on his face he was truly being genuine, which came as a shock to her, "No one else may believe it, but I know you weren't going behind your husband's back as they claim you were. It's clear you loved him deeply and I've only known you for such a short time."

"I do," Annalys admitted, only to realize her mistake, "I did," She corrected herself, her voice just above a whisper as she looked down at the ground. She really needed to watch what she said lately.

Jaime, who saw Annalys speaking with Oberyn alone, couldn't help but feel as though something was wrong, even though there wasn't, "Annalys." He called out as he walked over to her, causing both Oberyn and Annalys to turn their heads, "May we speak?" He paused, glancing over at Oberyn briefly, "Alone."

Annalys nodded her head before turning to Oberyn, "Forgive me. I must be excused." She told him politely, "We'll finish this conversation later?"

Oberyn nodded his head in response. He bowed his head before leaving the father-daughter duo. Annalys sighed, turning to face Jaime, "What is it?" She asked him, annoyance laced in her tone.

"You can't trust that man. Whatever he said to you, don't believe it," Jaime warned his daughter in a hushed tone, "He hates all Lannisters and yearns for revenge after his sister's death."

"Whatever you say, Jaime," Annalys sarcastically responded, not quite listening to her father. She felt as though he had been constantly up her ass since the moment he found out she was pregnant.

Jaime opened his mouth to speak, only to be cut off by Annalys walking away. She couldn't talk with him anymore, not when Joffrey was going to be dying at any moment.

   Later on, Annalys sat with Sansa and Tyrion, laughing happily as she conversed with the group. Just then, a small gasp escaped Annalys' parted lips as she felt red liquid spill into her blonde hair. It trickled down her face, into her dress and down the valley between her breasts, causing her to scoff as she slowly opened her eyes.

Annalys wiped her eyes, only to look up to see Joffrey standing behind her. The guests fell silent and Margaery hesitantly watched her husband from her seat while Tyrion, Cersei, and Sansa tensed up, not knowing if Annalys would be able to contain her anger.

"A fine vintage, brother," Annalys sarcastically spoke up, tilting her head to look over at her younger brother as decided to not unleash her anger on him just yet, "It's a crying shame that it's been spilled." She remarked, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

"It did not spill, sister," Joffrey responded and Annalys instinctively rolled her eyes, "I simply put it where it truly belonged. With a whore who claims herself to be the Queen in the North."

"Whatever you say, Joffrey," Annalys responded calmly and the entire group was surprised at how content she was, despite Joffrey publicly humiliating her.

"It's 'Your Grace', sister. I am your king and we are not familiars, meaning you do not have the right to call me that," Joffrey snapped at her, growing angry with Annalys, despite the fact she barely said anything.

Seeing where the whole scene was going, Margaery was quick to speak up, placing a fake smile on her face, "My love, come back to me," She spoke up happily, "It's time for my father's toast."

"Well, how does he expect me to toast without wine?" He complained with an attitude, turning to Tyrion instead of Annalys, "Uncle, you can be my cupbearer."

"Your Grace does me a great honor," Tyrion responded, exchanging a worried look with Annalys.

"It's not meant as an honor." Joffrey snapped at him and Tyrion stood up, walking over to his nephew, who purposely dropped his goblet. As Tyrion tried to pick it up, he kicked it away, "Bring me my goblet."

Annalys remained silent as Tyrion knelt down to get the goblet. Annalys watched Joffrey closely as Sansa picked the goblet up and handed to Tyrion, who brought it over to Joffrey. She began to smirk, knowing what was yet to occur, "What good is an empty cup?" Joffrey complained in an annoyed tone, "Fill it."

Tyrion sighed, pouring a cup of wine for Joffrey in front of Cersei before handing it to his king, "Kneel. Kneel before your king," Joffrey demanded, but Tyrion did not obey, "Kneel. I said..." He trailed off, anger clearly consuming him, "kneel!"

Margaery, who found something that could be used to distract Joffrey, quickly stood up, "Look, the pie!" She announced to the crowd, who applauded and everyone's attention immediately turned to the giant pie that was carried in by four men.

"My queen," Joffrey told his wife with a smile as he strode forward and slashed the pie with his sword. To his surprise, doves flew out from the pie, causing him to look at it triumphantly.

"Wonderful! Wonderful," Margaery happily smiled, clapping his hand, "My hero."

As the pie began to be served to guests, Sansa turned to Annalys and Tyrion, who had finally arrived back to them, "Can we leave now?" She asked and Annalys couldn't help but sigh.

"I must agree," She admitted quietly, about to stand up.

"Let's find out," Tyrion responded, the three of them about to leave.

Margaery fed a forkful of pie to Joffrey, who moved away from her when he saw they were about to leave, "Uncle," He called out, turning to face his uncle, who stood with Annalys and Sansa, "Where are you going? You're my cupbearer, remember?"

"Annalys thought she might change out of her wet clothes, Your Grace. Surely she cannot walk back alone. It's dangerous." Tyrion explained in a calm tone, but it was clear to the group that Joffrey wasn't going to let that happen.

"No, no, no. No, she's perfect the way she is. Being soaked in wine is more than she deserves," Joffrey explained, earning a glare from his elder sister, "Serve me my wine," He paused, watching as Tyrion turned to Annalys and Sansa, "Well, hurry up. This pie is dry."

Tyrion, who was fuming with anger, picked up the goblet and walked over to Joffrey with it. Joffrey handed his plate to Margaery before he grabbed the goblet from Tyrion, "Mm, good. Needs washing down." He hummed in response.

"If it pleases Your Grace, Lady Sansa is very tired," He paused, turning to look at Annalys, "As is Princess Annalys."

"No," Joffrey told Tyrion, only to be cut off by a cough, "No, you'll wait here...." He trailed off, grabbing his own throat as he began to cough.

"Your Grace?" Tyrion spoke up, wondering what the hell was happening.

Annalys watched Joffrey, the faintest of smirks on her face as he choked. It was happening. After nineteen years, it was finally happening. She would be rid of her brother once and for all. She felt as though she had never been happier in her life.

"It's nothing." Joffrey snapped at Tyrion, only to begin choking once more after taking a sip of his wine.

"He's choking!" Margaery cried out, worried for her husband.

Annalys turned toward Brienne of Tarth, nodding her head in confirmation. She immediately moved toward Sansa, grabbing her by the arm before fleeing the scene with her while Annalys acted as if she hadn't seen it, despite sitting right next to Sansa.

"Help the poor boy!" Olenna shouted and Annalys quickly stood up, moving closer to the scene.

Annalys smirked slightly as Joffrey turned toward the crowd, choking and staggering as he had trouble breathing, "Idiots, help your king--" Olenna continued and Annalys turned to her, looking almost impressed at the fact that Olenna was playing innocent when Annalys damn well knew she wasn't.

"Move away!" Jaime shouted, pushing through the crowd before he ran over to Joffrey as the young king began to vomit, "Joffrey! Joffrey!"

Seeing her son's state, Cersei rushed over to his aid, a distraught look on her face, "Help him! Someone help him!" She screamed hysterically, pushing Margaery out of the way to get to Joffrey.

Joffrey laid face first on the ground, continuing to choke as Jaime tried to help him. Cersei dropped to her knees next to her son, taking him in her arms, "Joffrey! Joffrey! Joffrey!" She called out worriedly.

For a split second, Annalys found herself feeling bad for her mother. She was losing her firstborn son in the worst way possible and it was all Annalys' fault. Annalys didn't know what it was like to lose a child. If she did, she would have never even thought about putting her mother in so much pain.

Annalys snapped herself out of her thoughts, forcing herself to no longer feel guilty. The worst part about her guilt was that she didn't felt guilty for killing her own brother, she felt guilty for the fact that she was putting her mother in so much pain.

Tyrion and Margaery watched in shock, clearly not expecting that to happen. As Cersei and Jaime continued to try and help Joffrey, Annalys slowly turned to face Tommen fully. He watched the scene in horror, not quite knowing what was going on since Annalys had purposely gotten him drunk.

The sounds of Joffrey choking was music to Annalys' ears. She grabbed Tommen by his arm, pulling him into a tight embrace as she forced him to no longer watch his elder brother die a slow and painful death, "Don't look," She demanded, blocking Tommen's view of Joffrey, "Don't look, Tommen. You don't want to see it. It'll be all you think about for the rest of your life. You don't want that."

Tommen quietly cried as he buried his face into Annalys' chest. She continued to hold him in her arms, rubbing his back in comfort as he sobbed. Joffrey had always treated Tommen horribly, but of course, Tommen was going to cry at Joffrey dying. He had never seen someone killed before, let alone his own brother.

Annalys smirked slightly, turning her head to look eyes with Olenna, who gave her a small nod. The first step of Annalys' plan was done. She had made an alliance with the Reach. Now, it was time to do the same with Dorne. All she had to do was kill the Mountain.

Annalys watched as Joffrey's face began to turn purple, his eyes glazed, and vomit lining his cheeks, just as the person who sold her the poison told her would happen. He began to spasm and Cersei continued to hold him in her arms, looking beyond distraught, "Joffrey. Please, Joffrey. Joffrey, what is it? Help him!"

Soon enough, blood began to spill from his nose and he convulsed painfully. Cersei cried as she watched him while Annalys casually drank her wine, continuing to hug her youngest brother.

Annalys looked toward Tywin, who stood in front of Joffrey's dying body, looking down at him. He didn't seem all that distraught. He actually looked calm about it. Perhaps he believed the same thing that Annalys did. The Seven Kingdoms were better off without Joffrey Baratheon as their king.

Joffrey reached a hand out toward Tyrion, who was in the middle of picking up the goblet laid out on the ground before him. Joffrey gaped a final time as blood continued to stream from his nose, his face a horrid shade of purple.

   As he took his last breath, Annalys shut her eyes, tears beginning to stream down her face. Not because she was sad, but because she was filled with joy.

"He's gone. Our king is gone." She heard a man say, causing Annalys to open her eyes to see Joffrey now dead, Cersei glaring hatefully at Tyrion.

"He did this. He poisoned my son, your king," Cersei growled at Tyrion, her tone venomous as she glanced around at the crowd, "Take him. Take him! Take him! Take him!"

Annalys watched in horror and shock as two guards took Tyrion away, nothing for her to do other than watch. She hadn't thought that Tyrion would have been the one blamed. That wasn't her intention. She had hoped for someone else, anyone else. But of course, Annalys wasn't that lucky.

After a moment, Annalys finally let go of the crying Tommen, squeezing his shoulders in comfort before she walked away from him.

   She walked over to where her mother held Joffrey's dead body in her arms. Once stopping in front of them, she looked down at Joffrey.

  Despite how horribly he died, Annalys was beyond filled with joy at the sight. She looked down at Joffrey's body, everyone watching her closely to see what she would say, "It would seem little Tommen is our new king," She spoke up in a calm tone, causing Cersei to give her a horrified look at how calm she was.

Of course, Cersei knew sooner or later, either Joffrey or Annalys would die. She had been hoping it would be Joffrey, but she never for a second did she want him to die in such a way.

Annalys had picked that poison on purpose. She wanted him to suffer in his last moments and that is exactly what happened.

Jaime watched Annalys closely as she turned on her heel, casually walking back over to Tommen after getting a good look at Joffrey. He knew something wasn't right.

  Of course, no one expected her to be saddened by Joffrey's death, but there was something off about what she said that concerned Jaime.

When she said Tommen would be king, it was like she knew it was going happen before Joffrey died. He began to wonder if Annalys was the one behind Joffrey's death. But if she was, why would she allow Tyrion to be blamed?

"Where is his wife? Where's Sansa?" Cersei asked furiously, causing Annalys to quickly turn to see Sansa had gotten out in time.

"Find her. Bar the gates of the city. Seize every ship in the harbor," Tywin told the men of the Kingsguard in a stern tone.

"Where is she?!" Cersei roared, glancing around furiously.

"No one leaves the capital! No one!" Tywin shouted out, causing Annalys to smirk slightly. Everything was all going according to plan. She wondered what Robb was doing in Riverrun at that moment.

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