𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖞 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕳𝖊𝖗 𝕭...

By RazaMontera

31.4K 1.5K 231

The chains clanked amongst one another, giving out a final "clink" when tightened still. Some were left loose... More

.Something Undiscovered.
.The 18th Letter.
.Everyone Changed, Except One.
.I Mean, It's Not Her Fault.
.Lil' Gideon.
.Back To Old Ways.
.The Spirit.
.Same Old Grunckles.
.No Man Left Behind.
.Unwanted Visitor.🎃
.Room For One, Now For Two.🎃
.Spice It Up.🎃
.Parties And Secrets.🎃
.An Old "Friend".
.His Return.
.Breaks n' Research.
.Greetings And Meetings.
.On Instinct.
.Something Discovered.

.Healing And Apologizes.

923 51 8
By RazaMontera



The soft drums of her heartbeat kept her going strong, sighing out of relief as I stroked the loose strand off her face. Little by little, I felt her cuddle further into me, head tucked in my lap while her arm snaked to my sides. Adorable, I thought, the cold breeze felt numb as I had gotten flustered. Why would I...

"Yo Pacifica we're here." The other twin spoke, reaching in his pocket and fumbling out keys. I got on my feet and raised her up, not caring about the dirt that made its way into my acrylics.

Holding her bridal-style as I caught up with Dipper as he unlatched the door, instructing me to set her on the couch. He ran off to another room in the dim shack, leaving me to make a comfortable place for her on the sofa.

"Excuse me, coming through." Holding a syringe with a purple remedy, that glowed a small area of his hand. Plunging the vile it into her bare arm, before stepping back and watching noiselessly.

"W-here a-am I?" She stirred up, looking at the familiar surroundings, he placed a hand on her head then gestured towards the switch. Light swallowed the deafening darkness, Mabel's eyes snapping shut and carefully squinting them open again. We didn't say anything, but I was the first to speak, breaking the silence.

"Oh my god, Mabel are you ok?? Who did this to you?" I spoke rapidly, holding her blood-stained cheek and moving her head around to find anything else wrong.

" 'Mm fine P-Paz, nobody c..could take me d-down." Giving me her goofy smile, I rolled my eyes, yup nobody couldn't take down her spirits. Dipper hasn't said anything in a minute, he watched over us with a thought filled expression.

"Get Mabel healed up, the med kit should be in the upstairs bathroom." With that, he walked to the door, angrily snatching the keys off the counter.

"Dipper, where are y-you going now?" Mabel stood up on her legs, wobbling a bit before she fell forward. He caught her quickly, guiding her in my arms.

"Don't worry, I'll be back. In the meantime, Pacifica will take care of you while I'm gone, right?"

"Of course." Looking over at Mabel, she gave her small smile, speeding the pace of my heart beating. We made our way to the house part of the shack, the faded sound of the cart speeding away. Leading me to the staircase where we could start off with our first obstacle.

"I g-got this Paz, watch." She patted my shoulder, pulling herself together and pretty much crawling up the stairs. I trailed behind, carefully watching Incase she slipped, but luckily she didn't.

Instead, not even halfway up, she began to breathe heavily almost coming out like panting. I pondered, hesitantly biting my bottom lip and assisting Mabel on the rest of the walk to the First Aid Kit.

"OW! You sure there isn't another way?" She grumbled, formulating in her throat, yanking her arm towards herself.

"What did you expect from an open wound? You should be lucky that your hoodie kept you from bleeding." Silence fell over us, more of a calm comfortable one, Mabel swinging her legs as she sat on the counter.

But she's been relatively quiet since we got in, I look up at her occasionally. Her expressions seemed new, in my opinion. For starters, she grumbled a lot more, but it didn't sound like one. It sounded raspy, almost hoarse, and also her teeth looked like they were stained red.

She's bloody all over. I thought, glancing at her to notice her looking at the mirror, well at least that's what I thought. Mabel put her nose closer to the mirror, then her nose gradually wiggled softly. I continued with her other knee, maybe there's a reason behind it.

I can't handle the smell, I'm not referring to the blood but it's something else, I just need to find it. While Pacifica was busy attending my cuts, I began searching from wherever the scent came from. It didn't smell bad, it was opposite, it was intoxicating and I loved the whiff of it.

Grabbing different objects within my reach and staying still as possible. So I don't mess up Pacifica, the mirror, holding it a few feet away from me, nothing-Ooo what about the shampoos.

Opening the cabinets were spare soap bottles laid out for me, popping it open and taking in the aroma, but it wasn't the source. I groaned internally, it's none of them. What if I track it down! Dogs do that all the time.

I put this idea into action, titling my head upon the ceiling and sniffing. It became stronger, it flooded my senses and it was the only thing I could smell in the room. My eyes burned once more in the same day, teeth aching from its growth into sharp canines.

Her. It's coming from Pacifica, leaning to the edge of the sink, catching the watering fragrance. Sweet, maybe a bit of her body wash. My mouth suddenly became watery, mouth watering at the scent released from Pacifica.

What's wrong with me? Ugh.. control yourself Mabel you're not some animal. I snapped my eyes shut, I don't know what was coming over me but I have to stop it before Pacifica se-

"You alright up there, you've been oddly quiet." She stopped moving her hands and rose up, the counter kept me taller than her. Shuffling closer as she brought her hand up to my cheek, I whimpered silently at the touch. But I eased in it, rubbing my cheek into her palm, almost instinctively letting out a comfortable groan.

"'Mm fine, just tired." My cheek became numb due to the coldness of her hand.

"Well you're good to go, just make sure you keep them clean." She gathered the items in her arms and placed them back where they belong.

"Is that all doctor, I'm pretty sure I deserve something sweet."

"Oh really, and what would that be?" Raising one brow in a questioning expression

"A lollipop, maybe even a sticker?" I jumped off the counter, standing directly in front of her. "C'mon I'll walk you home."

"Thanks for walking me back, even though I told you'd limped most of the way." Covering my mouth as I snickered, hiding the goofy grin.

"All in a d-days work." She stuttered, maybe bringing herself away from earlier thoughts. I turned to look at her, catching her in the middle of yawning. Taking the shape of an 'O' before expanding gradually, I guess all the walking she had to do made the energetic Mabel tired.

But I noticed something else, is that what I think it is or am I seeing things? Peering forward before she closes her jaw, her front teeth looked bigger, like a lot more pointed. Do braces do that to people's teeth?

"Hey, you just gonna leave me hanging like that?" Jumping a bit from the fright she had given me, her outstretched hand waiting patiently. Leaving me blushing, I mindlessly walked over and gave her a hug, muttering a soft goodbye before heading into the gate.

I peered over my shoulder, Mabel's figure had left, only leaving the trailing sounds of her footsteps and humming. I chuckled, goodnight Mabel, and get home safely.

Published On : 7/7/19

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