By ahgase_4_life

31.5K 1.5K 589

Jackson and Jinyoung are both juniors in high school. They've been best friends their whole lives, but what h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Not An Update
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 9

899 49 18
By ahgase_4_life

"Tell me why I agreed to this," Youngjae groaned. He picked something out of one of Jackson's boxes. He held it away from him and with only two fingers as he inspected the object. "Please tell me these are clean," he said and tossed the pair of underwear at Jackson. 

"Of course they are. And there's no way you're getting out of this. None of you are," Jackson said, turning to the rest of them. 

"Couldn't you have just hired people to help you move in?" Yugyeom complained. 

"No. You guys are willing participants and cost nothing." He smiled sweetly. 

"Umm excuse me, I am very expensive," BamBam retorted, crossing his arms. 

"We know you are," Yugyeom reassured. BamBam pouted. 

"Anyway, it shouldn't be too hard," Jackson said. "I don't have that much stuff. Probably only a couple hours. And then we can all get drinks. On me." 

"Now you're speaking my language," Youngjae grinned. "Let's get this shit over with." The group started unloading everything and taking most of it to Jinyoung's extra room, which was now Jackson's bedroom. 

Mark was struggling with an extra heavy box. "Here, let me help," Jinyoung smiled kindly and grabbed one of the ends of the box. Mark returned the smile and took the other end. They started to make their way over to the elevator. 

"Who pissed you off?" Jaebum said, leaning against a box next to Jackson. Jackson quickly snapped out of it and uncrossed his arms. 

"Nothing, I was just thinking." Jackson was very bad at lying. 

"Dude, you're still glaring. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, okay? Now help me with this box." Jaebum sighed, but did as he was told. 

After about an hour, the group decided to take a break and get something to drink. Jackson, Jinyoung, and Yugyeom had soda, while the rest opted for water. They were all hanging out in Jinyoung's kitchen sipping on their drinks, resting before they had to work again. 

"This is gonna take a lot longer than a couple hours," BamBam said. He glared at Jackson. 

"Well sorry my prediction was wrong." 

BamBam just rolled his eyes. "Jinyoung, get me more water. Pleeeeaase," Mark pouted when Jinyoung gave him a look that said he was not going to do that. 

"Get it yourself, you brat." Jinyoung laughed at his friend. 

"Pleeeeaassseeee???" Mark draped his arms around Jinyoung and hung off of him. When Jinyoung didn't budge, Mark kissed his cheek and continued his act. Various gags could be heard around the kitchen at that. 

Jinyoung scoffed and threw Mark's arms off of him before marching off to get him some more water. He couldn't stop the small smile that crept onto his face as he did it, though. Mark grinned in victory.

Jackson pretended to not have witnessed the whole thing and continued playing on his phone. 

Soon, their break was over and the group continued to unpack. Jinyoung and Mark flirted throughout the whole thing, not realizing that everyone else noticed how they were acting. Especially Jackson, although he pretended not to. 

Once they were done, Jinyoung walked up to Jackson. "You don't know how happy I am we are living together!!" 

Jackson returned the sentiment. "I am so excited. We can do everything together!" He smiled widely. 

"Yeah! And I invited Mark over tomorrow to play some video games with us. It's gonna be fun." 

Jackson's smile faltered slightly. Don't get him wrong, he loved hanging out with both of them and he was looking forward to it. But he wasn't looking forward to third-wheeling. He felt as if Mark was slowly replacing him as Jinyoung's best friend. Or something more. 

Luckily, Jinyoung didn't notice his change in expression. 

"Okay, I promised drinks," Jackson announced. "So let's go." They all piled into various cars and headed to that one club who's owner was friends with BamBam. 

This time, they went to a different room that was a little less wild. It was meant for friends to just relax, instead of just partying all night and getting wasted. Luckily, there weren't many other people in the room when they got there. 

The seven ordered a few drinks (which Jackson paid for) and started having a little fun. Yugyeom and BamBam went to the foosball table, and the rest of them decided to play some pool. 

"Ya'll are going down. I'm a god at this game," Jackson said proudly. 

"He's right," Jinyoung agreed. He beat him almost every time they had played together. 

"I'll be on Jackson's team then," Youngjae said, running to his teammate's side. 

"I'll sit this one out," Jaebum said, plopping down on the couch next to the table. "Win it for me, babe." Youngjae smiled and winked at him. This meant Mark and Jinyoung were on the other team. 

They set the game up and started playing. Markjin was stripes and Jackjae was solids. Both teams started off pretty good, but soon it became clear who was going to win. Jackson was just too good. He never missed, and hardly gave the opposing team a chance to shoot.

Right when they were about to lose, Jinyoung got three of their balls in. Although this didn't catch them up, it helped a little bit, as well as being one of the only good things that has happened for them the whole game. Because of this fact, they were really excited, and Mark ran to envelope Jinyoung into a hug as they both jumped up and down. 

"It's not worth getting that excited for," Youngjae laughed at his friends. "It's just a game." Jackson said nothing as the opposing team continued to celebrate, being all touchy. They were still celebrating when Jackson lined up his next shot. 

"Shit," Jackson murmured as he not only ended his streak of getting at least one ball in, but missed the ball completely with the stick. Guess he was distracted. 

Despite this and Mark and Jinyoung's obvious excitement, Youngjae and Jackson still won. They only highfived and made the other two pay for the next round of drinks. Jaebum ran up to his boyfriend and picked him up from behind. Youngjae yelped. "I knew you would win," JB grinned. 

"Only for you," he responded and pecked the other's lips. The other three looked away feigning disgust. 

The group decided to go find Yugyeom and BamBam as they were no longer at the foosball table. They found Yugyeom first, alone and in a corner by himself. He had a pout on his face and crossed arms, looking upset.

"What's got your panties in a bind?" Jinyoung joked.  

"Find out for yourself," Yugyeom responded, jerking his chin to the area across the room. There stood BamBam, with a college aged person across from him. Or rather, attached to him, by the lips. Yugyeom glared. 

"He's allowed to do that you know," JB said. "You don't own him. Nor have you expressed any romantic feelings towards him. So you don't get to be mad." Yugyeom opened his mouth to argue, but Jinyoung beat him to it. 

"If you don't want him being with other people, then make a move. Ask him out. We all know you like him." 

"No, I don't. I- I just- its complicated."

"So you don't like him?" Jackson asked. Yugyeom nodded. 

"Then why are you jealous? Or angry, or whatever you are."

"I- I DON'T KNOW, OKAY??" Yugyeom huffed. "He's my best friend. I just don't want to see him get hurt." 

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" BamBam asked. Looks like he was done with his boy toy. "Yugyeom, you look upset." 

"It's nothing, really," Yugyeom assured.

"You sure about that?"

"Well maybe you would know if you weren't too busy macking on a 21 year old. That's illegal, you know-"

"OK, WE'RE DONE HERE," Mark interrupted. "Let's go home."

"But it's only eleven?" BamBam protested. 

"Whatever. You all can stay at my place." Now they were all curious, none of them had been to Mark's before. So they all agreed.

They were all pretty sober, maybe slightly over the legal BAC, but they still chose to drive themselves. They made a few stops at their respective houses to get their things before arriving at Mark's. 

When Jinyoung walked in, he was slightly shocked. Mark's house was incredibly nice. Then he remembered him saying something about his parents being rich. 

"Don't worry, we won't be bothered," Mark said. "My dad's probably at the bar, like always, and my mom is likely already asleep. She can sleep through a tornado."

Jinyoung looked around, trying to take in his surroundings. This place was huge. His and Jackson's whole apartment could fit into just the living room twice. 

"Ok, Yugyeom you take a shower first," Mark told him. "Because- just because." He smiled sweetly. 

"Do I really smell that bad?" He pouted. BamBam vigorously nodded his head. "Well fine then." He stormed off to where he assumed Mark's bedroom was, and then quickly turned around when he was proved wrong. Mark hid his laugh behind his hand. 

"The rest of you can help me set up the sleeping arrangements. Two of you can have the guest bedroom, someone can sleep on my bed with me, and the rest of you can sleep on my floor."

"Why not the couch?" Jinyoung asked. It would be easier and more comfortable. 

"Because you don't want to be the first living form my father sees when he gets home." Mark's eyes got a distant look, as if he was reliving something. The others decided not to question him. 

"Me and Bummie will take the guest bedroom," Youngjae piped up excitedly. 

"Fine, but no sex. Please." Mark gave them a stern look. They just giggled.

"Who wants to be with me?" Mark asked. 

Jinyoung shrugged, as if it didn't matter to him. "I guess I'll do it." He was more than a little happy with the situation, though. 

"That leaves you three to the floor," Mark gestured toward Jackson, Yugyeom, and BamBam. "Here, let me get you some blankets and pillows."

He led them to a closet where they picked out the said things, and then set them up in Mark's room. They put on the TV while they waited for Yugyeom, and then they each took turns in the shower. 

Once they had all had their turn, Jaebum and Youngjae headed to the guest bedroom and the rest of them settled themselves into their spots. Jinyoung climbed into bed to the right of Mark, and then Mark turned off the light. 

Quickly the room was filled with slow and steady breathing. Jinyoung flipped over to face Mark to find him awake as well. The two stared at each other for a while, neither making an attempt to say something or fall asleep. 

Mark is so beautiful, Jinyoung thought. His eyes shone even in the darkness and he had a slight smile on his face. Jinyoung figured he should do something, so he scooted closer to Mark. Their bodies were touching, but he didn't put his arm around him. 

"You're so pretty," Mark laughed silently. He licked his lips to moisten them. 

"You are too, don't worry," Jinyoung whispered. The pair didn't want to wake anybody. "You want to know something?" he asked. 


"I'm kinda sad our project is over. Now I don't have an excuse for you to be at my apartment all  the time." Jinyoung smiled flirtatiously. 

"You don't need an excuse," Mark answered. "I can come over whenever you like." 

"I'm glad you feel that way." 

Mark hummed in agreement. Jinyoung suddenly got a bout of nerves as he thought about what he should say next. Youngjae's words rang in his head. He should probably ask him out, shouldn't he. 

"So..." Jinyoung said. "I was thinking. Do you maybe want to go on a date with me? It doesn't have to be a date if you don't want to, we could just hang out, and I have the perfect place in mind, unless you don't like it, but we can totally go somewhere else-" 

"Dude." Mark giggled quietly. "I was actually about to ask you the same thing." 

Jinyoung straightened. "Is that a yes?"

"Obviously, dummy." 

Jinyoung grinned and resisted the urge to squeeze the person in front of him. Instead, he tentatively put his arms around the other. Mark did the same, and the pair turned into a pile of limbs as they wrapped themselves around each other. Nothing more needed to be said. They soon drifted off in each other's arms.

Little did they know that there had been someone else awake in the room with them. Who had heard all of it. 

A/N: I have volleyball tryouts tomorrow and the next day, wish me luck. I'm lowkey nervous, but the coaches have seen me play during the summer league, so it's probably fine. and then practices start on wednesday :))

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