Leonardo |✔|

By Yummychocochick

345K 12.2K 4K

"You've watched me fall, but now you'll see me rise." The most powerful Alpha, Leonardo Ruzzox ruled over no... More

Author's Note
Teaser Trailer
Main Casts
♟ Chapter 1 ♟
♟ Chapter 2 ♟
♟ Chapter 3 ♟
♟ Chapter 4 ♟
♟ Chapter 5 ♟
♟ Chapter 6 ♟
♟ Chapter 7 ♟
♟ Chapter 8 ♟
♟ Chapter 9 ♟
♟ Chapter 10 ♟
♟ Chapter 11 ♟
♟ Chapter 12 ♟
♟ Chapter 13 ♟
♟ Chapter 15 ♟
♟ Chapter 16 ♟
♟ Chapter 17 ♟
♟ Chapter 18 ♟
♟ Chapter 19 ♟
♟ Chapter 20 ♟
♟ Chapter 21 ♟
♟ Chapter 22 ♟
♟ Chapter 23 ♟
♟ Chapter 24 ♟
♟ Chapter 25 ♟
♟ Chapter 26 ♟
♟ Chapter 27 ♟
♟ Chapter 28 ♟
♟ Chapter 29 ♟
♟Chapter 30♟
♟Chapter 31♟
♟Chapter 32♟
♟Chapter 33♟
♟Chapter 34♟
♟Chapter 35♟
♟Chapter 36♟
♟Chapter 37♟
♟Chapter 38♟
♟Chapter 39♟
♟Chapter 40♟
♟Chapter 41♟
♟Chapter 42♟
♟Chapter 43♟
♟Chapter 44♟
♟Chapter 45♟
♟Chapter 46♟
♟Chapter 47♟
♟Chapter 48♟
♟Chapter 49♟
♟Chapter 50♟
Squeal Sequel!
Author's Note

♟ Chapter 14 ♟

6.4K 245 59
By Yummychocochick


I could see nothing but black. Why were my eyes closed? When did I close my eyes? Slowly, I opened them.

"I-I th-think sh-she Ju-Ju-just g--" I rubbed my eyes to clearly see who were there. Xanthos was standing calmly, way to calmly and a man who seemed to be the nurse was trying to get up from the floor. Why was the man struggling there? I saw Xan's eyes glowing gold answering my question. He was using his magic to punish the guy but for what? 

I had to save the man.

"It's too late now," Xanthos said and flicked his hand causing the guy to wither in pain. I had to save the man but I was frozen in one place. I tried to get up but I felt heavy. I had no stability in me to drag myself up. I glanced at the man and saw he was struggling to speak. "My bad," Xanthos whispered before squatting down and continued, "Did you fucking think of her to be some lab rat?!" He shouted or more like growled and the guy began spatting blood. I hurridely reached for a glass of water which was kept at the right side of the bed I was laying as I felt my throat too horse to speak. 

"S-sir...se-sem-atriptan...mi-migraine-" The guy struggled to speak.

"But that-" Xanthos pointed at the tube which was lying down on the ground; broken into pieces. "-doesn't smell like it. You were going to test your nonsense on my human, Isn't it?" The man's face turned red by now. "Answer me!"

I gulped the glass of water before I faced Xanthos. "Xan," I said in a small voice. It was almost a whisper. He was too concentrated on the person he was harming. I plucked out all the tubes that were attached to me and got up from the bed.

I ran towards the scene though I felt light-headed.

"Xanthos leave him!" I shouted. However, he continued to be deaf. I touched his hand that was now around the man's neck. It looked as though he was ready to separate the man's head from his body.

As soon as I touched his hands, I was sent flying across the room. I hollered in pain as my back hit a steel table with a large force. I was sure new bruises are added to my back. I sat straight on the ground and tried to get up but my back exploded with pain. I whimpered, "Xanthos, leave the man." My voice shook because of fear.

His head snapped to my direction. When he saw me on the ground in pain, he left the man that he was holding and ran towards me. He whimpered when I cowered away from him.

"Bella I wasn't I-I didn't mean to hurt you." He came to me again. I tried to stand up and run away from him. However, I couldn't. I felt my back as if it was on fire. I squirmed a little to adjust my back straight.

I must use this as my chance to distance Xanthos before he comes to know my secret 

"Go-go aw-way from me. Don't come near me." I kept my hands in a defensive stance. I was shaking like a leaf trying to act afraid. He tried to come near me but I stopped him. "Don't." I looked straight in his eyes. His eyes were bloodshot. His lips were trembling. A traitor tear slipped from his eyes. Was he crying? What in the world... no I must continue putting up an act to make sure he doesn't get hurt in the future.

"I'm sorry Bella. Let me help you." His voice was shaky.

"No!" I shook my head. He took another step forward. "No! go away!" I kept my hand back at both sides of me for support. I turned my head to look at the floor behind me. There were sharp items like knives, needles and scissors. Oh, that would have scratched my back.

"Bella, I need to take you back to the bed," he said desperately. He looked at where I was staring before. His face etched with pain and another tear slipped from his now coal coloured eyes. My heart hurt at the sight of him in pain but this pain is far better than his life taken away forever because of me.

"You wouldn't take me back to the bed. Is Mason there?" He looked down at me with an angry expression. I could swear that I saw a hint of jealousy swirl in his orbs. His face held sadness before he nodded his head.

"I'm sorry, Bella." He bowed his head. I looked away 'cause if I don't, I'll run up to him for a hug. 

After some time Mason and Natasha both walked in. The doctor was nowhere to be seen.

"Bella!" Natasha exclaimed. She covered her mouth with her right hand remembering she was at the hospital. "Vlaxin asked me to carry you back to the bed. So, can I?" Mason asked. I nodded my head.

"Who is Vlaxin?"

"Xanthos... yeah--" He got cut off by Natasha.

"It's the Xanthos family doctor's name?" She asked more than answering, "Right Mason?" She laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah..." He trailed off unsure. He too laughed awkwardly. 

Mason carried me back to the bed. I was hanging from his shoulder like a dead doll. My back was clustering so badly that I wished to feel numb in this situation. He put me on my stomach on the bed. I let out a cry at the sudden movement because of the pain that exploded on my back.

"Mason idiot, be gentle at least for once," Natasha scolded Mason making me giggle.

Mason looked at me. "I was gentle while putting you down. Right?" He asked with a puppy dog face.

"You were trying to," I spoke through my pain.

"Haha! On your face, Mason."

"She told I was trying to." Natasha clicked her tongue.

"Okay, could anyone please call doctor Vlaxin?" I intruded their bicker. They looked at each other before looking back at me.

"Hmm..doctor Vlaxin just supervises the other doctors. He asked a doctor to come to bandaid you," Mason replied whilst glaring at Natasha.

The door of the hospital room opened. A woman with white hair and blue eyes walked in. She was wearing a white coat by which I guessed that she was the doctor who was going to treat me.

"Hello, my dear. Myself Dr Nicola and I'm here to treat you. So May I?" I nodded my head.

"Beta Mason and Natasha, Could you two give us a minute or two?" They nodded their heads before walking out.

"Why did you call him Beta Mason?" I asked her; confused.

"Oh... um, I simply called him. I normally call Mason to be Beta."

"Oh... weird nickname," I said scrunching my nose. She pinched my cheeks causing me to look at her with wide eyes.

"Dear, you look so adorable when you scrunched your nose." She came again to pinch my cheeks but I swatted her hands away from my cheeks and blushed. "Look at you, oh my! You're blushing. You look really adorable."

I laughed at her adoration for me. "Thank you."

"Ok, it's going to pain. Now keep your face down. I'm going to apply an ointment which will burn your wounds that's created." I nodded my head. I felt her zip down my hospital gown. She gasped. Oh, shoot! I forgot I had other bruises that were created by my oh so dear father. "My dear, I can see the scars and bruises other than the new ones. What happened? I have to inform the Alpha."

"What?!" I coughed. "No, you're not informing this to anyone. I am a very clumsy person and bruise up very easily." I turned my head towards her direction.

"But, it seems like someone has inflicted them."

"That one was when I was small, if you're gonna ask for a back story, I'm sorry it's personal." Well, I was partially telling the truth.

"Oh, hun, What was your age?"

"I was 8 or something... yea." 

"Oh dear, whoever did that to you must be a senseless animal."

"I know right, they were far worse than that." 

"Let me clean your wound now. This medicine will heal your bruises faster but still, there will be scars." I bobbed my head.

Some cold substance pressed on my back. After a few seconds, I let out a scream. It was freaking paining so much, even more than getting hurt. I bit my lip for controlling my cries. I squeezed my eyes shut.

"I'm done." I shook my head trying to express my gratitude. "My pleasure, dear." Did she understand my head shake of gratitude? Wow, she must have had treated so many patients before. I heard footsteps retreating away from my bed and then the sound of the closing of the door.

I opened my eyes as the pain subsided. I sighed, my back felt numb. I sat up slowly before reaching my hand to pull the hospital gown's zip. I struggled but I somehow zipped it.

The door swung opened revealing my dear father and my step-mom. Glaring at me, they both walked towards me but not before having a glare set on their faces.

"What's this drama? I was enjoying my day when I get a phone call about my dear daughter admitted to a hospital. Are you trying to gain attention from the students at your new school?" My father slapped me across my face. "Tell me, bitch!" He whisper-yelled

"N-no!" I shook my head petrified. 

He breathed out a sigh.

"The hospital reported me about the bruises and scars that were on your body. I had to go through so many steps to prove that you were clumsy since your childhood. The good thing was no one saw the scars on your ugly back which made it a little easier to prove you weren't in the hands of 'abuser' which I'm not. For your underweight, I have proved you were a brat--" his ramble was cut by Angelo. 

So, Xanthos did what he said he would do. In one way, I wanted him to save me but still I felt kind of happy for him that he didn't get to know 'cause which means no harm will come to him.

"Calm down." Angelo hugged my so called father. He put his head in the crook of her neck and sniffed it. Ew, the perfect mates they are just ew. He then pulled away and looked or more like glared down at me. "We don't want our Alpha to find out about it. We'll take care of her at home." He nodded his head.

"Bitch, get ready we are taking you home." When I heard the word home, I cowered back, I knew what's going to happen yet I nodded my head in agreement. They exit the room not before glaring at me one last time and closed the door.

What was I going to go through this time?

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