The Gilbert Witch 7

By salvatoreloverzz

7.7K 227 30

Emely has been in a dark place since Elena went into her slumber. She's been talking to witches to see if sh... More

Out Of The Easy/Day One Of Two Thousand
Never Let Me Go
Age Of Innocence
I Carry Your Heart With Me
Heart-Shaped Box
Live Through This
Best Served Cold
An Old Enemy
Oh My Godess Part 2
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me
Cold As Ice
Hell Is Other People
Things We Lost In The Fire
Postcards From The Edge
The Women's Work
Moonlight On The Bayou
Trying To Kill Davina
Time Jump
The Nightmare Begins
Lancelot And Guinevere
Beauty And The Beast Part One
Beauty And The Beast Part 2

Mommie Dearest

405 13 1
By salvatoreloverzz

Flash Foward, Three Years From Now-- Dallas, Texas, 2016

Damon is speeding the car on the highway with Alaric riding in the passenger seat and Emely in the back.

They're on their way to the KQBC Channel 3 news station to make sure Caroline.

Alaric looks down at his wristwatch with a panicked expression as Damon exceeds 80 miles per hour.

Twenty-three minutes. "Alaric said.

Just enough time for me to get in, take out little Miss Stabby-Pants, and grab Caroline. "Damon said.

That's it? That's your plan? Just take her out? "Alaric asked.

It's simple. It's classic. Come on! "Damon said.

Yeah. Listen. I saw the "X" carved in Stefan's chest. Pretty sure she's not playing Tic-Tac-Toe. "Alaric said.

Damon scoffs at Alaric, who gives him a serious look.

Look. This is a trap. "Alaric suad.

Look, we know it's a trap, and I'm gonna spring it so Stefan can't. "Emely told him.

What? No I'm gonna spring it. "Damon said sternly.

Sure you are. "Emely said rolling her eyes.

Yeah. Well, look-- I didn't get a babysitter on thirty seconds notice just to sit in the car. "Alaric said.

You're not gonna just sit in the car. "Emely said.

Turn, turn, turn, turn. "Alaric said quickly.

Damon sharply takes the turn Alaric has indicated, and Alaric has to hold onto the door to stay upright as they slide into the back parking lot of the news station.

Emely hit her head in the window.

Ow. "She groaned annoyed.

Sorry. "Damon muttered.

Ok, there's no way Stefan didn't see Caroline's broadcast. He'll be here in a minute. When he gets here, pump him full of vervain so he can't hero his way in there. "Emely said.

If Caroline's in danger, I'm coming with you. "Alaric told him.

She doesn't want Caroline. She wants him! If he goes in there, he's dead. "Damon said annoyed.

Alaric sighs in defeat as Damon quickly gets out of his Camaro.

Emely follows him.

He turns to see her.

You are not going. One of us has to stay for shawn and autumn. "He told her.

Great. Why dont you be that one. They hate me enough. "Emely said.

She patted him and tried walking forward.

But he grabbed her arm.

They dont hate you. "He said softly.

Emely sighed.

I never gave them your letters. "Damon blurted.

Emely looked at him shocked and hurt.

Then she gasped in pain.

Alaric was behind her and injected her with vervain and witch hazel.

Damon couldnt look into her hurt eyes anymore.

He nodded at Alaric and walked in the station.

Alaric picked up Emely and carried her in the car.


Lockwood Mansion

Me and Damon walk in confused looking at Stefan grabbing some glasses.

Is that cornbread I smell? "Damon asked.

We're hosting Thanksgiving! "Stefan said smiling.

Thanksgiving's tomorrow. "I told stefan suspiciously.

He shrugs.

Well, pre-Thanksgiving. Whatever. "He said.

Whatever happened to taking out Julian? Remember him? Killed what would have been your firstborn? You know, I cleared out my entire schedule so we could make that guy count worms... Unless you're too busy baking. "Damon said.

So Stefan got Valerie pregnant and Julian killed the baby so they could move on.

I literally thought I've met monsters in my life but julian is worse.

Stefan sighs.

Julian knows that I want him dead, so our next move needs to be smart. We're probably only gonna have one more shot at this. "He said.

Damon frowns.

Not quite following the whole Martha Stewart strategy, to be honest... "Damon told him.

I am planning on recruiting an ally. "Stefan said.

I looked at him confused.

The doorbell rings.

I walk out into the foyer with Damon behind me.

I open the door.

And I scowl at Lily she's standing on the doorstep with a large Tupperware container in her hands.

She looks at me shocked.

How are you.... "She tried stuttering.

None of your business. "I stated glaring at her.

She gulped nervously.

I brought cranberries! "She said awkwardly.

Damon pulls me back so Lily can walk through the foyer into the kitchen.

Damon looks at me confused.

Stefan is dead. "I told him annoyed.

He sighed.

Stefan walks in behind us and smiles smugly.

5 Minutes Later

Lily is sitting in an armchair in front of the coffee table.

While Me, Stefan, and Damon sit across from her on the leather couch.

I invited you over here because we can't keep doing this. I mean, I... I want us all to start over. "Stefan started.

Lily smiles.

Well, uh, if the Pilgrims and Indians could do it, I'm sure there's hope for us. "She said.

We call them Native Americans now, but we didn't bring you here to correct your outdated racial slurs. "Damon said sarcastically.

Damon gives Stefan a pointed look.

Did we, Stefan? "Damon asked.

Lily looks at me.

I hope we can put everything behind us. "She told me.

Your the reason my sister is wasting half her life in a box. So I really hope your joking. "I said glaring at her.

I felt my anger boiling.

My hair was changing its shades.

Damon grabbed my hand and squeezed it softly.

I calmed a bit.

Lily looked at me nervously.

I want to convince you of all the reasons that you need to help us get rid of Julian. "Stefan said to lily.

Me and Damon look at stefan surprised.

Lily looks confused, and chuckles nervously.

I'm sorry. Is this some kind of set-up? "She asked.

Just hear me out for a second. In 1863... I got Valerie pregnant. "Stefan said.

Lily's eyes widen in shock.

She kept it a secret from me, from you, from everyone. And Julian found out about it somehow, and he felt threatened by it. He beat her until the baby was no longer alive. "Stefan told her.

Lily blinks in confusion and frowns as she processes the information.

Her child-- your grandchild-- was murderedby Julian. She swore me to secrecy, but the truth is too important. You need to know what kind of man he is. "Stefan said

Me and Damon shift uncomfortably.

What I think Stefan's trying to say is... you have really crappy taste. "Damon said.

My son... Valerie lied to me for over a century about you. Then she tried to kill a member of my family in cold blood and tried to incinerate the love of my life. Do yourself a favor. Don't lose any more sleep over the words that come out of that poor girl's mouth. "Lily said quietly.

Stefan looks disappointed but not surprised by his mother's reaction, and nods awkwardly.

Wow. I guess the joke's on me then, right? I mean, I was the idiot who believed her. "He told her.

Stefan picks up the alcohol.

And pours us all a drink.

Me and Damon look at Stefan.

I did, too... about many things. But I will not make that same mistake again. "Lily said.

Here's to moving on then, right? "Stefan asked.

Stefan stands to his feet, and Lily eagerly does as well.

Me and Damon roll our eyes before standing and joining them with a glass in our hand.

To moving on. "Lily said smiling.

She's the first to drink.

She swallows the entire glass.

Ugh! "She groaned in pain.

She collapses on the floor.

I look at Stefan shocked.

Concentrated vervain. "He said.

Wow! Did I ever mention I like your style? "Damon said impressed.

I had a feeling we were gonna have to do this the hard way... "Stefan said.

Damon looks down at Lily's unconscious body gleefully.

I smiled.

Best... Thanksgiving... ever! "I said happily.

1 Hour Later

Lily wakes up.

Stefan is wearing protective gloves, and ties her to a wooden chair with thick ropes that have also been soaked in vervain.

She groans in pain as Stefan walks around her to talk face-to-face.

What are you doing? "She asked us.

Julian's practically brainwashed you, like Giuseppe did way-back when. "Stefan said.

Lily looks at him confused and in pain.

What does Gius... Giuseppe have to do with this? "She asked.

I'm eating my mashed potatoes and ham.

Then Damon walks into the room with a plateful of Thanksgiving food and sits down on the couch near me.

Well, you didn't think Dad was a monster at first. But, somewhere along the way, this little warning-light started blinking "Psycho! Psycho!" You just need that little light to blink again. "Damon said.

Damon digs into his food.

Lily still looks confused and foggy from the vervain as she tries to process what they're saying.

What are you talking about? "Lily asked.

What your son's are trying to say is that it's a pattern, Lily! You can't see it with Julian, just like you couldn't see it with Giuseppe. "I told her annoyed.

She scowls at me.

Stefan turns to damon.

Hey, do you remember that fun-filled Thanksgiving we had back in 1851? "Stefan asked.

Damon pretends as he's deep in thought.

1851. Hmmm. Jog my memory, brother-- was that the year that Father took me out to the farm and made me behead my pet turkey? "Damon asked.

Stefan nods.

That would be the year! "Stefan said.

Oooh. That was a doozy. "Damon replied.


It is Thanksgiving at the Salvatore Estate, and a maid has just lit a gasp lamp and brought it into the dining room.

A younger-looking Giuseppe is sitting at the head of the dinner table while a nervous-looking Lily sits at the opposite end from him.

Twelve-year-old Damon, who looks unhappy, and five-year-old Stefan sit on either side of them.

Giuseppe smiles and raises his glass as he gives his thanks for their meal.

If I could take just a moment to say how thankful I am to the good Lord for giving me a beautiful wife, two fine boys, a table filled with fine food-- "Guiseppe said.

Giuseppe dramatically smacks his belly.

--And a stomach big enough to fit it all in! "He told him.

Stefan giggles and starts to eat his food, and Lily laughs nervously as well before raising her own glass in toast.

However, Damon still looks sad as he glances down at his plate while the maid carries around a platter of food to add to their plates.

Giuseppe takes notice of Damon's behavior and sets down his glass before giving him a stern look.

Son, eat your dinner, please. "Giuseppe demanded.

Damon shakes his head, visibly upset.

I cannot. "Damon said.

Lily looks at Damon with concern.

What's the matter, sweetheart? "Lily asked.

Giuseppe ignores his wife and continues staring at Damon.

It was not an invitation, Damon. "Guiseppe said sternly.

He gives Damon a warning glare.

Eat. "He told him.

Stefan looks at Damon in confusion.

Why is he not eating? "Stefan asked confused.

Because this is Sami! "Damon said sadly.

Giuseppe begins to lose his temper.

That animal was put on this earth to be sustenance, not your friend! Now, you will clean your plate, or you will spend the night in the root cellar, wishing you had. "Guiseppe said sternly.

Damon, horrified, turns to Lily and looks at her pleadingly.

Mother... please do not make me eat her. "Damon begged.

Lily seems to feel bad for him, but when she sees Giuseppe's warning glare from across the table, her face becomes panicked, which she tries her best to cover up.

You heard your father, Damon. "Lily said.

Damon, overwhelmed and upset, reluctantly turns back to his plate and starts to eat out of fear of his father.



Lily looks annoyed.

Rest in peace, Sami. "Damon said.

He eats a bite of turkey and stares at Lily.

I kept you from wasting a perfectly good meal. "Lily said.

I rolled my eyes.

Stefan closes his eyes and sighs in frustration.

I still don't see what any of this has to do with my current relationship. "Lily said.

Of course you don't see it, Lily. That's the whole point! "Damon said annoyed.

You're too blind to see it. You're drawn to men who manipulate you into seeing what they want! Men who abuse you. "I told her annoyed.

Oh, I'm sorry. The vervain ropes searing into my flesh are distracting me from concentrating on your lecture about tolerating abuse. While you stand next to the men who are abusing me at the moment. "She told me angrily.

This is pointless. Pointless with pumpkin pie-- "Damon said.

He slams his plate down on the end table next to him.

But pointless. "He finished.

I shrugged and grabbed his plate.

He rolled his eyes at me.

I took a bite of the pumpkin pie.

No. We are here to open up her eyes. "Stefan said.

He turns to Lily and stares at her, and she squirms uncomfortably.

You're gonna sit here, and you're gonna listen to every single word I say. "He told her.

I smirked.

Lily scoffs and rolls her eyes, unable to look at him.

And by the end of the day, you're gonna help us kill your boyfriend. "Stefan told her.

God damn. Stefan I know I'm in love with your brother. But that was hot, your so demanding. "I said laughing.

Stefan rolled his eyes.

Damon threw a shoe at me.

It hit my head.

Ow. I was just joking. "I said softly.

I sat on Damon's lap.

You better be. "He growled in my ear.

I giggled.

Lily glares angrily at Stefan.

5 Mins Later

Lily keeps squirming.

Are these entirely necessary? They're quite painful. "She said.

I stand up.

Then Damon gets up and walks behind her.

Huh. Does that burn? "Damon asked.

She groans.

You know it does. "She told him.

Damkn smiles.

Let me see if I can fix that. "He told her.

He grabs his hand around where the ropes are stretched across her back and yanks on them hard, burning his own hand in the process for a moment and Lily moans in pain.

He finally let's go.

Nope. Guess not. "He said sarcastically.

I laughed.

Stefan looks at Damon sternly.

That's enough, Damon. "Stefam said.

What? She thinks this is painful? Try being twelve and helpless. "Damon scoffed.


Damon is dutifully finishing the rest of the food on his plate before looking up at his father in fear.

I have finished. May I be excused? "Young damon asked.

Giuseppe smiles.

In a moment. "He replied.

Giuseppe looks over at Lily, who still looks frightened, though she desperately tries not to appear that way.

Lily, a bourbon, please? "He asked.

Lily glances over at Damon for a moment before reluctantly rising to her feet and walking into the kitchen to make him a drink.

Once she's gone, Giuseppe pulls out a cigar and holds it up for Stefan and Damon to see.

I took this out for a special occasion today. But, in the process, I discovered quite a bit of money missing from my bureau. "Guiseppe said.

Giuseppe turns to Damon and smiles at him coldly.

You would not know anything about that? "He asked damon.

No. "Damon said nervously.

Giuseppe lights his cigar and takes a few deep puffs of it before he turns to Stefan, though he doesn't appear to believe that he would have taken it.

Stefan, have you been rummaging around your father's bureau? "Giuseppe asked.

Stefan nervously shakes his head as Giuseppe looks back at Damon.

Well, it did not just grow legs and walk off, now, did it? "Guiseppe stated.

Giuseppe looks back and forth between Stefan and Damon for a moment as he continues to threateningly puff on his cigar.

Which one of you did it? Confess here and now, like a man. Who took the money? "He told them.

It was not us. "Damon said painfully.

Giuseppe sighs, his patience obviously wearing thin, and continues to smoke his cigar.

To think of all the hard work your mother has put into grooming you to be proper young men of society. Do you really want to put her through the heartache of thinking she is a complete and utter failure? "Guiseppe asked.

Stefan and Damon both look scared as Damon replies.

No. "He said.

Then what would a man do? "Guiseppe asked.

He would tell the truth. "Damon stated.

And the truth is...? "Guiseppe trailed.

Damon, frantic, replies quickly and fearfully.

I took it! "He said.

Giuseppe looks momentarily furious until he regains his composure, but a malicious glint remains in his eyes as he takes one last puff of the cigar.

I didn't raise you to be a thief. But, I also didn't raise you to be a liar, and you have told the truth here today. Have you learned your lesson? "Guiseppe asked.

Damon nervously nods his head in agreement, and Giuseppe smiles before grabbing Damon by the wrist and pinning his hand against the table.

He starts to aim the lit end of the cigar for the back of Damon's hand, and the boy's eyes widen in horror when he realizes what his father is about to do.

This is to make certain you remember it. "Guiseppe said.

Giuseppe forcefully shoves the lit cigar against Damon's hand, and he cries out in pain.



Damon looks haunted by the memories of what his father did to him as he looks over at Lily.

I glared at Lily.

I didn't take Giuseppe's money. I only confessed because I was afraid of what he'd do to Stefan. "Damon told her.

Stefan looks at Lily with a serious expression.

It's your pattern, Lily. Julian's a monster. Giuseppe was a monster. "Stefan said.

Lily loses her temper and looks at them.

You don't think I knew that? I was married to the man for twenty years! What kind of a fool do you take me for? "Lily said.

I looked at her surprised.

Lily looks at Damon.

Do you think I believed you when I caught you digging for ice in the icebox, and you told me you scratched your arm playing? I'm not blind, Damon. I knew exactly what he did to you that night. "Lily told him.

She pauses for a moment and gulps nervously, and her voice becomes bitter as she remembers that night.

I had gone to fetch his bourbon like he asked. I was on the stairs when I heard your scream. You ran by me clutching your arm, and you didn't see me through your tears. "She told them.

Both Damon and Stefan look appalled her confession.

I walked towards her.

She looked at me.

And you did nothing? "I asked her in disbelief.

She's too ashamed to make eye contact with me.

She stays quiet.

He was your son! How could you do nothing!?! "I yelled at her.

I was about to smack her.

That is not true! Everything that I did-- "She started.

Then a deep cut appears on Lily's neck, and she gasps in surprise at the shock.

Stefan looks at her in alarm.

Lily! "Stefan said worriedly.

I started smirking happily.

She finally feels actual pain.

Lily starts to pant for breath.

Emely stop! "Stefan said angrily.

Hey! It's not me. "I said laughing.

Someone... Someone's trying to kill Julian. "Lily panted.

What are you talking about? "Stefan said confused.

To protect him from you, we... we did a spell. We bound Julian's life to mine. We're linked. If he dies, so do I. "She said.

We stare at her in shock and confusion.

Mystic Falls Cemetery

Julian was about to kill Enzo.

I vamp-sped and shove Julian against a tree pinning him against it by the throat.

I was holding him so hard that I snap his neck and he falls to the ground.

Damon walks over and picks up the sword where Enzo dropped it before looking at him.

A little tip from a professional? Next time you want to kill a bazillion-year-old psycho, don't pick a sword from the junior section. "Damon told him.

Damon holds his hand out to Enzo and helps him to his feet, though Enzo looks mildly embarrassed that I had to save him.

On the contrary, I reckon that sword was forged for that very purpose. "Enzo told him.

I sighed.

Incoming. "Enzo said.

Damon spins at vamp-speed and drives the sword into Julian's heart.

Nice aim. "Enzo said.

Damon looks down at Julian's body and scoffs.

Bastard links his life to my mom's and then engages in a duel? What is this, "Hamlet" community theater? Heh. "Damon said.

I snorted.

Enzo stops walking when he realizes what Damon said.

Wait. Back up. What are you talking about, linked himself to your mom? "Enzo asked seriously.

He's using Lily as a human shield. Guess he'd forgotten about the part that half the people actually left in this town hate her guts. "I told enzo.

He looked at me shocked.

His expression turns horrified.

Emely, Damon, tell me you did not just kill Lily. "Enzo said.

We both shrug.

Enzo gets so angry he punches Damon hard in the face.

I glare at him.

And I punched him hard in the chest.

He gasped shocked.

Out of nowhere Julian is behind Enzo and breaks his neck.

Your joking right? "I said annoyed.

Shouldn't you be... deader? "Damon asked sarcastically.

Julian shrugs before throwing the shortsword at Damon so hard it immediately embeds in his chest.

Ungh! "He groaned.

I growled angrily.

I vamp-sped at julian shoving him against a tree.

I punched him and he spit out blood.

He started laughing.

He switched our positions.

Your supposed to be dead. "He said amused.

Well it's not the first time. "I said growling.

I threw him in the air.

I start pulling at his heart with magic.

Out of no where Stefan snapped my wrist and stopped my magic.

Ow! You dick. "I said in pain.

Julian was about to rush at me.

Don't! "Lily yelled.

Stefan and Julian both turn around.

Lily looks terrified.

Julian immediately stops and rushes over to Lily with a worried expression.

Oh, thank God you're all right! You must have been given such a scare. "He told her.

Stefan, annoyed, pulls the shortsword out of Damon's chest, and he groans in pain as he heals.

I snap my wrist back in place.

I yelped.

I walk towards Damon.

Lily looks at us concerned.

What's going on here? "She asked.

Emely, and Damon drove a sword into my chest, knowing it would be the same as driving it into yours. "Julian told her.

Lily look over at Damon in shock.

Atleast she ain't surprised I would do it.

Julian glares at us.

Of course, he was under the impression it would kill me. "He said.

Stefan turns toward Me and Damon and glares at us.

What is he talking about? "Stefan asked angrily.

What difference does it make? Didn't work anyway. "I said annoyed.

Lily looks horrified for a moment as she stares at Damon, and she doesn't take her eyes off of him.

Take me home, please. "Lily told julian.

Julian nods.

He starts walking over and to pick up the sword.

I was about to step towards him.

But stefan stopped me.

I glared at him.

Julian starts glaring at us.

He then turns and walks away, with Lily following behind him.

Stefan turns back to us.

What? "Damon scoffed.

Lockwood Mansion

Me, Stefan and Damon walked in the house.

And stefan is mad at us.

Come on! You can't honestly say you're surprised, can you? You wanted Julian dead, I wanted to punish Mom, and I had a way to kill two birds with one stone! "Damon told him angrily.

Stefan turns and glares at us in disappointment.

You're never gonna stop straining to find one tiny speck of redemption in Lily, and she's never gonna stop disappointing you. "Damon spat.

You're wrong! You don't know the whole story! "Stefan said irritated.

We don't want to know the whole story, Stefan! She locked my sister in some magical coma! That's all I need to know. "I said angrily.

I don't want to know any more excuses, or lies, or anything that tells me anything other than the way I know it went down-- our mother faked her death, left her sons behind, started a new family, and went out of her way to forget us forever! That is the only story that matters, Stefan. "Damon burst.

I looked at Damon sadly.

Stefan looked at him silently.

He knows he was right.

Lily did nothing but try and forget them.

She tossed us aside without any concern what would happen to us. As far as I'm concerned, she deserves what she gets. "Damon said hurt.

Stefan just stares at Damon sadly, and Damon, he looks embarrassed about his outburst, he turns and walks toward the door.

She deserves what she gets. "He muttered sadly.

Damon walks out the door without another word as Stefan silently watches him leave.

Stefan looks at me.

You have to stop listening to her Stefan. I know you want your mom back. But she's gone. She died the day she faked her death. "I told him softly.

His face fell.


Damon. "I called.

I looked around in the dark.

Damon where are you? "I called.

I heard a bush rustle.

I turned around at the sound.

Damon, I swear if your trying to scare me I'm gonna kill you! "I said annoyed.

Guess again. "A voice behind me said.

I spun around really quick.

Before I could do anything they snapped my neck.

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