I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!

By LoveLover

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Heaven is a 16 year old teenage girl. She runs away from home because of her parents who treat her like she i... More

Heaven *Chapter 1*
The Fight *Chapter 2*
Running Away and Then Kidnapping *Chapter 3*
My Kidnappers *Chapter 4*
My New Life *Chapter 5*
Punishment Sucks! *Chapter 6*
A Personal Maid *Chapter 7*
Near Death *Chapter 8*
Back to Work *Chapter 9*
Invite *Chapter 10*
Shopping *Chapter 11*
Pleasure *Chapter 12*
First Impressions *Chapter 13*
A Long Night *Chapter 14*
Drunken Kisses *Chapter 15*
Trouble *Chapter 16*
Not Again *Chapter 17*
Talking Things Out *Chapter 18
Snapping *Chapter 19*
Getting It Out *Chapter 20*
Pick One *Chapter 21*
Girls Rule *Chapter 22*
A New Maid *Chapter 23*
Ransome *Chapter 24*
Escape *Chapter 25*
Couldn't Be a Cheater *Chapter 26*
Tears of... Joy ... *Chapter 27*
The Past Hurts *Chapter 28*
Amusement Park *Chapter 29*
Finally *Chapter 30*
Complicated Lies *Chapter 32*
Getting Ready *Chapter 33*
Pool Party *Chapter 34*
Memo! Again!
Rough Times *Chapter 35*
Running Away... Again *Chapter 36*
Come Back *Chapter 37*
Being Back *Chapter 38*
Comfort *Chapter 39*
Kile Being Kile *Chapter 40*
Not Him Again *Chapter 41*
Horrible Decisions *Chapter 42*
Another Memo!
Mix Up *Chapter 43*
Another Try *Chapter 44*
Bowling Balls *Chapter 45*
Consert *Chapter 46*
Fighting = Leaving *Chapter 47*
Everything Changes *Chapter 48*
New Begginings*Chapter 49*
Comfortable People *Chapter 50*
The End *Chapter 51*

Swimming *Chapter 31*

54.8K 775 92
By LoveLover

I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!

By: LoveLover

Chapter 31


Heaven's POV

Drew stops running and I look up from my hands. I look around but don't see anything.

"Um... Drew? All I see are trees" I said.

"You can walk some of the way" he said laughing. He stes me on my feet and then takes my hand. He leads me forward and I consentrate on not tripping over all of the roots.

"Okay, it's just up ahead" Drew said.

I look up and hear water trickling. I smile. "Is the water warm?" I asked.


"Yay" I said right before I trip over a root. I gasp and then Drew catches me.

"Can you just stay upright for a minute?" he asked me.

I laugh. "Sorry. I guess not."

He shakes his head and then pulls me forward again.

We break through the trees and I see a pretty big pool of water. There's water trickling down the big rock on the opposite side of the pool amd then little streams feeding water into it too.

"Wow" I said. The water is clear and fresh looking.

"Yeah. Pretty, huh?"

"Definetly" I agreed.

"So are we going swimming or what?" he asked me.

I smirk. "Of course! I wouldn't miss a chance to go swimming. Even if you're going to be here" I said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing" I said while walking toward the water and slipping off my flip flops.

"Heaven. Tell me" he said, trying to sound threatening.

"How about no?"

Drew doesn't say anything back so I turn around. He's not where he was before. I spin around and don't see him. I go to call his name, but a hand goes over my mouth.

My eyes widen and I try to scream. I get pulled back and then thrown into the water. When I come up for air, hands go over my eyes and I kick behind me.

"Heaven! Calm down! It's just me!" I heard Drew yell.

I stop struggling and he removes his hands from my face. "Sorry" I said.

He spins me around and kisses my head. "Sorry if I scared you, Hun."

"It's okay. Sorry for kicking you" I said while wrapping my arms around his neck.

He smiles. "It's fine."

"So let's swim" I said before going under and swimming away from him. I go over by the big rock and come up for air. I see Drew on the other side of the pool.

"What are you doing?" I asked him with a smile on my face.

He glares at me and says, "Looking for an evil girlfriend of mine."

I laugh. "You love me, though."

"True" he said, swimming over to me.

I smile and say, "I love how right this feels."I gasp and smack a hand over my mouth. "That wasn't supposed to come out of my head" I told him, blushing.

Drew laughs and hugs me. "You're so adorable" he said.

I blush even more and he kisses my cheek.

"Stop! You're making me blush!" I yelled and try to turn away from him.

"But you're so cute when you blush!" he told me. He turns me back around and kisses me on the lips. I feel my cheeks heat up, but I just smile and kiss him back.

I pull away from him, even though I really don't want the kiss to end. I look into his eyes and smile. "I'm blushing again" I said.

"And you're looking cute again" he said.

I laugh and say, "That's so cheesy."

He laughs too. "Well it made you smile, didn't it?"

"Yeah." I smile again and kiss him quickly. "Let's swim some more."

"Sounds good" he said before going underwater and swimming away.

I laugh and then take a deep breath. I go underwater and swim down. I want to see how deep this pool of water is. Before I reach the bottom, I feel myself running out of air. I start to swim back up and then panic. I have no more air and my lungs hurt.

I swallow some water and choke. I surface and start coughing up water. Drew is next to me in a second.

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

I cough up the last of the water and then nod. "I'm fine" I said quietly.

"What were you doing?" he asked me. He picks me up in his arms so I don't have to keep myself floating in the water.

"I wanted to see how deep this is" I explained.

"You can't go that deep unless you don't need air" he told me.

I look at him and say bitterly, "You don't need air."

He laughs and kisses my forehead. "Do you want to go back to the house before you drown?" he asked.

"No. I'm fine with just laying on the warm, flat rocks and relaxing" I told him.

"Okay." He puts me on his back and swims over to the edge. I get off of his back and crawl onto the warm rocks. I lay down on my back and close my eyes.

"You look dead" Drew said, laughing.

"Oh, thanks" I said with my eyes still closed.

I hear him laugh again and then feel him lie down next to me. I feel around for his hand and then entwine my fingers with his.

Drew lifts my hand up and he kisses the back of it. It sends shivers down my back and I smile.

"I love you, Heaven" he said.

I blush and then realize I want to say it back. "I love you too."

I feel Drew move and then he's hovering over me.

I open my eyes and I'm staring into Drew's pretty brown eyes. "What?" I asked.

"You said you love me" he said.

I smile. "Well it's true."

He smiles and kisses me again. It feels so nice! I really do love him.

He goes back to his spot next to me and I close my eyes again. He takes my hand and I smile.

We staylike that for a whileand I soon fall asleep. It's so warm and nice, how could you not fall asleep?

It seems like I've only been sleeping for a couple minutes, when I wake up. The first thing I notice is I'm not by the water anymore. Now I'm in Drew's arms and he's running back to the house. I sigh and cuddle up against him. I close my eyes and try to sleep some more. I'm exhausted!

When I feel Drew put me down, I open my eyes and see we're in his room.

I groan and roll over so I'm on my side. I close my eyes again, but Drew taps me on the shoulder.

"What?" I groaned.

"You need to change out of your swim suit" he told me.

"No I don't. I need to sleep" I said, stubbornly.

I hear him sigh and then he picks me up again. I open my eyes while he's getting some of my clothes out of the closet and dresser. Then he takes me to the bathroom and puts me on the counter.

"Get dressed" he told me. He closes the door and I glare at it.

I sigh and get down from the counter. I get changed and then leave the bathroom.I go straight to the bed and just fall onto the bed, facedown. I plan on sleeping like this.

"Heaven? Is that how you're going to sleep?" Drew asked.

I put a thumb up and then let the arm fall.

He laughs and picks me up again. He puts me under the covers and then slides in next to me. I scoot over so my head is resting on his arm. He pulls the covers up and then lays an arm across my stomach. I grab that hand and hold it.

Then I fall asleep, feeling happy and content.

I hope you guys like this chapter! I like this one, just because I put a lot of me into the story. Like I would almost drown just because I wanted to touch the bottom. And I would just want to go to sleep because that's just how lazy I am :) Okay so please vote and comment!!!

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