Griever Girl

By I_am_Awesome007

570K 14.9K 3.1K

Amy Heart was like the others, she was forced into the maze tests, but there was something very off about her... More

A Builder?
Meant to be a Runner
You Have to be Kidding Me
What's Wrong With Him?
You Can't
Into the Maze
That Morning
They Don't Care?
Brake Down and then Being Rebuilt
What Do You Mean I'm A Test?
Getting Back To Normal
Can Someone Tell Me (A/N)
Property of WICKED
What I Need To Do
Seeing The Boys Again - 2
Building The Grievers
Adam and Blob
I'm Done With You
Meeting Emily Crown and Under Control
Let's Go
Breaking Free?
How To Save A Life (A/N)
What's Going On?
I Forgive You
Sup Gally
Are You Jealous?
You Have To Be Kidding Me, Right?
This SUCKS (a/n)
Pulling The Trigger
My Name Is Dagger
There Is No Such Thing As SafeHaven
A Broken Past

Seeing The Boys Again - 1

13.5K 370 20
By I_am_Awesome007

Okay, so I had no idea whose point of view I wanted to put this in. First I was thinking Minho for him seeing her again but than again I wanted Dagger's feelings on it so I'm going to do Dagger now and then I'm going to do Minho either tomorrow or, hopefully today.


I was shoved so hard through the thing apparently called Flat Trans what ever that is. I almost fell to the ground. I fixed my dress and opened up the notebook clicking the black pen. Janson glared at me "you're late" he said putting his face back into his book.

"I'm sorry, I woke up late" I said giving a slight shrug.

He rolled his eyes "well pay attention, if you remember anything stop me. If not just pay take notes."

I nodded before looking out into the group of boys sitting on the floor. Everyone was talking so no one really noticed me. That was until I saw Newt look at me. His jaw dropped and he froze in place. I huffed out but could feel rage boiling up inside me even with the Bliss which dulled my senses. I don't even want to think about what I would be feeling without it.

I saw as him nudge Minho and pointed my way. I saw Minho furrow his eyebrows and turn his head to look at me. I felt things that I didn't think I would feel. And it wasn't just because the Bliss was supposed to not make me feel anything but, I still did. It didn't make any sense. First I felt hatred and rage but it died down quickly and was replaced with sorrow. Why am I feeling like this? He didn't care when I left so why should I, no, why do I care so much? I thought. I finally tore my gaze away him and back down to my notebook.

Janson motioned for me to come over to him. I nodded and started walking closer to him. "Dagger, what are you doing with Rat Man?" I turned and looked to see Minho was standing up and angry.

I glanced at Janson "Rat Man?" He shrugged "I love it, I'm going to call you that from now on."

He rolled his eyes "whatever Amy" he said my name quietly so the boys couldn't hear.

My eyes widened slightly and then went back to normal "whatever, what do you want?"

He took my notebook and the red pen and wrote some numbers down then pointed to the drawers. I nodded and walked over fishing for a folder as Minho continued to shout. "Dagger" he paused for a second "Dagger!" He screamed again each word tearing into my heart. He sounded as if he was in pain, but, why?

"Dagger please talk to me."

"I found it" I said my voice soft and calm hiding my sorrow and rage.

I handed him the folder and walked over to the wall. "Dagger, please" I looked at him for a second but quickly looked away when Newt told them to, and I quote, 'shut their bloody holes.'

I focused my attention back on Janson and started writing things that he started talking about. I quickly looked over at my notes.

67598823 - was in red pen on the top of the page.


We represent WICKED. They're starting phase 2. Things are just starting to get hard for them. Starting tomorrow at 6:00, enter a Flat Trans, only get five minutes. NO RULES. Find open air 100 miles North, go to safe haven.

That's when something clicked. I looked up at Rat Man as he kept talking. Everything rushed back to me. All my memories came back in a flash.

I remember the Flare and my training along with telepathy, brain tests and building and repairing the Grievers.

I rubbed my eyes and shook my head pretending like nothing happened I felt the Bliss drain from my body and the emotions flood back. I took a deep breath and kept my head down not wanting to see group A again afraid of what I might do.

I continued writing things down, mostly about the Flare. At the end of his talk he looked over at me "Dagger did you get everything you need."

I nodded "yes sir."

He nodded and the wall separating us started fogging up. "Dagger no!" I heard Minho scream.

Before I could react, we were back in the screening room and all I could think about was group A.

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