Hetalia x Reader Lemons

By MacyHonda

224K 2.6K 2.5K

This is a collection of Hetalia x Reader lemons. So yeah...for those who don't know what a lemon is, it inclu... More

South Korea x Reader: An Unexpected Greeting (lemon)
Birthday Wishes~ (England x Reader Lemon)
Another A/n
Perfect~ (Canada x Reader Lemon)
Another A/n
Battle Scars (America x Reader Lemon)
Battle Scars (America x Reader Lemon) Part 2
Battle Scars (America x Reader Lemon) Part 3
Battle Scars (America x Reader Lemon) Part 4
New Book!?!
3K Views!?!?! 0-0
A/n and 4k views!?
Dangerous Love~ (Mafia! Romano x Reader Lemon)
Dangerous Love~ (Mafia! Romano x Reader Lemon Part 2)
One Year Anniversary!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!
Dangerous Love~ (Mafia! Romano x Reader Lemon Part 3)
A/n and Shoutout
Update and A/n
Last Update
Dangerous Love~ (Mafia! Romano x Reader Lemon Part 4)
Surprise A/n!?
Future Updates?
Omg...A VIDEO!?
Forgotten Feelings... (Prussia x Reader Lemon Part 1)
Merry Christmas~!!! (And A/n ^-^)
Another Year~! 🎂🎉
Happy Valentine's Day~!
Surprise!!! Awkward Video #2!!
Little Update...
Surprise!! I'm still here!!
Long Time No See!

Forgotten Feelings... (Prussia x Reader Lemon Part 2)

580 11 5
By MacyHonda

Gilbert's POV

"Gilbert if you don't a hurry we are going to be late to the conference!" I heard Feliciano yell from outside my office.

"Give me a minute Feli! I can't find my bag!"

I was rushing around my office, scavenging through loose stacks of papers and random assortments of stationary supplies. Usually I would not be this frantic to go to a dumb World Conference, but this one, this meeting could be the biggest change of my life if the information West gave me is correct. I could finally see her again. Someone I have been dying to see for years now.

(Y/N) Kirkland... She actually became a country. She did what she promised to me during our childhood, and now, I have the chance to see her again ever since I was taken away to begin my "new life". New should be replaced with boring, but that has the chance to change tonight! I don't think I have ever been this excited in my many years of being Prussia.

"GILBERT!" That deep voice was none other than West. "You have one minute to get out here before we leave without you!"

I spastically looked around the room until my eyes landed on a black leather satchel with a silver cross embroidered on the flap. I quickly snatched the weathered bag and stuffed a few messy files of documents into it before running out the door. But in my haste, I was stopped at the end of the hallway where a cracked picture frame rested on the decorative table. It was the same picture Feli had knocked over a few days ago in his attempt to tell me when the next meeting was. I picked up the frame and glanced over the picture behind the cracked glass.

"This is really happening..." I managed to let out in a hushed whisper.

I stuffed the frame into the satchel before running out and meeting the others in front of the office building.

"Took you long enough bruder. Come on, we're already going to be late" Ludwig said in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry, I couldn't find the things I needed to bring with me" I replied while climbing in the jet black car next to Feli.

Feli smiled and looked out the window as we started on our way to the convention hall. "Or a was it because you are excited to see your a bella friend? I would a be excited to see a cute girl!"

I jumped at his innocent question. "Oh um, yeah...? I haven't seen her in years, and I want to see for myself what an absolutely awesome country she has become now!"

"There will be time for chatting later bruder. We're here to manage business first!" West replied as he pulled the vehicle into the parking lot.

I just nodded my head in response. "Ya, I know West. Business first. But lighten up! You don't always need to be so serious."

With the chatter dying down, the three of us got out of the car and headed into the conference hall. As we were decently late to the meeting, all the other countries had already taken their seats around the table. All of their glances were on us as we took our seats. West went to the front of the room and cleared his throat,

"My apologies. We were running behind schedule. Now, where do we want to begin?"

My bruder started going over the meeting agenda, but I wasn't able to concentrate on his words. Instead, my eyes were sneakily glancing around the room, looking for a specific girl. And not a few moments of looking around go by before my eyes landed on a girl with (s/c) skin, (h/c) hair, and beautiful (e/c) eyes. There she was.

"But I think you'd be a great country, Gilbert! You would look so cool! I wish I could be a country one day. Then we could go to conferences together!"

Everything replayed in my mind. Our seemingly silly childhood promise, it wasn't just a spur in the moment thing after all.


The meeting just seemed to go on and on, for ages. Everyone had some sort of dumb issue that needed to be resolved immediately, but that was the usual. Looking around the room, I spotted nothing out of the ordinary. England and France were at each other's throats arguing about some sort of dumb trade, China was trying to hand out food to the others and bragging about his country's culture and how the western countries needed to take notes. America was at the front of the room drawing a poor sketch of what was supposed to be a superhero to demonstrate his master plan to stop global warming. West was lecturing Feli as he noticed the young Italian dozing off during the initial parts of the meeting.

Nothing new.

But what caught my eye was a small group of countries that had moved off to the side during all of the commotion. There was Russia, Roderich and Elizabeta, Japan, and (Y/N). The four of them were politely chatting about "official" work when I saw Elizabeta look my way, catching my gaze. She smiled and motioned me over.

"Gilbert! Come over here!" she called out, while waving her hand.

I froze up. "What is wrong with me!?" I screamed in my head. "Why can't I move!? I am the awesome Prussia! I can't be nervous!"

Memories of my childhood came back to me. All happy memories of just goofing off and not having a care in the world. Every memory was an "adventure" I had with (Y/N) or all the funny games and pranks we did.


It was a summer afternoon and (Y/N) and I were pretending to be pirates in her backyard. There was a huge fort set up made from large sticks and branches that we had gathered, all covered with a white sheet that was tied to the support limbs. A homemade black flag that had a messy skull and cross bones painted on in an off-white paint flew proudly atop a sturdy branch secured to the front of the fort. Across from the fort was a small kiddie pool filled to the brim with water, and floating on the watery surface was a small raft crafted messily out of sticks and rope.

I was standing on top of the raft with one eye closed and my sword, which was another stick, stretched out I yelled, "Guardian of the treasure! Come out and face the captain of the mighty pirates!"

(Y/N) walked out of the fort and pointed her sword at me. "The treasure is mine! You'll have to take it from me, Captain Gil!"

She rushed at me. I jumped off my "ship" onto the grass and met her attack with my sword. We struck at each other playfully with the branches we called swords, until she pushed me back causing me to step backwards and slip on the grass and falling into the kiddie pool, or "the ocean". As I sat up in the water, I was greeted by the worried look of (Y/N).

"Are you okay Gil...!? I didn't mean to make you fall in the water...!"

She reached her hand out to me.

As the shock of the mostly cold water wore off, I took her hand and pulled her in with me. She gasped as the cold water immersed her and hit me lightly on the shoulder.

"What was that for!? Gilbert!!" she laughed.

"If I'm going down, then you're coming with me! No one gets the treasure!" I laughed with her.

End Flashback

As that last memory came to an end in my head, I looked at Elizabeta, my body still frozen and rigid as I was attempting to say any sort of response.

Taking my hesitance as an invitation, Elizabeta walked over and grabbed my wrist. "You have a friend here, ya? You shouldn't keep her waiting!"

She tugged on my arm and tried pulling me towards the other three. My legs felt like lead. My body refused to move an inch, especially when I felt a particular gaze on me. I quickly glanced over, my eyes meeting two (e/c) ones. This didn't feel real. I was still trying to wrap my mind around the idea that (Y/N) was actually here. She looked so different... She was looked more mature and she grew out of her childish physique. But she still was cute and charming. I felt my face heat up slightly as I shifted my eyes away from hers. I heard a faint giggle come from her direction.

I felt more tugging on my arm. I looked at Elizabeta as she patted me on the shoulder. "Don't worry Gil. Italy already told me what was going on. Now, come on!"

"Dammit Feli! Why did you say something to Elizabeta!?" I cursed in my head as I peered around the conference room.

My eyes met those of a childish Italian who saw my situation and gave me a smile in return while waving happily. I shook my head before being pulled away towards the rest of the smaller group, and towards her.

Your POV

"Just relax. You'll be okay. Arthur has taught you everything that you need to know for your first World Conference... It'll be fine...!" you whispered quietly to yourself as you glanced over a pile of papers for the fourth time.

It would be an understatement to say that your nerves were through the roof. Today was the day of your first conference, something you have been dreaming of for years. You could feel the jitters running through your body as you glanced at the clock on the wall.


An hour was all that remained between you and your first steps into the glamourous conference hall. Every minute felt like hours as you attempted to busy yourself with some mundane paperwork, but that wasn't helping the mixture of excitement and nervousness that was coursing through every nerve in your body. There was just a lot riding on this first meeting. You were finally going to able to present yourself as an actual country, the country of Wales, to the rest of the world. First impressions mean a lot, so you couldn't mess this up or-

"(Y/N)!" a voice snapped you our of your frantic thinking.

You looked up from the stack of documents your eyes had been glued on to see none other than America, aka your brother Alfred.

"Huh? Oh sorry Alfred. Did you need something?" your voice came out slightly dazed yet startled.

Alfred looked at you and chuckled, "You were worrying over the meeting again, weren't you? It's basically written all over your face sis".

"I can't be that obvious... Am I?"

"You've been staring at that pile of papers for the last fifteen minutes, and I had been saying your name for the last five" He chuckled. "But hey, you really don't need to worry too much. These meetings are easy! You'll fit right in, if you can get passed the chaos."

You tilted your head in confusion. "Chaos?"

Alfred winked before pushing up his glasses. "You'll see. There really isn't anything super serious about these meetings."

"But aren't the meetings supposed to be the time where the world can talk about issues and solve them?" you questioned.

"Wellll- Yes, technically. But you're in for a shock if you think any meeting goes smoothly sis" He replied, before a pad of sticky notes hit him in the back of the head. "Hey!"

In walked Arthur as he picked up the misused pad of sticky notes. "Alfred, stop blabbing on about how the World Conferences are chaotic and unorganized. That isn't a good example for (Y/N) to go by!"

The American cocked an eyebrow before replying, "You think that I'm wrong? You don't necessarily act so proper at the meetings either. I don't think I've seen you get through one meeting without an argument."

You laughed softly as Arthur glared daggers back at Alfred before turning his attention back to you.

"Are you ready to go (Y/N)? We're getting ready to leave."

Your eyes glanced back at the clock. 5:30. Talking really does pass the time.

"Yeah, I think I'm ready to go" you said as you stood and grabbed your bag. It was as small brown leather bag with a white flower patch sewn onto the flap.

You gathered your documents and walked out with Arthur and Alfred. You were on your way.


Alfred was right. The conferences were, in fact, chaotic. There you sat at your place at the table next to the empty seat that was Arthur's as you watched your brother argue with Francis. They were at each other's throats, Francis making snide remarks over Arthur's "boring" culture and Arthur complaining about Francis's weak military. It was a lot to take in, but it amused you. This wasn't the first time that you had witnessed the two of them bickering.

But what shocked you the most was how seemingly laid back, amidst the chaos, the meeting was. All the countries were basically doing their own things. Some you recognized like your siblings and even China and Japan. Some were completely new to you, like Austria and Hungary whom you met upon arriving at the hall, thanks to Arthur. You met many other representatives like Russia, Greece, North and South Italy, Germany, and a few others. Everyone had seemed to take to you well, even giving you some "tips" on how to survive (in the words of North Italy) a meeting.

The craziness of the meeting surprised your expectations of what a World Conference was like, but it was a pleasant surprise. Even with all the chaos, it felt soothing to you. You were finally a country, and if this was what a conference was like, then you felt at ease.

When you had first walked into the hall, you were amazed by how grand everything looked. There were large panel windows that looked like they stretched for miles from the floor the ceiling. The walls were decorated with the flags of the countries along with art from each one. Everywhere you looked, you saw how massive the world was, and you were one of the many countries that would be meeting within these lavish walls. It felt so fancy to you, and at first you didn't know how to feel, but upon arriving to the actual meeting room, you were greeted with a completely different sight. The long table surrounded by velvet chairs were the most grand "attractions" of the room. The walls were simple with industrial windows and had little decoration. In the front of the room was a small chalkboard that still had writing on it from what you assumed was the previous meeting. This room was the complete opposite of the exterior, and that somehow put your mind at ease.

Representatives were already starting to take their seats around the table, and Arthur politely walked you around and helped you introduce yourself to countries you hadn't had the chance to meet yet. With your nerves calming down, you were able to mostly relax and engage in some chatter with other countries. You felt like you could fit in.

As you were conversing with Arthur, everyone sat around the table as the clock struck 6:00. It was quiet.

"Arthur... Is this supposed to happen...?" you whispered over to your brother.

"No, we're still waiting on a few more, and one of those is the one who usually starts the meetings" he replied, slightly annoyed at the late party's tardiness.

Before you could get out another word, the doors to the conference room opened. In walked three figures. Two of them appeared new to you, but the last one, you knew who that was. As they hastily made their way to the table, you couldn't help but notice the tall albino with white hair and red-magenta eyes.

"Gilbert...?" you whispered, carefully glancing at him as he sat down.

Seeing him here struck a chord. Immediately, your mind flashed back to your childhood and your long-lost childhood friend.

"When I grow up one day...I'm going to be one of them..." he sighed sadly as he watched the cars go by.

Memories started replaying one by one.

"I wish I could be a country one day! Then we could go to conferences together!" You exclaimed.

"Then let's make a promise that one day we will both become awesome countries and go to conferences together!"

"It's a promise Gil!"

That's what you had forgotten. A childhood promise you had made to your best friend before he left to become a country. Your life had become so hectic since you becoming Wales, that all of that had slipped from your mind. But now, there he was. Gilbert, more mature and grown up, sitting on the other side of the table. You felt your heart throb a bit. Childhood promises... Most of them aren't kept right...? But here you are.

"Why am I feeling like this..." you thought to yourself. "He's a country now. There's no way he could remember such a silly little thing that happened years ago right...? Then why do I wish he does...?"

You looked down at your hands which were clenched into fists on your lap. You took a quiet breath and sighed.

"I'll go say hi after the meeting. I have to. I haven't seen Gil in forever..." You made up your mind as you took one last peek over at the white haired country and smiled.


The meeting's commotions had still not died down, groups of countries were arguing among themselves while others appeared bored or very uninterested. You had managed to remain in your seat looking over some of the documents you brought with you until you felt a tap on your shoulder. You looked beside you to see who was introduced to you as North Italy.

"Ciao bella ragazza!" he greeted energetically.

"Hello there Italy" you smiled.

"Oh a please! Call me Feliciano or Feli for short!"

"Okay Feliciano, how are you?"

He smiled, "I'm a good! I heard you were friends with my friend Gilbert!"

"Oh um yeah! We were childhood friends" you replied as you remembered seeing Gil walk in with Feli.

"He was very excited to come and see you ragazza! You should go and a say hi!" Feli eagerly nudged your shoulder.

"Gil was excited to see me?" You thought, feeling slightly happier at the news. "Thanks Feliciano, I will soon!"

But before you had the chance to, you were whisked away into over conversations with over countries. You were talking about the trivial stuff, like economics, military, etc. And that's how you ended up in the group with Austria, Hungary, and Japan. The four of you were talking about your cultures, and that lead Austria on a long speech about music, which you found amusing. Hungary stood next to you as you listened to Austria.

"How is your first meeting going?" Hungary asked while smiling at you sweetly.

"It's going well! I really like it so far" you replied with a smile of your own.

You watched Hungary glance over your shoulder before giggling. "Hold on, I think we should add one more into the conversation."

She waved her hand before shouting, "Gilbert! Come over here!"

You jumped slightly before turning to look in the direction Hungary was shouting. And once again, you saw your best friend. He was awkwardly frozen in place just looking over at us. Hungary smiled and walked over to him, tugging on his arm. I could have sworn I saw a faint pink hue dust his cheeks as he looked away from me, but nonetheless I giggled at my awkward best friend as he was slowly walking over.

When he arrived, he rubbed the back of his neck and smiled. "Long time no see (Y/N)".

"Long time no see Gilbert..." I smiled back.


And long time no see to you my dear readers! It's Macy Honda here!

OMG!? What is this!? Finally a part 2 after years?? Yeah, sorry about that. If you hadn't read my last author's note (which appears after this because I started this draft years ago), my life had been pretty crazy, along with just the lack of inspiration to continue writing. But fear not! This long forgotten tale will get its proper conclusion! I will finish up this story very soon as I find myself with a lot of free time lately, so look ahead into the future my dear readers! You won't have to wait years again. ^-^;

I hope you all enjoyed part 2! This was incredibly fun to write, and I can't wait to keep going. I will briefly address that in part 1 there are some time discrepancies (the existence of cars during the timeline), but please excuse them as I wasn't thinking to accurately towards historical events. I hope that it doesn't bug you too much. But thank you all for being so patient with me as I finally work up the courage to write again! I haven't done too much creative writing like this since early high school, so please excuse me as I am a bit rusty. It means a lot to know that even now, you have waited for me to update, and I apologize for making you wait so long. Thank you all for being a wonderful audience, and I hope you are just as excited as I am for the future of Forgotten Feelings...?.

So as always,

Until Next Time~

- Macy Honda <3

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