Rules are rules (Charlie Rowe...

By Serena_281999

2.1K 40 6

Vanessa Pertica, 13 years old, has been living a hard life with strict parents that she thinks are her paren... More

Rules are rules
I love Mondays
The best bus ride ever.
Taps on the shoulder
The meeting
Tuesday night is Mayhem night
DNA and the love for music
Secrets out
Makes sense now
Surprise at the door

Morning Suprises

124 2 0
By Serena_281999

"Vanessa, wake up! Do you want me to be late for work or something?" I heard a screeching voice from somewhere I couldn't tell if it was in my dream or...........

"Vanessa. Your dreams can wait till later hurry up I'm dropping you to school know!" It was definitely reality. I completely forgot that mum and dad goes to work early, I guess this punishment does effect me. I started to get out of bed. My legs were still asleep and as I tried to walk and I fell. My right arm hit the floor first. 

"I'm awake, I'm awake," I said to myself. That hit was like a stroke caffiene mixed with pain at the same time. I got out my winter uniform and chucked it on. My school winter uniform is so ugly but at least it keeps me warm at this ungodly hour. I tied my hair up into a ponytail, but I let my fringe fall in front of my face.

I looked up at the clock on the wall. FIVE O'CLOCK are you kidding me? I gave myself a mental slap saying 'okay you can do this Vanessa, only for another four years'. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I really should've got dressed after I brushed my teeth because now there's a white stain on my scarfe. usually I would try my hardest to get the stain off but now I REALLY CAN'T BE BOTHEREDI started walking back to my room like a zombie and I saw Pete sleeping like an angel in his new room. That lucky son of a ........... I chucked my scarfe in the laundry basket and grabbed my bag which was sitting in the corner of my room looking just as depressed as I am. I walked to the kitchen where a familiar person stopped me. I looked up at her like a zombie.

"Vanessa, you keep at that speed and I'll find a girl boarding school for you. So pick up the pace!" Mum yelled. Boarding school I don't want to go to boarding school. I quickly made my lunch for school which wasn't appetising at all. Mayo and lettuce and I usaully bring Up and go for recess but there weren't any left so I thought who needs recess.

"Vanessa, I'm giving you five minutes to be out the door and in the car." Dad yelled I'm guessing his dropping me today. I put the kettle on and got the two minute noodles from the cupboard. I broke the dry noodles so that the noodles would roughly be around two centimetres long. I put the dry noodles and the sachets (the dry powerdery thing for those who don't know) into a travel mug. I waited for the water to boil. 

"Come on, come on." I said to to the kettle pressuring it to boil faster. I know this might soundweird but I gave the kettle a death stare and with a strke of luck it worked. I  poured the water into the travel mug grabbed a spoon from one of the draws, grabbed my bag and ran straight for the door. 

It was sitll dark and outside and it was a silent ride to the bus stop. It took dad an hour to reach to my bus stop keeping in mind that there where a lot of turns dad had to make and the traffic. Why were there so many people on the road at this time? I looked at my watch and saw that it was six o'clock. I would have got hear half an hour ago if I came hear by train but then again I wouldn't wake up at five o'clock. 

Dad stop the car a street away from my bus stop meaning I had to walk down there. I opened the door with one hand and holding my mug in the other, I got out and I grabbed my bag. It wasn't heavy so I could easily swing it over my shoulder. I closed door and I watched dad drive away like he wanted nothing to do with me anymore, but I knew that I slowed him down and his probably late for work or something. 

I started to walk down the street as I saw a light come from my left. The sun was rising. It was so beautiful yet blinding. I had to let my eyes adjust to the light. I started to think scientifically know. I realised I was walking towards the south pole considering the sun is rising from the my left side. "I'm a really sad child. All I could really think about it is working my brain to it's full petential. I guess I got that from my parents huh?" I whispered to my self.

I sat down on the bench at the bus stop and started to eat or more like drink my noodle. It was good to drink something hot when I'm sitting at the cold bus stop. Bus after bus. I was still waiting for my brother to get here. I looked at my watch and realised that it was seven forty-five. I can't believe I've waited for an hour and half at the bus stop. I decided to plug my headphones in and listen to the radio. I'm so bored and this is what it has come to. I decided I'll walk to the train station and waitfor Pete there. It started to play my favourite song. Incredible by Timomatic.

♫ Don't know why the stars are in the sky ♫

♫ Don't know how this love found me tonight ♫

♫ But something I know for sure ♫

♫ Baby your Incredible ♫

I reached the train station about fifteen minutes later Pete should be here any second now. 

"Good morning passengers. The next train to depart from Platform one is the 8:02 Angefield." A lady like voice said through the speakers.

About ten people walked out of the train one including Pete. Pete got off at the second last carriage and was walking next to someone. I couldn't see from far away but I assumed it was Bryan, this is where I put my put my earphones away. Pete saw me and gave me a wave. He satrted running towards me and Bryan ran behind Pete. As they came closer I realised that the person who I thought was Bryan was actually CHARLIE. I decided to get a head start and walked before Pete actually reached where I was standing.

I gradually started to speed walk in the sight that Charlie was there with Pete. I felt someone hug me from behind. It wasn't a friendly hug, I turned to see that Pete and Charlie had caught up to me Pete lifted me up into the air about a feet off the ground. 

"Put me down you maniac. You are the worst brother ever for causing public humiliation. I don't undeerstand how we are related." I yelled. Pete put me down gently and we started to walk again. 

When I reached a street away from the bus stop, I saw that the bus was already there. Before I could react to what I just saw, Pete and Charlie was running to catch the bus. I loved when Charlie runs, his hair sways in the air. I shook the thought away and run for the bus as well.

I was know running in front the boys, because they gave up half-way.  I reached the bus stop and the bus driver was just sitting in hiss seat reading the newspaper. I got on the bus and sat down about half-way. I saw five other students were already on the bus before me and it was obvious what all kids do in the twenty first century. Look at there phones or listen to music. So I decided to do that to.

About a minute later, Pete and Charlie finally got on the bus. Pete was in front of Charlie and he came up to me and pat me on the head.

"What was that for?" I whispered to him not trying to drag attention to myself while taking one my earphones off to hear his excuse.

"Good luck!" He whispered. Good luck.  Good luck for what? I gave Pete a confused look, but he just smiled back. I plugged the earphone back in my ear and Battle scars was playing. I didn't what Pete was talking about and looked out the window. There was a lot of light outside now.

A person came and sat in front of me, but I didn't turn to see who it was. I heard a muffled voice behind the music I was listening to, I ignored it thinking it was a loud sound from the outside. I felt someone tap me on the front of my shoulder. I turned to the person in front of me. I had a mental jaw drop. I twas Charlie. He was sitting side ways although the chair that he's sitting on was designed to make you face forward. He waved and I waved back.

The bus was moving know and I got another tap on the shoulder. Charlie was sign languaging me to take one of my earphones off. I did as he commanded.

"What?" I asked him curiously.

" I was just" He started and he paused for a second.

"Wondering what?" I asked. 

"Um... what sort of music are you into?"He questioned me but I don't think that was the question he really wanted to ask me.

"Modern pop musin and K-Pop." I said truthfully.

"Okay and your favourite song is?" he asked without saying um..

"Well I have a lot of favourite songs and they keep changing. But if I had to chose it would be...... Incredible by Timomatic." I replied. He looked at me blankly like he didn't know what I was talking about."Do you know that song?" I questioned him. I could tell from his expression that he had no idea what song that is. I scrolled through my playlist trying to look for the song to let him listen to it. I found it and gave him the earphone that was daggling down on my left. The song was playing starting off with the guitar playing.

"Did you know that I can play the guitar?" Charlie asked me all of a sudden.

"No."I said and actually I didn't know he played any instuments.

"Here." He gave me my earphone back and I decided to stop listening because we almost reached school. "Hey, you wanna come to the music room at lunch and I'll show you what I can play guitar and you can show me your skills on the piano. Pete said you really good at it." I nodded in reply. I was to in shock to say anything.  

As I walked off the bus I saw that Ruby and Eleanor were waiting for me. Was the bus late again? I thought to myself. I looked at my watch and saw that I was early. Then why are they here? 

"Update us about you and Charlie" Ruby screamed. I started to laugh, but then I thought again public  twivhumiliatioce in a row. 

"Keep it down Ruby." I whispered to her.

"Yeah Rubes."Eleanor screamed.

"Eleanor your just as bad." I said. 

"Well I'm sorry Mrs Smartypants. Spill the beans girl." Ruby said.

"Alright, um.........." I started.

"All you have to say is what happened?" Eleanor said.

"I'm going to the music room with hin at lunch," I started. "and his going to play the guitar and I'll ............" I was cut off by the two girls excitment.

"Your going on a date with Charlie and his going to be playing the guitar for you, but the worst part about this date is the fact that it's in the music room" Ruby said.

"That's because it's not a date and his not the only one playing the instrument I have to play the piano for him." I said in one breath.

"Oh...." Ruby and Eleanor said together. 

"Hey. Ruby did you here One direction's new song Live while we're young." Eleanor changed the subject.

"Oh my god yes."Ruby screamed.

I completely ignored what they were talking about and just looked at the ground. 

"So, Vanessa howas your luck?" I heard Pete's voice. I looked up to see that Pete was walking on my right. Now I understand what he meant by good luck. 

"Pete, you are a God. Thankyou." I was praising Pete aka God now and gave him a big hug and kiss.

"EEEWWW. Never again Vanessa. NEVER."He yelled. You gotta love him for what he did for me.

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