Taming Aurora

By KimmyUB

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BOOK 3 in THE ROMANO SERIES Can be read as a standalone BUT I would advise you to read book I and 2 first to... More

Chapter 1 - DANTE
Chapter 2 - Aurora
Chapter 3 - The Twins' 5th Birthday Party
Chapter 4 - Invitation To Stay
Chapter 5 - The "TALK"
Chapter 6 - Aurora's Admission Vs Maddie's Confession
Chapter 7 - Emergency Meeting
Chapter 8 - I CAN'T DO THIS...!
Chapter 9 - THIS COULD BE IT!
Chapter 10 - The Kiss
Chapter 11 - Something isn't right!
Chapter 12 - Who the fuck is this KENNEDY?
Chapter 13 - I'm so dead...
Chapter 14 - Radio Silence
Chapter 15 - Temptations
Chapter 16 - We got this... But maybe we don't
Chapter 17 - Quality Time with the BFF
Chapter 18 - So it's true...?
Chapter 19 - Players CAN'T be played!
Chapter 20 - BE MINE!
Chapter 21 - Making The Connections
Chapter 22 - Long time no see... (PART 1)
Chapter 23 - Where are you WILDCAT...??? (Long time no see... PART 2)
Chapter 24 - COME FIND ME... I need you! (Long time no see... PART 3)
Chapter 25 - Unexpected Surprise...
Chapter 26 - Paying for your SINS...
Chapter 27 - We're under attack!
Chapter 28 - They didn't make it...
Chapter 29 - He didn't make it...
Chapter 30 - How do one make that choice?!
Chapter 31 - They can't all be... GONE!
Chapter 32 - THE FUNERAL (Part 1)
Chapter 33 - This is your fault! ( THE FUNERAL Part 2)
Chapter 34 - Secret Meeting
Chapter 36 - I GOT YOU...
Chapter 37 - You... BETRAYED ME!
Chapter 38 - You're a long ways from home...
Chapter 39 - Now you know... Who's the fool now?
Chapter 40 - Torturing Trash... ROMANO STYLE
Chapter 41 - Get lost in the dark
Chapter 42 - Changes Needs To be Made
Chapter 43 - I Love You DaD...
Chapter 44 - Shut up and MARRY ME!
Chapter 45 - Wedding Day (Part 1)
Chapter 46 - Wedding Day (Part 2)
Chapter 47 - Blissfully Happy

Chapter 35 - What The FUCK?!!!

1.5K 85 31
By KimmyUB

Hey guys before you get to the chapter just a little warning, the chapter will contain STRONG LANGUAGE and slight sexual content, so please be aware no person's under the age of 18 are to read this chapter. Let's just say there will be lots of NOT SO PRETTY words, "VULGAR & CRUDE LANGUAGE" To some maybe 😏 So please BE AWARE!!! Also I want to ask you to please read the following chapter with an OPEN MIND! And DO NOT READ TO RESPOND!!! Meaning please DO NOT send me hate messages or threatening comments, not all stories are fairytale like, and sunshine and roses, the characters will fuck up just like ordinary people would in reality.... So please remember that!!! Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter and that you will heed my warnings and don't forget 18+ only, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!



SAME DAY - (Sun, 05 March 2023)

Dante's POV

I've been driving around for the past... I don't know two, three hours, still not sure if the place I had intended on going to, would be the best decision. Granted that's the only place I can think of going where I can actually get my head straight, the place I get to be myself or my "old self" and maybe fuck up a bit, or I should say "live up to my MANY names" A fuckboy? Manwhore? Party animal? A Fuck up? I've been referred to all of the above, by my "holier than thou" brother. The same man I use to see as my idol, the reason I could actually see what love is and had envied it for the first time in my life. Ha! What a fucking a joke that was because I might not know anything about love, but what I do know is, you do NOT put the "love of your life" through the kind of agony he put Kiara through.

Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way because as fucked up as I've always been, I probably wouldn't give a shit about hurting someone I supposedly love more than life itself either. I mean maybe that's the reason why I always saw him as an idol, someone to live up to. Granted I won't put Aurora through that kind of betrayal by having her bury me while I stand and watch on the sidelines, but maybe I WILL set her free because clearly the blood that runs through the Romano men, makes us do fucked up things to the people we love and she doesn't deserve that. And maybe I will go to the one place I swore I would never return to, where temptation is high. Yeah I should go there, give her a reason to leave, no... A reason to RUN!

Making a sharp U-turn, I pressed my foot flat on the gas and sped towards the City. I know this is something I would probably regret doing, but then again isn't that what the Romano's do? I mean, I'm not only sparing her and our unborn child the heartache I'm destined to implore on them, I'm also saving them from my fucked up lifestyle and my toxic self. And what better way to let her go by breaking her heart now and making her hate me with every fiber of her being, that way I'm sparing her a lifetimes Worth of pain, loss, fear, bullets, war, enemies, and let's not forget heartache. They get to live a normal life far away from me and my toxic blood and fucked up life.

Driving through the main Gates with ease, no need to show identification or anything, because let's face it... The Romano's practically owns this place because this is where we come to party and fuck without prying eyes, I've probably fucked in every room in this place, but not the suite I sleep in. Sometimes I come here just to get my mind clear, or forget about my troubles by drinking myself so fucked up that I don't even remember fucking the girls I wake up next to. Yeah that's how bad I use to be when shit goes down with business and only two things could make me forget who I am, and that's BOOZE AND PUSSY, lots and lots of pussy.

As soon as pull up to the entrance where the valet's already waiting, I took a few deep breaths, not believing what I'm about to do and stepped out of the car after throwing my wallet and both my phones in the glove compartment. Winking at the full blown grinning valet, I tossed him the keys and stepped through the doors. Immediately the receptionist picked up the phone as soon as she saw me entering and seconds later Jon, the manager of Villa Roma Resort came running. This guy would do anything to please any one of us, especially since his dying to be fucked by us. Yes Jayden and I use to tease him when we had a few too many but I will NEVER swing that way, EVER!

"Mr Romano! What a pleasure to see you again" Jon says a bit too enthusiastically and I only smirked at him and I swear he just drooled. "We haven't seen you in ages... Darling" He says dragging the last part dramatically and I almost rolled my eyes.

"Been busy is all, but I'm here now and I want to relax..." I said with a wink and he bit his bottom lip and I shivered with disgust.

"Of course honey, your suite will be ready in a few and I'll make sure three other rooms is available for your use" he says waggling is eyebrows at me suggestively and I shook my head.

"No need for that Jon, as I said I'm here to relax, definitely drink but no other activities" I said, emphasizing on activities, knowing he'll catch my drift.

"Oh no worries doll, I'll still prepare it for you and have all the tools you might need, just in case. We never know when opportunity might strike and the need arises, someone might just fall right on those sexy thighs of yours" he says grinning widely and before I could say anything he continued. "I'm definitely up for it" he practically purrs and I choked on air.

"Jon, get my room, I'll be at the pool bar" I said seriously and he smiled.

"Of course honey, no worries, I got you" he says winking and walking off, shaking my head I made way to the pool area.

Zeroing in on a few potential candidates that would have the pleasure of my company for next day or two, well that depends on whether I find a sexy sub, and not just any sub, I want one that can handle her punishments as good as she can handle my cock. Yes, those are the kind of things I'm into, well when the heart isn't involved, like it always was with Aurora. Back in the day, well before her, this is where I use to come and just let go and let my dominant side take over and only two women I've met here, can handle it and actually comes back for more.

Granted this Resort isn't a whorehouse or a brothel, or whatever else a place is called where you come to get fucked, but this is where most models come to "get off", or the GD's (Gold Diggers) come to snag themselves a rich fucker and most of them come to have fun much like we always did. No one knows this, but back in the day when Steph was still in University, he, Roberto and Gio actually introduced us to this place, when we came down to the States for break. I don't even think Kiara knows Steph use to come here to do the same thing I use to come here for, to have fun with a submissive, someone you're not planning on seeing again after the little holiday is over.

"What can I get for you Sir?" I was brought out of my thoughts by the bartender.

"Bourbon, neat" I said, turning back to the view of the pool. "Why don't you just get me a bottle" I said and walked off to the lounge chairs, pulling out my packet of cigarettes and lighting myself one, taking a long drag as I scanned the area behind my glasses, not that I give a shit who sees me.

"Your drink Sir" I was snapped out of my scanning by a female voice.

When I snapped my head to the side, her legs caught my attention, dragging my eyes slowly up, stopping at her pussy, then her flat stomach and her small boobs to her pretty face. Nodding with a smirk on face, she smiled and bend down unnecessarily too low to place the bottle and already full glass of bourbon down on the small table next to me. I probably would've told her to stay if I hadn't noticed her long blond hair put me off, as she turned to her side slowly, obviously trying to give me a nice view of her ass, not happening love. Nodding once, dismissively I turned away from her, ignoring her huff as she stormed away, obviously noticing my lack of interest.

I'm not going to lie, I know the reason why her blond hair was a turn off, not that she was a turn on to begin with. I think I'm not really planning on doing anything because deep down I really do not want anyone other than my wildcat, because let's face it, no one is like her, it's clear that I'm going to look for any fault in a woman, just so I wouldn't go through with what I came here to do because back in the day I didn't fucking care what color her hair was, although I preferred red hair, green eyes, big boobs and ass, and she definitely had to have legs for days, smooth long legs that would look and feel good over my shoulders as hammered my cock into her pussy relentlessly.

I know I'm only kidding myself sitting here looking for the wrong kinda right pussy, because I just proved to myself that I'm too much of a pussy to break my wildcat's heart because that waitress didn't have white blond hair, her's was more of a gold blond, yet I found fault with her even though she was clearly willing to bend at my will and it was obvious she would've gladly submitted to me. Maybe I should just get myself piss drunk and take it from there, I'm not a pussy! I can and I will fuck someone, even though my dick wants and needs only one woman but I'll get him back to his ways, maybe even a threesome, now that's something I wouldn't mind at all.


I haven't even finished my fifth glass, and normally I would've either polished off half of the bottle on my own or I would've had a companion that would've helped me finish off the bottle within the two hours I have already been sitting here lost in my damn head. I came here with every intention of fucking up my relationship by fucking another but as the minutes pass by the idea seems almost ridiculous if not unappealing, not that it was to begin with. This was one of the stupidest decisions I've made. How could I have thought I would be attracted to anyone other than my wildcat?

"Hey handsome" I heard an all too familiar sultry voice from my left and when I turned in that direction, I couldn't hide the smirk that grazed my lips, instantly.

"Sienna..." I breathed out as I ran my eyes from her toes slowly up to meet her smug looking face as she watches me check her out, biting on her bottom lip, knowing full well that use to get to me back in the day. Sienna was one of the two women I use to fuck and could handle my dominant side with ease.

"I take it you approve?" She practically purrs, causing my smirk to grow even wider.

"Always" is all I said, nodding to the lounge next to me for her to sit, which she does immediately with no questions asked.

Just when I decided what a stupid idea it was coming here to cheat, and to just drink myself piss drunk, sleep it off and then leave maybe in the morning, the fucking Devil throws me a bone, hoping I'll bite. If I'm honest with myself, looking to my right at the temptation or I should say, the walking talking explosive orgasm, yeah she's that good. Don't get me wrong, Aurora is amazing with my wildcat it's just... EUPHORIC, no doubt there is no one like her because when we fuck... we're making love and nothing beats that intensity. But with Sienna it's different, it's HARD CORE FUCKING, no feelings, just erotic pleasure and honestly looking at her now, I'd say it's exactly what I need.

"Care to have a drink with me?" I asked her but am already handing her the glass, which I had just polished and refilled, and holding it out to her which she takes with a flirtatious smile, licking her lips, I'm definitely fucking her mouth.

"So where have you been? You just disappeared and haven't heard from you in a few years now" she says looking at me expectantly.

"Been busy and it hasn't been that long" I said trying to recall when I last saw her, it wasn't that long ago though.

"You mean over two years ago at 1oak, isn't long?" She asked feigning shock causing me to chuckle.

"Oh!" She continues with a giggle. "Let's not forget how you turned me down that night, well after you exploded in my mouth" she says with a giggle and I nodded my head remembering that night all too well. It was the night Aurora went on a date with that Dick, making me believe she was finally going on a date with me but when I got there well, I don't even want to think of how they walked arm in arm to his car.

"Well that was then, I'm here now aren't I?" I said not really wanting to give any information, not that I need to explain myself to her, she's just an orgasm waiting to happen or in a more fucked up way to describe what she is and always was to me... A come bag.

"I see so but the question is, are you planning on making it up to me tonight?" She purrs again, biting her lip again, yeah I'm hard as hell. Leaning forward with my elbows on my knees facing her, I took my forefinger and ran it up her gorgeous leg, slowly watching the goosebumps that shot up as my finger slides up her skin, stopping on her inner thigh close to her bikini covered pussy, loving the way she shivers under my light touch.

"We could wait till tonight, or....." I said moving my finger higher until it's on top of her covered fat pussy lips, watching how she spreads her legs a few inches wider, her breathing picking up and the way she clutches to the glass in her right hand and the towel in her left.

"We could" I said applying pressure with my finger, loving the way she whimpers. "Go up to my room and I could..." I said sliding my finger up and down her covered folds loving her moan that escaped her lips as she bites even harder on her bottom lip. "Bend you over and fuck you right now through tomorrow night?" I said knowing how we use to do it, booze and fucking days on end, and I did come here for that didn't I? So why not follow through?

"Mmmmm.... Then what are we waiting for?" She moans at first, whispering the last part, clearly having a hard time raising her voice since I'm still running my finger up and down her now soaked folds.

"For you to finish your drink" I said removing my finger away from her soaked pussy and sitting up, feeling the pressure of my jeans against my erected cock, leaning back against the backrest of the pool lounge chair so my cock have some kind of breathing room, before I continued.

"When you're done, I want you in position by the time I get upstairs, understood?" I said, knowing she'll know what I'm talking about, her kneeling naked on the carpet waiting for me to play with as hard as I want.

"Come with me" she says now standing in front of me, I know she's planning on sitting her ass on top of my dick, I gave her a warning look and she smiles, we know each other a bit too well.

"I'm going but I wanted to give you a reason to not bail on me again" she says and I immediately sat up, pulled her down next to me and leaned in so my mouth was levelled with her ear.

"Feel for yourself" I grunted out huskily in her ear, nipping at it and she moans and without hesitation, she lifted her right hand and cupped my cock through my jeans and gripped it hard, pulling a groan out of me, and without permission she started rubbing my cock and I layed back and was about to let her continue, when my senses kicked it.

Grabbing her wrist tightly and yanking it away from my now throbbing cock. "That's enough! Now go" I gritted out and she nodded her head and leaned over me and pecked my cheek and whispered in my ear how wet she already is for me, before standing and swaying her ass as she walks back towards the inside of the Resort, definitely on her way to my suite.

Sitting here watching as she disappears through the sliding doors of the resort with a still erected cock, I can't help the questions that pops into my head... WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING? Aurora... Our unborn baby... Our future.... Am I really that fucked up to ruin the possible future I could have with them for a FUCK, just because I'm pissed off and feel betrayed and hurt? Is this the path I want to be on? Do I really want to end up like my father did? I'm not my father... And I'm definitely not my brother!

I stayed away from relationships, not because I knew I couldn't be trusted or couldn't be faithful, NO! I stayed away from relationships because I was afraid of love after watching how I thought my father destroyed my mother, made her miserable with his fucking around. And here I am about to do the same thing to the only woman I've ever loved. I can't lose her, not like this at least, not because I tore her apart by doing something I swore to her I would never do! How could I be so stupid? But what I just did, isn't that considered cheating? FUCK!!!

Running a hand through my hair and tugging at it, I sat up and grabbed the bottle of Jim Beam, twisted the cap and took a huge gulp trying to use the liquid to wash down my stupidity. As I'm holding the bottle up to my lips gulping another mouth full, something or rather someone that just rounded the corner of the resort to which I know is the "private pool" area, caught my attention. What is HE doing here, and who the fuck was that?! I guess fate strikes this time over the devil, by sending my investigation to me!

Jumping up bottle still in hand, I made my way through the throngs of occupied lounge chairs so I can sneak my way through the resort to get to the other side, so I can stay unseen. Don't want him to know that I'm watching him, or following him. Him being here just confirms that maybe my suspicions about him might not be so far fetched after all! As soon as I got to the side entrance, I sneaked out and started walking slowly all the while keeping my eyes wide open and focused on finding that fucker. But as soon as I turned the corner, I really wished I hadn't followed him. As soon as my eyes landed on the woman his with, a part of me wished I never came here!

WHAT THE FUCK...?! THAT SON OF A BITCH!!! How could she do this, with that asshole?! Does she not know who she's with? And besides that, why the fuck would she do this, granted she thinks my brother is dead, so technically it's not cheating, right? But will Steph see it that way, because this to him will be a betrayal in every sense of the word. He won't listen to reason if he finds out, that's for sure! But then he betrayed her too, didn't he? But she doesn't know that!

FUCK! I'm standing here watching that asshole run his hands all over my brother's wife and is about to kiss her, while I'm standing here thinking of their betrayal towards each other instead of ripping that dick away from her. Just as I was about to storm over there since it clearly is about to go way too far for my liking, it was like she felt my eyes on her and her head snapped my way. I expected a reaction, maybe shock to be written all over her face, but no! Nothing!

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! She doesn't even care that I'm seeing what she's busy with. Narrowing my eyes at her, I nudged my head in the direction of the entrance I just came from and and showed her with my eyes if she doesn't follow me I'll do something she definitely won't like and she nodded her head discreetly of course, and since he had his fucking head in the crook of her neck, he didn't even notice.

Walking away steaming towards the entrance and as soon as I got inside, I started pacing the floor waiting for that little shit to get back in here so I can explode on her not just for what she had done but also for what I had done because let's face it, I'm no different than her. At least Kiara is doing this because she wants to nub the pain of losing her husband, what excuse do I have? NOTHING! I snapped back to the situation at hand as soon as I saw her entering the doors, without waiting for her to see me or look for me, I grabbed her by her arm and pulled her into the first room I could reach, which happens to be the private indoor hot tub. Not caring I pulled her in, closed the door behind us and locked it.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Was the first thing I hissed angrily as soon as I turned around to face her.

"I want to hurt him as much as he hurt me!" She said angrily, confusing the shit out of me and before I could ask what the fuck she was going on about, she continued.

"I overheard your little conversation, he was gonna make me mourn him, he wanted to keep this from me!" She said enraged but the unshed tears in her eyes showed how hurt she is. Shocking me because clearly she overheard me and the confrontation with Francesco, because she couldn't have overheard us from outside of the office.

"Your standing there judging me but let me ask you this... How long was he gonna let me be a mess?" She asked and before I could say anything she went on. "How long was he gonna make me cry myself to sleep?" She asked a bit softer this time and I could see she's hurting but that still didn't ease my anger towards both of us for our stupidity.

"So you thought cheating is the best you can do to hurt him?" I asked shaking my head and taking a step closer to her when she lowered her head without answering. "Tell me Kiara, did you want to break my brother?!" I asked a bit louder now and she lifted her head and I noticed her tears has broken free as they slid silently down her cheeks, and she just looked at me without saying anything but I wanted to push her, to see if there is even the slightest bit of regret of what she nearly did to her husband, to her marriage, her fucking family!

"Do you even know who that scumbag is?" I asked through gritted teeth when I remembered who she was with.

"Eddie, why?" She asked not showing any kind of recognition and I shook my head in disappointment.

"Oh Eddie is it?" I asked with a bitter chuckle, shaking my head at her stupidity and she just looked at me confused.

"You might have forgotten who he is, but I bet he sure as hell knows who he was trying to get with!" I said and when she pulled her eyebrows together, I felt my blood boil even more because the image of her in that Dick's arms flash in mind again.

"Your so fucking stupid!" I practically yelled at her.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" She yelled out now.

"He lied to you! Does the name Edison Carson ring any bells?" I asked cocking my head to the side waiting for her to realize who he is.

"What? Who's Ediso- Wait..." She said cutting herself off and her eyes bulged as realisation hit her.

"Yeah, it's coming back to you now is it?" I asked taking another step towards her. "Maddie's husband had his hands all over you!" I said with another humourous chuckle.

"Oh God...." She whispered, bringing shaky hand over her mouth, shock was there but the regret wasn't, I need to know she regrets it!

"Yeah you fucked up real good, didn't you..." I said softly but I know she heard me which is why I continued. "Well at least now you can say your mission was completed right?" I asked her and she shook her head like I'm spewing a bunch of bullshit.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to hurt him like he hurt me! He broke me Dante!" She started off softly, raising her voice at the end. I couldn't help but ask myself, is she sorry that it was him? Is sorry that I'm upset or disappointed about it? Or is she sorry for what she had done? I need to be sure.

"Well screwing the enemy would do exactly that wouldn't it?!" I yelled at her and her tears streamed down her face uncontrollably this time. "How could you be so fucking stupid, after everything he did?!" I shouted at her now showing her how angry and disappointed I am in her.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!!!" She shouted back, understandably confused but I am not about to tell her shit! But now I have to tell someone my suspicions because today he just confirmed to me that he is up to something, it all makes sense now.

"It doesn't matter, I need proof first. But congrats, you have not only tore your marriage apart WHILE YOUR PREGANT NO LESS! But you also lost any respect I ever had for you!" I said through gritted teeth, glaring at her one last time and then I turned my back to her and made my way towards the door but before I could even reach it, she spoke.

"Dante wait..." She whispered brokenly, pulling at my heart which is why I turned to look at her, and there it was... REGRET, pain and fear! Now we're on the same level.

"Don't worry SIS... I won't tell him," I said and she released an audible breath and I shook my head and continued. "But YOU WILL... I'm not about to break my brother's heart, that's all on you... After all it's what you wanted isn't it?" I asked and a sob broke out of her and she took a shaky step forward and I shook my head.

"Please...." She begged through her sobbing.

"Please what?! Huh?!" I shouted shakily because just like she's hurting, that's exactly how Aurora will hurt when I tell her what I've done and what I almost did! And just like Kiara, we both got what we wanted. She got to tear my brother too pieces, and I did something that will make Aurora run from me, just like I thought I wanted or needed.... We succeeded!

"You got what you wanted! Your plan was a success, this will indeed rip my brother to pieces along with your marriage!" I growled in disgust at her and myself. Ignoring her sob and the way she stumbled back as reality tore through her, I walked out slamming the door behind me.

That will be me as soon as I tell Aurora what I have done! WE BOTH ROYALLY FUCKED UP...! And now we'll pay for it, for the rest of our lives!!! She did it for some type of revenge, and as sweet as that can be at times, it can also be the most destructive action EVER... Because at the end of the day, the person you are taking revenge on, isn't the only one that gets affected by that, and in this case many will be affected and will pay for what we have done today! So my outburst wasn't just at Kiara, it was at myself too because I am the last one to judge her for what she had done, when I'm no better than her! I'M ACTUALLY WORSE!!!

Edison's POV

I came to this resort to relax for the weekend, and although I had my fair share of pussy Candy this whole weekend, it was uneventful. Well that's until little Mrs Romano, the one and only came strutting her stuff through the throngs of people at the pool, and as fate would have it, she came to lay on a vacant lounge chair right in front of me. Not many sits here at the back, away from the crowded pool, which is why there was so many vacant pool chairs, but she chose the one right in front of me.

Naturally at first I thought this was some kind of set up, thinking maybe she was set to be some kind of bait to lure me in, and yes I felt uneasy because I only had one bodyguard with me and at the time I had no fucking clue where he was. But that question was answered when he texted me, to inform me that little Miss sunshine came alone. She stopped her car infront crying her eyes out and after pulling herself together, she gave the valet her keys and he waited for her gaurds to appear and none did.

That was music to my ears, and a plan formulated immediately, depending on her reasoning for being here, it could work. She could be here for one of two reasons. One, they are after me and she decided to take it upon herself, which doesn't make sense because how did she find out where I am? Or two, she could be here to get away from the disaster that struck their family, and since she's been crying, I'd say she is here to lash out because of the grief of losing her husband, but why here though?

I kept asking myself those questions and I was trying to figure out how I was going to go about seducing her and getting her to my suite so I can fuck her and show her how a real man does it and then maybe use her later on, she would be perfect for the ending. But when she stood I got a good look at her, well as soon as I pulled my eyes away from her juicy ass, I noticed the obvious bump in the front, SHE'S PREGANT?!

That's when everything changed, she is pregant with that lowlife's baby, that changed the game for me. But not the part where I plan on fucking her, no! The way she swayed with ease and the way her firm ass moved with every step she took, I knew I was going to have her, I wanted my dick balls deep inside her. And that need only intensified when she came back wet from head to toe and smiled at me as she made her way towards her chair, but made no move to sit and when she pulled out her sunblock, I knew that was my chance.

For over an hour things worked great. She let me rub her, which I did slowly and made sure I got ALL the spots, and when I was done my dick was as hard as a fucking rock. I loved everything about her, her smile, her laugh and fuck me her giggle, it shot through me every time. As we sat and drank, she of course had virgin cocktails and I had my whiskey, we spoke and she gave no indication of knowing who I am, which gave me an even better plan.

I decided that if I get an in today with her and she agrees to see me again on an actual date, I'll fuck her, make her fall for me, then I get to keep her, maybe she'd even let me raise the little bastard she's carrying as my own, as MY HEIR! That would've been me... MAKING HISTORY! I could imagine how that would have been the talk in the Underworld for the next hundred years, it was a sweet plan. But that plan was fucked with, the second I saw that son of bitch at the bar and I watched him sit on the lounger on the other side, I didn't know how I noticed him but I did and made an excuse to get her away and she was a bit too eager to leave with me, which was alarming but I went with it.

I had her at the private pool, well it's called that because this is where you go to fuck whoever you want in the open, and no one not even the staff would pull up their faces at that and since she allowed me to run my hands all over her delectable body, I knew she would give in to me fucking her in the pool, or even against the damn wall. We were making light jokes as I ran my hands over her, she laughed and it looked like she was putty in my hands and that it wouldn't take much work for me to get my dick buried in her.

I thought how wrong Maddie was, because that Chick is far from being stuck up. She's classy, sexy, hot as fuck, smart, amazing sense of humor, all rapped up in one, and that's a fucking dangerous yet irresistible combination and I had considered keeping her. I mean every King needs a Queen, and she definitely suited that role, she would've been the perfect Queen in my Castle. The two hours I spend with her I saw right through her, she's an open book. She's the type that the American's would say is..."The perfect maid in the lounge, excellent chef in the kitchen and a fucking experienced whore in the bedroom, tricks and all".

That idea alone made me excited but that changed when I noticed that he had not only saw us but also followed us to the private pool and I knew I couldn't make it obvious that I noticed him, so I tried to get her lips on mine, so she wouldn't notice him, so I can get her to my suite, get my bodyguard to get more men here in case he decides to strike because I was willing to actually fight him for her, but that's only if he had not brought men along with him because then it would be a losing battle since we're only two and Lord only knew how many men he brought, by the time my men would get here it'll be too late.

I had her in the palm of my hand and the fact that he had not acted, proved that maybe he had no back up, that's why I kissed her neck and was about to seal the deal with a kiss, when she herself noticed him and the way she looked at him as if she knew he was there all along or as if she wanted him to notice because she wasn't even shocked, she didn't jump out of my arms. For a second I was surprised, but that made me smirk and was about to suggest we take it to my suite when she said she has to go.

I was planning on fighting her but I didn't want to scare her away. And I knew I couldn't be sure if he was alone or not because clearly my guard hadn't noticed him here and if I dragged her away, I could possibly ruin the rest of my plan, so begrudgingly I let her go, after kissing her cheek and telling her I'll wait for her here and she only nodded and practically ran towards the side entrance, much to my dismay. But I waited for about half an hour and as I got out of the pool, wet and ready for her, I noticed her crying and running out of the entrance, back the way we came, obviously to get her things, and not even sparing me a glance.

I was so pissed that I came straight to my suite, had a cold shower and tried to get her body out of my mind, tried to get the feel of her smooth skin beneath the palm of my hands, out of my head but it was impossible. I have never had such a reaction to a woman before, and for the first time I actually admitted that asshole Stephano had great taste in women, I understand what he saw in her, and as I lay on my lounge chair in my suite, I am busy tweaking my plans for the end of this war! The ending that will now lead to better days... To a fucking bright future, to a family, NOT JUST POWER...

Two things just became very clear to me today. One, they have no fucking clue who I am and they DEFINITELY have not figured out who took their Don from them or what this war is even about! And Two, Kiara Romano, is one temptation I MUST HAVE! I promise, after I complete the rest of my plan and finish what I have started, I will have her, SHE WILL BE MINE! And they won't even see it coming!!!

Sooooo.... I bet many of you are pissed the fuck off at Dante and Kiara huh? Lol I won't be surprised if it is so but please keep in mind that just like in reality not everyone is perfect, both of them felt betrayed by the one person they loved and respected and trusted with everything they had, only to be disappointed and betrayed by that same person, so both Dante and Kiara acted on rage, sure he came to his sense and so did she, and both will suffer the consequences but please don't jump to conclusions, just like Dante and Kiara did before they even heard Steph out, they went out for revenge of some sort, and Dante wanting to push Aurora away because of it...

Anyway what I'm trying to say is please read properly and try to understand both characters before you start sending hate comments 😫 Because I ain't in no mood to explain again why on who did what, so please guys I said to read the chapter with an OPEN MIND for a reason!😉 Well that's it's from me, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and that you'll send me your thoughts and theories and please don't forget to comment and vote.💜



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