Stockholm Syndrome |n.h

Bởi StarCrossed13

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Sure I've read the stories and seen the movies. I thought about the topic many times But I never thought it w... Xem Thêm



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Bởi StarCrossed13

The next day at school was normal. I went to my classes, did my homework, took a few tests, I even earned a few glares from River which I smiled and waved in return. That made him even angrier but it was funny so whatever.

I have to walk home today, much to my dismay, because Alex is sick, Casey doesn't have a car yet and I don't have a bus pass to get on a bus. Just my luck right?

When the bell rings, I bolt out of my seventh period and race down the hallways to my locker, not wanting to talk to the kid whose locker is next to mine. It's not that I don't like him I just... don't like him. But he likes me. A lot.

I dial in my combo and open my locker, shoving my things into my backpack and getting out my headphones. I slam my locker shut and walk down the hallway and out the front doors. As I plug my headphones into my phone, I go to my music app and press shuffle. volume on high and a light breeze. This walk home might actually be okay.

I watch the leaves blow around in the trees as I walk. With the soft music in my ears, everything seems peaceful. I turn onto a path that leads to my street. A short cut you could say. The song changes to Five Hours. It's my favorite instrumental song.

I walk down the path to the beat and take in the beautiful scenery. The trees turning red and the kids playing outside.

Someone taps on my shoulder, making me stop and take my headphones out.

"Sorry." I laugh. "Can I help you?" I ask the man standing before me. His blonde hair is familiar. "Do I-"

The man cuts me off. "You dropped something." He says in a hurry. Almost like he is panicking, with his blue eyes looking around furiously.

"Oh, my bad." I smile. He doesn't give me whatever I dropped back. He looks around the park suspiciously before looking back at me. "Uh, can I have it back?"

"Oh! Sorry. No you can't. You didn't drop anything." He smiles and pulls his red bandanna out if his back pocket.

"Oh... okay? Well I should be getting home." I smile and start walking, and put my earbud back in. Before I get anywhere, the red bandanna is smashed against my face. There is a liquid on it, it's wet and cold and it smells like... like I don't even know my brain is getting too foggy to think straight already. I know what this is but..

I scream and squirm in the mans arms, I try to get free of his embrace but he is much stronger than me. I start to relax. No no no! I scream and cry, but my body can't do anything. I fall backwards thinking I'm going to hit my head, but the evil man catches me and picks me up bridal style, And everything goes black.


As I awake, I am still in Blondies arms. I move a little bit and he tightens his grip around my legs and shoulders. I open my eyes and we are walking the opposite direction that I came. Almost at the end of the path.

I have just woken up from chloroform. My dad said that it takes at least two hours to come out if the state that it puts you in. I can't move still; The only thing I can do is open my eyes.

"Is she okay?" I hear a bystander ask.

"Oh yes!" blondie laughs. Irish. "She just fell asleep on our little picnic up the path." He tells the bystander. Help me! I try to say though it just comes out as barely audible whispers. "Shh, baby go back to sleep." He coos, probably making a show for the bystander. My brain is too jumbled right not to tell if it's a man or a woman.

"Let me go." I say groggily. I'm surprised I was actually able to say it this time. That's good. It means I'm waking up.

I hear a car door open and blondie puts me down on a soft leather seat. Leaving my limp body there. He shuts the door and locks it. All of a sudden the door locks click and he opens the door to the drivers seat I'm guessing.

"I'm sorry I have to do this, but you can't know where we're going." Blondie says. He actually sounds sympathetic but once again, puts the red bandanna over my nose. "Sweet dreams baby." Don't call me that.


I'm hungry. Is the first thing that comes to my mind when I wake up. "Dad!" I yell throughout the house, and all of a sudden a hand is placed over my mouth. I struggle under it before he presses a hand to my shoulder trying to steady me.

"We have to be quiet Evanna." Blondie whispers.

Chloroform. Blondie. Being taken into his car. Fuck.

I take a look at where I am. It's a dark room. I'm laying on a bed and my arm is upright on the bed post. My wrist is fucking hand cuffed to the bed.

"Oh my god." I panic. "Oh my god, oh my god."

"Hey hey." the man steps closer and sits beside me on the bed. "Don't panic. It's alright." He smiles.

"You sick bastard!" I scream. "Where the fu-" his hand slaps over my mouth before I can finish screaming at him.

"What did I tell you about being quiet?" he whispers "Do I need to put tape over your mouth?" he creepily asks. I quickly shake my head, afraid he will hurt me. "you going to be quiet?" his Irish accent rings quietly through the room as he locks his eyes with mine. He has blue eyes. Disgusting blue eyes.

"Where am I?" I whisper.

"You can't know that, Evanna. I'm sorry but it's for the best." He says with a faint smile. I can't really see in the dark room but I can tell he at least is smirking.

"Okay Blondie. Is it dark in here twenty four seven or can we get some lights?" I roll my eyes and turn my head the other way, avoiding all eye contact. He chuckles and walks over to the door to turn the lights on. He comes and sits back on the bed beside me. We sit there for a minute, as I let the silent tears fall.

I've just been kidnapped. Kidnapped. Why? Who knows. Blondie seems to be trying to be nice. And I'm on a pretty comfy bed... but that's beside the point.

I was jut ripped from my social life. Ripped from Alex, Casey. Heck I think I'm even gonna miss River glaring at me. I wonder if anyone knows I'm missing yet?

"Why did you take me?" I ask, still not looking at him. He puts his hand over my chin, trying to tilt my face towards him. I slap his hand with my free one and bury my head farther into the pillow.

"Evanna." He warned. I still didn't move my head. "Let me see those beautiful blue eyes of yours." He whispers close to my face.

"What do you want from me?" I ask another question, hoping he won't try to change the subject again.

"I want you to look at me." He growls. I slowly turn to look at him and as we make eye contact he smiles.

"Your so much more beautiful than I remember." He whispers. Mostly to himself.

"Was it your camera that I saw?" I ask, my eyes wide. Blondie blushes and nods slightly. I thought he was supposed to be all like, bid bad wolf. Not blushing because some girl said something embarrassing. God, he's pathetic. Not that I want a mean kidnapper. Not that I want a kidnapper.

This is the first time that I've seen him in the light so I take the time now to actually look at my kidnapper. I'm surprised he isn't wearing a mask to conceal his features, now I can fully describe him to the police. He looks like he is tall, black skinny jeans with a hole ripped in his knee. There is a scar there. He is wearing a white shirt and a blue flannel that's buttoned. I must say. He is attractive but he is my kidnapper. I can't think like that. I hide my face in the pillow again and shut my eyes.

"Niall?" I hear someone call. This is a English accent. "Niall? Where are you?"

"Fuck." He whispers. "I'm down Here! I'm coming!" he hollers back and stands up. "I'll be back later to give you some dinner." He whispers and leans down to kiss my cheek. Ewe. He leaves the light on after he closes the door and locks it. "I'll be right there Liam!" he shouts and I hear 'Niall's' footsteps going up stairs. We must be in a basement. How cliche.

I take another look around the room and it is quite nice. There is soft looking carpet, beige walls, a black night stand with a lamp, not to mention the Tempur-pedic foam bed I'm laying on.

I try to stand up, being careful of the hand that is handcuffed to the bed post. I am still wearing my shoes, and thank god I am still in my own clothes. My skinny jeans hug my legs as I stand up and my long sleeve shirt straightens out. My shoes are grey vans with bright blue shoe laces.

"What am I gonna do?" I whisper to myself. "What am I going to do?" I repeat crying this time. "Oh my god oh my god. Deep breath Evanna deep breaths." I tell myself. My phone.

I feel my back pockets for my phone but the only thing that is in my pockets is a few stickers from the local super market. "No no no no! He took my phone. Of corse he did. Why wouldn't he?" I kick the small dresser by the bed. "Damn it." How did I get myself into this? Oh yeah, I was forced.

Alex. What would he do? He would probably beat the shit out of Blondie the next time he saw him but that isn't an option for me. I'm weaker than him. And I got a manicure a few days ago and that ain't going nowhere anytime soon.

I sit back down on the bed and stare at the door. He said he would be back later to feed me. How much you wanna bet it's gonna be some mucky sloppy stuff. Better yet, leftovers of what he and 'Liam' ate.

"Evanna Harris. You will get through this." I tell myself and lay back on the bed In my original position, careful of my left hand that is still hand cuffed to the freaking bed post. What a great way to end the day right? Just great.

I want to see my dad. We may have not been close but he is my dad. I miss him and he probably doesn't know that I'm missing yet. I want to talk to Alex. Even if I don't see him, he knows exactly what to say to me when I'm down. I wish he were here with me. At least we could be kidnapped together.

I close my eyes and picture me in my own room, on my own bed, staring at my own ceiling. Usually I would be bored and trying to call everyone in my contacts to try and leave but right now, I want nothing else than to be home.

I hear footsteps coming back down the stairs and they get closer and closer until I hear Blondie fiddling with the door handle trying to unlock it. When he finally gets in, he has a tray of food in his hands, as promised. "It's your favorite." He smiles as if he is proud of himself. "Rice and gravy with grilled chicken. Cooked it myself." Blondie smirks. He shuts the door behind him and brings the tray over to me.

"I don't want it." I grumble. I don't want to put something that he touched in my mouth.

"Well, you certainly don't want to starve to death, so I recon you have no other choice." I just want to slap the stupid smirk right off his face.

"Don't worry, I'll eat my foot." I roll my eyes and turn my head again so I can't see him and he can't see me.

"Very funny. Now eat." He sets the tray on the night stand and takes one step back, waiting for me to move. "Evanna, I'm not kidding, you have to eat." His accent is annoying, I scoff to myself.

"How can I eat?!" I start to yell at him. He doesn't cover my moth again or tell me to be quiet so I keep going. "How can I eat when I know that I've been torn apart from my family! Ripped apart from my friends like a piece of paper!" I stand up and stand as close to Blondie as I can with my wrist hand cuffed. "How do you think I feel about this situation?! How am I supposed to fucking eat when all I can think about is the people that you made me leave behind?!" I poke his in the chest with my pointer finger and catch my breath.

He just stands there. Almost in shock. Like he doesn't think that I would have the courage to stand up for myself like that.

"Okay... um." he fiddles with his thumbs and takes a step back as if I were to jump at him. I probably would actually, now that I think about it. "What would you eat? I'll take you to McDonalds or something?" he offers.

"Really?" I ask almost hopeful. Kidding. "Because what would make you think I would get back in a car with you?! You fucking chloroformed me! you little fu-" this time he does cover my mouth.

"Okay, that's enough out of you." He laughs. Seriously? "How about you try and sleep yeah? Maybe I will take these and cuffs off." His smile is small, but it's still there. What an ass. He leans in closer and looks at my wrist. "Oh, babe." Still calling me that? Gross. "You cut yourself. I guess I shouldn't have handcuffed you..."

"You think?!" I almost slap the top of his head but I know that he is capable of hurting me.

"Does it hurt?" he asks, looking up at me. It's almost like he is actually concerned.

"No." Yes.

"You're lying." He sighs. He takes the key out of his pocket and unlocks the cuffs letting my hand free. Kind of. Blondie still is examining it. I struggle against his hold but he tightens his grip. "It's bleeding. Come on." He tugs at my arm for me to follow him.

He leads me out of the room. I stop for a split second, looking at the basement I'm in. It's finished. Carpet, painted walls, a small kitchen and a tv. A few books too.

Niall leads me into the bathroom and makes me sit on the toilet seat, never letting go of my hand. He puts it under the cold water and I hiss in pain.

"Shh, I know." He coos. Ignoring him, I look down, staring at the floor as he continues to clean my wrist. When he finally turns the water off, he let's go of my hand to reach up and grab the first aid kit. I pull back my arm to my chest and look at the cut. It's actually quite deep. I must have cut it when I was yelling, trying to get close to him.

As I look at it, a few more tears fall from my eyes. This cut make the situation all the more real for me.

What happens next shocks me. My kidnapper kneels down in front of me, taking my cheek in one hand and wipes away my tears with his thumb.

"You're too pretty to be crying Evanna."

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