Boss Jeon wants to marry me...

By tinnie_86

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" I can help you but there is one thing you need to do for me in return, you and I will get married " - Jungk... More

β€’ Chapter One - Do I still have hope...?
β€’ Chapter Two - Nice to meet you
β€’ Chapter Three - Jungkook?! CEO?!
β€’ Chapter Five - Doctor Taehyung
β€’ Chapter Six - Let's get Married
β€’ Chapter Seven - Mixed Feelings
β€’ Chapter Eight - Yes or No?
β€’ Chapter Nine - What should I do...?
β€’ Chapted Ten - Contract ?!
β€’ Chapter Eleven - I agree
β€’ Chapter Twelve - Married and Recovered
β€’ Chapter Thirteen - Am I falling for him..?
β€’ Chapter Fourteen - Confess
β€’ Chapter Fifteen - I love you
β€’ Chapter Sixteen - Lies...
β€’ Chapter Seventeen - Sorry ...
β€’ Chapter Eighteen - We need a break ...
β€’ Chapter Nineteen - Forgive
β€’ Chapter Twenty - Your the one!

β€’ Chapter Four - help me...?

757 23 1
By tinnie_86

-next day-
Sujeong and I arrived at the Jeon company, to be very honest this place seems so familiar to me for some reason...?

The weirdest thing is I don't even know why it's so familiar ...?

I thought about it again carefully this time trying to remember this place, then I finally remembered!

I worked here before ?!

No wonder he have my information and knows where I live. Thinking about it now, it's now understandable why he knows about me and have some information.

But I never knew he was the CEO...

As I was deep in my deep thoughts, I heard Sujeong calling my name.

Sujeong: Y/N?

Y/N: Oh yeah?

Sujeong: Are you ready?

Y/N: Yep, Lets do it!

We went into the company and honestly it's so big, but this is not the time to admire. I walked towards the front desk while Sujeong is walking behind me.

Y/N: ummm..Hi?

Receptionist: Hi, how can I help you?

Y/N: Can I go see Jungkook?

Receptionist: Do you perhaps mean Mr Jeon?

I smacked my head, how can I just say his name... I forgot he is the CEO ....

Y/N: oh yeah sorry, I meant Mr Jeon.

Receptionist: Did you perhaps book a time for meeting him? If yes, can I have your name?

What?! I have to book now... I knew I should have at least did some research... what was I even thinking?

Y/N: Ummm... sorry but I didn't book ..? But can I still see him ...?

Receptionist: Sorry miss, unfortunately I can't let you go see Mr Jeon.

Y/N: Please let me in... I really need his help, it's very important!

Receptionist: I'm very sorry miss, I have to follow the rules. Unless you have booked, if not I unfortunately can not let you in.

I nodded and walk away sadly because I couldn't get in, but it was understandable why. It's just that one day is wasted ...

Sujeong: Its okay Y/N, lets try again tmr but with a different plan this time!

She patted my shoulder comforting me and cheering me up, but all I can think about right now is how I can't get any help and also can't search for any help... I'm so helpless...

Jungkook POV
I was about to go to see hyung for a meet up, as I haven't met up with hyung for a long time now. Due to both of us being busy, where he is taking care of patients and I'm busy with my own hectic schedule.

As I was walking down and walking towards the entrance, I saw someone at the front counter.

She looks very familiar...

wait ... ISN'T THAT Y/N?!

Wait a second .... Why is she there though...?

I walked a bit closer and heard a bit of the conversation.

Y/N: Please let me in... I really need his help, it's very important!

I didn't hear the rest as I was just thinking hard what help does she need? Is it because of ...

... her sickness ?!

I decided to walked away and keep some distance since if I just stand there still, it seems quite suspicious...?

As I was walking away with my secretary next to me, I heard footsteps coming towards me.

I was walking away from the front counter while looking down, but suddenly Sujeong quickly pat my shoulder to make me look up.

I looked up at her and put on a questioning face. 

Y/N: What's wrong?

Sujeong: Look over there, isn't that Jungkook?

I looked towards where she was pointing and I realised ... it is him!

I didn't know why I was just so happy and I just looked at him, I didn't do anything else but stand still. It was like I'm admiring him from far away.

Sujeong was just standing there looking at me as if I went high, because I wasn't doing anything but just smiling widely.

Sujeong: Y/N? What are you waiting for? Let's go! we don't even need to book now! Free talk is right in front of you!

I then got out of my little world and realised, that's true I should use this chance well!

We both ran up to Jungkook and his secretary.
I then stopped right in front of him and now I'm facing him directly.

Y/N: Umm... Hi Jungkook, do you still remember me?

Jungkook POV
The footsteps was getting closer and closer, then I saw Y/N with her friend right in front of me.

I stopped walking and my secretary gave me a look whether he should stop them from coming closer, but I stopped him to see what going to happen next.

Y/N: Umm... Hi Jungkook, do you still remember me?

This silly girl, of course I remember her. It's also only been one day how can I forget.

Jungkook: Of course, what's wrong?

Y/N: I need your help for something...

Jungkook: Hmmmm but what do I get in return for that?

Y/N: Umm... I'll do anything for you since I really need your help for this, it relates to my health...

Jungkook: I'll see about it, come to my office tomorrow and we will have a chat about it in details.

Y/N: Umm... I'll do anything for you since I really need your help for this, it relates to my health...

I said the last sentence very quietly as I think it sounded so selfish that I'm asking someone to help me because of my own health problems... but I really don't know what I can do now...

If I don't get the help from him... I will die soon... the time left for me is very short now...

If I can take that surgery then there will be a very high chance of being successful, then I'll be completely fine, back to normal forever!

Jungkook: I'll see about it, come to my office tomorrow and we will have a chat about it in details.

I wasn't paying too much attention until I realise the last sentence he said.. ' we will have a chat about it in details'



I started jumping around and I was just so happy right now. Happiness was all over my face.

Jungkook: Umm... public area... image ...

I quickly stopped and realised people was looking at me. I quickly gave a smile and bow at them telling them to go back to what they were doing, as I definitely did bother them. 

Y/N: So... you agree to help me?

Jungkook: I'll discuss with you tomorrow, since right now I need to go meet my friend.

Y/N: Thank you so much Jungkook!

I couldn't hold my excitement and I quickly hugged him so tightly.

I didn't realise what I did until I realised he hugged back...?!

Omg what am I thinking I'm hugging him in his company!? Everyone will watch and think I'm so high ?! I'm so crazy !

I quickly let go of him and apologised immediately while bowing.

Y/N: I'm so sorry Mr Jeon, I didn't mean to do that...

He chuckled which I was questioning why ...?

Jungkook: Why so suddenly Mr Jeon? Just call me Jungkook it's fine, also the hug don't think much about it. I don't really mind anyways.

Y/N: Oh I see! Thanks for understanding! By the way can I ask you for something ...?

Jungkook: Sure, what is it?

Y/N: Can I have your phone number?

Oh My Gosh! I want to go hide in a corner right now ... why are you so straightforward for ?!

Y/N: I'm so sorry I didn't mean that, it's just they might not let me in so if I can call you then you can tell them I can go in to meet you...?

Jungkook: Haha it's okay, here you go.

He puts his number in my phone

Y/N: Thank you so much Jungkook!

Jungkook: No worries, got to go now see you ~

Y/N: byeee~

I waved and I smiled while looking at my phone where he just put his contact in

Jungkookie ~

Such a cute nickname haha

A/N: End of chapter four! Hope it was good !

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