By walida_md

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NASRIN MUHAMMAD KANGIRMO , is a 17-year-old model, who hides her modeling career from her family, she's a car... More

Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 19
Chapter 26

Chapter 23

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By walida_md


Today was the day we were returning back to Nigeria, I was totally blank ,my mind was in another dimension,my feelings blocked away caged somewhere I don't know,nothing existed except my thoughts and I .

My tears has stopped coming because there was nothing left ,my heart left with nothing but an excruciating pain,anger,hate,despair .

Never have I thought that this would happen to me and that so by my so called husband,I thought I would be happily in love with my husband,but here was reality sitting in front of me starring at me,laughing at my ignorance when he had been there,but it was to late .i feel broken

We arrived at the airport,when I say we Ahmed and I ,Yes you might be wondering how but when he left ,he didn't actually leave

"Would you like some water"I heard his voice


"Erm should I help with anything"


"Okay then I'll just do something"he was finding it awkward,I was still on the floor ,tears still rolling down my cheeks,I felt numb ,I couldn't even fantom the situation .

I suddenly felt strong arms around me ,I flinched a little "sorry"

I was walking towards the bathroom with the strong hands still around me ,holding me so I don't fall cause my legs were wobbly.

I saw the bathtub filled with water and a bath bomb in it ,suddenly a voice spoke

"I prepared a bath for you"was all he said before leaving,if only this was real ,it feels like a dream
I stepped into the warm water ,it was soothing to my aching muscles

30 minutes passed I was still in the tub ,my mind was blank ,the water had turned cold ,my fingers already wrinkled ,my head was lowering into the water until my hair was the only thing floating at the surface,i couldn't breath,i felt pain in my chest but this pain was better than the one in my heart




Whoever is trying to wake me up should give me five more minutes this bed is very soft . The lower I got the more I get sleepy and the bed becomes more soft, this bed was peaceful and filled with serenity,nothing else mattered and I loved it ,

I felt myself being pulled out of my sleep and I was suddenly gasping for oxygen,I started coughing hard ,soapy water coming out of my mouth,my eyes was stinging with pain ,my chest aches .wtf is going on

"Are you okay?hey look at me"my eyes started closing on its own accord

"Hey hey stay with me ,look at me ,look at me"the constant tapping on my cheeks continued but I was already at the gates of la la land.

Then everything went dark.



I couldn't leave ,my consciousness won't let me ,guilt was what I felt, I felt bad and for the first I'm going to be a responsible husband even if my ego is telling not too,

I walked back into the room, she was still on the floor but she made no sound her eyes wide open starring at the wall close the window,tears kept rolling down her cheeks which only made my heart swirl with guilt cause I did this to her .

I decided to do the first thing that came to my mind.water

But she was silent,okay this is really awkward,maybe I should prepare a bath for her like I do for tanisher sometimes,which reminds me I haven't spoken to her and I basically just cheated on her with my wife

That sounds stupid

I know right.

I was left with no other option but to pick her up from the ground,i held her hands till got to the bathroom.she didn't reject my gesture, something about that makes me feel like she wasn't in her right senses.she was supposed to be pushing me , hitting me just like she was doing a while ago but no,she was calm looking at the tiled floor ,it was as if she was a body without a soul

I prepared a bath for you"Those words Were The Only Reasonable thing that came out of my mouth,she didn't respond and it looked like she wasn't going to get up so I took her to the bathroom and left her there to give her privacy,I turned to see if she was going to take her bath ,then I saw her pulling her shorts down ,at least she would take the bath I wanted to keep staring but I reverted my gaze and left

I wanted to go ,atleast I have tried my best,I did something anyone who was literally in my position was to do ,now it was her turn to deal with her remaining problems but no something in me kept pushing me to stay back.


My heart really aches whenever I remember that I was supposed to be looking for her , trying to explain everything.

Looking up at the wall clock facing me, I realized I spent almost 30 minutes in this living room, moving tho and fro .

I decided to just leave, since staying here won't add anything to the situation I was in but then nasrin was supposed to be out by now.

I didn't know when I entered the room once again and went straight to the bathroom,I tried knocking but I got no answer, I opened the door to find the jacuzzi filled with water,to the extent that the water was already pouring on the floor wetting the floor including her clothes

I moved closer to the tub, my eyes made contact with her lifeless looking body deep inside the water her hair was floating ,my body tensed and I found myself running to her aid.



Nasrin"I called out even though my brain wasn't registering that I was calling a lifeless body drowning in a tub.

You can't be the reason for her death!!!"my heart kept saying and pounding at the Same time.

Right now,I didn't care to notice that she was naked ,I was to save her life no matter what.i picked her lifeless looking body from the tub and laid her on the floor,I started pressing her chest but after so many pumps it was no avail,I started becoming weak ,I can't be the reason for her death!!!no!I can't.

I kept pumping harder this time around and just like a tornado,she started gasping for air, coughing soapy water out of her mouth, she opened her bloodshot eyes , looking at nothing in particular.

Are you okay"!I tried asking, even though it was the dumbest question for this kind of situation.

Her weak eyes started closing again"

Hey look at me "hey heyyyy stay with me , look at me "I didn't know when I started tapping her cheeks.

And then finally her weak eyes gave up and she became unconscious,I was so scared what if she is dead,

I covered her cold body with a towel and quickly put a large gray shirt on her.,

After covering her body with a blanket I ordered food for her and left to go and set things right with tanisher ,at least I did something


I acted like I didn't know Ahmed ,I checked in and left him ,he looked like he was waiting for someone but to hell with him I was seated waiting for out flight announcement , I didn't know when I fell in thought of nothing in particular but my now useless life and maybe soul.

When I looked up to see where he was I saw him talking to a very whoealy dressed lady ,they looked serious and it looked like he was explaining something,she turned and walk away but he caught her wrist and pulled her to his chest then said something to her ,they stared at each other for. While and what he did next made me roll my eyes and hiss a very long hiss that has been waiting to be released all this while,he kissed her ,yes he kissed her on her lips,in a fucking airport with people looking and his wife seated watching,ya Allah save this bastard from your torments m

Girl calmdown ,stop overreacting they have probably done worse,just look at her she is a walking temptation

Right nasrin calm down

I said to myself

oho so this is the slut he has been with .motherfucker,I hate him ,I hate everything about him,his personality,behavior,looks
Ayye,hollup girl that looks part was a lie and you have to admit it

Fine he isn't ugly ,well very attractive,but a big asshole so that's a turn off


They pulled away and she said something and they both started smiling,he held her hand and sat down opposite me ,wow what a total jerk.

I ignored them and continued playing with the head of my phone pouch,minding my business,i could feel his gaze on me from time to time ,the lady was just pressing her body on him ,kissing him,hugging and even playing with his beard .bitch!

Our plane arrived and we boarded,still ignoring them acting as if I didn't care ,after taking my seat and reciting my azkar,his annoying smell hit my nose.lies you love the smell

Well so what ,do you expect me to admit it after what he did ,btw i hateee him

My subconscious told me

He took a seat beside me and the same girl came

"I love you so much baby ,I wish I can cuddle and seat on your laps all through the flight" she said pouting

"No babe we can do that after we get back ,and I don't want a scratch on you or for your beautiful body to feel any discomfort or pain" he laughed a little and kissed her pouty lips.ewww bro quit the PDA already

"Alright"she said taking a seat beside him,there were three seats in our row so I was by the window,Ahmed beside me and the bitch beside him,making him seat in between us.

15 minutes after the plane took off,my mind became a total mess, I couldn't help but wonder about how God decides to do his things, astagafurillaa even though I'm not to question God's doing.Just bearly 5 months ago,i was a happy nasrin with people asking for my autograph,a nasrin who was caged at home by a stern father and a sweet mother,a nasrin who only takes chocolate to feel happy even when she was unhappy,a nasrin that never thought she will get married at the age of 17 and not only that but to a more stupified version of lucifeer, and that same nasrin never thought she will be forcefully raped by that Same devil she never dreamed of calling her husband.

Ohhh my freaking God!!!!!!!!!!

A smallish type of voice yelled, Making me to raveil out of my misery.i turned my head From the window to face a very huge grin from ahmads whore.

Wait was that directed to me?!I turned left and right trying to see if she was trying to face another person not me.

Omg babe!!!tell me I'm just hallucinating
Babe pinch me, no babe just hit me and say I'm dreaming.

I scrunched my eyebrows as I watch her trying to showcase her madness, I mean I don't even get what is happening,why is she facing me and shouting as if she just saw a Greek goddess, mtcheww .

I gently tried to Swift my neck so I could face my front.

Babeeee am I fucking seeing the all famous NASRIN MUHAMMAD KANGIRMO,no no azin I'm even on the same plane with her,to top it all she has been sitting close to me all longgggggg,ohhh jeez.

I chuckled at the way she called the kangirmo, like whaaaaattttttt!!!! dont she knows how to control herself in an Airplane, I looked at ahmad to see an undefined expression plastered on his face but it was more of shock.

I really love your model look and even you in person doesn't look bad, it's my pleasure to really meet you in person"she streched her hand for a handshake.

I reluctantly brought out my hand"who the hell shakes a woman whom husband you're following!!! Typically sluty!

And ohhh hey,where is that huge ass of yours, that ass is the one thing guy's will die for,but definitely not my ahmad, right babe?she tilted her head to see him speak.

Lik mehhnnn doesn't this lady have a bit of shame in her!!!!!

I noticed him move uncomfortably on his seat,uhmmmm Yes sure"he answered.

So as i was saying"she turned to face me again.

I haven't been seeing you works for about three months now,are you taking a break or what?

Uhmmmm yes I'm taking a break"I spoke for the first time since she started her madness show,i was really trying very hard to resist the urge of rolling my eyes at her.

Before she could say another word, I removed my seat belt immediately.

Uhmmmm if you don't mind, I want to excuse myself, I want to use the toilet"I said before making way out of the trio seats.

I heaved a sign of relief I didn't know i was holding immediately I stopped perceiving her sickening perfume, don't get me wrong I'm not jealous but I just already hate her guts. I mean who yellls huge ass in an all so quiet airplane mtcheww.

I came back to meet her soundly asleep on his arms,i sat down without saying a word, I closed my eyes to prevent myself from thinking anything further but little did I know I was inviting the sleep I haven't heard for more than a week now.

The pilots voice woke me up from my frustrating sleep,we were about to land, so I said my azkar once again.

We exited the flight after we landed safely, I went ahead to pick my luggages without waiting for Ahmad or his whore.

I was about to call home to let them know we are back, that's if they don't know sefff.

"Don't think of calling anyone to ask if they sent a driver you cheap thing, you don't have to feel like a princess thinking you will be convoyed back home , I got a taxi driver to take you home,he Will be here any moment from now and don't even try to inform anyone from home that we are back."

Tears clouded my eyes as I watch him walk away to go meet his whore,who was talking to someone,it wasn't the words he choose to use or the insults,no!!!!!! that night was just all i could remember after hearing him speak.

Ahmad is truly a possessed luciferrrr!!

Yes, you heard me right!...

Hello world😂 hello aprikaa😂😂 hello my pellow nagerians😂my niggies and Barbie's 😂 I'm back with a new😉 okay let's fashi all that for now, I'm really sorry for not updating regularly 🙂 my phone is giving me probs😂😂 but I really tried to make a reasonable chapter even though it has grauges 🤗☺️ Don't worry I will soon start my own rally.

#I must get a new phone this month 😂😂😂😂

Soo sad The Lucifer is still the same way we left himmmm😐😐😐😴but shaaa he changed for some hours 😏🙄 thanks to me😌. Don't worry that ego head will soon start hearing word, okay lemme come and be going 😴😴😴.

Don't forget to

Chocobambie 🏆


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