Will be mine || Taehyung || T...

By Moomi03

49.1K 1.3K 400

"Seo Yebin kissed back the substitute teacher"...Doesn't that sound worse?" God...Ever since that new substi... More

W I L L - B E - M I N E
1 | The beginning
5 | wet dream
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2.3K 84 19
By Moomi03

"Don't scream Yebin." He said with his deep voice. And I then Immediately knew who it was, It was Kim Taehyung. "Be quiet Yebin..." He whispered with his deep dark toed voice and stared right into my eyes. I slightly nodded and swallowed hard. "Promise not to scream or anything when I remove my hand. Okay?" He asked and I just rolled my eyes and nodded once again. He first hesitated to take away his hand from my mouth. He slowly took away his hand from my mouth as I glared at him

"What the fuck do you want?" I whispered angrily as I pushed away his body away from mine. "I don't want to spend any more time with you than necessary-"

"Change class." He demanded which caused me to just stare at him in confusion mixed in shock. "Change to 2-3. I don't teach that class."

"Why should I..?" I asked in confusion.

"Just do it."

"I'd rather not," I said in annoyance and frowned. "I don't-" Taehyung cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

"change class." He repeated.

"and what if I don't change?" I said as I slightly mock-laughed.

"You'll regret it." He glared at me. "change class."

I grabbed the hem of my skirt and slightly clenched it, I furrowed my brows and took a deep breath to gain my confidence and then breathed out.

"Regret it? Why would I regret it?" I asked in full confidence and slightly laughed angrily. Taehyung just groaned and looked away in frustration. He began mumbling, but to my luck, I didn't hear anything. A smirk slowly crept on my face and a few seconds later I was smirking at him. "What will YOU do if I don't change class?" I asked cockily which caused him to look at me. He looked at me and slightly sighed as if he was disappointed in himself. 

"I don't know..But you better change class." He said with his deep-toned voice. "But I will make sure that you'll change class." He said as he took a step closer to my body and pushed my body against the cold gray wall. "I don't care if it's today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Just change class until your regular teacher comes back." 

I swallowed hard and blinked fast, Why was he coming closer tome? Once he was about 30 centimeters away from me, he put his hand on the cold wall right next to my head and came closer to my face. "change class and I might not do what i'm going to do now..."  He said deeply as he stared right into my eyes. 

I shook my head "I won't change class just because you want too." 

Taehyung sighed once again in frustration and looked down on the dirty floor. "One more chance. Change class Yebin, or else you'll regret it." I said as he looked up. 

The way he looked at me made me laugh a bit. "I already said that I won't change-" Before I could finish my sentence he cut me off by kissing my lips. My eyes winded in shock and I tried my best to push him away from me, but failed. I started hitting his chest constantly and hoped that he would stop kissing me. I tried moving my head to break the kiss but failed...I couldn't break the kiss. I began stopping hitting him and slowly started to give up, Every punch got weaker and weaker and I slowly gave up on breaking the kiss.

I'm weak...I'm so weak...How can I stop this when I couldn't even save my friend....?

I closed my eyes and started moving my lips with his, I locked my arms around his neck and pressed my lips against his. As soon as he noticed that I wasn't fighting back anymore he slowly broke the kiss and looked down. He just stared at the dirty floor again...And as for me...I didn't dare to look him in the face. My body went stiff when I felt how he placed his hand on my arm and slowly made his way up to my chin. He lightly grabbed my chin and pushed my head up to make me look at his face, Our eyes met for a second or two... he came closer to my face again and lightly kissed my lips and then licked his lips after he kissed me for the second time. It was silence for a few seconds before he opened his mouth and began talking. "Change class-"

That was the words that made me snap. I pushed his body away from mine and slapped his cheek hard as I glared at him. "Why did you kiss me?" 

Taehyung chuckled as he lightly touched his cheek. I looked at his cheek and saw a red hand mark was showing on his face. "Don't tell me it was your first?" He said as he smirked and I just rolled my eyes.

"Don't change the subject. and No. That was not my first kiss jack ass- But why the fuck did you kiss me?" I asked loudly I and stared at him in anger "How dare you-"

Taehyung chuckled and took a step back. "I warned you, remember?" He said as he shrugged and smirked at me. "And now every time you'll see me. You'll remember this and get so frustrated and embarrassed so you'll eventually change class."

"What makes you think I'll remember this?"  I said as I smirked. "This kiss isn't even worth remembering, Just because you kissed me doesn't mean I'll change class." I said and began walking to the door but stopped when I heard him speak. 

"This was just the beginning... Yebin. It will get worse-"

I turned around and smiled at him innocently. "By the way "Mr. Kim". This is actually sexual assault. I can easily just report you to the police for forcefully dragging me in here, Forcefully kissing me. Against. My. Will. Plus, I'm underage."

"Have a bad day "Mr. Kim". See you in history class." I said and opened the door and stepped outside with a smirk on my face.

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