The wingman visits by NiuNiet...

Oleh NinaDemonfox5

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This story is written by a writer name Niuniunette Lebih Banyak

chapter 1: This isnt happening
chapter 2: Icing sugar invitations
chapter 3: scream, breath, repeat
chapter 4:Flirt King
chapter 5: Sweet presents are made of these
Chapter 6: In company of a cat
Chapter 7: I kissed the cat and I liked it
Chapter 8: hot chocolate
Chapter 10: hello darkness my old friend
Chapter 11: White is not the color of purity
Chapter 12: your suggestion lacks romance
Chapter 13: The Antique Box
Chapter 14: A night to remeber
Chapter 15: Calm
Chapter 16: The catwalk

Chapter 9: Extreme exhibition

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Oleh NinaDemonfox5

Marinette managed to arrange a meeting with Adrien for the weekend, on Saturday evening after the closing time of the bakery. They agreed to meet at Marinette's place to avoid public eye and with her parents' permission she decorated a small corner table from the closed bakery's side for them, away from the windows so that no one wouldn't think that the bakery was still open – or see Adrien with her sitting in the empty room, just the two of us.

It made her nervous. The thought that she was going to spend time with Adrien alone and talk about Chat Noir with him. As much as her heart sang for Chat Noir, Marinette couldn't resist the alluring charm lingering over Adrien. She had thought that she had forgotten Adrien already, gotten rid of her crush, but as soon as the faint knock reached her ears from the front door, her heart jumped up to her throat. She didn't know what was wrong, why she was reacting like that – like almost being pinned between two men – but she didn't feel like thinking it more. With a bit shaky hands, she opened the door, being greeted by Adrien's forever sunny smile.

"I hope I'm not late," he scratched the back of his head with a bashful smirk.

"No, not at all. Thank you for coming," Marinette managed to keep her voice in check from stammering, opening the door fully for Adrien to step in.

"Thank you for having me," he thanked, taking his long jacket off.

Marinette guided them to the far away table, which was illuminated with a dim wall light above it. There was a tea set and different treats from salty food to sweet bites on display. Adrien's eyes sparkled.

"I have missed all these delicious things from this bakery," he sighed happily, sitting down.

"Mom made you the cheesecake you liked so much," Marinette noted pointing at a small round baking tray, feeling a bit shy for some reason.

"Just for me? Oh, she shouldn't have. Tell my thanks for your dear mother," Adrien beamed, eyes focused on the cake in the tray.

Marinette took the tea pot and poured tea for both of them, Adrien dropping honey into their tea cups. Marinette noticed how coordinated their actions in the tea table were, like Adrien would read her mind and knew what she was going to do next. It made her feel a bit odd. Like there was something nearby but she couldn't see or understand what it was. She pushed that strange feeling away from her mind and turned her attention to Adrien.

"I'm sorry for calling you here so suddenly. I really wanted to talk with you. I don't know who else I could turn to," she apologized with a tiny voice, but Adrien's hand came to her over the table, landing softly over Marinette's palm. She blushed.

"It's alright. You can always count on me, Marinette, no matter what. I'm especially glad to help you with you-know-who," he winked his eye, retreating his palm away from Marinette.

Marinette cleared her throat quickly, "Has he talked about me? I mean us?"

Adrien eyed her curiously, smile spreading on his lips.

"I take that as there has been something else than just mere flirting going on," he sing-sang knowingly and Marinette's almost completely disappeared blush jumped back up to her cheeks in a second. She pretended not to be blushed.

"You could say so," she circled around his statement, feeling a bit too conscious of her own self suddenly. She wondered just how much Chat Noir had told to Adrien, if any. She suspected he had most likely bragged about a thing or two to Adrien, but Chat Noir didn't come across as someone who would spill out secrets. The moment of her caressing Chat Noir's bare warm chest popped into Marinette's mind suddenly on its own.

"I'm happy to hear if things are working out," he replied, taking a first spoonful from his favorite cake. "I assume they could be working out better if you wanted to talk about Chat Noir today?"

"You could say so," Marinette said again, ashamed that she was starting to sound like an idiot in front of Adrien. His handsome face looked even more handsome in the dim light and his smiling lips were like casted in Heaven. Chat Noir's passionate kiss, his tongue traveling inside her mouth, was the second thing to pop into Marinette's mind on its own. She knew the blush on her cheeks wasn't dying out anytime soon and she was happy Adrien seemed not to pay any attention to it.

"How can I help you?" he finally asked, sipping his tea.

Marinette took a croissant into her hand and turned it around thoughtfully, looking forlorn.

"I was hoping you could tell me something about Chat Noir as a person. As who he is. You know him, right?"

"...Are you sure I'm the right person for that? Why don't you ask that directly from him?" he's reply was a dazed blink.

"I can't," Marinette sighed beaten, her brows curving upwards.

"Why?" Adrien was still curious and suddenly Marinette realized she couldn't tell him anything about Ladybug and her worry that Chat Noir liked her because she was the famous Parisian heroine. She sat up straight, looking for a right answer quickly.

"I'm... I'm not sure should I ask him directly," she stammered trying to come up with a reason which would sound legit. "It feels... awkward...", she hastily added when Adrien's eyes staid over her.

"Well, I think it's a bit sore subject, but I assure you, Chat Noir will tell you anything you want to know," his focus returned to his cake again.

"I also want an outside opinion of him," Marinette blurted out, thinking that reason would be good for Adrien.

He let out a small chuckle while digging his cake from the white tray.

"I understand. Ask me anything you like, though I have one request; if you want to know his name, where he lives and so on, you better ask them from him. Trust me with this," his gaze lifted up to Marinette, the gentle smile lingering on his lips as he shoved the cake piece into his mouth.

Marinette watched his lips, feeling somehow odd again, but she had no idea where these odd sensations were coming from.

"You told me he's not a flirt and he's completely opposite when he's not the kitty cat. Could you tell me more about his personality?" Marinette wished without being able to push away the odd sensation in her chest Adrien's lips were giving to her.

"Well, he's quite a gentleman really," Adrien smiled, tapping the spoon against his lips thoughtfully. "Somewhat lonely to be honest. His life is rather demanding you see."

"Lonely? Do you mean the family matters?" Marinette finally remembered to take a bite from her croissant which she had hold in her palm for a good moment now.

"Ah, he told you about that?" Adrien's eye brow rose and she nodded as a reply, mouth too full of the croissant for speaking out loud. Adrien saw this as an opportunity to continue, "I'm sorry, I can't tell about his family life as that's a theme you should talk with Chat himself."

"Do you think he wants to see me because he's lonely?" Marinette suggested, taking another mouthful from her food.

Adrien stopped in his tracks for a second, spoon hanging in half-air, before he scoffed out a smirk.

"Has he give you reasons to believe that would be the only reason why he wants to see you?"

Marinette remembered all the love confessions Chat Noir had spoken to her lovingly, but there was no way she could tell about them to Adrien.

"No..." she circled the question, not being able to deny it.

"He likes to spend time with you for what I know, not because he's lonely but because he likes your companion. I don't blame him, I find you quite charming, too," Adrien smiled at Marinette with his soft looking gaze and Marinette had hard time to swallow her croissant's remaining without suffocating.

"Re-really?" her voice squeaked unnaturally.

"Absolutely," he assured Marinette with a low and tender voice. It brushed over Marinette strangely, increasing her odd sensation in her stomach. She pushed it back harder, blaming her crush for Adrien being the cause for it.

"Could you tell me more about his personality?" she requested, shifting in her seat.

Adrien was finished with the cheese cake and turned his attention to small cookies in front of him.

"He's rather playful, but I assume you are aware of that side of him already. He's helpful and kind, very friendly and fair. Good qualities for a super hero, eh?" he laughed shortly.

"He sounds nice, like a good friend for anyone. It's hard to believe he's lonely..." Marinette mumbled leaning against her elbow.

Adrien's face got slightly stern, his lips smiling but eyes having a hint of sadness in them.

"His friends have spread around France after the high school and currently he has no friends here in Paris, except you," he explained sadly.

"And you," Marinette smiled at Adrien. He turned his face to her, smiling bashfully.

"And me, yes," his voice was somewhat weak. It sounded a bit strange in her ears, but Marinette reasoned Adrien was probably feeling sorry for Chat Noir. She assumed Adrien knew quite well how busy, lonely life would feel like and combine those with family issues. Heck, she started to feel very sorry for Chat Noir, too.

She pondered if she actually had a type, because Chat Noir and Adrien sounded very similar. It was no miracle that they were befriended and Marinette was a bit ashamed of her earlier words to Adrien about Chat Noir, when she had questioned why they even came along when Adrien was Adrien and Chat Noir was the flirty cat.

"Anything else?" Adrien popped out another question while eating his treats.

"Ah well..." she hesitated a bit.

"Hmm? Is there something specific in your mind?" Adrien was clearly curious of Marinette's sudden fidgeting.

"Has he... has he said anything of me?" Marinette's shy face blushed fiercely and she felt herself silly for asking such a question, but she really wanted to know.

A wide smile spread instantly all over Adrien's face. He leaned closer to Marinette over the table.

"As 'do I know about you two'?" he asked, Marinette's blush getting company from her nervous sweating.

"Just how much has he told you?" she tried to laugh her inner screaming off. Adrien pulled back and laughed heartily.

"Don't worry; a flirt he might be but he's not spreading his private things all around the places, not even to me. And I haven't asked, I prefer to keep private things private for everyone. However, if you want to know am I somewhat aware of what's going on between you two, I must answer positively."

Marinette was very aware of her skin getting hotter by Adrien's comment but before she got any chances to reply back, Adrien's eyes narrowed mischievously.

"I heard about certain balcony events in a rain," he teased with a smirk. Marinette gulped down dryness from her throat.

"He told you about that?" she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Adrien lifted the tea cup up to his lips, still smirking.

"Don't worry, I didn't ask any details," he soothed Marinette, but she didn't feel much soothed by those words. Adrien was making her have an awkward feeling, somehow off. However, Marinette kept her mouth sealed about that.

"How do you feel about Chat Noir?" Adrien asked when Marinette wasn't reacting to his smirk. He fished a fat croissant into his fingers, sighing pleased at its softness.

"I... I think I like him," Marinette tottered, too conscious of her blush.

"'Like'?" Adrien sounded surprised and to be honest, she understood why. She fidgeted in her seat.

"I mean... I can't stop thinking of him," she corrected herself.

"Oh?" his voice was curious in a very gentle way. She had a sense that she could talk to Adrien freely, so Marinette let herself relax, stopping the fidgeting.

"I don't know what he has told you, but we have met quite often lately. We also send emails to each other. I keep thinking of him constantly," Marinette admitted, a cute smile appearing in the corner of her lips.

"That sounds like love," he offered softly. "You love him?"

"...Yes. Yes, I do. I haven't told anyone," she continued, giving a hasty scared look at Adrien between her blushing. "Please keep this as a secret! I tell you only because we both know Chat Noir and I trust you. Not even Alya knows."

"Oh wow, that's big then. I'm flattered that you are trusting me so much. Your secret is save with me," he promised patting his heart.

"Have you told him?" Adrien continued, watching how Marinette's mouth opened slightly. She was silent for a second.

"No, I haven't. It's quite lame. I think I'm just a bit afraid of everything," she said avoiding completely the subject of Ladybug and their work together with Chat Noir being possibly affected by this all, and not in a good way.

"Well, emotions can be strong and a bit scary at times," Adrien gave her a supportive smile after swallowing the rest of his croissant, "but I still think you should tell him. You know, it would make him happy. Who knows, maybe he's also unsure of your feelings towards him?"

Adrien's comment hit Marinette like a lightning bolt. She hadn't even thought about it like that. Why she would have? Chat Noir had been drooling after her – as Ladybug though – for the last five years and in the prior weeks he had made it very clear that Marinette was very high on his attention list. Suddenly she felt herself very ashamed and guilty. Perhaps she should have told him about her feelings more and not just make assumptions based on his regular flirty nature, though those deep kisses of his told about a strong affection – but if she didn't give any reply to him vocally, would Chat Noir start to feel himself unsure about her? Would she come across as unemotional? Would Chat Noir perhaps start to think that she had Adrien still in her mind as her favorite man in the universe, as she had blurted without hesitation to Chat Noir that she had loved Adrien since her teenager years?


Adrien's worried tone shook Marinette back to reality. She gave him an apologetic grin.

"Sorry, I just started to think that you are right. I should have talked with him about my feelings. I've... I have got lots of other things to worry about and this whole thing... It's a bit scary, you know, Chat Noir aka the famous hero and then me, a regular woman. What would Ladybug say if she heard about Chat Noir's crush on me?" she joked, grimacing internally.

"I think she would support him – and also support you. I have a feeling you and Ladybug would like each other," he noted confidentially, finishing his tea with a one last swing of the porcelain cup.

"Ah, that could be true," Marinette didn't know what else to say. This conversation was going to an awkward way, so she decided to change the subject quickly.

"Anyway, how about you and your life? It would be rude if I invited you here and not even ask how are you doing, but kept ranting and venting about my life," she asked and offered more tea for Adrien. He accepted the offer gladly.

"I have been busy with work and school. The same old story really," he explained shortly and took a cookie, eating it with a pleased look on his face.

Marinette wondered was he starving himself or did he truly love their bakery's stuff that much. She made a mental note to give him something from the bakery before he would go back home.

"Any new campaigns coming or are they business secrets?" she inquired.

"There's an art exhibition coming with my photos. It's about the animal in us and they dressed me up with so many different outfits and make ups. Pretty neat to be honest. The premier is actually next week. You probably have seen some ads of it."

"No, I actually haven't, I have been so busy and I can't really roam around the city for hours yet," she couldn't believe she had missed advertisement of Adrien's art exhibition. She was definitely too invested in her own head with everything going on with Chat Noir.

"Would you like to come to the premier? I always get to invite people for free for things like this," Adrien asked, going for a third cookie. Marinette let out a delighted cry.

"I'd love to! It could give me inspiration to my own designs," she nodded happily.

"Great! I will add you to the guest list, so you can enter freely. As it's a premier you can dress up prettily if you like. Perhaps I can introduce you to the photographer. I think my father will also be there," he kept talking.

"Will Chat be there, too?" Marinette asked suddenly, surprising both Adrien and herself with the question.

"I don't know. His schedules are even freakier than mine, so I can't promise you anything," he explained while leaning against the back rest.

"It would be nice if he was there. We could spend some time together, the three of us, though I'd still want him to be in Chat Noir's outfit, not as his own self. I don't think I'm ready for that revelation just yet. Though it's not very likely he would be there as Chat Noir... I mean, it would cause some media hustle," she played with her fingers thoughtfully, missing how Adrien's face had paled down by her suggestion.

"I fear that you are right and it won't be possible in the premier, but I promise to keep good company to you, if you may," Adrien's voice stammered a bit, but Marinette didn't hear it. "And speaking of the man behind the mask, is there anything else you want to ask while I'm here? I have to return back home any minute now. The school is pushing on me so hard," he continued.

Marinette stopped her small fidgeting, thinking hard.

"Could you tell me some hint of him? Any detail will do, whatever you think I should know about him," she blushed looking sheepish and adorable.

"You should pet him a lot. He likes to be petted," he winked, drawing a gasp out from Marinette.

"How do you know such a detail? Just what kind of friends are you two?" she pretended to be very shocked and in reality she kind of was shocked. She didn't want to think Adrien and Chat Noir petting each other from here and there, though the mental imagine did its best to rise up into Marinette's imagination.

Adrien simply laughed, throwing his head backwards, his white teeth baring with the laughter.

"A wild guess. I just thought about cats and what they like," he defended himself. Marinette couldn't come up with any reply, so she just followed his gesture and laughed with him.

"But now I really have to go. I hope I helped," he excused himself, rising up. Marinette nodded.

"Thank you for listening. It did help."

"If you come up with more questions, you should ask them from Chat himself, but if it feels too scary or something similar, I can answer your questions. I don't think we can meet before the exhibition premiere, but we should have time to talk there after the main events, somewhere in privacy," Adrien smiled down at Marinette with his eyes.

Marinette noticed that he had also grown up, around a head taller. Same as Chat Noir. For some reason she kept thinking Chat Noir a lot around Adrien today. Marinette was sure it was because she had asked him to come to see her because of the certain catman.

Before Adrien left back home, Marinette stuck a bag of different food from the bakery leftovers for him.


Next day Chat Noir replied to her latest email, the message box filled with apologies of the silence from his part for the past few days, and the messages was decorated with a few cat emojis here and there. It arrived to Marinette during her lecture and she couldn't help the pondering of what Chat was doing right now. Was he at school or at work? Or was he home or somewhere around the Paris? It tickled Marinette nice to think that he was walking somewhere in the same city as her, without his black suit on.

She went the message through and was putting her phone away, when a new message blinked a light to her phone. She watched curiously as the phone stated that she had gotten an email from Chat Noir once again – or Black Kitty like he had written his name to his email info. Marinette opened it and nearly fainted from a shock.

The cat had added a picture of himself into the email, writing "For the days when you don't get to see me and miss my warmth" with a winking face. She would have been okay if the picture had been just a regular piece of Chat Noir, but the sly guy had taken a photo of him without Chat Noir's outfit and without a shirt on, his face getting cut from the tip of the nose above, hiding his eyes and most of his blond hair. The grinning mouth greeted Marinette with his beautiful torso, skin smooth and his hips peeking from the waistline of loose jogging pants alluringly, and Marinette couldn't look at the picture any longer. Hastily she pushed the phone back to her pocket, trying to act calm and look as normal as possible despite the hotness whirling in her lower stomach.

When the lecture was over, Marinette rushed to the rest room and locked herself in of the stalls. She had to take another look of the picture somewhere in secrecy, her fingers trembling slightly when she opened the picture. Marinette couldn't believe Chat Noir would do something like this, but on a second thought it suited his persona. As she looked at the picture she felt something familiar flaring in her chest.

She pondered should she reply to him with a photo of herself or just say thank you. Perhaps he was wishing for a photo reply with this stunt.

She decided she would take a nice picture of herself from the Adrien's exhibition, perhaps also send a picture of her and Adrien to Chat Noir. After all, they both were his friends.

Marinette spend rest of the days till the exhibition by returning to Chat Noir's bare photo as often as she could. The more she looked at it, the mora familiar and warmer she felt. She admired his body, laughing at herself for accepting such a picture, as if it had arrived from anyone else she would have deleted it immediately. Well, perhaps not if Adrien send her such a photo. She had to give Chat Noir some praises, as he looked like a model in the picture. She pondered, amused, had he asked tips for the pose from Adrien. What most fascinating in that photo – if you forgot his nice chest and arms – was Chat's smirk. It looked familiar, as always. The only part of him Marinette had witnessed years after years freely. Getting to see Chat Noir as a man without his suit was kind of exciting to Marinette. However, she kept the picture hidden from everyone, including Tikki, not sharing her excitement with anyone.

The day of the exhibition finally arrived, a lot faster than Marinette noticed, and she blamed Chat Noir's picture of it. She actually missed him – they hadn't seen each other since the visit in the park almost a week ago. Not even Hawkmoth was offering them chances to meet and Marinette had questioned Tikki if Hawkmoth was actually alright. Tikki had said that she was still able to sense him, but she couldn't tell why he had been so quiet for weeks now.

Secretly she hoped Chat Noir would pop into the exhibition today, when she stepped near the doorman, introducing herself as Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The doorman checked his list and let Marinette in. The gallery was much wider and labyrinthine what it looked on the outside. People were chatting lively all around the big main hall, waiting for the speech from the photographer. She tried to scan the area for Adrien, but all she saw were huge black and white photographs of a half-naked, masked Adrien. Marinette made her way to the nearby installation of three gigantic photos, places side by side on the chalk white wall. Lights were turned to point at the photos of Adrien, his first picture clearly resembling in a highly artistic way a crow or some other dark bird with feathers, second picture picturing him as an alert wolfman and the third picture was Adrien masked as a black panther.

The picture of the black feline Adrien caught Marinette's attention immediately. There was something extremely captivating in the picture of Adrien mimicking a fluid feline, his eyes staring forward keenly, piercingly. His face had been smudged with black and panther dots from forehead down to his nose, blond hair sleeked backwards. He had fake nails and an intense stare, driving into Marinette's soul the longer she stared at the picture. Somehow the whole photo made Marinette's heart flutter. It was like she would have been looking at a completely unseen version of Chat Noir. A Chat Noir from some different time or era, from a different culture. She couldn't tear her eyes from it.

"The photographer did a good job with these three", Adrien's voice was suddenly behind Marinette and she spun around on her heels, tripping forward with a small unladylike cry, just to be caught by Adrien. She wished that only a few of the quests would have seen her fail.

"They are wonderful," she tottered with a weak smile while Adrien helped her to stand straight and she tried to eye around the gallery to see if anyone was staring at her sourly, "I can already feel inspiration rising."

"You are free to take photos here for inspiration, as long as you don't share them forward," he promised with a smile, fixing his black suit with a tie.

"Speaking of which, could we take a photo together later? I'd like to send it also to him, you know," she asked hopingly.

Adrien smiled down at her with his green eyes, "Of course, as soon as we get rid of the formalities."

He was then summoned to the photographer and as Marinette watched him to go, his back distancing, she was also able to spot Mr. Agreste himself, standing all tall and somewhat menacing next to the much smaller photographer. She walked nearer them, staying behind the crowd, to listen to the photographer's speech of his exhibition, Adrien's thanks and thoughts of the project and even Gabriel Agreste spared a few words to the crowd, before he urged everyone to clap their hands for the photographer. After that guests were free to walk around the exhibition with their drinks and companions. Marinette noticed that some journalists had captured both the photographer and Adrien for interviews, so she decided to go ahead on her own and check out all the pictures, planning to photograph the ones which inspired her the most. Before going deeper into the gallery she went back to the three animal pictures and took a photo of the panther Adrien, not being able to shake the feeling of Chat Noir from her heart when she looked at it.

Marinette guessed she was really missing Chat.

She was also a bit sad Tikki had refused to come with her, saying that Marinette should use fancy earrings for this event, at least for once. For some reason Marinette had agreed with Tikki's unusual suggestion.

She circled the exhibition from room to room with slow steps, stopping every now and then to admire her favorite pictures, staying away from the big groups of people. She spotted a side room almost from the other end of the gallery. The room was narrow and dark except for a light in the middle of its ceiling, the spot pointing directly at the tall photograph on the wall. It was a mystical looking photo and Marinette stepped further into the almost empty room. The people standing there gave her space, leaving the room and she was left alone. The picture was another feline picture; this time it was a portrait of Adrien as a regular cat, with white color and a cat collar with a tiny jingle bell. She didn't quite understand what the photographer was after with this kind of a placements of that specific pic, but she really didn't care. Marinette's eyes fixated on the photo, as for some reason it was as captivating as the panther one.

Mentally Marinette laughed at herself, wondering if she had some kind of a cat kink.

She could hear steps coming closer and soon Adrien tapped her shoulder with his fingers, grinning.

"You found my fave photo," he noted nodding towards the picture of himself.

"I like it, too. It's very nice. I also liked the panther picture a lot," Marinette admitted also looking at the picture.

"Oh?" Adrien's eye brow curved upwards.

"Somehow it reminds me of Chat Noir. From a different time or era or culture. Something like that," she continued eyeing the white cat picture. "This has the same spirit in it, though it's completely opposite from the panther pic."

"R-really?" he stammered with a surprised tone. "Must be the mad masking skill the make-up artist had."

Marinette hummed with a smile, her heart feeling warm when their chatting had brought up Chat Noir.

"Adrien," she whispered lightly, barely with an audible voice, "I really, really like him. Isn't it strange?"

"Not at all. I'd like him too if I was a woman," he pointed out with a small nudge on Marinette's side. She replied to him with a warm chuckle.

She was about to say how good all the pictures in the exhibition were, when an ear piercing noise rang around the exhibition area. They both heard loud yelling and screaming coming from the direction of the front door.

Quickly Adrien scooped Marinette under his arm, eyes narrowing.

"Let's go," he hissed between his teeth, getting an agreeing nod from Marinette. He leaded the way, taking Marinette's hand into his. Cautiously Adrien peeked out from the room, seeing how people were rushing here and there. The shouting was getting louder and more demanding and Adrien made a decision to run away from it, to the other side of the gallery area.

Marinette followed him, her hand still in his, and cursed in her mind for leaving Tikki behind.

Adrien guided them quickly to the staircase which was out from public access. He closed the door behind them quietly, a dark corridor of stairs having only very yellowish lamps here and there giving some light into the staircase. The stopped, scanning the area.

"We can get out from the roof. Let's go," he spoke firmly to Marinette, looking up.

"What's going on?" she questioned running after Adrien.

"I have no idea, but it didn't sound good. We need to get you somewhere safe."

"What about you?" she gasped.

"Don't worry," his brows knitted together, lips thin, but Marinette couldn't see his face as he was running ahead of her.

They reached the door leading to the roof, but for their disbelief it was locked. For good. No matter how much they bounded against it, it didn't even budge. Adrien hissed between his teeth with a frustrated tone.

Marinette felt herself extremely anxious and guilty. There was no way she could reach Tikki now, as she was in the other side of the Paris. It would take her about an hour to get there and by then anything could have happened. They could hear a very faint sound of police sirens and they looked at each other.

"I guess someone managed to call help," Adrien reasoned. "We better go back down. Perhaps there's another way out. I didn't like the sounds in the gallery, so we better avoid going there."

Marinette couldn't do anything else but follow Adrien's plan and curse herself for the tenth of time. They made their way back on their tracks, but around the middle of the stairs leading down two sharp, loud noises rang across the building. They stopped immediately.

"Gunshot!" Marinette gasped in shock, watching how Adrien's face paled down.

"My dad is there! We have to figure out something!" he almost shouted, ready to run down as fast as he could.

Marinette reached to his jacket, halting him before he even took the first running step.

"Chat Noir! I bet he will be here soon! Perhaps this is one of the akuma cases again!" she soothed Adrien. His eyes were stern and empty for a second.

"Before that, let's make out from here before anything happens to you," he stated hastily while turning away from Marinette, feeing himself from her hold. He started to rush downwards, but after a few steps something new happened; all the lights died out, leaving them into a complete darkness. Marinette shrieked and thudded against Adrien's back, who managed to take support from the hand trailing and prevent them from falling down.

"Oh great..." they both breathed out the same words at the same time. Adrien sought Marinette close to his side, entwining his arm around her waist.

If the situation wouldn't have been so dire and sudden, Marinette would have probably faint from the closeness of Adrien, his protectiveness being a new side to Marinette.

"Here, let's use this," Marinette said and took her phone from her purse, switching on the light. With the help of her phone they walked down, this time slowly, listening if they could hear any other noises. Marinette was horrified that something very bad had happened, that someone had been killed by the gunfire. If someone died here on her, she would blame herself forever. If it was Adrien's father, he would also blame himself. She knew his mother wasn't around anymore but if he lost also his father that would be too much.

"Where is that cat?" she heard herself muttering out loud, Adrien remaining silent. They found their way back to the door where they had come in from, just to notice that the stairs didn't lead any lower and they had only two options to get out; this door or the locked one leading to the roof.

Adrien tried the door carefully, just to find out it was also locked. He tried to open it harder, yanking it with all his might, but it didn't even budge. Marinette gave also her try to it, but no use. They were stuck in the pitch black corridor, Marinette's phone's flashlight being the only source of light.

"Ah shit, this can't be happening," she heard Adrien to cuss for the first time in her life. She opened her mouth to sooth him with the police probably being here and Chat Noir arriving here any time now – though she feared a lot of safety with guns involved – but another sound of a gunshot pierced their ear.

"Oh my god!" Marinette breathed out, honestly scared. Adrien's face was as pale as ghost's when Marinette take a look at him. He looked like a statue, having a very stern and worried look over his face. It made Marinette even more worried, to see Adrien like never before. He was clearly thinking furiously something.

"I think the automatic lock system isn't working and it's probably connected to these lights," Marinette offered a reason for them being locked in. She was about to continue, but Adrien's tightly together pressed lips opened suddenly.

"Marinette," his voice was stoic. Quickly Adrien turned around, looking Marinette straight in her eyes with a serious frown. "I want you to go back up and turn your light off. Don't come out from here no matter what. Use this darkness for your cover."

"Adrien, what are you-"Marinette tried to ask, but Adrien's hands seized her shoulders, his eyes becoming icy and yet so sad.

"I'll come back to get you. Wait for me, alright? Promise me."

She had no idea what Adrien was thinking or planning, but she nodded, feeling unsure and scared for him. Marinette didn't know what to say.

"I... I'll explain everything later. Forgive me," he hissed painfully pressing his head down, hiding his face from Marinette's eyes. Before she got time to say anything to Adrien, he straightened his back, looking for a second at Marinette with eyes which had the hint of torment in them. She watched how he backed from her in the light of her phone and uttered the words she never expected to hear from Adrien Agreste's mouth:

"Plagg, transform me".

In a second a bright green light flashed through the room. Marinette had to shield her eyes from the force of the green. When the light died down she opened her eyes, blinking, and saw Chat Noir standing before her, his cat eyes clouded. He broke the door's lock with his cataclysm and turned then to Marinette.

"I love you," he murmured sadly with an apologetic whisper, pecking her parted lips quickly and giving a one last look at Marinette, before he rushed out from the door, leaving Marinette to stand alone in the black corridor.

Her legs felt weak, too weak to hold her body up. As the door closed after Chat Noir she dropped on the floor, the phone sliding down from her grasp.

Marinette felt like she would pass out.

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