Chapter 8: hot chocolate

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Like expected, Marinette didn't hear anything of Adrien, which made her a bit sad when she thought about his super busy life. However, Chat Noir seemed to have time for Marinette each day, as he sent her short emails every day, usually around evening. Five days passed while Marinette and Chat Noir kept changing emails, Marinette feeling light and happy every time he had replied her. The messages weren't anything big, just daily conversations and Chat Noir's usual flirts, but Marinette was happy they had this connection. She wanted to ask many times some personal things from Chat Noir about him and his human life, but she always pushed those thoughts away, reminding herself that they had to keep their relationship professional, with or without feelings which went beyond their work. But there was something Marinette couldn't push away from her mind: Chat Noir's arm without leather and claws, the bare human hand in her hold.

Marinette woke up from her day dreaming when people around her started to make their way out from the lecture room. She realized she had missed about half an hour of the lecture. Gathering her stuff into her bag Marinette hoped she hadn't missed anything important during her day dreaming. It was still somewhat awkward for her to admit that she was thinking so much of Chat Noir these days. She actually stopped to think if she was shallow somehow, for forgetting Adrien so quickly. Well, not really forgetting him. Adrien still made her heart skip a beat, but Chat Noir made it happen twice easier.

"Tikki," she whispered when she was sure no one was seeing or hearing them. "I can't stop thinking of him and I feel bad about it."

"Why?" Tikki's muffled voice came out from the narrow slit of her purse's lock.

"I feel like... like I own Adrien for having thoughts of someone else in my mind... And Adrien, I still like him a lot. It's... confusing," she admitted.

"Like I said, let the time pass and don't even try to solve this. I'm sure the flow will guide you," Tikki smiled at Marinette, though she couldn't see her smile from the depth of the purse.

"Is the flow you are talking about one of those Ladybug and Chat Noir things?" Marinette asked hissing the names out very quietly.

"Yep! They are always drawn towards each other. How many times do I need to assure this to you?" Tikki let out another warm laugh and Marinette made an apologetic face. It was still a bit odd to think that someone was so connected to someone else like that. Marinette wasn't sure did she really understand the depth of that bond Tikki was talking about while she made her way to the cafeteria.

"How many times do I need to repeat this to you?" Plagg's voice was an annoyed groan coming out from the jacket's breath pocket. Adrien tugged his jacket tighter around him, frowning.

"I know, you don't have to repeat this", Adrien muttered. Plagg didn't listen to him.

"There's no need to be hasty, things will work out fine on their own. Don't be lazy but don't try to get there too fast either. You are being impatient because your Chat Noir is reacting strongly to Marinette's Ladybug," the kwami kept nagging.

Adrien wanted to argue back, but he knew he couldn't. He was growing impatient with the whole Adrien-Chat Noir business. If it was Adrien's business only, he would already have revealed himself as Chat Noir to Marinette. He pondered if he should push forward more with the idea, feed it as suggestions to Marinette so long that she would get a way too curious to resist his suggestions. He had played with the scene in his head over and over again but to be honest, Adrien was freaking out by the idea of the revelation – how would Marinette take it? Would she be upset? Angry? Understanding? Would she hug him and say "thank you" or would she whoop him for good? What most important Adrien had no idea how to reveal himself to Marinette and when would be the best time. For now, he returned back to his thoughts of trying to speak Marinette about Chat Noir's private life in his emails and hopefully coax her into the revelation. He knew he was walking on the thin ice but the mere thought of Marinette, her beautiful smile, catchy giggle and warm touch were enough of a reason to Adrien to keep going on.

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