Chapter 6: In company of a cat

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The evening had slowly made its way over Paris, the city still being rather lively, except for a few parts here and there around the city. It seemed that even Hawkmoth himself had retired, or at least went out for a vacation despite having the opportunity of a lifetime to snatch Marinette's miraculous for her being currently injured. Whatever the reason for the peacefulness of Paris and the silence of the criminals was, Adrien was happy about it. It gave him time to think in peace and throughout different methods to swoon Marinette as Chat Noir – something he wanted to do genuinely, as he really liked her in all ways. He had started to wish he would have known her to be Ladybug earlier. He would have done his move years ago and not be so torn between his adoration of Ladybug and Marinette.

Adrien looked at the bright screen of his laptop, frowning.

"Do you think she says yes?" he asked from Plagg with an unsure tilt of his head, tapping the laptop's edge with his fingers.

"Hard to say but it's worth of trying," the kwami noted, hovering in front of the laptop. "She will be mad at you if she finds this out too early, though."

"I know, I know. I will be careful and I will explain everything when the time is right. She's Marinette with the secret Ladybug alter ego, similar to me. She will understand," Adrien assured Plagg yet again about his plan, hoping in silence that the things would indeed go as smoothly as he had pictured them going.

With one fluid movement, Adrien clicked send button and his email to Marinette left out flying from his laptop. He leaned back in his couch and stretched his arms, feeling sore from the morning workout. If anything else, it was good that the killer week at school was over and this Monday was basically free, except the demands for taking care of his body, both for modeling and saving Paris. While rotating his aching shoulder Adrien made a mental note to book a time from his trusted masseur for the weekend.

"Oh, email from Adrien!" Marinette's happy voice reached Tikki, and she flew nearer to Marinette from her lounging spot.

"Is it about the meeting of today?" Tikki asked curiously, watching how Marinette had a hard time to actually hear her.

"Perhaps. I hope everything is alright. We planned to go to walk near the Seine again this evening last week. You know, we both had a hard week at school so..." Marinette blushed slightly, shrugging her shoulders to Tikki.

"Yes, I know, you told me about it five times," the kwami laughed heartily but her laugh soon turned into silence, when she noticed how Marinette's face dropped.

"Oh no, is it something bad?" Tikki gasped, moving to look at the message from Adrien over Marinette's shoulder.

"I am sorry, but I have to cancel today's meeting in short notice. My life suddenly got hectic without any warning. I wish that we get to meet some other time. My apologies," Marinette read his message out loud, groaning with a defeated tone when she reached the end of it.

"That's unfortunate, but no can do. We both know how busy Adrien's life is," Tikki soothed Marinette as she petted her blue hair. Marinette's head sank lower.

"Yeah, it's not easy for him. Poor Adrien," she sighed sadly but lifted then her chin up and smiled at Tikki, "At least I got to see him already and quite many times with a such short notice."

"That's the spirit!" Tikki cheered her, doing a few circles in the air. "Perhaps we can watch a movie today? Your parents are in the local patisseries congress from this evening till tomorrow's evening, remember?"

"Aah! You are right, I almost forgot! I promised to open the bakery and look after it tomorrow until mom and dad return!" Marinette shrieked lifting her hands up and sinking her fingers into her hair. Tikki found the whole situation more than humorous.

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