Chapter 16: The catwalk

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It was already late and dark and far past Marinette's reasonable adult bed time when she woke up to a faint knocking on her balcony's hatch lid. At first she just turned on her other side and pulled the duvet over her tighter, but when the knocking was heard again, and she pushed herself up, rubbing her eyes. Turning on the night light she noticed Tikki wasn't anywhere near, but apparently still sleeping on her computer desk in a basket Marinette had made for her, as Tikki liked to change her sleeping places every now and then. Slowly Marinette stood up from her bed and made her way up to the lid, the knocking accompanying her climbing. She lifted the hatch open, cold night air brushing her skin through her night top, bare legs taking the chill with full blast.

Chat Noir's crouching form greeted Marinette and she blinked her eyes a couple of times, dazed.

"Chat Noir? What are you doing here?" she asked, pushing the lid open completely, thinking it felt a bit odd to use that name of him when she knew who really was behind the mask. Yet they had decided to keep the deal with him; Chat Noir was Chat Noir and Adrien was Adrien. It also gave identity protection to him.

"Sorry I'm here at this hour, but I couldn't arrive any earlier," he apologized looking sullen, "I'll tell you the answer to your question if you let me in," his sullen face soon turned into a winking smirk.

Marinette replied to his smirk with her own.

"I don't know what my parents say if they find out I let a cat in," she joked, enjoying the fact they could still banter together like this despite of both of them knowing each other's identities.

"I behave," Chat remarked, the grin still on his lips.

Marinette let him in, backing down the stairs and onto her bed, covering her legs with the duvet to get the warmness back into her body. Chat Noir sat casually next to her.

"I've got something for you, My Lady," he whispered, not wanting to wake her parents up and see what they would indeed say if they saw him at Marinette's room at this hour of the night – and on her bed that is.

Marinette's eyes widened as Chat took hold of his bell and pulled the zipper lower, baring his neck, collarbones and the chest.

"Chat, no! Seriously!" she hissed at him waving her palms, getting only a curious look from Chat Noir, his grin widening from ear to another.

"Naughty, My Lady, I'm here to deliver you something else than my mortal, flesh body. Bohoo, " he enjoyed the blush on Marinette's cheeks when she realized she had understood his gesture wrong. He wanted to tease her more, but managed to keep lips sealed. Instead Chat pulled a white envelope with golden details from his suit.

"Here you go, finally. All as promised," he purred softly, handing the envelope to his girlfriend.

"Oh, is this what I think it is?" Marinette's eyes started to sparkle as she opened the envelope, taking two Paris Fashion Week invitations out from it. They were signed both for Marinette and Alya. She turned to look at Chat Noir, happy. "I hope these didn't cause you much trouble."

"Not at all. When you are Agreste, there aren't many things which will be denied from you," he casually noted, bending closer to kiss Marinette's cheek. "I hope to see you there, love."

Marinette's heart jumped up in her chest by his choice of the pet name. She kept her posture, loving how his lips felt so warm on her cheek, the dim light in the room making the moment somehow magical to her.

"I will be there," she tottered slightly.

"Front row," Chat continued to plant his soft kisses here and there, finally letting his head fell to rest against Marinette's shoulder.

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