Parted | Song Mingi

By jeonbookie97

98.1K 2.8K 1.4K

WARNING: This story contains swearing and inappropriate scenes. The Song family and the Kim family both have... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty (FINAL)

2.5K 76 100
By jeonbookie97

Areum sighed and shook her head. She leaned back against her chair and open up her notebook and the teacher started to talk. About an hour passed and it was already break and lunch time. Standing up, she walked next to him and looked down at his face. "You're cute" she said out of nowhere, "That was random but still" she smiled.

He looked up at her and smiled shyly. He shook his head at her and stood up then headed out without saying anything. He bit his lip as he to stop smiling.

Areum noticed he was leaving and she just stood there in shock. 'Whatever... I'm not following you out Mingi she thought and sat back down on her chair. She put her head down and closed her eyes, wishing time would go by faster so school could end already.

Mingi went to the gym and grabbed a basketball from the props room. He played for a few minutes until he realized that Hana was watching him. The ball fell out of his hand and rolled towards her. She picked it up and sighed. "Song Mingi." She said walking towards him. "Do you even like Areum?" She asked.

"I do." He said grabbing the ball from her hand.

She sighed in disbelief. "do you even remember that I'm your girlfriend?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Doesn't feel like that." He mumbled, throwing the ball.

She grabbed his arm and turned him to her immediately pulling him down by his collar. She kissed his lips and closed her eyes. His eyes went wide. He pushed her back. "You're crazy!" He said then grabbed his jacket from the floor and headed out of the gym.

Areum stepped outside after a few minutes and headed into the bathroom before hearing Mingi yell something. She walked out and looked at him leaving the gym. Walking close to him, she crossed her arms and squinted. "Hey, what's up? You didn't say anything earlier" she said going in front of him.

He stopped walking when he saw her and sighed lightly. He smiled at her and nodded. "I'm sorry..." He mumbled.

And from behind Hana came out fixing her smudged lipstick. She looked at them and sighed deeply. 'of course she's here.' she rolled her eyes and walked past them.

Areum looked over at Hana who passed by them and she turned her attention back onto Mingi. Taking his hand, she dragged him over into the gym and closed the door behind her. "You've been acting weird. Now tell me what's going on" she said crossing her arms.

He looked at her then looked away avoiding her eyes. "Nothing... I'm Not acting weird." He mumbled crossing his arms as well. "It's just Hana that's all. She's been getting on my nerves that's all." He sighed.

Areum bit her bottom lip listening to what he had to say and nodded slowly. She uncrossed her arms and went closer to him. She took her hand and turned his face to look down at her. "You know, I'm always here if you need to talk" she said leaning up to peck him on the lips.

He looked down at her and tilted his head while biting the inside of his cheek. He grabbed her hand and pushed it away. "I'm sorry Areum... You don't deserve this." He shook his head and put his jacket on then went out of the gym and head to his classroom immediately grabbing his bag then went out of the school. He sat on his bike and wore his helmet then rode off.

Areum was a little shocked when he walked off and was about to stop him but she didn't. She sighed walking back into her classroom and saw him leave on his bike. Sitting down time passed very quickly and school had come to an end. She couldn't focus in any of her classes and only thought about Mingi. Her chauffeur came and she got inside, but she wasn't heading home, she was going out to meet with some of her friends at a café.

Mingi stopped his bike and got off of it. He went inside a bar and ordered a few glasses. After finishing all of them he decided to go back on his bike.

Not even a few minutes passed when he fell on it. He stood up on his own as he pushed everyone off of him. "This is... What I deserve." He said to himself and went to his bike picking it up.

Mingi stopped his bike and got off of it. He went inside a bar and ordered a few glasses. After finishing all of them he decided to go back on his bike.

Areum met up with some of her friends that she hadn't seen in awhile. After talking for a very long time, they all said their goodbyes and Areum headed out of the café. She was walking along side the sidewalk and looked at some stores on the sides. Her eyes were on the stores until she saw someone who looked awfully a lot like Mingi on their bike. She ran to the person and got a closer look. "Song Mingi?" she said getting closer to him.

Mingi looked up at her when he heard his name and sighed. "Why are you here." He said dragging hi bike back to the track. He sat up felt his arm hurt when he grabbed the steer. He frowned at the pain but kept holding onto the steer. He rode off.

Areum face palmed when she saw him drive off. She was worried about him since he looked as if he was in pain. 'He won't tell me what's going on either...I know this isn't about Kang Hana' she thought and shook her head while walking away to her chauffeur and going home.

He got to the hospital and went inside. A few minutes passed. Mingi came outside with a bandage around his arm. A broken wrist is all he needed. All he deserved.

Areum got home and went straight to her bedroom. She felt tears coming but tried her best not to cry. "Why is he so confusing...what did I do wrong" she sulked and grabbed a huge bear she had and hugged it, crying against it.

Mingi grabbed his phone and found her contact. He began typing with one hand as he was sitting on his bed. "let's not fall in love." He sent to Areum and put his phone away.

Areum laid next to her stuffed bear until she heard her phone go off. She immediately sat up to grab her phone that was near the edge of the bed and read what he had sent her. She froze for a bit and the phone slipped out of her hand as seconds went by. Her heart felt like it shattered into tiny pieces and stayed silent for awhile.

Weeks passed and Mingi decided to stay home. No school. No friends. No Hana to annoy him. But his mother decided it was enough. She knocked on his door and went inside. "Mingi, you're not staying home again. Get up and go to school. Do you think you won't need school because you're the heir of our company? Pull yourself together and get up. Hana keeps asking for you and the school never stopped sending emails." She sighed. "Get up already."

"Fine... I'll get up... Five minutes." He mumbled under his pillow.

His mother shook his head at him and sighed deeply before leaving his room

The past few weeks Areum went to school without seeing Mingi. She thought he'd quit school already so she started to hang around with Minhyun more and more. She got ready and went downstairs to grab something quick and small to eat while she gets driven to school. She slowly walked over to the classroom with her head down and sat all the way in the back corner where she usually had never sat.

Mingi didn't bother to do anything else than brushing his teeth and wear his uniform. His hair was greasy covered under his hood.

He was driven to school. The bike was taken away from him ever since the accident.

He went to his classroom his hands stuffed inside his hoodie pockets. He went to one of the empty seats without looking around himself. He plopped down on the seat and kept his head down as the teacher entered. The teachers knew he was going through something like this parents told them. They let him wear his hoodie

Areum heard students murmuring about Mingi being back. She didn't want to look up so she kept her head down because she was scared to see him. He broke her heart, and if she looked at his face one more time she would've made a big mess around the students. The class was very quiet that day and only the teacher was talking, surprisingly. An hour passed and Areum looked up to see a guy in a hoodie, she assumed it was Mingi so she immediately ran out making sure they didn't make eye contact.

Mingi stayed in his seat throughout the whole seat. His classmates tried talking to him including his Minhyun. But he didn't reply or bother to raise his head. He didn't want to look up but at the same time he wanted to see her.

Areum walked around the halls, her head down looking at the ground and her hands stuffed inside the blazers pockets. Hana came up to her and tapped her shoulder, she turned around and sighed. "Hey...just wanted you to know, he's back, I don't know what's wrong with him but... I'm thinking it involves you so I was wondering if you could tal-" she couldn't finished her sentence before being cut off by Areum. "I don't want to be associated with that selfish bastard anymore" she said sternly and walked off, leaving Hana in shock.

Minhyun kept asking questions. Mingi finally had enough and stood up. He went out of the classroom and walked to the gym where he used to spend his time with Areum. He wasn't the class president anymore so there was no way he could get to the rooftop.

He went inside the gym and lay down on the bench with his eyes closed.

Areum continued to walk around the school with her head down. There were tears going down her face, she was such a crybaby. During the time he wasn't there, Areum would go into the gym frequently to hide from everyone who might ask her questions about where he was. 


Season two coming out when this book hits 10k readers ~ ♥ thank you for reading

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