Secrets ~ 5 Seconds Of Summer

By 5sos_4_life_xo

351 18 1

"Your hair looks fine." I signed at my best friend's fidgeting. "Oh my gosh! Look" She gave her hair one last... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 6

11 1 0
By 5sos_4_life_xo

I can say, I did not do much at the party. Once I saw Trish getting up in Ashtons grill, she didn't really. I just sat outside in the hut drinking my lemonade gazing at the stary night. Since i'm not a party person, I really didn't know what to do. I wasn't going to go jump on anyones dick or suck someones face off or get so wasted I can hardly talk or walk.

I was so bored. So. I walked around the house seeing what I could find. I went past so many people who gave me some looks but I simply didn't care. I went up this big stair case which lead to different rooms down a hallway. I saw a sign saying 'Calums Room' so I simply went in.

To me, this was another typical boys bedroom. Clothes everywhere, basket ball, two to three guitars lying around. I went in further just taking a look when a saw a book shelf. I walked up to up examining the books in it. There were some books I've read and some books I hadn't seen before. I saw a big book which looked like a diary which stood out the most in the shelf.

My hand went up to go grab it when I heard the door slam open giving me a fright. I turned around and saw Calum. My eyes went wide and I never asked permission to be in his room. Yes, only a person like me would do that.

"I.. Uh.. Was just looking, sorry" I stuttered quickly walking past him when suddenly he grabbed my hand. I stopped in my tracks looking at my hand then at him.

"Nah it's fine. Sorry if I scared you I thought it was going to be some random"

"So you dont mind me being in hear, cause I can leave..."

"No it's fine" Calum smiled. He walked over towards the shelf where I was originally standing. "What were you doing?"

I walked over and sat at the end of his bed which was near the bookshelf. "Just looking, seeing what you got. Do you read much?"

He turned looking at me and came over to sit next to me. "Not really" He looked down at his hands. "I do in my spare time I do like to read, but when i'm around the boys I'm suppose to be cool. They think I leave them there because my mum told me to leave them in my room" He chuckled slighty.

He finally looked up at me. I didn't understand why he's telling me all this "Why can't you just tell them? it's no big deal..."

"Because you just don't get it" He stood up in fustration. Now we finally have the real Calum Hood everybody.

"You know I do get it, your just too much of a pussy!" I snapped back.

Calum went from tensed to softened within a matter of seconds. He looked down. Shit woops. I stood up walked over to him slowly and just gave him the biggest hug ever. Suprisingly he hugged back. "Sorry" Is all I said.

I looked up at Calum who was already looking at me. He released me a bit still holding me but not as tight. He slowly leaned in. What? Is he going to kiss me? Wait, no. What do I do? I just need to freeze time for 3 seconds, quickly jump on my phone, youtube 'How to kiss'.

This must of been it, was he seriously going to kiss me? His eye lids closing slowly as he leaned in. I started leaning in as well, going up onto my tippy toes as he was tall. Before I knew it I felt his soft lips on mine. No movement just a single kiss that set fireworks off. We stood there for 3 seconds just standing there.. kissing. Ha, sounds random to me.

Bang! Calums door slammed open making Calum and I jump and quickly separating as if nothing happened. I finally could have a good look at this person and guess who it is? Mr Hemmings.

"Hello Hemmings" I greeted him sitting on the bed, hands in my hands in fustration.

Luke looked at me, then Calum, then at me again. "Uh, Christine can I talk to you?" I groaned and nodded as Luke left the room. Right, cool see you soon then. I looked up at Calum who looked at me, forming a small smile on his face. I stood up and fixed my dress and hair making sure I looked decent.

Calum walked over grabbed the side of my head with one of his hands and left leaving a kiss on my forehead before walking out of the room leaving me alone in my own thoughts.

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