RED | h.p

By lostscarlettsoul

190K 6K 3.4K

"Nice to meet you, my name is Lily Evans." In which Harry Potter meets Emerald Lilith Evans who seems to be a... More

part two
twenty - seven
twenty - eight
twenty - nine
part three
thirty -five
part four
an update that is not an update
part five
QnA Intermission


2.6K 98 72
By lostscarlettsoul

THE NEXT MORNING, I was a mess because I could barely force myself to sleep after whatever that was with Harry that happened. I kissed him, wait- we kissed. He kissed me back and I. . .oh my god.

When did I become this bold?

I was almost hesitant to head to breakfast and Hermione knows something is up with how I was too invested in my looks after shower. I spent almost an hour playing around with charms to style my hair.

Merlin, I even asked Lavender to apply a bit of make-up to my face, and she was happy to do so but Hermione was narrowing her eyes at me the entire time. So here we are on our way to breakfast.

"What's with the preparation?" She asked, with a detective tone.

"Is it a crime for a girl to look pretty?" I ask, feigning innocence and nonchalance.

"Not really, just curious who you're doing it for," She casually replied.

"I'm doing it for myself," I exclaimed with a matter-of-fact tone but it still didn't make her drop the suspicious look.

But I was too ecstatic to pay her weird act any mind. I almost skipped to the Gryffindor table where I saw Ron and Harry already eating breakfast at.

I occupied the seat next to Harry without a word. "Good Morning!" I greeted, Ron returned it but I kept my eyes on the side of Harry's head.

If I was in my right mind, I would smack myself in the face for acting this way. But I was too happy to care.

Harry entually turned at the sound of my voice and he gave me a heart-melting smile."Good Morning," He greets back with a friendly tone.

My smile began to weaken, he's acting normal. Of course, I don't want him dancing ballet on the table but he's acting way too normal. Did he hit his head and forget that he kissed me? Or rather, I kissed him and he kissed me back?

Then his gaze was taken away from me, I tried to follow it and saw Cho Chang smiling at him. She looked beautiful in her blue robes, I felt a pinch at my heart. I turned back to Harry and he was spilling the drink from his mouth.

"Very smooth, Harry," Ron whistled sarcastically and Hermione nudged him.

I met her sad eyes and they silently told me that she knew, she understood. I don't know how she finds things out easily and adjust to information well but I'm not even gonna question it anymore. I shifted in my seat to be a good inch or two away from Harry.

If he noticed the shift in my demeanor, he didn't mention anything about it. I forced my breakfast down my throat, stabbing pieces of my sausage violently with a fork and quietly chewing on it.

"Parcel for you, Mr.Weasley," A young boy says, walking up to Ron with a package in hand."Thanks man," Ron took it.

I frowned at that, my anger and disappointment forgotten at the weird event that took place. "Uh, not now. Later. Go on," Ron shoos the boy away and I frown some more.

"What was that about?" Harry asked, voicing my thoughts.

"I told him I'd get him your autograph if he brought me my mail," Ron shrugs and scans the package. "Oh look, Mum sent me something."

He opens the package and I watch in mild amusement, I craned my neck to get a better look at it. Knside is a hideous maroon and orange robe, I turned away after that, it was too ugly to keep looking at.

"Mum sent me a. . .dress?"

"I'm certain it would lovely on you, Ron," I teased.

He sarcastically laughed in response.

Ron walks up to his sister and holds it up for her.

"Ginny, these must be for you."

She looks at it in horror, then look up at ron. "I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly."

I laugh with Hermione once she's said that.

"What are you laughing about?" Ron asks, rather dumbly.

"They're not for Ginny, they're for you! They're dress robes."

"Dress robes? for what?"

So it turns out that a ball is to be held in honor of the tournament and that event has lead us to stand before our House Head, Professor McGonagall to teach us dancing. Filch is in the background, in charge of the music and I have never wanted to get out of a situation more. McGonagall stands before us, preparing for a speech I didn't anticipate to hear.

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Tri-Wizard Tournament since it was created. On Christmas Eve night and our guests gather in the great hall for a night of well-mannered fun. As representatives of school I expect each and every pne of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this is very literally because the Yule Ball is simply. . .a dance."

I joined the others in groaning, they were mostly from the boys. The girls seem more interested and I honestly beg to differ, I am not the type of girl to dress up and dance and mingle. I just had a make-over this morning to impress one boy and he drooled over someone else.

So I am done with that, never again wearing make-up or fixing my hair. I wasted my bloody time."Silence." McGonagall demands and I shut up right away. McGonagall is queen and I obey. "The house of Gryffindor has commended the respect of the wizarding world for almost ten centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening destroy the name by behaving like a- a babbling, bumbling band of baboons."

I bite back a chuckle at the tongue twister.

"To dance is to let the body breathe. Now Mr.Potter if you will join me on the dance floor please," McGonagall commands with a nod and I cover my mouth to mask my laughter.

He saw me and sent a glare my way. I ignored the pointed look and rolled eyes eyes.

He hesitantly join McGonagall on the 'dance floor' and rather nervously at that.

Look at this bloke. He fought a bloody dragon and is afraid of a dance!

"Now, place your hand on my waist," McGonagall instructs and I couldn't help the laughter from escaping me.

McGonagall sharply turns to my direction and still, her intimidating stare did not stop my laughter. I was too deep in the image of Harry dancing with McGonagall on the ball.

"Ms.Evans, if you've taken it upon yourself to find entertainment on this lesson: then why don't you take my place instead?"

I stopped. Furrowing my brows and crossing my arms.

"I'd have to decline that request, Professor," I smiled slightly but she was not amused.

"It wasn't really a request, Ms.Evans," she replied with a stern tone and I groan before walking over to a dumbfounded Harry.

I lazily put my hands on his shoulders and he stiffened under my touch. Okay, no need to be obvious about how much he hates having to do this with me. I bite my lower lip, something I tend to do when I'm hurt.

I am impulsive when it come to words, and when I'm hurt, I say things I don't mean. So I bite my lip to keep the sultry words in.

"Put your hand on her waist," McGonagall finally speaks.

"Uhm, where?" Harry asks, nervously.

"On my waist, dummy," I cooed and he hesitantly did so.

But the moment he placed a hand on my hip, I was taken back to the events of last night. When he held my by the waist to keep me close. And then this morning, he made heart eyes at Cho Chang. What a dic-

Whistles erupted from the crowd of Gryffindors watching us, I chuckle at Harry's reddened face. McGonagall instructs Filch to play the music and I began to dance. I took so many dancing classes throughout childhood. I was doing ballet at 5 and waltz at 7, my parents really wanted me to be active. At 8 years old, I was already taking math classes to be ahead everyone my age.

But Harry was nearly tripping on his own feet, I try to adjust my rhythm to his but he was all over the place. McGonagall counts and calls the rest, who grabbed partners and scattered around us.

"You're good at this," Harry mumbles.

"I know," I muttered. "And you're kinda terrible."

He flashes me a sarcastic smile. "Thanks,"

"Just follow my lead, Potter," I chimed.

"I'm trying," He hisses, looking down at our tangling legs.

"Look up, keep your eyes on me," I instructed and he followed. I met his gaze, not backing away from tha staring contest I started. "And just let your body go, I'm gonna lead us."

I took the lead as I said, and he seems to be getting better. He's no longer destroying my flat oxfords so I guess he's got it. Fred, who is dancing with Hermione appeared on our side and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Switch partners?" Fred asked, before Harry could even say anything, I switches places with Hermione.

A second in dancing with a Weasley and I'm losing my balance, nearly, from all the spinning. I couldn't help my giggles in between spins.

"You're gonna tire out your date on the ball if you keep doing this," I hummed and he shrugged. Looking over my shoulder, I followed his line of sight.

I saw Harry watching us with hardened eyes, Hermione trying to talk to him but his attention was on us. I tore my gaze away from him with a huff and looked up at Fred.

"What a bloody tosser," I breathed annoyed, and Fred cracked a grin.

"You seem to like the bloody tosser," Fred insinuated with a cheeky grin.

"And the bloody tosser likes a pretty ravenclaw who I heard have the hots for our Hufflepuff champion."

Fred cringes then shudders. I laugh and spun on my own, once I faced him again I raised a brow."Yikes,"

"I know."


comment your thoughts on the turn of things and the route the story is going. also leave stuff you expect to read or want to happen. 

the yule ball is coming up, sum dramas gon stir biatche

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