Go Ape-x (Jason X Reader)


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Searched the darkest most twisted corners of my mind to make up this story ! Hope you find ot weird enough XD... More

Chapter 1 - The Calling
Chapter 2 - Face to Face
Chapter 3 - Hospitality
Chapter 4 - Taking Cover
Chapter 5 - Companion
Chapter 6 - Settling In
Chapter 7 - Vanessa
Chapter 8 - First Kill
Chapter 9 - Mother Knows Best
Chapter 10 - Photograph
Chapter 11 - Modern World
Chapter 12 - Game Night
Chapter 13 - Mother,Mother
Chapter 14 - Coating
Chapter 15 - Deal
Chapter 16 - Commitment
Chapter 17 - Spooks
Chapter 18 - Tummy Aches
Chapter 19 - Frozen
Chapter 20 - Cold Night
Chapter 21 - Cold Blood
Chapter 22 - The Book
Chapter 23 - A Team
Chapter 24 - Deforestation
Chapter 25 - Roomie
Chapter 26 - Best Friends
Chapter 27 - Treats
Chapter 28 - Shopping
Chapter 29 - Back Home
Chapter 30 - Happy Accident
Chapter 31 - Bear Berry
Chapter 33 - Burning Rage
Chapter 34 - Dream
Chapter 35 - Heaven and Hell
Chapter 36 - Whirlwind

Chapter 32 - Little Loss

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The next days were a bit damp but the last two were very sunny and seemed a perfect opportunity for the pic-nic you were planning to have. Timidly starting to wear short sleeves with a jacket kind of weather.

''Have some of the cake we made.It's delicious !'' you say and hand him a slice. ''How about we have that pic-nic we were talking about today ? The weater is very nice.'' Jason nods. 

''Would you like us to go all the way to the docks or should we stay on our side ?'' Jason shrugs. He doesn't mind. The camp is empty anyways. ''Umm okay. You'll help me pack,then ?'' 

Jason nods. No need to mention that.

When you are both finished, you get and start packing. First, you go change clothes, singe lounge pants were only for inside of the house. Looking like a good idea, Jason follows your example and puts on some of his new clothes.

You stay downstairs and remove the SD card from your phone,since it was almost full and set it by the laptop as Jason comes back well-dressed.

''Looking good!'' you exclaim, seeing that he is more than happy to wear them. Now refreshed, you pack some utensils and cake. You hadn't made luch yet, so that would be last. You sit at the computer and open your recipe folder.

''Jason, let's see what we're going to make today!''. He sits next to you. He points at the spinach risotto. ''Hmm...I don't think we have any left...'' you get up and check. ''No. Sorry.'' you stand in front of the screen again. ''How about this leek and ham pie ? It's pretty quick to make'' 


''You haven't tried it before ?''. Jason shakes his head. ''Well, this is my grandmas' recipe. Trust me, it's really good. Even though I'm not a big fan of vegetables.''

You head to the kitchen and get ready to make the dough. Jaso gets ready with the pan. You go back and forth checking the recipe and eventually prepare everything. You put it in the oven and wait. You high five Jason with both hands for your great work after you set the timer.

''Jason, why don't we head outside to find a nice spot by the lake ?'' you ask. Jason agrees and carries all the stuff you had packed. Cookie puts his ball down and follows you outside. You walk all the way till you spot the edge of the lake. Seeing the dock reminds you of the vry first time you ate with Jason. Looked like ages ago. So many things had changed since.

''Should we go on the dock ?'' Jason nods. ''Remember the first time we had lunch together ?'' you say and giggle. You both look one another with a big smile.

You lay down the cloth and sit. You let your legs dangle above the water. Jason on the other hand, sits down and crossed his long legs and takes a moment to admire the re-awakening scenery. After a long sigh you lay back and look at him. Look at the unmasked killer.

He was undeniably ugly, but that would never let you think less of him. Yes he had one droopy eye and a cleft lip but that was no reason to thin of him as dumb or not befriend him becayse he wasn't the most attractive. He is far from perfect in many ways but so are you. 

Somehow that didn't disturb or drive you away. Looking at his face made you feel a certain affection towards him rather than the opposite. It made you look at him the same way when one...cares about someone. 

The alarm on your phone goes off. When you return to reality you hadn't realise you had been staring. Jason was looking at you as well,lost in thought. His light blue eys still distinct. You walk all the way to your house and the pie was all ready. You cut it into pieces and take the tray back to the dock.

You sit and start to eat. ''Careful, it's hot.'' you tell Jason. 

The crust was nicely baked and crispy and the mix, tha worried you might lack salt, was actually good. While you were eating a couple of ducks landed in the lake and started swimming about. Would be nice to throw the crumbs at them instead of the ground.


''I appreacite the fact you chose a troubling word! you are getting better by the day and o course...it wouldn't be as good without your help!'' you say and lightly pinch his cheeck. As you take another slice, the ducks started to quack loudly. Cookie started to bounce and bark excited, making a bit of a mess. You try to hold him down but to no avail.

Cookie being as clumsy as he is,because he is a dog makes a sudden move that sends your phone into the lake.Crap.

''Oh come on! Cookie ! What have you done ?" you pout looking over the dock to see if there is hope of finding it. It was basically gone forever now. When you turn around, Jason is gone. Oh no.

''Jason! JASON! Get out !'' you shout at the lake. Jason pops up but empty handed.

''Are you nuts ?'' you tell him. ''The lake must be cold,still.'' he didn't seem bothered. He goes under again and back up. Still nothing.

''It fell over here,actually.'' you tell him. He was already wet so it would be nice if the phone could be saved. While Jason searches you rush home to get him a towel. You go back and see Jason coming out of the water. You wrap him straight away.

''Please, promise me you won't do anything so stupid again! It's just a phone! I had stuff in there but thanks to this morning I, at least, saved my photos.'' 

Jason, still dripping, unwraps his hand and gives you the phone. He had actually found it, but you doupted it worked. ''Well, at least, you found it and didn't freeze for nothing. Let's take the evening off and take a long nap,huh ?'' you tell him and he agrees. 

''Thank you,though.'' you say and kiss his cheeck.''Being a hero has its perks.'' you say and wink. Cookie follows you right behind. Can you even be mad at him ?

You pack up everything as it was and carry it back and just leave it in the kitchen, to tidy up later.

You take Jason upstairs. He goes into the bathroom to dry and change into his pajamas. You actually do the same. Until May, your outine will probably be sleeping in, completing minor assignments, look for a small job, and lots of naps. As for Jason, he probably will start making hia daily rounds as the weather allows more tresspassers.

''Well, you can go watch a movie, I'll take a nap. I have a folder for the movies you might like but I have watched, I'm sure you'll find it no problem.''

Jason nods and remains downstairs. You go to bed and notice yur hands being a bit sore from the baking. You chuckle and fall asleep, listening to the intro of a movie at a very low volume. Jason had thought it might bother you.

When you wake up, you see Jason playing with Cookie, the laptop still connected to the TV when an email came through. You disconnect it and take it to the desk. It was an email from Pinterest. You scoff and delete it. There was another you had send to yourself with some notes, so you download the Word file. 

~What. Is. It ?~ He says curiously.

''This is a file that allows you to save any kind of text. These are some notes send by Debby for our garden. She texted me and I saved them in a file. You can use this to write other things, like...um...essays, poems, stories...''

Jason seemed quite interested. Maybe he wanted to take notes about technology or instructions. Who knows.

Out of muscle memory, you have the need to pick up your phone. You head to the kitchen, only to find it absolutely useless. It doesn't turn itself on or anything. You give Cookie some food for the night.

''Time for a new one, I guess. Meant to long ago, but no time like the present.''

Sad and phoneless you connect via your laptop and send a message to Debby, to see how she is.

''Let's continue reading, how about that ?'' you suggest and Jason agrees. He had noticed his progress and wanted to carry on.

''Are you going to start making rounds again soon ?'' you ask him. He nods with certainty. Duty is duty.

You sit close together, as usual and you begin reading. You make a small break for dinner and resume. You take turns until you get tired around 2 a.m. You were definatelly sleeping in next morning.

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