Cut it. (Ticci Toby x Reader...

By mentallyspooked

215K 4.3K 10.2K

A normal dawn turns into a crucial kidnapping by the one and only, Tobias Rogers. Afterwards you raise a bunc... More

Chapter 1 E
Chapter 2 E
Chapter 3 E
Chapter 4 E
Chapter 6 E
Chapter 7 E
Chapter 8 E
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 + HUGE annoucement
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 + Schedule Change
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 + new month ahah
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
The Last Offical Chapter (24)
New Book! (Jeff the Killer x Reader)

Chapter 5 E

10.7K 229 633
By mentallyspooked

Very sorry my killers

No recap either :(

The three minutes lasted for three hours being honest. You were anxious but not,, at the same time. In those three minutes time you'd been thinking... a lot.

But those thoughts didn't matter because, in just a split second, you felt a hand on your shoulder and you were somewhere completely different. You lost your balance a little and stumbled. You looked up finally to see Slendy.

"Sorry about that (Y/N)." He apologized. "It's fine. I just wasn't ready for that hahah." You laughed it off. You looked around and noticed that almost all the creepypastas were there. You began to think and that's when Slendy began to answer. "Their here to help you. Meaning; you'll be fighting against them till you beat at least 5." Slendy explained. You looked bewildered. The color had drained from your face.

"What? You scared (L/N)?" A female teased. You turned to the voice and almost instantly recognized who it was. "Jane.." You said with rough eyes. "(Y/N)." She said with a smirk. This girl... She merely tortured you during your school life. All your memories began to flood your brain, along with anger.

"Do you two know eachother?" Slender questioned. "Well of course we do. I think I would remember my favorite little play toy." Jane responded with. The room was completely silent. Everyone stared at you. It was just like school.

You sat down with your lunch. You sat alone due to the obvious reasons of being.... 'different'. It's not that people didn't like you. They just weren't aloud to. All because of her. She'd have their lives if anyone talked to you.

You'd been eating peacefully, then suddenly you felt something hit you. It was an apple. It hit hard too.

"Hey (L/N)! Wanna play a game?" Jane had asked you."No... Your games aren't fun...." You replied with. You looked and felt so weak. She then started pressuring you. Eventually you gave in.

"Fine.... let's play.." You finally replied with. "Ugh, finally. The game is cat and mouse. How it works is the mouse has to try to get the food — that will be in the middle of the cafeteria — without being caught. You mustn't let the cat catch you. All the cat has to do is touch you, and the mouse loses." Jane explained. "I'll be the mouse. You'll be the cat." She pointed at herself and you. You agreed. You just didn't want any trouble.

The apple was placed and the game began. The mouse got 5 seconds before the cat could come out. You started walking (because no one runs in this game cause its school) towards Jane. She suddenly stopped and you took the chance to touch her shoulder. You touched it, then suddenly she let out a high pitched scream.

"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU RAPIST!!" She screamed. What the fuck? Suddenly you got tackled down. It was her boyfriend, Robert.

"STAY OFF OF HER YOU SICK FUCK!" He held you down. Everyone was staring and yelling. It was so loud. The last thing you remembered was getting pushed into a cop car.

Flashback End~

"Oh yeah, how was jail?" She asked. You ran up to her and punched her in the face.

"(Y/N)!" Slenderman yelled. "Save it. You're about to match with her anyways." He informed you. You just nodded with your head down. There was a little bit of a murmur going around the room.

10 minutes later

No one went up to you before the match started. But a lot of people went up to Jane. Most of the girls and Jeff did. You just stayed there. You didn't regret hitting her, but in the same since you felt you made a lot of enemy's that would make you regret it.

"(Y/N), Jane, please enter the room." That's right. We were in a room to get to the real room. Except I was on the empty side of the room, while Jane was getting all the glory.

I walked into the ring. Slenderman asked which weapon we wanted. Jane said she wanted a knife, while me denied the weapons. It's not like I was going in empty handed, I was just already prepared. "If you think you're winning with just your fist then you must not be thinking right." Jane said. You didn't react at all. "Are you sure you don't want a weapon (Y/N)?" Slendy asked again. You nodded your head. "Alright then..." Slendy said uneasy. Everyone was in the other room looking so eager. There was a big window so they could see the fight. It wasn't able to be broken it looked like. You'd test that out later.

"One.. Two.. Three.. FIGHT!"

She was speeding towards you and you didn't move. You hadn't stepped and inch. It was until she was about 7 inches away from you to when you pushed yourself towards her and pulled out a a double sided psyche. You heard a gasp as soon as you had hooked the psyche around Jane. "Shink." You whispered. The psyche had shrunk. You still had a distance between Jane, but then she did something unexpected. She naurto jumped up. She landed and once again ran towards you. This time you moved, but you moved up.

"What the f-" Jane got cut off as you switched weapons to a sledge hammer. When switching you quickly hit her in the side causing her to get thrown across the room, hitting the glass. You walked over with your head down and picked her up from her neck. "Listen, do you hear it?" You asked. The sound was very high pitched and sounded like a dry scream. That sound wasn't from slenderman as some would've guessed. It was from you.

Her ears were bleeding and she was crying. After 10 seconds she started to plead for it to stop. You stopped the screaming but then backed away speedily and kicked her to the ground. Declaring the matches end.

"(Y/N) is the winner. Good job (Y/N)." Slendy had then started to compliment your speed. Toby had started to eye you. After leaving to get ready for dinner, you were left exhausted. Making that simple screech actually took a lot of work. You rubbed your temples due to the head ache forming.

"Hey! Nice match (Y/N)!" EJ complimented at dinner. He was actually eating with everyone. That made you a little happy. "Thanks but I could've been so much better. The technique I used was pitful. I mean the speed was okay, but everything else completely sucked! I'm ashamed that I did that even. I mean did you see how I........" You rambled on and on about how much your technique "sucked". It was until you felt a shaky hand on your shoulder that you snapped out of it. You hit the hand off and pulled a knife to the persons throat. "Oh my god.. I'm so sorry!" You quickly excused yourself. People tried to make you stay even though it wasn't worth it, because you bolted to your room.

There was a knock on the door. You went up to the door and opened it.

"H-hey.... S-s-sor-roy about d-dinner.. Also sorry a-about t-the base-asment th-ing." Toby apologized. "It's fine.. sorry about the way I treated you. No hard feelings.. right?" You questioned at the end. He then pulled you into a tight hug.

"Oooooooo, (Y/N) and Toby sittin in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g. Fir-" Ben was cut off by clockwork,"I dare you to finish that elfboy." She harshly said. Ben backed off and merely ran to his room.

"So (Y/N) huh. What are you doing with my boyfriend?"



How'd you guys like the chapter? I enjoyed writing the fighting scenes hahahahahahhaha maybe I'm the real psycho here but anyways bye byeeeeeeee

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