The Preachas Son

By EJaeWilliams

51.7K 2.3K 235

Jamal is your typical pk. always doing church work following all of the rules until one weekend his entire w... More

One night at the club
The New Normal
Family First
The First time
meet the guys
When Sunday morning comes
A Night out
Cat vs Mouse
Remember the time
Family Therapy
The Show must go on
it's a New Day
Love under new management
Finally (xxx)
Who's Real?
Round and round
My so called life
Healing for your soul
from the author
This is Us
Is this the end?
Never can say Goodbye
Tomorrow isn't promised
After the storm
Living your best life
Starry night
And so it starts
here we go again
it's all coming back
This means War
Summa Summa Time
loyalty loyalty
Truth is.....
Starting over
End of the Road
Meet the Preachas son
Ending notes

Welcome to Miami

676 43 9
By EJaeWilliams

After what seemed like forever on the bus …… the speaker finally announced they had arrived to their destination ……. Jamal looked out the window and saw how scenic the city was ……. He couldn’t believe his eyes … the views were crazy …… he had to get pictures of everything to show Deuce ……
He pulled out the phone and called him again ….. Voicemail ….. it wasn’t a secret that  Jamal was getting a little irritated at the time … but he wasn’t gonna let his imagination run wild … Deuce was with him ….and that wasn’t questionable …. Marcus looked at Jamal …… “Don’t worry bout that boy … he prolly just doing his thang with that fellaz …..” “Yea you right …besides .. we are in MIA …. So let’s do this …..”
The bus finally came to a stop in front of the hotel ……and all the passengers started moving .. hair spray fumes filled the bus as girls sprayed and got themselves together ……. Durags came off ….clothes were changed …… The Class of 2008 was ready to take Miami down …… “Ahem Ahem …” the class sponsor, Ms. Bennett spoke over the mic ……. “I trust everyone had a Presidential voyage ….. let me remind you that above all you are reflecting our school and that you shall behave accordingly .. Zero tolerance for foolishness and tomfoolery …. I have enough money to put you on a bus home …….”
The class erupted in gasps as she continued on with the rules and schedules ….. The last task was handing out the room assignments ….. the class had decided to get double suites so that two persons would be to a room ….. Jamal of course had signed up to be in with Kevin and Akeem with Marcus …. And since Kevin wasn’t here … Jamal figured he’d be okay with a single room ….. Everyone grabbed their bags and made their way up the elevator …… “Here we are … Room  2201 and 2203 …..” Jamal said as he put his key in the door …… 
The room was crazy ….. A big space with a big king bed … a couch ….. there was even a little kitchen set in there …… Jamal wasn’t prepared for this type of room ….. He wished Deuce was there for real ……. But he slowly put his things away and opened the door to the Marcus and Akeem’s room ….. 
“Dam …do yall ever stop??? Akeem you gonna end up in that brace again”  Jamal said as he looked at them kissing on the bed …… “Look Jamal .. I aint got time for your hating ……. We gotta get ready for dinner ……”  Marcus said trying not to show his frustration ….. “Yeah I guess ….” Jamal laughed as he walked back to his room ….. However the smile soon faded as he walked into his room …..
“What are you doing here???”  Jamal asked standing face to face …….with Stephen ….. “Dam …can’t even say hello or nothing …..If you must know …I’m checking into my room …..Roomy ….”  Stephen flashed his smile and continued to unpack his things …. “But …how …I mean ….this is a mistake …..It’s gotta be ….” Jamal stammered …….. Stephen could not be his roommate ……. Not for a whole week ……  
“Jamal come on … we gotta …”  Marcus stopped in his statement …… “What the fuck are you doing in Jamal’s room???” “Dam …Imma need to have a written response huh??? …Go head and tell him Mal …..”  Stephen stood by while Jamal looked at Marcus …… “Don’t worry we’ll take care of this ….. and don’t get to comfy in here Stephen ……” Marcus spat as he pulled Jamal out of the room ……
While Marcus fussed with the floor monitor ……. Jamal thought back to when he first met Stephen …… It was 8th grade gym ….and of course gym wasn’t really Jamal’s thing … but he did what he had to do to get by … Stephen had just transferred in from another school … He was about 5’8, light brown eyes, brown skin …..nice body …… Jamal was attracted to him ….. instantly ….. and when the coach paired them up for weight training ….. Jamal was more interested in gym ……. It was in the gym that afternoon ……. Stephen asked Jamal to help him work a  cramp out his leg ….. Jamal didn’t know any better and played right into the situation …..
Jamal thought he should make a move so he started massaging further up Stephen’s leg …. Stephen moaned as Jamal slowly touched his dick as it grew harder and harder …. “Go head and do that yo …..”  Stephen moaned again as Jamal put his lips around the head …… Jamal loved the taste of his dick ….. it was like chocolate …. Stephen grabbed Jamal’s face and started fucking his mouth ….. Jamal tried to handle it, but he wasn’t that experienced in oral sex at the time …. So a few times it felt like he was throwing up …… Stephen didn’t seem to care however … and continued until his legs started shaking ……
“Oh shyt …. Dam … Imma bust man …..”  Jamal ducked off and Stephen shot his nut over the bench that sat on …….. Stephen opened his eyes …..and Jamal looked at him …. “What da fuck you do??? You a faggit or sumthin?????”  Jamal couldn’t believe his ears …. “I …uh …. What just happened here?” Jamal was confused …… “AInt shyt happen .. you sitting here watching me jack off ….. U had better not say anything …. Or else Imma  fuck u up …. U hear that???” Stephen had cornered Jamal on the lockers by that time …….. tears started forming in his eyes ….. “yes ….” 
After that they really had no interactions for the rest of time ….. but Jamal never really forgot anything that happened ….. “Jamal??” … Mrs. Bennett called him …. “I’m sorry, but the hotel was short on some of the rooms … and since …. Well since Kevin was going to be your roommate and you had a single room …. The only thing we could do was to put Stephen in your room …. I’m sure you guys can work something out …. The front desk is bringing extra linen for the sofa ……. And of course we will refund your extra money when we get back to school ….”  Jamal looked at Marcus …… “I guess Mrs. Bennett ….. see you at dinner …..”
They walked back to the room …… “You can stay with us if you want …..”  Marcus said ….. “No I can’t ….. I’ll … I’ll be ok …” Jamal had told Marcus a long time ago about Stephen ….. “I’m not a lil kid anymore …. I can handle …..him ….” Jamal said trying to convince himself …… “Let’s just get dinner and get ready to party …..” Marcus agreed and told Jamal to get Akeem ……. 
While Jamal was in the room, he went and confronted Stephen ….. “Look …I’m not about being in folk bizness … but Jamal is my boy … and he’s been through a lot …” “So what does that have to with me princess???”  Stephen replied …. “Just stay the fuck outta our way …. It’s his birthday weekend and the last thing he need is any problems from you …. Because … that will make problems for you …..” Marcus stood his ground ……. “whatever mayne … I aint got time for yall Queer as Folk drama shyt …..” Stephen said as he walked to the bathroom …….
While Jamal was being kept busy by his friends …. Q, Jay, Barry, and Deuce had just checked into their hotel … The courtyard ….. Barry of course wasted no time starting his hoe stroll …..  “Look … please Barry …just let him go with you … he needs to get out … but don’t let him get in any trouble ….” Jay asked as Q and he prepared to go to dinner with some friends …… “I am not baby sitting … I have a quota to meet this weekend …. And I don’t need dude cramping my style with all that lovey dovery shyt ……”  Barry replied as he continued to text on his phone ……
“Just do this for Jamal okay??? WE are meeting them tomorrow and we want to surprise him …..”  Barry rolled his eyes …. “Whatever cuz … just don’t forget you owe me ….” Barry dapped his cousin and called for Deuce …. “Come on kidd … we gotta hit the bar …..”  Deuce walked out the room … he wasn’t sure if he should be in this type of environment ….. but he wanted to be there for Jamal … his shawdi ….. “Dude …. Iight …so don’t be tripping over anything … all u gotta do is sit at the bar and drink ….. I wont even make you follow me over the city ……. But if I do come cross something … I wont be long ……”
Deuce laughed as he watched Barry hop from one guy to the next in the lobby …. It was like a club right in front them …… Deuce silenced his phone again … he hated not answering Jamal’s calls …. But he wouldn’t be able to keep it secret where he was …… he sipped on his 151 and coke shaking his head …. “Hmm .. I didn’t think this was your scene boo” … Deuce turned around and was face to face with his ex … Cordell ….. “Uh Cord … is that you??? ..what you doing here??”
“I could ask you the same thing, but I already kno how u roll ….”  Cordell hugged Deuce ….. Cordell stood about 5’10, had brown dreds and a nice b-ball build …… They had spent some time locked up together …. And then when they got out … lets just say Cordell put Deuce on to things that got him twisted …… really twisted …… but as much as Deuce hated to admit it … he was still attracted to him …. Or maybe it was the 6 shots of 151 he had drunk …… Barry walked over and saw Cordell on Deuces lap …. 
“Oh dam son …. I didn’t know we was getting it popping like that …..” Barry said as he walked up and placed his hands on Cord’s ass ….. “Yea Deuce .. lets get it poppin like ole times pa …..”  Cord whispered in his ear …… and before he knew it …… they were in the elevator … Deuce had never been able to say no to Cordell …. Ever …. By the time they had reached the room …. Deuce made a mistake that he would never be able to correct …..

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