Author Games - Ghost Town

By -celestial-

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Welcome to the Author Games, Ghost Town! There will be twists, turns and betrayal around every corner. May th... More

Introduction & Tribute Places
Tribute/Sponsor Form
District 1 Female - Flora Black *DEAD*
District 1 Male - Clement Janwerd Jr.
District 2 Female - Vernetta Reid *DEAD*
District 2 Male - Ashler Styx *DEAD*
District 3 Female - Caella Sillows *DEAD*
District 3 Male - Collin Olsen *DEAD*
District 4 Female - Clara Clearwater
District 4 Male - Phineus Flanch *DEAD*
District 5 Female - Averlyn Lacey *DEAD*
District 5 Male - Alexander Lacey
District 6 Female - Suzanna Linkoln *DEAD*
District 6 Male - Aero Luzi *DEAD*
District 7 Female - Winter Harley *DEAD*
District 7 Male - Aspen Barker *DEAD*
District 8 Female - Rain Waters *DEAD*
District 8 Male - Blake Raven *DEAD*
District 9 Female - Rye Harvey *DEAD*
District 9 Male - David Green *DEAD*
District 10 Female - Destiny Harewent *DEAD*
District 10 Male - Travis Harewent *DEAD*
District 11 Female - Jadine Fairwood *DEAD*
District 11 Male - Stone Everglade
District 12 Female - Crescentia Hoods *DEAD*
District 12 Male - Ash Cinders *DEAD*
Important Message - Sponsors Please Read
Task 1 - The Interviews
Interview - Flora Black
Interview - Clement Janwerd Jr.
Interview - Vernetta Reid (N/A)
Interview - Ashler Styx
Interview - Caella Sillows
Interview - Collin Olsen (N/A)
Interview - Clara Clearwater
Interview - Phineus Flanch
Interview - Averlyn Lacey
Interview - Alexandar Lacey
Interview - Suzanna Linkoln
Interview - Aero Luzi
Interview - Winter Harley
Interview - Aspen Barker
Interview - Rain Waters (N/A)
Interview - Blake Raven
Interview - Rye Harvey
Interview - David Green
Interview - Destiny Harewent
Interview - Travis Harewent
Interview - Jadine Fairwood (N/A)
Interview - Stone Everglade
Interview - Crescentia Hoods
Interview - Ash Cinders
Important - Please Read!
Tribute Scores & Sponsorship
Task 2 - The Bloodbath
Task 2 - Female Entries
Task 2 - Male Entries
Task 2 - Scores & Elimination
Task 3 - Poison
Task 3 - Female Entries
Task 3 - Male Entries
Task 3 - Scores & Elimination
Task 4 - Deadly Assassins
Task 4 - Female Entries
Task 4 - Male Entries
Task 4 - Scores & Elimination
Task 5 - Nightmares Do Come True
Task 5 - Female Entries
Task 5 - Scores & Elimination
Task 6 - Lock Down (SEMI FINALS)
Task 6 - Female Entries
Task 6 - Male Entries
Task 6 - Scores & Elimination
Task 7 - This Is The End (FINALS)
Task 7 - Clement Janwerd Jr
Task 7 - Clara Clearwater
Task 7 - Alexander Lacey
Task 7 - Stone Everglade
Task 7 - Elimination
Special Awards
Rankings and Victor
Antonio Silver - Exclusive Interview

Task 5 - Male Entries

110 9 41
By -celestial-

Clement Janwerd Jr.

The morning started early. We awoke to quiet arena, the building we had taken shelter in completely silent. Silence is never good in the arena. Aero was the first to stand, stalking quietly to the door. He held his hand out back to us, a warning. Something wasn't right, and we all could sense it. As Aero went to step outside, he jumped back in shock as a loud roar sounded from outside. Winter stumbled out of her sleeping bag, half-crawling her way to his side. I pulled my way into a crouch, wary of the noise. A large, golden paw swatted inside the door, knocking Winter across the room. She hit the wall with a sickening crunch, blood dripping from her scalp. Clara screamed, rushing over to Winter's body. I scrambled to the sword lying next to my sleeping bag, gasping as the cut I received yesterday burned and broke open again. As I unsheathed the blade, Aero furiously ran to the creature outside the crumbling building. His grunts as he swings at the animal were loud, angry, interrupted by short yelps of pain. My mind is slow to process everything around me, only absorbing small chunks.  Clara's sobs echo in the air as she clutches the chest of Winter's jacket. The glint of Aero's weapon as it catches the light. The sound of a cannon as a tribute dies. A scream of agony as Clara watches Winter die in her arms. With a wild, feral scream of fury, I charge the beast, it's back facing me. The golden lion roars more in anger then pain as I stab its leg, shaking the wound off as if it was nothing. Aero and I brave ourselves together, nodding to acknowledge each other. Aero skips off to the left of the creature as I slowly slide to the left, hoping to distract it. "Hey, uh, Fuzzy! Over 'ere!" I scream, waving my arms furiously. The lion lets out a grunt, the fur on its back bristling.  "Yeah, you! Uhm-" I stutter, trying to come up with something to say. "-You stink," I yell, but it comes out as more of a question. I hear Aero audibly sigh in annoyance, his shoes skidding along the stones as he runs and jumps on the lion's back. The beast roars in outrage, bucking its legs like a horse, attempting to fling the boy off. I watch as Aero grips defiantly to the golden fur, a handful in each hand. In between his teeth, he bite down on the bronze blade of a knife, the hilt jammed between the creature's shoulder blades. "Aero, hold on!" I scream, running around the lion, sword in hand.  "Oh yeah, I was totally going to let go just now, thanks for the reminder!" Aero shouts back sarcastically as he straddles the back of the lion, knife in hand. I roll my eyes, jumping and scrambling up the side of the lion to Aero. We clutch onto the fur for our lives as the creature shakes and bucks, ramming itself into a wall to try to fling us off. In the hustle, my sword is flung out of my grasp, the blade slicing at the muzzle of the giant beast we rode. As blood dripped down its jaw, it roared in fury, shaking its pelt. Aero and I were flung off, hitting a brick wall at full velocity. All at once, the air left my body, leaving me breathless and vulnerable. Stars sparked behind my eyes as I struggled to breath. Pain radiated all throughout my body, making my limbs feel like lead weights.   Where Aero hit the wall, it's structure had collapsed, the dust floating in the air. Slowly, I dragged myself over to the wreckage. Dazed but unharmed, Aero sat beside the wall, a sudden bright glint in his eye. We pulled ourselves behind it, hiding from the predator stalking us. Wordlessly, he turned his head to me, grinning. Beside him sat our rations pack, raw meat from the hunt the night before sizzling on the hot pavement. My head cleared as I realized what he was smirking about. Shaking my head, I laughed quietly, wiping the sweat out of my eyes. "You son of a bitch. You've got an plan, don't you?" He nodded, voice raspy as he leaned in to tell me what to do. "Well that hardly seems fair," I scowl, sitting up.  "Do you want to get rid of the lion or not?" Aero snapped, smacking the pavement with his palm. I nod slowly, grabbing the hunk of meat he offered me.  "Whatever. But if I die, I'm haunting the hell out of you for the rest of your life," I smirk, standing. With rabbit blood dripping between my fingers, I streak out in front of the giant feline. "HERE KITTY, KITTY, KITTY!" I screamed, jumping up and down. A stitch in my side shrieked in protest, but I ha to keep moving. The lion whipped around, noticing me. A growl of anger resonated from its throat as it eagerly padded forward, it's thick, wide paws strikingly the ground loudly. With each step of his I matched, jumping backwards swiftly as he began to move quicker. When this game of cat and mouse, pun not intended, had gone on for a full minute, I stopped moving, tossing the hunk of raw, bloody flesh to him. The lion looked down on it in confusion, dipping its brig head to nibble at the tender meat. With my other hand, ever so slowly, I pulled out another hunk of meat, gingerly creeping up to the large animal. I close my eyes, offering the rabbit to the lion with my bare hands. Behind me, Clara screams as the lion's jaws clamp around my hands, blood running down my arms.  Then the feline lets go, and the rabbit is gone from my palms. I sigh in relief as I wipe the excess rabbit blood from my arms, the lion purring loudly like a kitten. He sits at my feet, chewing at the meat like I didn't exist. Good for me, at least.  "Clement, you idiot!" Clara screamed, dragging me away from the lion by my arm. When we were far enough from the cat, Clara envelope me in a hug, surprising me. "Oh my god, I thought it was going to eat you," she whimpered, tugging at my shirt. Awkwardly, I pet her hair, half-hugging her back.  "Well, uh, it didn't?" I say lamely, letting her go. She quickly stepped away, clearing her throat.  "Yeah, uh, it didn't. I'm glad." Clara rubbed the back of her neck, glancing down awkwardly. Biting my lip, I turn away, visibly conscience of the red blush painting the tips of my ears. "Thanks, you know, for not dying," Clara laughed, patting my arm. I grinned, elbowing her gently. "No problem, honestly. My treat," I tease. She shakes her head at me, picking up my scattered sword from the ground and tossing it at me. I catch it with a huff, stepping back a step in surprise. She walks away from me, hips swaying.  "Whatever you say, Captain. By the way, the lion is your responsibility now," she calls back, jutting her thumb at the gold nuisance licking its paws and purring contentedly. I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. How that's going to happen, I don't know. 

Alexander Lacey

It is one thing to be emotionally confused. It’s another thing to have to make a hard decision. Put them together and it’s just really confusing. Add your worst fear and you have a ball of wadded up sticky notes. That is what happened as I woke up the morning after the monster I saw yesterday.


I was still crying over yesterday. Tears were pouring down my face. Words from yesterday slung around in my mind. ‘This is exactly who I wanted you to be. Proud of me being a murder? Every time you said you loved me, it was all a lie! I did what you were going to do and more.’ The one that appeared the most and hit me hardest was, ‘What have I become?’

I heard a scream and crunching of leaves. I had let my guard down. I grabbed my sword and slung my backpack over my shoulder. I ran around the factory and to the back, the exact place I had seen my mothe- May. The place I had seen May.

Flora and Stone were in deep battle. I thought I killed Flora! I took out my sword. I crept behind her. Stone looked at me, confused. I just held a finger to my mouth signaling to be quiet. Once behind Flora, my sword went into her back. She cried out for help. She slashed at me, leaving a long mark on my arm. It stung but it was something that had happened to me before. Flora crumpled to the ground.


I turned to Stone. I saw Clara, the one from three, sneaking up behind him. Her strawberry blonde hair looked as it was pulled into a ponytail in a rush, don’t ask why I would know what that looks like, and she looked scared. Wasn’t she with the career pack? What was she so scared about?

Just as Stone turned around, Clara was snatched by a huge figure, some sort of giant. She started screaming and thrashing. To be honest, it was quite scary. I wasn’t particularly scared by giants, however, something murderous that popped out of nowhere in a place where murder was common, that was scary.

I then realized my jaw was open. I quickly shut it.

“What the-“I turned around to see a boy, one older than me, standing in shock. He had short brown hair that looked as if he spent a lot of time working with it. Very different from Clara’s. Not to say he was taller than Stone and I.  “That isn’t going to attack us all right? Im prefer to keep my feet on the ground. Heights are not my thing.” There was a spine-tingling snap and crunch sound that made me want to scream. Clara’s cannon sounded and the Giant disappeared.  “Yikes. I don’t like the sound of that. At all.”

With both distracted, I took out my sword ready to kill. I turned to Stone, who was still staring in to space, confused with everything that just happened. Before I could do anything, a box shimmered around him and sank into the earth.

“What the hell?” Aspen and I both said at the same time. We both looked at each other, confused as hell. What just happened? I get a giant popping up, but being put in a box and sent underground was like, so Greek mythology with a twist. And if something crazy were to happen to everyone, then I sure was going to not be happy.


 “What the frick was that?” I asked instantly being alerted. Aspen looked at me as if I were insane. “What? Did you not hear that?” A memory popped up in my head, but I pushed it away. No way did they know. No way did they know my crazy fear.


I drew my sword. “Please stop watching! I will bring the bears upon you!” I screamed.  I started breathing heavy. I kept telling myself that this was a figment of my imagination.

“What’s watching? Should I be alarmed?” Aspen drew his sword and looked around.

“Yes, you should be. Im talking about The Duck.”

“A duck? Are you out of your mind?” Aspen put away his sword and stared at me as if I was dumb. “Your afraid of a DUCK? What is wrong with you? Oh dear. Im next aren’t I?” He plopped on the ground and sighed. “PLEASE LET ME KEEP MY INSANITY!”

“Quiet! Are you stupid? It can hear us…” I carefully looked around. I put away my sword. “It’s called Anatidaephobia. Anatidaephobia means that im afraid, that there is a duck, somewhere out in the world, watching me.”

---Flash Back---

“We’ll be back soon mom!”

A-lyn and I started to sprint to the pond. Being six years old, this was our favorite thing. My foot hit the cracked pavement, making it split into smaller cracks.

We finally made our way to the pond. It was a bright sunny day, perfect for swimming. I pulled A-lyn into the pond. “Come on princess! What are you afraid of?” Today, she was a princess and I was a prince. Not like in a fairy tale lovey-dovey way. In brother and sister way. Our pest friends were coming to play too. Lilly (who at the time I secretly liked),  Ash (my best friend), and Puck (A-lyn’s little crush). Lilly was going to be a princess I need of saving. I saved Lilly while Puck (A prince) would compete with Puck (a knight) for A-Lyn. It was fun to watch,

She splashed me. “Don’t you know? The knights curse?”

I glanced at her. “No, I don’t. Tell me it.”

“Once there was a knight. He failed the Kingdom of Team. It was taken over by dragons that he failed to kill. He then traveled to the Kingdom of Water. The queen asked him to do something. After that, a beggar asked him to do the reverse. When the queen found out, she was mad.  As punishment, he was sent to slay the Crazy Witch. No one was able to kill the Crazy Witch. The knight somehow killed her. But, right before she died, she threw dust upon him. She conjured her spell and curse. She said,” Thou will always follow orders of someone higher, like a duck. Therefor you are a duck.” The knight was turned into a duck. With the Witches last breath she said,” And for failing everyone, you will be hated among your own kind.” Angry ducks still chase the knight today.” (At the time, I thought it was a brilliant story; Now, not so much.)

/Later that day/

“I sense them.” A-lyn looked worried. “Knight, go find the duck. Kill him. Prince Alex, go with him.”

Me and Puck set off to find the duck. Thinking it was part of the game, we weren’t truly worried. However, we were utterly wrong; the duck was there, watching us. He attacked us when we weren’t expecting it. I almost lost my right hand and eye. After that, we were banned from the pond. I don’t go back there till after I run away. That’s why I hate ducks. I also hated nurses after that, but that’s for a different day.

---Flash back over---

As I regained my self-consciousness, or so I though, I saw Aspen floating toward the clouds, thrashing and crying. Eventually, I couldn’t even see him. Welp, have fun in the clouds, bud.

As I looked back down, I saw it. A white duck waddled over to me. He had bright red eyes and feathers sticking out. His mouth was foaming, almost as if he had rabies? Can ducks even get rabies? Either way, he was hella terrifying.

I started shaking to the point of dropping my sword. Behind him marched in hundereds of ducks, all the same as the first one I will call General Duck. General duck charged at me, and I ran for my life.

After about two minutes of running, I declared I must do something. I saw Aero being taunted by clowns. He tried stabbing them, but they only got stronger. Poor Aero didn’t know what hit him. The poor kid will be buried as a clown. You went down in science, for it gave me an idea. If I couldn’t kill them, they would kill me. They cant just have us outrun them. We have to get over them. And as crazy as this sounds, I didn’t want to turn into the insane mob of ducks trying to kill me. Shocker right? However, I knew I had to do it.

I turned to reason with the insane killer ducks. I can’t believe im saying this, but it is the most dumb thing I’ve ever done. I’ve done a lot of dumb things in my life.

“I will kill you! Stay back!” Okay, that wasn’t reasoning. Nor was it working. The ducks ran faster. I turned on my heel and continued to sprint. Now was defiantly time for crazy. So, I did crazy. While running, I threw my hands in the air and screamed, “OH WONDERFUL DUCK-KILLING BEARS, WHERE ARE YOU? PLEASE COME EAT THESE DUCKS FOR FOOD. THEY ARE THOUSANDS OF THEM AND THEY ARE DEFINTLY READY TO BECOME FOOD.  MAYBE YOU COULD ADD SOME RICE TO IT. DUCK AND RICE WOULD BE COOL, RIGHT? ALRIGHT, THEY ARE ALLL YOURS! FREE OF CHARGE!”

Unfortunately, nothing happened. What if they need to be cooked? My mind convinced me that cooking the ducks would make the bears fall from the sky and eat every last duck. Somewhere, in the back of my mind, there was a voice telling me that I needed water. I didn’t understand it, so I left it alone.

Luckily for me, Clement Jr. was having his own issues with a mob of angry old ladies with pitch forks and torches. I quickly stole a torch and threw it into the angry mob of ducks. Unfortunately, it did nothing. It was time for plan C. At this rate, I was going to need more letters in the alphabet.

I swerved next to a cliff, hoping some ducks would fall into the void where foxes awaited. They all gracefully avoided the void of foxes. My plan D was to start stomping on the ducks. As I turned to smash the ducks head, they surrounded me. Panic filled my veins and, therefor, crazy popped up again. “DUMB WAYS TO DIE!” I started to sing. It was a song my sister and I used to sing. For some reason, it felt necessary to sing. New lyrics came to my mind and I decided to use them. “GET STUCK IN A BOX, HAVE ANGRY DUCKS COME AND CHASE, MEET A REALLY DEADLY FOX, WHAT IF I JUST FLEW INTO SPACE?” Then I continued the chorus as normal. I left it off there, unable to think of anything else. The ducks stood confused for a moment. It was kind of cute seeing all the little heads turned sideways. Then it hit me. Why should I be scared? There tiny compared to me. I found courage in voice to stand up to the tiny, yet scary, ducks. “Why don’t we just, maybe, be friends or something?”

The ducks all disappeared. I was left standing on the empty beach alone. The voice in the back of my mind got loud. WATER! It screamed, WATER! When I took a sip of the ocean water, the scene changed. I was sitting in a bush with a duck sitting of my head. It was a cute little baby duck, which I instantly named George. He looked like a George. I was then confused. Why was I teleported? Had I been here the whole time? Was I really chased by ducks? Either way, I was okay. And, I wasn’t scared of George. That’s something, right?

“Yah, you were dehydrated. I gave you come water. I told you though. You were going insane. Although, differently then I expected. Are you not afraid of him anymore?” Aspen strolled up and pointed at the duck.

“Yes, his name is George. George would like to be known as George, if you will.” I patted Georges head. George was the perfect pet. For some reason, a vision of a black cat came into my mind. I felt like he had been my pet before….

“You okay? You seem… Not like… Alex….”

“Im no expert on dehydration, but he will probably be back in the morning. If its not the dehydration, its probably the stubble he had. Give him a break.” Stone appeared looking strange. His clothes were torn and it looked almost as if he had a bite in his arm. A snake bite. Or maybe a bunny…. What’s the difference?

“Aye aye, captain,” Aspen said, giving a rather rude look to Stone. Why does he have to be so rude about it? “Well, to the Alex who we all know and hate, were in an alliance at the moment. So, deal with it. And you can’t right now, so shut up and sleep.” With that, Aspen turned and left. Man, something has him in a bad mood. Either way, the Baker kid had a point. So it was then it was made. The Baker kid, the murderer, and the suicidal kid were in an alliance. That sounds like a band. Oh, maybe we could do that! Wait, that would be strange….

Before I fell asleep, I saw the faces in the sky. I was disappointed I didn’t see mine. I want to win an award! Why can’t I get one? Stupid Aero, Clara, Clement, Travis, Flora, and Winter. I wonder what they won…. I hope its terrible.

Aero Luzi

As I open my eyes at whatever stupid time it is in the morning, something seems off. Yes, it is roughly five in the morning and it wouldn’t really be considered morning in the winter months – I wouldn’t even call this morning; however, that isn’t why I feel so off – at least I don’t think it is. Usually, I know why I’m unsettled and apprehensive about something.

Maybe it’s the way the day has started: the entire alliance is awake and heading off in different directions. Yesterday, after a little argument, the six of us have been a little distant. Maybe it’s the idea of Nettie being dead and gone; maybe it’s the idea of having to separate soon. Both options fill me with sadness and unwanted thoughts; five of us have to die in order for one of us to go home.

As I set off in my chosen direction, the feeling still remains pitted in the bottom of my stomach. I have many fears, but they’re all stupid fears, things that shouldn’t be feared. I fear feet, judgement, onion, illness... But I have two main fears.

My main fears have been following me this entire time. However, I’ve had people to comfort me this entire time; I’ve been a man about it all. I fear shadows, and I fear the woods in the night. I am a sciaphobe and a nyctohylophobe.

And right now, I stand alone, in the darkness of the woods. Right now, shadows dance and play around me, making me feel less powerful by the second.

I begin to shake out of fear; what are these shadows and how do I overcome my fear of them? It isn’t like I can just plough through the woods; what if they grab me, attack me? What if they are other tributes, watching me, waiting for their chance to attack me and end my life? The list of possibilities is endless. What if this a prank planned by the alliance? What if it’s their goal to petrify me? Let’s just remember that I got a high training score and I can take most of my alliance on; it wouldn’t be wise of them to hurt me.

The shadows taunt me; their limbs shake around and they move from side to side without stopping. The trees shadow me; they keep me blocked off from the world. Part of me wants to scream, another part of me forces me to keep silent. My vocal chords are paralysed for I cannot scream. If I could, I would scream until every last ounce of my breath had left my lungs.

In these games, you cannot show weakness. Fighting back the tears threatening to surface, I lift my arms and hide behind my sledgehammer. If I can fight a human, I can fight whatever lurks in the bushes and behind the trees. Right now, all I can wish for is Winter; I want her to hold my hand and comfort me as I attempt to conquer my fears.

The reason I may have this fear is because in District Six, they don’t have thousands of trees, only grey machinery and oily concrete. It takes me a while to find the courage, but once I do, I finally step forward and try to peek behind a tree to see where the monstrous people are; the ones that cause the shadows to appear.

It just appears to be a bunch of harmless animals of all shapes and sizes; I don’t understand why I get so freaked out by the shadows in the night. Continuing on, I call for Winter and attempt to find my party before the animals petrify me again.

Aspen Barker

"Dad no!" I sit up screaming and instantly cover my mouth. Crap now everyone is gonna know where I am! I pack up all my stuff and shakily climb down from my tree. After the whole family cloning incident I've never been the same.

I start to feel uneasy and I know something is wrong. Only two people died yesterday and I'm sure the Capitol won't be happy.  Then I hear something rustling in the bushes in front of me and a small figure walks I front of me. Ohh god no anything but THAT!

"Cluck... Cluck cluck!" 

"Holy shitznickles it's.. It's.. It's a CHICKEN!!!!!!  Stay away from me you evil pecking demon!!!" I pick up a stick and i start running around like a retard. I hear other people screaming and some one pushes past me, running away from whatever they see. The chicken starts to get closer and I jump behind a tree pointing the stick at the chicken threateningly. My sword is on the other side of it and I'm not taking my chances so I guess I'll have to stick with the stick. ( 😂😂 I'm so weird )  

" ok little chicken I'm just gonna walk around here" the chicken looks at me as if I'm stupid and pecks at my feet. " hey! I'm not an idiot I'm sure your afraid of something.... Like foxes!" It clucks loudly and hides behind a bush. Ha I showed him. "stupid chicken" I mutter. That's when it charges at me with its wings wide open and beak looking sharper than ever. Great now it's trying to kill me! 

"No don't eat me please!!!! Don't eat me or...."  The chicken looks at me, expecting an answer. I'm so pathetic. "Or... Or I'll eat YOU!!!"  It takes a few steps back but then starts pecking at my feet again. " if you try to eat me one more time you hideous monster I swearing will kill you! Peck peck. 

"AAAAARRRGHHHHH!!!" I bring the stick down on the chicken and skewer it in the stomach. Looks like I'm having chicken kebabs tonight. A note appears on the chicken so I Poke it with my finger to make sure it's dead. I read the note aloud.

                                                                 EAT ME IM TASTY

" are you serious! I can't eat a chicken I can just about touch the bloody thing! And now you expect me to eat it! NOOOOO THANK YOU!!!!" Someone screaming distracts me from the cooked chicken. Destiny comes thrashing through the bushes and doesn't see. Unfortunately for me she runs straight into me and my trusty stick, slicing her neck. This stick is kinda good luck I think I'll keep it and name him Mr Sticky! 

"Ow... Aspen please help me I'm scared!!" Pfft really? I know she like only twelve but this is the hunger games! 

"Hey Destiny see this?" I make a v shape with my hands " this is my cup of care, oh! And look, it's empty!" Her eyes grow wide and roll back into her head as and Sticky goes through her neck. He is actually kinda helpful for a stick!

The smell of chicken fills my nose and I almost barf. Great, it's still there. I guess the only way for it to disappear is for me to eat it.

" fine chicken I'll eat you but only because I have to. I still hate chickens and I'll make sure that all your other ugly little friends will die. If I win I might even have a hunger  games for chickens! Won't that be fun. For the Chicken Games!!" With that I pinch my nose and start to eat the chicken... Hmmmm this doesn't taste too bad. Soon enough I had eaten the whole chicken and to be honest it didn't taste that bad. The bones of the chicken suddenly disappear. Yes finally it's gone and I can go back to my campsite. And I'm not hungry either!

As I reach my campsite I see Stone and Alex rummaging through my stuff.

" hey what are you doing!! That's mine get away from there!" They quickly look at me and hurry down from the tree. They don't seem that much of a threat so I step a little closer.

" we.. We want an alliance. Only if you want though?" Alex stutters. Finally!

"yeah but what if we don't need him Alex!" Stone stands there, arms crossed with a stern look on his 

face. Great he's gonna be hard to get through.


"Well we have a better chance against the careers and we might all make it to the end! If we really try. Ever since my allies died in the bloodbath I've had no one to watch my back or protect me. It's really hard and you guys know that!" Stones face softens a bit but I don't see him break.

" yeah it's been hard but what use do you have for us!" Alex tries to calm him down and we sit on a log.

" I've got loads of stuff! See" I pull over five backpacks and the weapons, instantly I can see their eyes light up at the treats. " look I've got heaps of stuff, more than I can carry so please, take some I want to ally with you. We could do this. We could be the underdogs that rise up and make it to the finals. If I die, I want one of you guys to win, I really do. So please, can I join?"

" of course you can! I mean if Stone wants to I will, Stone?" Stone scratches his chin and stands up.

" whatever but you better not be playing us otherwise you won't see tomorrow." Stone grabs a pack and sword and starts walking, Alex following behind. As I brush past Alex I whisper in his ear.

" thank you. I'm sure Stone will warm up to me, I'll just put him in the sun." Alex gives me a smirk and slaps me on the back. I feel almost lighter, like all the weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I whisper a saying that my father used to say to me before he died. It helps me get through any hard time. 

"Never give up. There is no such thing as an ending, just a beginning." And right now, I think this might be the beginning of a new friendship, well, Alex anyways.

Travis Harewent

When I wake up, the sky is still dark. I begin to pick up my supplies, the ones I tossed across the floor before I slept to warn me if anyone was approaching. So far the night has been quiet, and that's a bad sign. Quiet means boring. Boring means the Capitol is upset. Upset Capitol, faster deaths. I have to get a move on.

I quickly toss my supplies over my shoulder, jogging out of the forest. All that's on my mind is finding Destiny before all hell breaks loose.

As I'm running, I hear a scream. I just barely turn before a small body head butts me at an extremely fast pace, sending me flying to the ground. I let out a moan of pain and surprise, holding my ankle. Three tributes surround me, all holding weapons. The rising sun catches they're faces and I see- i see.

They are all Destiny. The one that hit me at a run cracks her knuckles, grinning evilly. "What should we do with 'em?" She asks, her voice surprisingly deep.

Another pipes up, fingering her quiver of arrows. "Kill him, of course. Isn't 'e the one with the twin?" The last one shakes her head.

"No, that's Alex. He killed his twin this morning. Besides, I left him to bleed to death last night. He should die any minute now." A cannon booms in the distance. "That'd be him. Two down. Now all we gotta do is kill this dude," she points to me. I whimper in confusion.

"Destiny?" I choke, looking at each clone of my sister. Not again; not after last night. The girls all laugh simotaniously, their grins maniac and identical.

"Who? Oh yeah, it's you. The pair from 10? 11?" She snorts. "Who cares, you're dead meat anyways." Ever so slightly, I move my hand to the hilt of my sword. If I can- just- pull it out-

"Hey! Move again and you're dead," The Des that hit me ordered, kicking my side. I gulped, waiting until they turned again. While they weren't looking, I pulled out my sword fully and slice the head off the first and stabbed the second through the heart. The third screamed, bolting away as she pulled out her spear. A final lunge, and I cut at her leg, knocking her to the ground. She screams, pullin me along with her. As I fall, she pulls her spear up, cutting a gouge out of my arm.

I yell in agony, driving the tip of the blade through her heart. Her cannon booms as I pull myself off her body, wincing as my wound bled down my arm.

I gather up the supplies they left, thinking about what they said. They claim they killed Alex and Averlyn today or late last night, after the anthem. I glance back at their bodies. Strangely, they have been replaced by different tributes. Instead of three Destiny's lay Stone, Aspen, and Caella. I shake my head, confused.

I don't care right now. I just need to get home.

Stone Everglade

I’ve heard it said that it’s that when you fall from cloud nine you wake up on the concrete. I personally wouldn’t know. I think cloud nine is allergic to me or something because I’ve never been on it. Anyway point being, I was under the assumption that when you fell off a building you didn’t wake up at all. Or at the very least I thought if I woke up, I would wake up in the concrete bloody and battered and near death. I didn’t think I would wake up on cloud nine.

Well, let me rephrase that. It was only my initial assumption that I was on some type of cloud. It turned out to be a bed… and something boiling was running down my throat.

It was probably poison.

I spit it out, I heard someone scream followed by a loud crash. “Ahhhh! My f***ing eyes! What the f**k is wrong with you, weirdo?!” A boy’s voice screamed.

I scrunched my face up and forced my eyes open. A splitting headache seared my scalp as sunlight streamed into my eyes. I hated sunlight. My eyes focused on the kid from hell. Yes, the one I had accidently pushed off the roof yesterday after he had tried to quote, ‘push me off the roof to watch me go splat.’ He sat on the floor clutching his eyes moaning.  My hands flew to my throat, they ached painfully even from the slight movement. “What did you just pour down my throat? That better not have been acid, you psychopath.” I yelled, my voice coming out horse. I forced myself to sit up, cringing from the pain that agonized my body. I extended my arm, staring at the deep purple bruises that ran up it. My entire body was trembling involuntarily, probably from some type of nerve damage. Beautiful. Not that it really mattered.

“You’re the psychopath! I’m trying to help you freak!” He yelled throwing his hands up in the air in, exasperated. I noticed that he didn’t look much better than me, he was heavily bruised and a large gash was in his forehead. “You don’t spit boiling water at people’s face!”

Freak probably dragged me in here to perform some inhumane experiment on me…. My eyes darted around the room, it looked just like any other decaying room in any building. I didn’t see any torture devices. They were probably under the bed. “You don’t pour boiling water down people’s throats!” I snapped, trying to get out of the bed- but promptly fell on my face. I moaned, my nose scrunching up against the carpet. I hate my life.

Alex simultaneously scowled and shrugged, “I don’t know! Do I look like a nursemaid?-”

I turned my head and glowered at him, cutting him off. “A nursemaid from hell!” I growled, spotting my backpack. I got on my elbows and began dragging myself toward it, pitiful? Yes, but I figured I should kill myself before the blonde devil did.  I mean if jumping off the building didn’t work, I’d just have to get my hands dirty and slit my wrists. I was stupid, I was useless, I was naive and a clear waste of oxygen, it was time to be brave and do it. I flinched as the clone’s words came back to me, stinging my heart. This time I won’t fail. This time it would all be over, all the pain, the guilt, and the failure.

Satan in child form jumped to his feet, “Look here, I freaking dragged you here after I woke up, I put you in a bed, and I even tried to feed you boiling water like my mother always did when I was sick- Don’t you dare reject my hospitality.” He yelled scornfully, his beady black eyes dared me to move.

I rolled my eyes and laughed like the mentally unstable person I was. “That doesn’t make up for the fact that you tried to push me off a roof!” I said sarcastically, emphasizing the last part.

I never could grasp how after some people betray you, they just expect you to forgive them. Its like throwing a glass plate on the floor, then telling it you're sorry and expecting it to magically be whole again. The world was teeming with insensitive morons. It wasn’t even like I was mad at him for trying to kill me- hell I was trying to kill me! Rather it was more of the fact that he had lied to me and then betrayed me after I had saved his life.

“Don’t take it personally! I try to kill everyone.” He begged, if I had been in a balanced state of mind at that time, I might have realized that he obviously wanted something from me or he would have killed me. Instead I just reached forward and grabbed the canvas of the backpack and unzipped it; my hand scurried around until I found the dagger. I grasped it by the blade and pulled it free. The sharp blade sliced my palm as I yanked it free, I didn’t even flinch.

I hovered the blade over my wrist for a second, staring at it fearlessly. Finally, finally there would be no more pain. I brought it downward- it was suddenly kicked from my hands. “What the hell?! You can’t kill yourself!” He growled angrily.

I rolled my eyes and reached for another blade, “Bite me.” I said flatly, “Bite. Me.” He crunched his boot down on my wrist while it was midair, pinning it to the ground. Pain shot up my arm from the already bruised skin, I yanked my arm out from under him and he fell over. On a strange impulse I couldn’t pinpoint I hissed, “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t kill myself.” I narrowed my eyes glaring at him. “One reason.”

The child from hell curled his lip and looked away. “Because. Because when I fell off the building I think I broke my right arm. Its not moving. I… need help.” His face turned a bright shade of red as if it killed him to even admit. He turned back to me glowering, “But don’t think for an instant that I am weak! I killed a man with just one thumb, so don’t test me.”

I laughed again, about to ask him why I would even care. I don’t think I really have cared about anything since I woke up. Its like my heart had been ripped out and replaced with a bottomless abyss of nothingness. We were all dead. Our world was in ruin. There was no hope.

Thats when the voice tickled the back of my mind- I don’t mean a memory, or a thought, no. I mean I heard an actual voice.

Stone. Don’t you dare kill yourself.

My eyes darted over to Alex, he still was looking away in shame. He wasn’t acting like he was hearing anything…. I looked around the room trying to see if I was missing another person entirely. It was empty. “Ummm, person talking to me, are you in my head?” I breathed very lowly, below even the most silent whisper.

Stone, you are impossible. Maybe the freaky-ass kid can’t give you a good reason as to why you can’t kill yourself, but I already did and so help me God if I have to say it again.

I froze, my eyes widening. My brain was flooded with the image of Petra kneeling over me after I had flung myself off the building, light surrounding her as she told me to live because my time wasn’t up, because the arena still needed me. To hell with that, nobody needed me. I was running around trying to save people who couldn’t be saved. It was pointless. I heard it once said that good would always triumph over evil, but I had seen far too much of evil let to run rampid to believe that. This world was too cold for anyone to survive. “Petra… is that you?” I whispered, mildly creeped out.

No Stone. It’s Santa Claus. Ho ho ho- Hell, yeah its me!

I stared forward blankly. This was not good. It could not be normal to have your dead sister talking to you in your head- heck I was pretty sure hearing any voice in your head was the first step on a short flight of steps to insanity.

Alex turned back to me, squinting his small black pits of hell at me. “Who are you talking to?” he asked, hesitantly.

I glowered at him, pushing myself to a sitting position. I let out a groan from the pain that throbbed against my body. “No one. You are clearly delusional.” I growled coldly, glancing over at the dagger.

Don’t you even think about it. Don’t. You. Dare.

I sigh, glancing away. Guilt tugged mercilessly at my heart, as I remembered driving the knife into Petra’s heart. I owed her. I guess it wouldn’t make a difference if I did it later…. Half of me screamed that I was crazy, the other half said that the voice in my head was legitly Petra, urging me forward. I scowled looking back in the blade, Petra had always been such an idealist.

I’m dead. I know pretty much everything now, besides, I’ll always be your big sister, and that means you have to listen to me, okay?

I felt tears begin to brim in my eyes, I quickly wiped them away. What happened not caring? God, I was too sensitive. Weak and sensitive.

“Whatever, freak.” Alex said, I jumped, a wave of embarrassment washed over me. I had forgotten he was here at all. “You want some painkillers?”

I made a show of dabbing my eyes, “Yeah- thanks. Man, the pollen level in this arena is high!  Just got two clumps in both eyes….” He gave me this really solum ‘I-can-see-into-the-depths-of-your-soul’ look, as he pulled a white capsule from his bag and tipped it as several blue pills fell out. He tossed one to me and I grabbed it.

I gulped it down my throat without questioning them, if they were acid, so be it. “Where’d ya get these?” I asked, the painkillers seemed like they’d be a little expensive to just be in a backpack.

“A sponsor.” He said curtly.

I nodded as the pain suddenly vanished, washing away from my body and replacing it with a normal feeling body. I looked down, my body was still bruised and trembling but it didn’t hurt anymore. Wow, that painkiller was strong. “Okay. Rules for this temporary alliance we are forming before I die, don’t look at me, don’t talk to me, and give me more of those painkillers when these wear off.” I paused, “You smell. I’m going outside.”

What are you? Four? Be nice to your new friend!

“He’s not my friend, freaky voice inside my head.” I grumbled as loud as I dared, glowering at the air in front of my face.

His left eye twitched as I stood up wobbly and began making my way to the door, leaning on the wall as I went. “Woah. Who says you get to make the rules?!” Devil child said, looking moderately homicidal.

I raised an eyebrow. “Me.” I said simply, barely pausing in my geriatric waddle to the door. I grasped the doorknob as Alex snapped something back at me. I have always found that whenever someone it attempting to make you do something you don’t want to do, the answer is to simply ignore them and keep on doing what you’re doing. I swung the rickety old door open and stepped outside into the light that warmed my face.

Thats when I heard it. My entire body stiffened as a terrified scream reached my ears.  My head spun around to see the career herd attacking a boy about my age with brown hair. The boy was knocked to the ground and the male from six, raising his huge sledgehammer over his head, the other members loomed around him, their eyes watching  with bloodlust for him to make the final blow.

I stared for half a second, should I let him die? It was pointless to let him live. The careers would only kill him later, like they did with Jadine.

A life is always worth it.

The voice echoed in my head, sending shivers down my spine. Adrenaline ran through my veins like a herd of wild horses, strong, fearless and unstoppable. I felt Alex tug on the back of my shirt, “Don’t you dare, get inside before they see us…. or let them kill him then we can track them from behind and pick them one at a time. Don’t be a-” It was too late.

I was running. I was running with no weapons, no plan, and absolutely no chance. And so I was spurred forward in my pointless charade run by the cruel master known as hope. Hope for humanity was the only thing that kept me trying. I don’t know why I cared so much, why couldn’t I just be selfish? I pumped my legs faster as the girl with the blue hair turned, her eyes widening as she saw me. Perhaps selfishness was a gift in disguise that protected you from being like me.

I watched the sledgehammer go crashing toward the boy’s head. He cowered, realizing that this was the end for him. I dodged the small blond girl and barreled into the boy with the sledgehammer, he was bigger than me but that was no match for the momentum I had built. It sent us tumbling to the concrete, the hammer skidding from his clutches. I tumbled  to the concrete at his side. “Wha-” He gasped as we locked eyes.

I tried to smile at him, it came out more like a grimace. “Hi.”

Pain exploded in my face as he pummeled the side of my face. My head snapped back as he tried to crawl over me to grab his sledge hammer. I grabbed his wrist, stopping his fingers from reaching the fatal instrument of destruction. He let out a groan trying to force himself forward, my grip gave a little as perspiration leaked from my hand.

I kneed him in the stomach pushing him off me, rolling over trying to pin him down. He gunted, rolling over, pushing me to the ground without problem.

“Aero! Hold him there! Flora will shoot him.” A girl’s voice rang out tensely. Aero looked over to make eye contact with whoever his person was. I bucked my head forward and it cracked against his skull. He winced, sifting his balance. I pushed him off me yet again, this time though I didn’t try to pin him down. I punched him in the jaw, as hard as I could. His eyes glazed over slightly stunned. I could have killed him right then- I didn’t want to though.

“We don’t have to kill each other.” I gasped, my breathes ragged. I looked around at all the people who stood, surrounding me. They stared downward, a few seemed surprised that I had talked. My eyes fell on the district one girl’s arrow that she loaded, right at me. I scowled, glancing at Areo who lay next to me clutching his jaw.  “Hell! Don’t you people realize that you are letting the gamemaker’s strip you of your humanity? Don’t you realize that if you play their stupid game only one of you will come out alive? Don’t you realize that if you win nothing will ever be the same?” I felt the words drip off my tongue like venom.

There was silence, a lengthy drawn out silence.

The girl from one smirked at me, locking her arrow on my heart. “The funny thing about that statement is that I never had any.” She said harshly. I didn’t move. I had no desire to move as I stared at the cold faces around me. This was humanity, the thing I fought to save, a bunch of heartless people.

Flora suddenly pitched forward, her eyes widening in alarm as her eyes glazed over and a pool of blood dripped from her mouth. I jumped a little as I stared, startled, to see a large dagger protruding from her back and a child with eyes that resembled the pits of hell standing behind her. “I am the only one who is allowed to have no humanity in this arena.” His very familiar monotone voice rang out.

The girl from seven shrieked, letting out a warcry, attacking him. The blue-haired female from  four followed with a fierce yell. The male from seven grabbed Aeros stray sledge hammer and ran offensively at the district one girl’s partner who met him with a fierce stance of agility and readiness.  

I stared numbly as everyone around me collapsed into war. Depression hung over me like a dark cloud, sinking lower and lower towards the ground. I felt rather than saw Aero get to his feet. An odd statement, I know, but thats the only way I can describe it. I shuddered turning to face him with no desire to fight him.

Sadly, he didn’t feel the same. His fist came barrelling into my jaw, I fell backward my head cracking against the cement. It felt like all the fight had been sucked out of me, no. The fight had been sucked out of me a long time ago. Now I was just running on a faulty generator.

Stone, you idiot! Do something!

I shook my head numbly as  Aero’s hands grasped my neck in a viselike grip. His heart wasn’t in killing me though, it reflected in his eyes. “Shit,” he choked, “Why the hell don’t you fight back, it’d make you so much easier to kill.”

I looked at him blankly. “So you have to see someone kicking and screaming for their life in order for you to be able to kill them without guilt?” I demanded flatly.

He hesitated and shook his head, “No. Its not like that- Hey I have a family to get back to, okay?” He snapped uncomfortable, his grip on my neck tightening with his growing anxiety.

I snorted indignantly, “Like all those kids you murdered didn’t?” I demanded, feeling a swell of annoyed, righteous, frustrated- whatever you want to call it anger well inside me.

“You know what? I don’t owe any explanation to you? Why am I-” He started, spitting venom as he gripped my throat tighten, borderline cutting off my air passages.  

I cut him off, “Would you shut up and f**king kill me already?!” I demanded furiously, what the hell does it take to get killed around here?!

He started to snap something at me as his head exploded, my eyes widened as a sledgehammer barreled into his scalp. It caved in on impact, pieces of bone and brain flying everywhere. I resisted the urge to hurl as I stared at blood that cascaded onto the ground. I felt a hand try to tug me to my feet. “Are you okay man?” I looked over to see the boy I had saved. He was much taller than I had originally realized with big watery, chocolate-brown eyes. So basically he looked like a giant, needy puppy. I hate puppies.

He didn’t give me time to respond before yanking my wrist and pulling me away from the fighting. I threw a glance over my shoulder to see Alex chasing after us, bloody and a look of murder sprawled across his face. However it was what was behind him that caught my eye- I saw the girl with the long blonde hair kneeling over the male from six’s body crying.


Blood spattered, staining the wall behind him as my father’s body collapsed on the floor. My mother let out an inhuman wail as she fell forward, her head resting on my fathers dead back, “Please… Please let this not be real… Please….” She wailed as she sobbed, the man she had loved unconditionally since she was eighteen was dead, dead because of me.

*Flashback Over*

I forced myself to look away as I turned, trying to yank my grasp from the human puppy dog's grasp. It wasn’t budging. I cursed and tried to pace myself with him. He pulled me into an alleyway and let go of my wrist, doubling over with ragged breaths. Alex’s footsteps pounded into alleyway behind me. I felt him walk over and stand beside me, I thought it was pretty safe to say he was looking at this weird puppy man like he wanted to kill him. He always looked like he wanted to kill someone.

The boy smiled at me, “I’m Aspen.” He stood up and before I could fully register what exactly was happening his arms wrapped around me and he squeezed me tightly. “Thank you so much, like I don’t even know what I should say. Like why would you do that?” He rambled, though I barely processed what he said.

“Who the hell gave you permission to touch me?” I demanded stiffening up, glowering at him out of the corner of my eye.

He let go and took a step backward quickly, raising his hands apologetically. His smile morphed into something sheepish. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were one of those anti-touch people. I didn’t know. I just got excited, I haven’t talked to anyone since my friends died in the bloodbath. I’m sorry. I was just- its lonely being alone.” I almost felt bad… he seemed kind of nice- but he was no better than anyone here. I had seen him smash a career’s head in mercilessly. Then again I had killed too. We all had. I recoiled within myself in disgust.  Aspen looked over to Alex, “What about you little guy?” He asked, opening his arms to him.

Alex didn’t move. “You try to hug me, or you call me little guy one more time and I will cut out your tongue.” He said flatly as if he was merely suggesting we eat one food instead of another.

Aspen looked as if we had ripped his heart out and beat it with a sword. He hung his head, “Okay then, I wouldn’t want to be a burden on you guys. See you around.” He smiled sadly  and started to lope away toward the street.

Stone. Be nice.

I sigh turning to face him, “Aspen, just because we don’t want hugs doesn’t mean you can’t-” I paused trying to force the words from my throat, “be our friends.” I nearly vomited from saying that. My mouth was polluted. I needed to sanitize it.

His face lit up, “Great, it will be so nice-” He stopped, his face falling in horror at something behind us. His complexion faded until he looked like a corpse. “Run!” He yelled disappearing around the corner.

I froze as something blurred past me in hot pursuit of him, I glanced behind me to see if there was more of whatever was chasing him behind me. The alleyway was empty, just a few dumpsters, rotting boxes and a huge brick wall that sealed it off. I heard Alex scream, I spun around trying to find him but he was gone. I sprinted over toward the rim of the alleyway looking out into the crumbling street. Neither of my ‘friends’ were anywhere in sight. A lone dead leaf tumbled across the road in the wind. I let out a nervous laugh, “Okay… thats wierd.”

Suddenly a strong gust of wind blew behind me, whipping dead leaves past my my ears, pulling at my short hair. I turned around, anticipation ripping underneath my skin. A huge swirling vortex of black clouds spun ominously in the brick wall. I took a step toward it, even though every shred of common sense screamed at me not to go near it. I stepped toward it as if I was no longer in control of my body. I advanced slowly, reaching my arm out toward it as a sickly sweet smell I hadn't been aware I was smelling became stronger. ‘Shit. Drugs.’ My brain realized as I continued advancing helplessly toward the cloud of imminent death. I. Hate. My. Life.

My hand reached out toward the swirling mass, the clouds were cold and wet against my arm. It went right through where the wall had been, my heart skipped a beat. This was not good. My entire body shuddered as I stepped through the portal, if thats what you would call it.

Freezing air rushed around me as I took the quite possibly fatal step.

I emerged in a graveyard that stretched as far as the eye could see, overgrown tall grass waved in the breeze. I spun around to see the portal fading rapidly into nothing more than an endless graveyard. I ran toward it- it closed and I tripped over a headstone.  I groaned getting to my feet as fast as humanly possible- okay fine. Graveyards creeped me out- in fact I hated them with a vengeance. Then again I also hated sunshine.

I turned around, shivering. What the hell was this for? Did they transferred us to another arena? My eyes focused on the inscription on the headstone that I had tripped over and I froze completely.

Stone Peter Everglade

In The Year Of Our Glorious President 45 ~ 62

Died in The Hunger Games

District 11 Male Tribute

My heart started beating fervently on my rib cage as if it was trying to break out of my chest completely. I took a hesitant step back and I felt the soil give way as the soft ground crumpled under my foot. I screamed as the entire ground gave way beneath me and I tumbled into the black abyss below. I hit a softly cushioned bottom. A casket. I looked upward in time to see dirt falling downward as the roof of the casket I had fallen into slammed shut above me, trapping me and engulfing me in darkness. I heard dirt crash against the top of the casket, shovel full by shovel full.

I pressed in the top of the casket, trying to lift it frantically, my breaths coming in short gasps as the walls seemed to shrink, crushing me. I felt nausea flip in my stomach as I reached out to test the sides. My right hand touched a solid wall covered in fine silk inches from where I lay. The other touched a writhing mass of something, a writhing mass of scaley, very alive snakes.

My heart stopped as I felt one slowly weave its way up my arm. I let out a scream and banged on the roof of the casket, desperately trying to break it open. “Help! Help! Please!” As more snakes twisted around my body, weaving me into their mass. I screamed again, tears starting to run down my face from the terror of being buried alive in a small box filled with snakes. They entwined themselves with me, nuzzling their little demonic heads against my skin and forcing their way underneath my clothes. I felt a snake stick its head into my open mouth and try to force its way down my throat. I gagged, trying to rip it free only to grab the tails of several other snakes before finding the one that belonged to the snake that squirmed itself deeper and deeper down my throat. I coughed as the stale air from the casket rushed into my lungs. I clenched my teeth shut before another one could weasel its way down my throat. I pounded on the roof of the casket again vainly. My heart beating so fast I thought I might pass out.

Stone. Calm down, you're stronger than this.

“F**k! What the hell do you know about me?! Your a freaking voice inside my head! God I’m crazy! I am so f**king crazy. I’m off the deep end, I’m insane.” I screamed at the top of my lungs as shudders began to rock my body. I clasped my hand to my head, all my emotions exploding from the depths of my heart. “I’m crazy. I’m crazy.” I whispered repetitively.

Stone, if you calm down you can get out of this. Its just a test.

I shook my head numbly, “This isn’t happening. This isn’t happening.” I felt a snake sink its long teeth into my flesh. I flinched, banging my fist against the wall one final time before letting my arm fall into the masses that instantly entabled it pulling it every which way. I was insane. I took a deep breath, I had to get out if here. I had to calm down. I refused to die like this.

I had no weapon, no tool I could use to pry the lid open. I swallowed hard and reached upwards, feeling along the lid for a latch- my fingers found a small indent in the wood. A keyhole. I just had to find something to pick it with. I knew I had nothing useful on me. The snakes swam around me, only seeming to increase. I grunted as another one sunk its fangs into my neck- and in that instant I knew the solution for my problem.

I inwardly cringed as I felt the snake bodies trying to find a large one.  I hate snakes. I hate them more than sunlight and small caskets combined. My hand grasped a large one’s  neck,. I felt it snap furiously trying to get free. I hesitated before plunging my other hand into the things mouth, grasping one it’s fangs and yanking it. The skin let out a little ripping noise as the fang fell free. I let out a small breath of relief, letting the snake go. It lunged forward and bit my arm.

I shuddered, pressing the fang up into the lock and giggling it. I held my breath, this had to work, this had to work…. I heard a click and shoved the top of the casket open, it was heavy from the two feet of dirt that had piled ontop of it. I stood up on top of it and forced the casket closed with one final shudder. I shook the snakes that clung onto my clothing off, making little “Ew.” noises as I went. I know I probably sounded like a prepubescent girl when we saw a spider but I really don’t care. Snakes are… snakes are what would happen if the devil and Antonio had a child. A pile of dirt fell on my head as I hoisted myself free from the grave.  I lay on the grass shuddering. I looked up at the sky shaking, I raised my middle finger at it. I hoped Antonio saw it.

Another portal appeared a few feet away from me and I wasted no time in jumping through it. I stumbled out back into the alleyway- right into Alex who was looking terrified and covered in feathers. Aspen looked slightly less rattled and stood beside him.

“Where did you come from?” He asked looking alarmed.

I glowered at him. “Hell.” I growled, “I’m going to go find that ocean and decontaminate myself.” I shuddered remembering the snakes rubbing up against my skin.

“Oh… well do you need to talk about it? I was just helping Alex here with-” Aspen started but was cut off with Alex’s shoe hitting his face.

I glowered at him, “I don’t want to talk about it.” I growled walking toward the exit of the alleyway, I was dimly aware of them following slowly.

You really should be nicer to them.

The annoying voice that was possibly Petra informed me. I rolled my eyes and continued walking down the crumbling streets. Then the voice told me something that made me stop dead in my tracks.

Stone stop dismissing me like this, don’t you see? Don’t you remember when you used to run around helping people calling yourself a groundlifter? Well, these are yours.

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