Aizawa Izuku


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this is just another dadzawa fanfic, I don't own BNHA, but I love love love love love love it!!!!!!!!! Izuku... More

cha 1: the fire
Cha 2: The night Before
Cha 3: adjusting to new life and quirk
Cha 4: Erasure Heads Reaction
Cha 5: Out the Window and Almight
Cha 6: The Exam and a new Power
Cha 7: the surprise and new quirk
Cha 8: Fear, Quirk Assessment, new friends
Cha 9: Combat Training
Cha 10: Coming To Terms
Cha 11: A promise between old friends
Cha 12: The successor
Cha 13: Declaration of War
Cha 14: Dads encouragement
Cha 15: USJ
Cha 16: Son of Erasure Head
Cha 17: Almight and Nomu
Cha 18: Crush
Cha 19: Cousins and Iida's help
Cha 20: Sports Festival
Cha 21: Cavalry Battle
Cha 22: one on one fights begin
Cha 23: Battle Continues
Cha 24: I can do it
Cha 25: Its your Damn Power
Cha 26: The Matches Continue
SPECIAL: Different Versions
Cha 27: Award ceremony and After
Cha 28: Hero Names
Cha 29: My mentors Teacher
Cha 30: Gran Torino
Cha 31: Nomus, Stain and Revenge
Cha 32: Stain vs Deku
Cha 33: Aftermath
Cha 34: Back to school
Cha 35: Number Names
Cha 36: Exams from Hell
Cha 37: Teacher's little Helper
Cha 38: Mutual Enemies and Rivals
Cha 39: Unexpected
Cha 41: Underground Meeting
Cha 42: New Classmate & Grocery shopping
Cha 43: Eri
Cha 44: Little sister
Cha 45: Dream
Cha 46: Villains Rising
Cha 47: Dad away from home
Cha 48: Pool Training
Cha 49: Summer Camp
A/N: Theory
Cha 50: Camp
Cha 51: What Kind Of Hell Did we Sign up For?!
Cha 52: Temporal Alliance

Cha 40: Secret Life Of Deku

7.9K 262 66

Bakugou was having a great day relaxing at home. Well as great if could be without having his mom yell at him from so early in the morning

She was saying something about dinner plans. He couldnt care less about his moms plans. He wondered what he should do today. He didn't feel like going out. No way was he going to call his self proclaimed friends

Well in all honesty he liked the idea of having real friends. Izuku was his first friend. He will never admit it but he was somewhat glad that some how they didn't kill each other

If he didn't think of anything soon, he was going to die of boredom. As if summoned his mother shouted

"KATSUKI YOU HAVE VISITORS!!!!" his mother shouted viciously

"SHUT UP OLD HAG I'LL BE THERE!!!!" he shouted back with the same tone

He wondered who would want to see him. He pissed enough and bored out his mind. The moment he walked down to see who came to see him he froze

He was glad his boring day will be over but still it could go south pretty soon and pretty fast. The self proclaimed baku squad had found his home

"How the fuck do you know where I live!?" He growled aggressively

"Aizawa told Us!" Mina chirped cheekily

"Which one?" Bakugou asked

"Izuku told us" Mina clarified

"Why the fuck are you here anyway"

"Well you see went all got bored. And so I called Mina, we Met at Kirishima's place then ran into Sero and then decided to come get you...." Kaminari explained

Bakugou had them to his room and looked at every single one of them as though he was an interrogator. He sighed heavily. These were just idiots who have nothing better to do

Like he had anything better to do. And so he decided to give in and do what these idiots have planned

"What stupid plan do guys have then?" He asked. Effortlessly making himself sound uninterested

"We want to know what Izuku does on his days off" Mina says

"Huh?" That was by far the dumbest thing he has ever had.

What was so interesting about Deku? Sure he had figured out he was once a vigilante. Was right? What does that guy do on his days off? Does he still visit those shady places. Does he still meet up with shady people? Is he still doing those shit in secret?

Ahh!!!! Damn it now I want to know. Curse you. Damn raccoon eyes. Fuck is that nerd still a vigilante. Why do I even care!?

Flash back

Katsuki is 7 Years old and is being babysitted by his aunt Inko. Izuku was sick and was in bed the whole day.

The boy was bored. He wanted to do something. He visited the sick Izuku in his room. The boy was still six. Very small many would think he was younger

"Pathetic Deku. Weak as always" he said as he looked around the room

Posters of Almight were plastered all over. There was a poster underneath Izuku's pillow. The blonde pulled it out and saw a hero he hadn't seen before

Eraser Head

"Oh you found Izuku's number one hero" Inko's voice came from the door

"Hey aunty whose this and what do you mean number one hero" The boy asked confused

"This is Eraser Head. His a hero that can erase quirks" Inko says with a smile as she shows him the poster

"His Izuku's favorite hero"

"But I thought it was Almight" Bakugou says sounding betrayed

After all he and Deku grew saying they looked up to the same hero. But here he was learning that the nerd had another hero

"Let's just say Izuku has a sixth sense when it comes to this particular hero...." Inko smiled a bitter sweet smile. Bakugou didn't know what she meant

"Can you promise me something Katsuki" Inko asked

"Sure aunty. Anything for you" the boy was always so sweet to her. Reason why, her wrath is worse than his mothers

"Take of Izuku as he was your brother please" she asks

"I don't know why but I have a feeling that in the future his going to get himself in a lot of trouble like his father did...."

"Uncle Hisashi doesn't get in trouble" Katsuki protested confused

"No he doesn't but promise you'll take care of him. Izuku is bound to get in trouble" Inko says head strong

"Fine.... Okay" The blonde says begrudgingly

Inko chucckled at his pouting face and ruffled his hair.

Flash back end

I'm doing my best aunt Inko.

Bakugou thought as he let out another sigh. He'll keep his promise to his aunt. And like the woman predicted, the guy had gotten himself into trouble. He became a freaking vigilante

He hopes the guy is not back at doing it. other wise he'll gladly kick his ass

"We came here to ask where the guy lives. We all know that Aizawa is a workaholic so what does Izuku do when his got nothing to do" Kaminari asked

"We pretty much know what everyone else does and it's just him" Mina says

"The guy is a mystery and I think its manly but seriously I'm also curious" Kirishima says pumping his fist

"Since you guys a childhood friends where does he live at"

Bakugou simply pointed out his window to the next house. As though by cue the sliding door opens up and a teen walks out

He looks over and around. Unaware of eyes watching him. When he decides its safe he jumps off and landed soundlessly on his feet

"Wow... A ninja... " Kaminari blurted out

"After him" Bakugou says harshly

They all looked at him confused

"That was Deku" he said and rushed out

Instantly the other followed behind. They want to know what Izuku's secret life is like

Whenever they try to get the boy to hang out after school he always gave vague excuses. Sometimes they see him at places he says he wouldn't be going to but magically appear there

It was out of pure curiosity that the BakuSquad followed the hooded greenete into a convenience store. He bought something and then they followed him down a shady alley

"What's he doing?" Kaminari asked

"Is he meeting up with someone" Kirishima asked

"Could it be a criminal" Mina gasped

"You all have quite and an imagination" Sero comments

"Shut the fuck up" Bakugou scolded

Their imagination running wild. Izuku was always a shady figure. The black mail, the lurking in the dark. The smarts, the looks, and the strength. The over imanginators wouldnt be suprised if the guy ran a mafia

They anticipated what he was going to do. To couldn't quite see him thanks to the angle they were at.

They could here him talking. Dread filled their stomachs. Was the boy of their imagination truly what he was....

They crained their neck all the way and they all face planted when they saw what should have been an expected sight

Izuku feeding and petting and just being over exited about all the cats gather around him...

He was on the move again. This time he looked like he was heading to a play ground.

They followed him and saw him meet up with up with Todoroki, Tokoyami and Ojiro.

Could they be leaders of a gang.... Kaminari thought

Are they training for some secret mission together in secret..... Thought Kirishima

Are they picking up girls.... Thought Mina

Are they also vigilantes..... Thought Bakugou

These guys must be having wild imaginations again..... Sero thought

But in reality

"So what's next on the Aizawa's coaching classes challenge" Ojiro asked

"Endurance training" Todoroki said

The boy had started the classes only to stay out the house and away from his father. The Aizawa coaching classes challenges were activities done to test their limits

Well in all honesty its just pure self torture

And for today it was to stand on a spinning wheel holding on tight while its spinning at the speed of a race car or fighter jet

They all got on and then wondered who was going to spin the wheel for them. Conveniently Death Arms was patrolling. Izuku somehow talked him into spinning them even though it was against his better judgment

And so with all the strength the man had he spun the wheel. The coaching classes students were nothing but blurs

The Baku Squad face palmed

All of a sudden something crashed into the tree and got stuck. The sound hurling came and dead Tokoyami was seen passed out

Another was thrown into a bush. Once again hurling. Only his tail could be seen. Poor Ojiro.

And next.....

A mountain of ice almost freezes the squad in their place. They followed the ice and found a passes out Todoroki on a slab of ice

And finally, Izuku won the challenge. He stood victorious with a fist in the air only to stumble to a garbage bin and throw up.....

And you guessed it

Pass out shortly after

At a cafe

"I think we may  have wild imagination" Mina says as she drinks a smoothy

"Hey let's not give up..... I bet Aizawa has a manly secret and doesn't wanna reveal and let's find out on our own" Kirishima proclaimed

"Yosha!!! Lets do it!!!" Kaminari shouted

"Let's dig all the dirt Deku has" Bakugou grinned evilly

"This is called invasion of privacy" Sero says questioning his choice of friends

They tracked down the sleep deprived boy and found him walking down another shady alley

They watched him wave at a buffer standing guard at a door. Now many questions were running through their heads. Why was Izuku in this not so sunny part of town, and is there some shady business behind the door the man was guarding

They watched the boy say something. Most likely a password and saw him enter the through the door

They were yelling questions throughout their minds. Bakugou believing her went back, becoming a vigilante

They rounded the place and found a window. Snuck in to see what the hell Izuku got himself into....

But they regreted it

They accidentally snuck into an underground pro hero base. Underground Pros sat at every corner, hack they spotted Aizawa

Izuku cassually walked up and stood Beside him... The squad had many questions running through their heads

"Let's get down to business" Aizawa spoke up

The squad was sure as hell thinking their teacher was super cool.

"Before we do mind explaining why there's a child here" asked a tall skinny man. His gaze was piercing through the glasses he wore. Sir Night-Eye wasn't a man of childish matter and was wondering why a kid had walked in to an underground base only known to underground pros

The baku squad were still safe

Izuku had his hood up and mouth guard on. 

When did he get that!!!? The squad questioned in their heads

"This is Deku" Aizawa began

"His a student and a some what special one. These will be proof of what I mean" the man handed out a note book

Bakugou recognized it as his the nerds hero analysis note books. The ones he had been making since they were kids

The underground pro eyes went wide as he read through the impossible accurate and detailed notes on heroes. It was both impressive and terrifying. It contained a heroes weaknesses, strenghts, ways to improve their quirks, ways to avoid them, ways to handle and ways to take them down. Not only that but also behaviors and prediction of moves and so fort....

It was terrifying. The book given contained big gun heroes including Endevour and Almight, Fat gum and Hawks.

"There's a whole book shelf of those" Eraser Head told him and the man felt like falling of the chair

The other pros looked weary of his behavior. Those that were looking over his shoulder and reading it felt the same way he did

"What does this boy have to do with this" he asked

"He made them" Aizawa said ever so casually that it causes the whole room to be silenced

Baku squad still watching and not so sure on how to get away

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