
By Monstrous_beauty

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"Mother.. please I don't want to marry him" I pleaded to her. "You know Eve nothing can be done now" Sh... More

Ch 1 - Unwanted Wedding
Ch 2 - Humiliation & Pain
Ch 3 - In-Laws
Ch 4 - Unwanted touch
Ch 5 - Dark Side
Ch 6 - Haywire Emotions
Ch 7 - Masquerade Ball
Ch 8 - Assault &Trauma
Ch 9 - Way to keep her
Ch 10 - Contemplating
Ch 11 - Jealousy & Inner thoughts
Ch 12 - Ruminating Past
Ch 13 - Games of heart---The beginning
Ch 14 - Game of Hearts---First Romantic Dinner
Ch 15 -Game of the Hearts--- Persuasion
Ch 16 - Games of heart -- Meeting Strangers
Ch 17 - Games of Heart -- Friendship & Hope
Ch 18 - Games of Heart -- Insecurities
Ch 19 - Games of Heart -- Hidden Motives
Ch 20- Games of Heart --New Feelings
Ch 21- Games of Heart-- Blind Trust
Ch 22- Games of Heart-- Jealousy & Rage
Ch 23 - Games of Heart-- All is lost
Ch 24 - Melancholy of Life
Ch 25 -- She chose someone else
Ch 27 - a New Ally
Ch 28 - A Distant Cousin
Ch 29 -- Kidnapped
Ch 30 - My Past
Ch 31 - The Lost Sweetheart
Ch 32 - Embracing True Self
Ch 33 - Dead trail
Ch 34 - The hidden Truth
Ch 35 - Life truths!!
Ch 36 - The choices you have
Ch 37 - Are you really Dead?
Ch 38 - Princess Lyna what's the next Plan?
Ch 39 - Dreams that keeps us Awake
Ch 40 - Arrival of the Devil

Ch 26 - The New Dawn

5.9K 209 23
By Monstrous_beauty

"Brother I always got your women but your wife I wanted her but she rejected me and I thought she won't be like all the others but in the end, even she left you" I said smiling.

He turned and looked at me and said "Guess at last my baby brother got what he wanted. I hope that made you happy brother" and left.

As he left I don't know for some reason I didn't felt happy as I thought I would. Was it because she chose someone else and not me.

Evelyn's POV

"No I don't want to eat the soup" Richard said when nurse was trying to feed him.

"Please sir you have to eat or else you won't be able to take your medicines " Nurse said.

"No I will have the soup only if my wife feeds me" He said.

The nurse looked at me and gesturing me for help. I scoffed at his childishness and took the soup bowl from her. Immediately a childlike smile adorned his features when I lifted the soup filled spoon near his mouth and he looked at me and opened his mouth allowing me to feed him.

"Wow there's magic in your hands, now this soup tastes wonderful" He said smiling. I raised my brow at that and the nurse there laughed saying "Mam you are lucky to have him".

I glared at her words and she got the message and moved out after saying "I will get his medicines while you feed him". As soon as she left I kept the soup on the overbed table and said "feed yourself Mr. Evans".

He looked at me and pouted "Love but I want you to feed me".

"Mr. Evans you are not a kid anymore" I said annoyed.

"I know that but I am a patient right now and baby please don't call me Mr. Evans, call me Richards. I don't like you referring to me like a stranger" He said.

"You are a stranger for me Mr. Evans" I wanted to say but then I recalled Doctor saying that he is not in a state to take any emotional pressures. I didn't want to hurt him intentionally, but I was not fine with acting like a happy wife when I knew we were so close to getting a divorce, so close to my freedom until he got himself in an accident due to his carelessness. Who in their right mind drives while drunk? Maybe I can tell him now that we were not a normal couple like he believes and maybe then he will leave me alone.

I composed myself and tried to make him understand when I was cut off by the Nurse barging in.  "Look Mr. Evans we..." 

"Don't you have the sense to knock before you enter" Richard scolded her.

The nurse was embarrassed and said "Sorry sir... Mam".

"Look you don't have to be sorry" I said smiling at her and turned to Richards and said "Probably you should be the one to apologize as she is doing her duty".

Richards looked at me and then smiled and said "As you wish Precious". He looked at the Nurse and said "I am sorry,  sister. Hope you understand that I am on this stupid hospital bed when all I want is to be out of here and spend time with my wife".

I was shocked because after accident Richards seemed altogether like a different person. He behaved as if we were in love before his accident. I was not able to tolerate this behavior. I got up from my seat when he grabbed my hand said "My Precious where are you going?".

I tried to pull my hand from him but he didn't let go so I used all my strength and his upper body fell off the bed and he moaned in pain and Nurse shouted "oh sir.. how did it happen?"

"Madam please help" She said to me and I held him and settle him on his bed.

"Sir take your medicines" she said and Richards refused and looked at me. The nurse held the medicines to me and so having no other option, I put the tablet in his mouth and fed him water to gulp it down. Once he was done then Nurse pushed his bed down and said "Sir you should rest now. Madam, you can leave for the day".

I was relieved to hear that and was about to get up when he held my hand and said "No I want my wife to be there while I sleep".

Nurse nodded her head and gestured me to be there. I had no go but to be there till he drifted in sleep.

I made my way out of his room and hospital. I was waiting for a cab when one car pulled up and Kendall stepped down and said "Thank you so much, Evelyn. Please come I will drop you home".

I looked and a car which I recognized that Ivan had send for me stopped and said "No thanks" and made my way when she said "Evelyn please don't divorce him he will break please..."

I turned back and said "Kendall I think I don't need your suggestion on how I live my life" and went to the car and driver opened the door and soon we were driving away from the hospital where Richards was.


I remembered how were talking about the divorce settlement when Kendall barged in the study where I, Ivan and Mr. Lobster were sitting. Her appearance was in total contrast with her glamourous one last time I met her. Her dress was wrinkled, her hair windblown and her breath was heavy. I was surprised at her, her eyes as if searching for someone and lit when suddenly her gaze fell on me, She ran to me and said "Evelyn please come with me". 

"Where do you want me to go, Kendall?" I asked confused.

"Evelyn... "She started crying and said "Richards is in hospital and he's in critical condition".

It shocked me but I composed myself and said "Kendall hold yourself, I think you have reached the wrong place and you are saying all this to the wrong person because I and Richards are divorcing you need to reach out to his family".

She looked at me incredulous look and said "Evelyn, I know you are separating but you are still his wife and you will not get your divorce unless he's well".

"That's no my problem Kendall" I replied acting nonchalant knowing well that it was harsh but I believe it's time to be selfish? no... but self-caring? yes.

"Evelyn you don't understand do you? He does not remember agreeing to divorce. Forget about divorce he doesn't remember anyone except Evelyn. He's not eating or taking his meds since he opened his eyes this morning. Please come with me, he wants to meet his wife Evelyn" she said.

"Kendall... whatever Richards does is none of my business. You can see yourself out" I said rudely.

"Not your business..... all you are thinking about is that... If you don't go now he will die Evelyn. Will you be able to live if he dies because of your selfishness" She said accusingly.

"Kendall you do know who had been selfish so please watch out your words" Ivan said in a stern tone.

"Evelyn... please if you don't go he will die. He's been in an accident because of you. He was upset when you refused to listen. He drunk himself insane and drove and met with an accident. He was in a coma for a week. I urged you to see him but you didn't come but now he's awake. And you know what he forgot everyone, everyone even his Mom and the only person he remembers is his wife that is you. He refuses to take anything unless he meets you. Evelyn please... please come to the hospital. I promise you once he's out of hospital we won't bother you" Kendall said falling on her knees.

I realized if not for anyone I should go to the hospital for her. I could see the love in her eyes the way Kendal seemed really worried about Richards. I think after this she can get her happy story at least. With that in mind, I uttered the doomed words"Fine... I will go with you" I said and looked at Ivan who didn't look happy but didn't object and gave me a smile and said "Evelyn... please take care".


I was in my reverie when the driver opened my door and said "Mam we are here".

I entered the Mansion and Ivan met me on the door and asked "So how is he?".

"I have tired Ivan. Please, can we talk about something else" I said wanting to avoid the discussion.

"sure Cara... so tell what my Farfallina wants to eat" He asked immediately changing the topic.

That's how our conversation changed to a lighter one and soon we retired to our rooms.

Richards 's POV

Before the Accident

I left my house and took a car and drove. I didn't have any particular destination in my mind. I could not believe that Evelyn was willing to leave me. She wanted to leave me and settle down with some other man. The irony of life, I was thinking she will fall in love with me then I will not break her heart but I fell for her and now I am heartbroken. She had been a very good wife, making me aware of schemes of my Mother but I Ignored her not because I didn't know but I wanted to feel that my mother loves me. Yes, I wanted to fool myself that my mother loves me as any mother does to her child.

I knew mother was not happy I got married and when she came to know that I married Evelyn who belongs to a middle class she did not approve. She called me back from honeymoon because she wanted us not to bond. I am aware of this. But still, somewhere I wanted to believe I was loved. But today when Evelyn said that she was considering marrying Ivan after we divorce it has been confirmed that no one will love me. Because my mothers love is a mirage but the care I was getting from Evelyn was selfless and more substantial and now it's lost.

I clenched my hand in a fist and hit the steering wheel. Suddenly the voice of Steven rang in my ears

"Brother I always got your women but your wife I wanted her but she rejected me and I thought she won't be like all the others but in the end, even she left you" 

She left me for another man... I was thinking but then I saw lights blinking and then darkness.


After the Accident

I woke up in the hospital and the doctor was checking my vitals. I asked him if my wife is here. He informed me that my mother, my brother Steven and my friend Kendall were waiting for me.

They came to meet me but I could not remember them and then I asked him again whether he's seen, Evelyn. He said he didn't see any lady other than my Mom he gestured to a middle-aged lady and a young one as my Friend Kendall. I told him I don't want to meet them. A voice rang in my mind.

"You lost her. Now you won't have her anymore"

"No, I cannot lose her" I whispered and desperate to get up from bed to search for her. Doctors and nurse immediately shot to me and soon I lost the battle to darkness.

Next day when the doctor came I asked him "where's my wife ?" and he replied my wife is not there. I didn't talk more and then he sends the same people who visited me but I could not recognize them. I started shouting that I want my wife Evelyn to be there. I didn't eat or drink and was sitting idly on the bed when I heard soft footsteps and an angel came. As soon as I looked at her my heartbeat skyrocketed, I felt a surge of happiness inside and I was about to ask her who she was when she said in her accusing but sweet voice "Richards why are you behaving like this? I don't understand what you will get out of this"

Feeling confused I asked "What am I doing?"

"Are you not acting like you don't remember your family and you are asking people to force me to come here?" She said glaring at me.

"I didn't force you. Why would I do that?" I said confusingly.

"Didn't you say you will not eat anything until Evelyn comes" she asked.

"Yes I did" I replied.

"Why are you doing this to me? Richards " She asked.

Soon Kendall who claimed to be my friend entered and said "Evelyn thank you for coming".

I smiled when I realised that the angel who stepped in was Evelyn, my Evelyn, my wife. The blur face of her became so clear to me after seeing her now. But there was something different about her. I could see she wanted nothing to do with me, her aloofness hurt me despite me not recalling our past. I still made her feed me I made her stay with me. I slept happily after taking medicines because I knew she was there with me and she will stay, my heart said Evelyn cares for me was the last thought in my mind when I dozed off.

In the morning when I woke up she was not there, it hurt that she left me and a Nurse came, I asked her about my wife and she said Evelyn left as soon as I was asleep. She checked my vitals and offered medicines which I refused and asked for Evelyn again

After 2 hours Evelyn came and fed me and gave me medicines.

"Why did you leave me, Evelyn? You know I don't like hospitals" I asked her.

"I don't know whether you like hospital or not" She replied blankly. 

"Precious are you angry with me?" I said and I wondered was that my nickname I gave to her before the accident.

She froze and said "Richards look..." she breathed and then let go and said nothing.

I waited for her to continue but when she didn't I said what I wanted to after seeing her the first time in hospital "Please tell me why you are angry with me. I don't remember anything that happened before Evelyn. I am sorry if I hurt you but Evelyn I love you. I love you so much that it hurts when you are angry".

Evelyn looked shocked as if I had never said those words to her. I don't know how our relationship was but I am going to fix things. I promised to myself that this day will mark a new dawn in our lives

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