Wallflower ( BNHA x fem!Reade...

By chidoriedasf

136K 4.6K 6.2K

What happens when Y/N falls into the world of Boku No Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)? She fucks shit up of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22

Chapter 21

1.8K 85 51
By chidoriedasf

Chapter 21- 'Explosion Boy & Regrets'

Two weeks—only two weeks since Y/N's been back and she can't help but feel like everything is so different. Everyone was treating her as if she were fragile and couldn't take care of herself. She couldn't do a single thing alone, even using the bathroom—one of the girls was always around. The curly haired girl felt caged, and extremely annoyed.

While Y/N knew that everyone was just showing how much they cared for her, it was becoming very overwhelming. The worst of it came from Todoroki. The outcasted girl couldn't help but feel like he changed drastically.

Wherever she was, he went. When he wasn't with her—which rarely happened—he texted her nonstop. He even went to the extent of not letting any of the other boys touch her. When he wouldn't let her hug sunshine boy Kirishima or get a piggyback ride from Iida so she could go 'zoom', she knew things were getting weird.

"Kiri you have to sneak to my room with the squad, I feel like a prisoner!" Y/N whisper shouted into her phone, openly begging the boy to bring her faves so she can relax for once.

"No way bro! What if Todoroki sees me going to your room like last time?! That dude is so scary." He whined, already opposing Y/N's random wishes of rebellion.

"This is so unmanly! Your bestest buddy is feeling down and you want to just leave 'em all cooped up in their sad and depression cell block?" The girl retorted, trying her best to hit him right in the manly heart so he'd break and come rescue her.

"Dude a girl is asking us to come to her room and you're gonna say no?" Another voice in the background spoke up, seemingly disappointed in the redhead.

"Kaminari do you want us to die?!" Kirishima cried out, clearly distressed from the mere thought of Todoroki freezing him like a popsicle.

"That's only if he catches us—"

"Wait, if we're all in Kami's, why don't you just come to us?" Sero piped up from the background, probably listening into the conversation as well.

He has a good point..

"Wait—why do I have to be the one that dies?!" Y/N cried out, disturbed by the fact that her friends would rather her get slaughtered by her overprotective boyfriend.

"So we have to die? FOR WHAT CAUSE? THIS IS UNMANLY!" Kirishima whines, as a small thump is heard in the background, likely from him face-planting into the bed.

"Wait, even if he caught Y/N he'd never be mean to her or hurt her." Sero spoke up, already tired of everyone being so dramatic.

"Y/N can you just bring your butt here? If you take too long I'll eat all of the mozzarella—"

A loud crash was heard from Y/N's side of the line as she stumbled off of her bed to rush out of the room.


As Y/N ran up the steps while shoving her phone in her pocket, she kept an ear and eye out for Todoroki and Aizawa.

Creeping onto the boys floor, she peeked out from the stairwell to see if the coast way clear. Upon noticing no one there, she zoomed down the hallway to Kaminari's room, pushing the door open and closing it as if someone was chasing her. Her back was pressed up against the door as she wheezed like an out of shape elderly man. After taking a big gulp of fresh air, she stood up tall flexing her arms.

"I AM HERE!" She yelled out in a mock All Might voice.

"What are you flexing?" Kaminari asked, completely caught off guard by her sudden appearance.


"CAN YOU GUYS KEEP IT DOWN?!" A voice shouted from seemingly next door, making Y/N and Kaminari jump slightly. It was quiet for a moment before they all burst out laughing like crackheads.

The rest of the night was spent playing video games, watching movies, and eating whatever snacks they could get their hands on. As soon as midnight hit, everyone started to get weird—which usually happens around that time so it was nothing new.

"But seriously bro, if you are a chicken farmer... and you have to watch chickens—doesn't that make you a chicken tender?" Kaminari spoke up, sounding like he just connected the dots to a lifelong unsolvable problem.

"Brooo" Sero called out, his voice completely baffled by Kami's new revelation.

"Wait, wait. If we think with that logic, doesn't that mean that we're cannibals?" Y/N spoke up, clearly horrified by this sudden twist of fate.

"This is wild!" Mina cried out, falling back on the bed in exhaustion.

The group sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, as everyone just kind of dazed off or fell into a half asleep state. Well, that was until a certain redhead spoke up.

"So you really don't remember?" He asked softly, eyes downcast as he played with the holes in his bright red crocs.

The curly haired girl sighed, shifting in her spot as she turned her bright eyes over to him. She stared at the boy for a moment, seeing how much he was trying to get past what happened. In the show, they made it seem like the main characters got over their traumas so fast. When Bakugou got kidnapped, the sadness and desperation seemed to last for only a few episodes—which was barely two hours her time.

It's been months, and still he wore a frown. The expression seemed so out of place on his usually happy and excited face. It physically hurt to see such an amazing person so sad. Although she didn't understand why it was negatively affecting him the most. Sure, Todoroki became crazy protective, but he is her boyfriend so she really wasn't that surprised. While Kiri is one of her best friends, so is the rest of the Bakusquad.

Sure everyone feels differently, shows concern differently. But Y/N couldn't help but feel as though this was something deeper than she could possibly understand. She closed her eyes for a second, letting a small tuff of air past her parted lips before speaking.

"I love you."

She opened her eyes to watch his expression—he seemed completely confused and thrown off by her answer.


"I love you Kirishima Eijirou. With all of my strength I love you. I love you, I love Mina, I love Kaminari, I love Sero, and I love Bakugou. I love every single one of you." She blurted out, eyes staring at the ceiling now as she spoke.

"I have no idea what's going on, but I felt it coming a while ago. I have no idea if I'll be okay, but know this—I will NEVER stop fighting to love and protect you all. My heart aches knowing that I hurt you in a way that I couldn't prevent. While I can't remember what happened, sometimes I can feel the physical pain. Sometimes it hurts so bad that I can't sleep at night. It hurts because I know that I let all of you down." Y/N continued, her voice cracking at the end.

The group was silent, allowing her to talk about something that she usually brushed off so quickly. It hurt to hear that their best friend was in pain and they could do absolutely nothing but watch.

"Sometimes... Sometimes this feels like a dream. Like I ended up here by a complete accident—like I don't belong. Being here with you guys—" She sniffled, a sad smile gracing her lips as she said the things she had been dying to say. "It feels like magic. To laugh with you, smile, joke, cry—anything really."

"But that's why I want to move on. I don't want to keep thinking about what's happened to me. I want to hope for things that can happen, or push for things that I want to do! I just... I just wanna be happy with you!" She broke, tears streaming down her red face as she finished speaking.

It was true, her heart ached all the time knowing that she had to go through pain in order to live in a world she's always dreamed of. But to her, this pain was worth it if it meant that she could be with them.

A small sob was heard shortly before Y/N was tackled by Mina. It didn't take long for the boys to come and join the hug and cry fest.

Little did they know, a certain someone was outside of the door and heard everything. And maybe, just maybe, his eyes teared up too.

"HEY WAIT FOR ME IM COMING TOO!" Y/N screamed, running through the lounge and jumping on Kirishima's back. He swiftly caught the hyper girl, securing her legs around his waist in order to efficiently carry her.

"YAY! Y/N is finally coming back to class!" Mina squealed, jumping up and down as the group exited their dormitory.

"I'm not excited to learn, but I am excited to be in class with you guys again!" The curly haired girl blurted out, cheeks slightly tinted and she knuckle rubbed Kirishima's hair.

The redhead let out a loud groan before laughing and reaching up to push her hands out of his hair. The group laughed as Mina hopped up on Sero's back, and they all started racing to class.

When they burst through the 2A classroom door, Iida was there and ready to scold them. Well, at least he was going to until he noticed how happy Y/N seemed. He felt like he could let this one time slide, seeing as it's been a while since she's smiled like that.

Y/N jumped off of the redhead's back before rushing over to Bakugou's desk, automatically launching herself on him. Of course it surprised him, causing him to fall out of his chair with her on top of him. His cheeks tinted a slight pink color as his eyebrows furrowed.


"NO!" She screamed, her voice loud and slightly angry making him falter for a brief second. Her outburst caused the few students in the room to turn to the two on the floor.

Y/N sat up quickly, feet tucked under her legs as she stared down at the floor. Bakugou followed suit, sitting up and staring at the girl with a small scowl.

"You—YOU CAN'T IGNORE ME ANYMORE!" She yelled out again, voice cracking a bit as she looked away from the floor, trying her best to get her emotions under control.

"And why the fuck not?" He scoffed, voice lacking his usual bite.

In all honestly, he wasn't trying to ignore her anymore, it just kind of happened. The last thing he wanted to do was to not be able to speak to her, but lately it's been so hard to be near her while trying to control himself. It hurt too much to be around her and not be able to hold her like he wanted to.

"B-because.." She paused, taking in a deep breath and turning to look him straight in the eyes. "Because when you ignore me, it hurts." She admitted, her face serious while her voice was sad.

Bakugou's heart dropped, his face going blank as he stared at the girl in front of him. He never wanted to hurt her, but he knew that he couldn't risk hurting himself even more by being around her.

The room was deathly silent, as onlookers didn't want to say anything—afraid that he'd blow up any second.

"And when you look at me, it hurts." He finally spoke up, voice hard and low. He quickly stood up, going to his seat just as the rest of the class and Aizawa walked in.

What did I do?

"Will you just stop for a second?" A monotone voice spoke up, making Y/N turn around and sigh.

"What is it Shouto? I want to get my lunch before they're all out of rice balls." She spoke up, foot tapping impatiently as she stared at the bicolor haired boy.

"I—Why are you ignoring me?" He questioned, lips pouted as he stared at the beautiful girl in front of him.

"I'm not, I just wanted to walk with my children." She admitted, confused as to why he even thought that. Y/N felt like she was allowed a little space if she wanted it.

"Then why haven't you responded to any of my texts?" Todoroki asked bluntly, eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Ohh, I left my phone in Kami's room somewhere. I didn't feel like looking for—"

"You were in Kaminari's room?" He cut off, now slightly annoyed that she just sauntered off into another boys room without even telling him.

"Well yeah, he's my friend? The whole squad was there,
minus Baku—wait why am I explaining myself? I can go anywhere I want. I don't have to inform you about my whereabouts 24/7." She growled out, eyes narrowing at the boy in front of her. At this point, she was fed up with his new overbearing personality.

"Something could've happened to you. I don't see a problem with wanting to know that my girlfriend is safe whenever I'm not with her. After what happened, I'd expect you to understand why I'm worried—"

"BUT I DON'T REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED SHOUTO!" She screamed out, her short temper getting the best of her.

"That doesn't excuse the fact that—"

"The fact that what? That you can control me now?! That I can't hang out with my friends without telling you first?! YOU'RE NOT MY PARENT YOU'RE MY BOYFRIEND SHOUTO! Either you learn how to act like one or—or you won't be one." Her voice low as she finished speaking, eyes downcast as she swallowed.

"What?" He spoke up, completely floored.

It all happened so quickly—too quickly in his opinion. Todoroki hasn't felt this much pain since coming to this school. His heart never hurt in this way before he met her, and he didn't like it one bit. Truth be told, he honestly didn't know what to do. How did he make this pain he was feeling for the past few months just stop? How can he smile again like he did when he heard her sing? How can he laugh again like he did when she told her weird jokes? When will he be able to hold her again like he did before?

How can I go back?

He had no answers, no fresh ideas. He thought that maybe being able to protect her now would make things the same again. Yet somehow, it only made his heart hurt even more. He was exhausted physically and mentally—having spent his nights worrying over something coming and taking her away for good this time. What was he supposed to do?

How can I make this stop?

He didn't know...so he walked away.

As Y/N watched his retreating form, she couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu. But for some reason, this time, she couldn't stand there and watch. Her heart wouldn't let her. As much as she felt like he was a little too overprotective, she never wanted him to leave. She had let her emotions get the best of her and she hated herself for it.

I really came here and fucked shit up, didn't I?


HELLOO READERS! Sorry that I haven't updated in a while, I had writers block yikes. Thank you so so so much for tolerating my crappy writing/storyline. It really means a lot. ILYSM :D


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