IT & ST Imagines & Preferences

Por armiehammerbykesha

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i wrote this when i was 13 so i'm sorry for how bad it is but a lot of people seem to enjoy it so i'm leaving... Más

Disclaimer + Intro
new kid ~ eddie kaspbrak
procrastinator ~ richie tozier
if i could tell her ~ beverly marsh
hopeless crush ~ bill denbrough
summer nights ~ richie tozier
shut up ~ stan uris
forever and always ~ eddie kaspbrak
can i kill him? ~ stan uris
you're making a scene ~ eddie kaspbrak
i think i love you ~ will byers
insults over cheerios ~ richie tozier
can i kill him? pt. 2 ~ stan uris
difficult ~ mike wheeler

beautiful ~ beverly marsh

918 11 2
Por armiehammerbykesha

(Aged up to 16)

I've been modelling since I was 3 years old and trust me, I'm used to being treated like a piece of meat. My mum says I was made for it, that I have the perfect body, the perfect hair, the perfect eyes, the perfect teeth, the perfect skin. Well at I do. All my life, my mother's worked and worked and worked to make me perfect. Apparently it doesn't matter what's behind the camera; it's what people see printed on those glossy cellulose pages that does. It started off easy, with cute little summer dresses and winter onesies. I used to love it. Then, I grew up. My hair got shinier; my face shaped from the cute toddler roundness; my chest shaped out; my hips filled out. I started to look like a woman rather than a little girl. So the things I modelled were now more like tiny crop-tops, revealing swimwear and tight skirts. If I had a dollar for every outfit I've had to wear, every pose I've had to strike: I'd be one rich girl. As if I wasn't already. After every shoot, the cash just rolled in in fat wads. Stacks and stacks of it, thousands upon millions would flow into my bank account. I know she only meant well, that she was thought it was best for me, but boy had my mother dumped a load on me. It started as one of her hobbies, but now it's her life. Her obsession. It used to be mine back when it was all fun and games. I honestly adored it. But I'm 16 now and honestly...I think it's an absolute load of bullshit.

I got sick of it and I am. Standing with two suitcases in my hands at Derry bus stop. I've always wanted to come here. The historical value of it is incredible and seeming that I was staying in Maine for a few shoots for the next couple of months, there were huge shoots for Moncler, GAP and TopShop. (these were around in the 80s lmao, I did check.) Very big deal to everyone except me. My mother had actually said she'd let me go anywhere I wanted now I was older. I had a month to stay anywhere I liked. Alone. One. Whole. Month. The bus pulled away and revealed the block of apartments, one of which I'd rented out. Ringing the doorbell, I waited in anticipation. A few moments later, there was a shout of, "Coming!" before the door swung open. A girl around my age with curly ginger hair to her ears and bright green eyes was revealed. "Oh. Hi." She said with a slight laugh.
"H-hi." I replied.
"Hang on, I think I recognise you." She leant against the door.
"Yeah that's, erm," I scratched my head, "that's likely."
"Sixteen candles?"
"No that, erm, that wasn't me."
"Sabrina the Teenage Witch?"
"Got it!" She snapped her fingers, "Star Trek!"
"No, I'm actually—"
"The model!" She concluded, "Yep, I got it now. Y/N Y/S/N, right?"
"Yeah." I smiled shyly.
"Well I'm Beverly Marsh, wanna come in?" Beverly stepped to one side.
"Oh, yeah, sure." I stepped in, "Thanks."
"Where you staying?"
"Ooh yeah, right next to Mr Gelman." Beverly locked the door behind us, "Watch out for him, he's crazy."
"Ah yeah well I'm actually not staying for long. Just a month."
"Oh well maybe I could show you around town?"
"That'd be nice, thanks Beverly."
"You're welcome, here's your room Y/N."
"Thanks again Beverly. Also," I span around, "call me Y/N/N."
"Then call me Bev." She grinned, winking and saluting before sliding down the banister.

I was woken up by an abrupt knock on my door. "Ughh." I groaned, rolling out of bed and sliding into my slippers. I'd had all of yesterday to unpack and settle in, something I'd grown used to doing due to how much travelling I did. "One minute." I shouted through, pulling my dressing gown on and trudging to the door. I opened it to see Bev standing there with a huge smile, "Morning!"
"Morning?" I rubbed my eyes. "It's 8 o'clock Bev."
"I know, early starts are best! Come on, get dressed," She clapped her hands and pushed me back towards my bedroom, "Big day today!"
"What?" I croaked.
"I'm showing you round! C'mon Y/N/N!" She shut my bedroom door, leaving me bewildered. I did as I was told though, so 10 minutes later, I emerged from my room fully dressed in a white tennis skirt and pink jumper, hair brushed to perfection in a high ponytail and makeup applied. (ik this might not be some of you guys but it's just because of the backstory for this imagine.)
"Wow." Bev stood up from the sofa.
"What?" I looked down at myself, subconsciously smoothing down my skirt. "Is something wrong?"
"No, no, nothing." She walked over to me, "Nice outfit."
"Thanks." I beamed, then she grabbed my hand and started to pull me out the door.
"Wait!" I slid my feet into my pre-tied white trainers quickly before following her, slamming the door behind me. We slid down the banisters until we reached the already open door, running out of it and onto the street.
"Where first Miss Y/S/N?" Bev turned to look at me, her cheeks pink from the sudden excursion.
"Anywhere." I shrugged, laughing.
"Let's go for breakfast!" And we were
off again.

Before I knew it, I was sat opposite her at a diner, coffee in my hand and a croissant sat on a plate in front of me.
"So what's it like?" She asked, sipping her coffee.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Being a model of course!"
"Oh, right, yeah." I put my coffee down on a coaster. "Well, it can be fun. Really fun. Being the first to see all these designer outfits, getting to try them on, act all posey and slutty in front of a camera. I've met some really amazing people."
"Ooh, have you met any celebrities?!"
"Yep, Molly Ringwald."
Bev's shoulders slumped, "Oh please don't call me that, Richie already does that!"
"No, no, I don't mean that." I laughed, "I mean yep comma Molly Ringwald. As in I've done a shoot with Molly."
"Oh my god, for real?!" Her eyes widened, "The Molly Ringwald?!"
"The very same." I nodded.
"Who else have you done shoots with?"
"Hmm, let's see." I thought to myself. "I did something for Coca Cola with Matthew Broderick a few months ago."
Her mouth dropped, "No way."
"Yes way." A smile spread across my face.
"He's so hot!"
"Isn't he just!" I agreed, "I was literally melting throughout the whole thing. In one of the photos, he had to like, put his arms around my neck and then in another one I had to lean my head on his shoulder and oh my god was I dying." (okay but my obsession with Matthew Broderick is unhealthy he is 100% my 80s crush. HE WAS SO GORGEOUS)
"Carry on!"
"Well I've shaken Keanu Reeves's hand."
"You're so lucky!"
"Kirk Cameron for Levi's, John Stamos for Pepsi, Michael J Fox with Polo—"
"Demi Moore for Girbaud, Anthony Michael Hall for Nike, David Bowie for his merch, Debbie Harry for BodyGlove and very nearly one with Madonna for bicycle shorts."
"Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw." She leant her chin on her fist. "My life sucks."
I giggled, "It can be hard. Honestly, I think they just want me for my body and my face."
"Well come on you are--" Bev waved her hands at me, "You."
"Thanks." I blushed.
"Come on, you should meet my friends!"
"Oh, right, okay." And with that, we were off again.

"There they are." She said, peering through the window of the arcade. "Wait right here." Bev stopped me at the door and went over to a group of boys standing by the Street-fighter machine. "Guys, there's someone I'd like you to meet, you probably know her."
"Oh my god did you bring a hot girl?" A boy with glasses asked excitedly.
"Yeah actually, I did." She walked over to me and gently took my hand, leading me over to them. "Y/N, I'd like you to meet my friends. Guys, meet Y/N Y/S/N."
"Hi." I waved slightly.
"As in the Y/N Y/S/N?" The boy with glasses asked.
"Yep. Y/N/N, this is Ben Hanscom." She indicated a rather large kid with sandy blonde hair.
"Hey." He smiled widely at me.
"Mike Hanlon." A dark-skinned boy raised his hand at me.
"Stan Uris."
"How's it going." A curly haired blonde boy winked at me.
"Eddie Kaspbrak."
A tiny brown-haired boy took a puff out of his inhaler before stammering, "H-h-hi."
"That's Richie Tozier, ignore his wildly inappropriate choice of vocabulary." She rolled her eyes at the black-haired kid with glasses.
"Oy!" He scowled at Bev, then turned to me with a huge grin and an outstretched hand, "What's up hot stuff? Huge fan."
"Thanks." I giggled, shaking his hand.
"And this here's Bill Denbrough."
"H-h-h-h-hey." He stuttered.
"Don't mind his stutter." She said to me quietly, "He's very self conscious."
"Oh it's okay." I smiled at Bill, "It's kinda cute."

"No way. Michael J Fox?!"
"I love that guy!"
"Yeah me too." I laughed.
"Debbie Harry." Stan marvelled. "God I so wish I was you."
"What, you mean like, mega attractive Stanley?" Richie said in a sarcastic tone.
"Oh fuck off Tozier." He shoved him.
"This is our stop guys." Bev stopped outside the front door of the apartment block.
"Well it was nice meeting you guys." I smiled at them all, I really did like them. They were hilariously offensive but also the sweetest group of boys I'd ever come across.
"We can meet up tomorrow, right?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, yeah, course we can Kaspbrak!" I told him.
"A-a-awesome." Bill smiled.
"Alright well night guys." I waved as they all walked away.
"G'night!" Beverly called before turning to me.
"You got the key?" I raised an eyebrow and laughed slightly.
"Yeah course I have." She chuckled, rummaging around in her pockets.

(Time skip of three weeks because I'm hella lazy)

One more week. That's how long I had left. After having the most incredible three weeks, I only had one more week of it. One week until I had to leave the best friends I'd ever had. We'd spent all day at the Quarry and Eddie was just leaving. That left Beverly and I, sat together on the edge of the rocks, legs hanging over the edge, thousands of feet away from the water.
"Can I tell you something?"
"Alright well I'm just gonna come straight out with this."
"Go ahead." I laughed.
"Okay," She pulled her legs up and turned to face me, legs crossed. "Listen, I know we've only known each other for a month. And I...I didn't think this was even possible for this to happen over that short amount of time but...I...I..."
"Come on it can't be that bad." I put my hand over hers.
"I like you." She blurted.
My eyes widened and I sat frozen. "Beverly—"
"You like boys." She interrupted, picking at her shoes, "It's okay, I know. Just thought I' know...let you know."
"No, no." I made her look at me. "I like boys—"
"Y/N I know, I literally just said that."
"And girls." I finished my sentence with a slight smile on my face.
"I like boys and girls."
"Yeah. Oh." I nodded.
"Holy shit."
"Yeah, holy shit. I like you too idiot." I giggled.
"Can I kiss you?"
"You'd better!" I laughed, pulling her face towards mine and pressing our lips together.
Beverly pulled back gently after a few seconds, "God you're so—"
"Beautiful? Yeah, I've heard that one before." I looked down at the grass.
"Sorry." She bit her lip.
"Don't be." I looked up. "Let's just...not talk about looks okay?"
"Okay." She nodded. I gazed at her plump pink lips and put a finger under her chin, pulling them back towards mine. I let my eyes fall shut and opened my mouth slightly in anticipation for the contact.

The next seven days were absolute, complete, utter bliss. Beverly and I went on dates to the movies, the diner, watched movies at her apartment which she lived in by herself. I kissed her more times than I thought possible. We'd kiss until both our lips were swelled and sore. Then came the day. The day I had to leave.

"I'm sorry you're leaving Y/N." Ben hugged me.
"Yeah me too Benny." I hugged him back.
"It's gonna be weird without you." Mike smiled.
"Yeah." I nodded, pulling him into my shoulder, "Good luck at the farm."
"Please don't go Y/N/N." Eddie pouted, smushing his head into my shoulder.
"Eds." I laughed, "Believe me, if I could stay with you and your adorable little face," I ruffled his hair which made him blush but smile, "I would."
"Gonna miss you Y/S/N." Stan patted my back sympathetically.
"Yeah you too Uris." I brushed a curl off his forehead.
"S-s-s-see you." Bill hugged me quickly, he wasn't a fan of them or goodbyes. Richie didn't say a word, just wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tightly. Eventually, he mumbled, "I'm not letting you go."
"God Richie, you're gonna suffocate me!" I gagged.
"Sorry." He un-attached himself from me.
"It's okay. I'll miss you Tozier. I'm gonna miss you all so much."
"Well we can call right?" Eddie asked.
"Eddie." Stan said to him quietly.
It took him a minute. "Oh. Oh right, yeah?"
"If I can extract one of you guys' calls, I promise I'll pick up." I giggled. "Come here you guys." A group hug was formed with me and the boys. All 7 of us.
Bill flicked his gaze towards Beverly and nudged the others. "We should, erm, we should get going."
"Yeah of course. Bye." I smiled sadly, wiping my eyes on my sleeve.
"Y/N/N?" Beverly said from behind me.
"Yes Bev?" I turned to look at her.
"Will you remember me?"
"Of course I will silly!"
"Mm yeah, but will you remember me when you're watching TV?"
"Yes Beverly."
"What about when you're eating all the fancy shit they bring you?"
"Yes Beverly."
"Will you remember me when you're doing shoots?"
"Yes Beverly."
"How about when—"
"Beverly!" I cut her off, then cupped her cheek, "I'll always remember you sweetheart."
"You promise?"
"I promise." I stroked her cheek with my thumb. The screech of a train pulling into the station echoed around the area.
"I guess this is me." I said.
"Yeah, I guess so." She looked at me with consideration then smashed her lips against mine. I gripped the side of her head, tangling my hand in her hair. Our lips moulded together for what I figured would be the last time. We just stood there by the tracks; kissing; until the train whistle blew, announcing last borders. I stepped back and sighed, "Goodbye, Beverly Marsh."
"Goodbye Y/N Y/S/N."

I climbed onto the train, handing the man my ticket before getting onto the train. I found my seat, putting my suitcase on the rack above my head. I leaned out the window as it pulled away, waving to...well...waving to the girl I loved. When the smoke covered my view of her, I ducked back in and leant my head back against the seat, closing my eyes. All of a sudden, the train pulled to an abrupt holt. My eyes snapped open and I sat up slowly. Just 20 seconds later, the carriage door slid open and there she stood. There she stood with her gorgeous orange hair catching the sunlight and her green eyes glinting. I stood up and walked out into the aisle. "You stopped the train."
"I stopped the train."
Can I just say...uwu. I couldn't be bothered to write the next bit because it would've been bad and also the imagine was already too long. So basically (you probably figured this out lol) Beverly goes with Y/N back to her mother in Maine and ig you can decide what happens next!

Thanks for reading, have a great day/night, peace leaves 🍃💞

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