forever and always ~ eddie kaspbrak

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A/N, idk what this is because I wrote it at 2am and I'm sorry if it makes no sense don't come for me. It's kind of two story ideas merged into one l-m-a-o.

"Hey! That's my car!" The little girl stormed over to the boy pushing the toy car up and down the wooden floorboards.
"Your car?" The little boy looked up at her, "Girls don't play with cars!"
"Oh really?!" She snatched it from his hand and clutched it in her tiny fist.
"Hey I was playing with that!" He scrambled to his feet.
"I don't care! It's MINE!"
"I had it first!"
"No you did not!"
"YES I DID!" He pushed her.
All it did was get him pushed back by her. Harder. "NO. YOU. DIDN'T!"
"Y/N! Eddie! What on EARTH is going on here?!" The nursery teacher, Maggie, held the two children apart as they scowled at each other.
"Nothing." They glared in unison.
"Oh really?" Maggie raised an eyebrow. "Eddie, why did you push Y/N?"
"She took the car from me!"
"And Y/N why did you push him back?"
"Because it's MY car!" She stomped her foot, her patent leather shoes squeaking on the polished wood, "He said girls don't play with cars!"
"Alright," Maggie rubbed her forehead tiredly, " it through." She gently sat the two children down on chairs opposite each other. "Now, what do you have to say to each other?"
"I'm sorry." Eddie muttered.
"What was that Edward?"
"I'm sorry Y/N."
"I can't hear you!"
"Alright calm down, now, why don't you both play with the doll."
"Car." The two corrected her, looking at each other and smiling.
"Car. Whatever." Maggie walked off to go and finish her un-deserved cup of coffee with the other un-caring, soppy, single women.


"Do we have to lie on the actual floor?" Eddie groaned, following her. Their parents had allowed them to come to the beach together for the day whilst they went to work. Even though it was summer, they still had to go to the offices, which sucked for the adults but rocked for the two children. They got to spend a whole summer in each other's company with no parents at all.
"Yes Eddie, stop being a baby!" Y/N threw herself down on the rocks.
"But the ge-er-ermss." He cried.
"Here you can have your bloody germs!" She reached her hand into the sea and splashed a handful of salty water onto his face.
"Y/N!" He screeched as she went into fits of laughter,
"The look on your face!"
"Shut up." He shook his head, shoving her shoulder gently and wiping his face with the bottom of his t-shirt. Before she could venture any further, he grabbed her wrist, "Stop."
"The water's perfectly safe you know." She slid off her shoes and tip-toed to the age of the furthest out, curling her toes around the edge and peering down into the water.
Eddie ran up behind her, "Are you sure?"
Y/N rolled her eyes, "Watch this." She pulled her dress over her head, letting it fall to the floor and pool around her feet in a puddle of fabric. Left standing in just her underwear, she took a big breath in before pinching her nose and jumping into the water.
Her head popped out from under the water a few seconds later and she suddenly began to scream, it looked as if something was dragging her under. "Eddie!" She gasped for air.
"Y/N!" He screamed, leaping into the water without undressing, swimming over to her. "WHAT IS IT? WHAT'S HAPPENED?!"
Y/N did nothing but laugh her head off, "Nothing dummy I just wanted to get you in the water."
"Are you kidding me?! I was really worried!" He huffed and swam back to the rocks, "I hope you know that I hate you!"
"You have done since I took 'your car' when we were 5!" She yelled after him.
"Are you not coming back up?" He asked.
"Nah, I want a bit of a swim."

A few minutes later, a panicked look appeared on her face. "Eddie."
"I need you to very calmly swim towards me and bring me back to shore?"
"I have cramp and I can't swim. Don't freak out but I need to because there's a-"
"Oh no, no, no, no." He interrupted her, "This is just one of your stupid jokes, isn't it?"
"Oh please!" He smirked, cracking open a Coke, "I'm not falling for that again."
"No, Eddie, please!"
"It so is! Stop lying!" He laughed, sitting down and throwing a rock into the water.
"Eddie I'm being serious!"
"You're so not!" He shook his head. "If there was a problem you'd be thrashing around idiot, I'm not stupid."
"I told you, I have cramp!"
"Oh just come back to the rocks, I'm not coming in."
At that precise moment, the boy felt his heart stop. "Wh-what kind?"
"Oh gee, let me check my Scouts-issued Shark Spotter Guide!"
"It is NOT the time for your stupid sarcasm! Now are you being serious or not?!"
"No." He squeaked. "Stay calm, I'll call a lifeguard."
"There's not enough time for that!" Y/N began to get hysterical. "Eddie it's going to start going for my bleeding foot anytime soon."
"Your foot's bleeding?!"
"Do you have any idea how stupid it is to do that in FLORIDA?! The literal SHARK CAPITAL?!"
"Ugh, Y/N!"
"Eddie." Her face went paler and she gulped, "It looks hungry."
"Alright, alright calm down."
"SHUT UP!" Eddie lowered himself onto the edge of the rock and threw a few sausages onto the other side of the ocean. "There fishy fishy. Get the nice food." They watched as the shadow turned and swam towards the movement at lightning speed.
"Okay we have to be really quick." Eddie said as he yanked his shirt off and threw his shorts to one side, sliding into the water as carefully as he could and swimming to her as calmly as possible.
"Eddie I'm scared." Y/N's voice wavered, the shark was nearly finished with the meat.
"It's okay, stay calm, it'll be fine." He turned his back to the girl. "Get on my back." She did so and slowly, Eddie began to swim to shore. Everything was going great and the shark seemed to have forgotten about Y/N and lost interest. All until...her leg had a spasm. Yes, due to the previous cramp and the shock of the sudden movement, Y/N's leg began kicking around in the water, drawing the most attention possible to them. (Idk why I wrote this but I'm sorry it's so stupid) "GO!" She screamed as the shark turned and began to swim. They were still a fair few feet away as it dawned on them, chasing after the now ever-flowing blood from her cut. Her grip around her best friend's shoulders tightened more and more as it got closer and closer. A loud scream came from her throat as the sound of huge teeth clashing together echoed across the beach, just as Eddie grabbed a hold of the rock and hauled them both onto the hard surface. Y/N continued to scream and Eddie held her close in his arms. "Shh, shh, it's okay, it's okay. We're here now." He let her sob into his bare shoulder before he had an idea. The boy lifted her head up and rested his hands on her cheeks. "You know what?" He kissed her forehead. "I'm gonna take you out some day." He kissed her cheek. "I'm gonna take you on a date somewhere real nice and we can..." He kissed her other cheek. It just so happened that he was a little far over. They looked into each other's eyes before closing the space between them. Eddie and Y/N's lips moulded together perfectly.

1 month later

"What do you mean you're leaving?!"
"I mean exactly that. I'm leaving." Y/N stared at the table.
" can't!" He stuttered. "You can't just leave me!"
"Eddie I have to go put my bags in the boot." She stood up from the kitchen table, only to be followed by him, being talked at the whole entire time. Pretty soon, it was time that she really did have to go. Y/N moved to California today. Forever. No returns.
"Y/N please don't go." Eddie sniffed, staring into her eyes sadly. "Please stay. You have to stay!"
"Eddie," She sighed, "You know I can't do that. Believe me, I want to. If my fricking dad didn't get this stupid job offer maybe..."
"Y/N you''re my best friend. You mean the world to me. More than anyone on this entire planet."
"I know sweetie, I know." She rubbed his cheek with her thumb. "You're mine."
"Why are you so okay with this?!"
"Because." She dropped her hand from his face to his hand, holding them both in hers. "This is one of these things you just have to do that you can't change."
She cut him off, "You saved me. We're soulmates. Forever and always. I love you, Edward Kaspbrak." Y/N hugged him to her chest and kissed his cheek lightly.
"I love you too." Tears were tracking down his cheeks as he watched her climb into the car and drive away, the feeling creeping through his heart like vines choking a tree trunk.


'Diary of Edward Kaspbrak'

Dear Diary,

It's been 4 years since Y/N left. 4 whole years. I still love her, she still means the whole entire world to me. It's funny isn't it, to love someone you never see. Someone you'll probably never see again. I've always loved her. Right from the day where I realised that the girl who took the car I was playing with wasn't such an asshole. I only realised I was in love with her the day she left. I guess the saying 'You don't know what you've got till it's gone' really is true, huh? I suppose it's better for me to be here in Derry than it would be for me to be in Florida. Back there, I just saw her face everywhere, everything was her. The place was full of memories. I had nothing except that. Here, I have everything except that. I have 6 amazing friends, a nice home, I go to a good-ish school and my grades are average, nothing's out of the ordinary. Nothing really happens here, it's just a small town in Maine. Here, there's not a single scrap of Y/N. Richie says I should move on and that she's almost definitely too good for me. But it's Richie, of course he does. Ben, being the romantic he is, says I should forever keep my undying love for her. Beverly says the same but I guess that's because she's a girl. Girls just want love. Oh wait, I can't say that. That's how this whole thing started. Me telling Y/N/N what a girl could and couldn't do. I miss her like mad. I really do. She was my whole entire being. Who is Eddie without Y/N? My friends now wouldn't know any different, they've always known me the way I am now. Lately I've been thinking of her more. I guess it's because prom's around the corner and Mr Andrews says 'love is in the air'. I still remember our first kiss you know, on the rocks. After the attack. God, I sound like I'm fighting in the war and that my dear wife Y/N's at home with the kids. No, Eddie, don't get distracted. Sorry, Stan's being a creep and watching me write this during English class. Go away Uris you pervert! I should probably go.


Age 18, Eddie and Y/N finally reunited. After moving around for 5 years straight due to her father's job, she finally reached Derry as one of her stop-offs. They'd bumped into each other when Eddie was on his way to the park to meet up with Bill, Richie, Stan, Ben, Mike and Beverly. All things they were holding dropped to the concrete immediately. Names were questioned at the other with wide eyes and pretty soon, hugs were exchanged. The 6 at the park had no idea that on that day they were going to be utterly blown off. For on that day, Eddie completed what everyone thought to be impossible: remembering and taking up an over 1 week old deal.

"Y/N, you once told me that we were soulmates." Eddie held her hands in his, brushing aside a piece of her now much longer hair.
"Forever and always." She breathed out with a smile.
"Right." He nodded. "I once promised you I'd take you on a date."
"If you want?"
"I want."
"Well that's settled then." He grinned.
"Weren't you going somewhere though?" Y/N frowned.
"Ah, screw them, I see those losers everyday. I'll introduce them to you later. Now come on, how about that date."
Thanks for reading, have a great day/night, peace leaves 🍃💞

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