procrastinator ~ richie tozier

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A/N: Ik this starts a bit abruptly but it'll make sense by the end yeet, also sorry this is short ly all.
"I dare you to kiss Stan for seven whole seconds." Richie smirked at me.
"What?" I spat.
"I said, I dare you to kiss Stan. Are you deaf?"
"No." I hissed. "I heard you perfectly well."
"What then? Don't want to kiss Stan the man? That it?"
"Nope. I'm fine with kissing Stan. In fact I'd LOVE to kiss Stan. Pucker up Uris!"
"Oh jesus christ." Stan rolled his eyes and shifted closer towards me.
I sat and stared at Stan. Not moving. "Just a disclaimer everyone, I'm about to kiss Stan."
"Yep, we know L/N. Now get on with it. We're all eagerly awaiting this."
"Fine." I leaned towards my best friend extremely slowly, not actually wanting to do this, but I couldn't let Richie win. I just couldn't.
"We don't have to do this you know." Stan said through his teeth, only loud enough for me to hear. "You could just say it."
"No, we do have to Stan. I can't say it. Please just trust me on this one and don't freak out." I whispered back, then closed the space between us. Once we were actually kissing, I could only stand the feeling of Stan's lips on mine for about two seconds before I pulled away quickly. "OKAY OKAY OKAY I CAN'T DO IT I ADMIT IT I HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU RICHIE!" I wiped my lips with my hands quickly.
"HAHA!" Richie shouted triumphantly. Stan was silently giggling to himself, being the only one who'd known until now. The rest of the group just sat there in utter shock.
"What. The fuck." Beverly said slowly.
"I have feelings for Richie okay?" I admitted quietly, casting my eyes down and picking at my hands.
A smile spread across Richie's face as he crawled towards me and put a hand on my face, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. "I have feelings for you too Y/N/N."
I looked up at him slowly and before I could even reply, he pressed his lips against mine gently. For seven whole seconds.
"EWWW COME ON GUYS WE'RE STILL HERE!" Everyone exclaimed at us. "GET A ROOM WILL YOU?!"
I pulled away and giggled slightly. "Sorry you guys."
"You're SUCH a procrastinator Y/N." Stan shook his head. "Though I can't say I was annoyed that you kissed me..."
"Oh back off Uris!" Richie scowled at him. "She's mine!"
"Who ever said I was yours?" I scoffed.
"I did. Y/N's mine everybody!" Richie declared to the room.
"Well I mean if you say so." I shrugged.

Thanks for reading, have a great day/night, peace leaves 🍃💞

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