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A/N: this sucks ass i'm sorry


"So I'm sitting there, staring off this guy, and he turns to me and says, 'Dude, can I borrow a pencil?' and I'm telling you now, it was the funniest thing!" Richie finished, laughing at his own story, clapping his hands together in amusement.
"Wow Richie." Beverly wasn't sure what to say.
Stan pressed his palms together and looked at his friend. "Wow. Hilarious. Comedy gold."
"Okay jeese Stan, cool it with the sarcasm would 'ya?" Richie held up his hands in defeat.
"Yeah, what's eating you today?" Mike asked.
"Maybe he's got a cruuushhhh." Beverly teased, shoving Stan's shoulder lightly.
"Huh?" Eddie squeaked, "No, you're wrong!"
"Well then." Stan's eyebrows raised, "Guess Eddie answered that one for me."
Eddie's eyes drifted to the face of his friend as she gazed out at the Quarry. Her Y/H/C hair was slightly tousled from the light breeze and her Y/E/C eyes sparkled in the sunlight. He was sat opposite her on the rocks and continued to stare, that is until she turned her head back to the group. Eddie darted his eyes to look at...Bill. Y/N smiled to herself and looked down at her bare feet as she realised what Eddie had been doing. Bill raised his eyebrows at his friend when he noticed him staring. "C-can I help you?"
"What?" Eddie jolted, "Oh, sorry."
"Is everything okay?" Beverly raised her eyebrows, laughing nervously.
"Yeah, yeah." Eddie rubbed his face as if to wake himself up. His gaze flicked to Y/N before he looked away again. "Everything's fine. I'm just...tired."
"Okay I don't know why I feel awkward, but I do." Ben said.
"Y/N!" Richie turned to face her, "You haven't said much today."
Her head tilted up, "I haven't?"
"Yeah, you got any funny stories to share with the class?" Richie smirked.
"Please god let them be better than yours." Stan muttered.
"No, nothing interesting's happened." Y/N gave a small smile.
"Hey I know!" Beverly exclaimed, "Let's play truth or dare!"
"That's so boring." Stan groaned.
"Fine." She retorted, "Spin the bottle but instead of kissing, we ask the person a deep, dark secret."
They all stifled laughter, covering their mouths with their hands as they attempted to suppress snorts. "A-alright then Beverly." Bill hid his behind a smile.
"Do we even have a bottle?" Mike asked.
"No." Beverly said quietly.
"I do." Y/N placed a glass bottle in the middle of their circle, the label around it read 'JACKSON'S PINK LEMONADE'.
"Cool." Richie nodded, "Nice going hot-stuff. Bit disappointed it wasn't beer, but sure."
"Shut up Richie." Eddie shook his head, "Come on let's just get this over with."

(Time skip of like two hours cause I'm lazy)

"I've gotta get back to the farm." Mike smiled, picking up his bike, "It's late. I'll see you guys around."
"Bye Mike." The group said in unison.
"Yeah I should get going too." Stan stood up.
"Me too." Ben joined him, "See you at school."
"Yeah, as much as I hate to say it, I've got some biology I gotta do." Beverly rolled her eyes jokingly as she dusted herself off.
"I-I'll walk you h-home." Bill stuttered, linking his fingers with Beverly's. (i'm a benverly but oop guess this is accurate) Eddie stood up from the rocks and was about to say he was leaving before he felt a hand on his wrist.
"Hey, Eds, can I talk to you?" Y/N asked quietly.
"Er, yeah...sure." Eddie gulped.
"Catch ya later Bill and Bev!" Richie raised a hand. (Bill and Ted anyone?)
"Wait, don't you have to do that biology as well, Richie?" Beverly asked.
"As if I care about it." He snorted.
"No Richie, you really, really have to do it." Beverly insisted.
"Bev why are you--" Richie stopped mid-sentence, looking at Eddie and Y/N and smirking. "Oh right, yeah, I do have to do that biology, you're right Bev!"
"Exactly Richard." She shook her head at him, "Bye you two."
"G-g'night." Bill waved.
"Have fun." Richie winked, doing finger-guns as he retreated. They both went bright red as the remaining three of the group walked off into the woods.

"So, erm, what did you want to talk to me about?" Eddie shifted from foot to foot.
"Just...just stuff." The girl walked to the edge of the rocks and sat with her feet dangling over the Quarry.
"Okay." He laughed slightly, sitting down beside her. "What stuff?"
"You've been staring at me all night like I have something on my face." She said, staring straight ahead.
Eddie froze, feeling his cheeks burn. "O-oh. Sorry. I didn't mean to."
"You sure about that?" She asked with a slight laugh. "You know, this is gonna sound creepy, but it's okay. I do it too."
"At who?" He stared straight ahead.
"At you."

"Eddie you've been silent for 10 minutes now, are you alright or are you silently having an asthma attack or something?"
Eddie held up his hand in dismissal as his other one kept a tight grip around the rock to steady himself. "I'm fine." He croaked.
"Oh my god, do you need your inhaler?"
All he did was nod and point to the bag behind her. She got the inhaler out and threw it to him and he immediately started to take puffs of it. (is that right i'm dumb? i should know this my brother literally has an inhaler.)
"Okay Eddie, look." The girl sighed and after a few moments of silent thought, she reached over and put her hand over his. Eddie paled at the thought that she was holding his hand. Her.
"This may be a long shot, but," She squeezed the hand under hers. "I like you."
His stomach dropped. His face went hot. His heart was doing a solid 1 million beats per minute. (that was cringey i'm sorry)
"It's totally okay if you don't feel the same, you know," She immediately retracted her hand and laughed nervously. "I thought you....because...never mind, it was stupid. I'm sorry. We can just go back to be friends right? Right. We can just pretend this never happened and..."
"Y/N." Eddie finally found it in him to speak. "It's okay." And after he said that, he put his hand over hers.
She looked down at their hands. "I'm sorry if I've made it awkward now."
"You've not." He smiled gently at her. And she smiled back. His heart did that weird beating so fast he thought it'd come out of his chest thing again. Eddie gulped, chewing his bottom lip with nerves about what he was about to do.
"Okay do you need me to take you to the hospital I'm seriously worried you're having an asthma attack now."
He shook his head, then leant forwards before he had time to think about it.
She was shook. (I was going to type shocked but it autocorrected to this and I thought I'd just leave it) After only a second though; she kissed back. (I feel awkward describing kissing so yeah sorry) Eddie slowly pulled away, not wanting to but having to so he didn't mess it up then have to use an inhaler in the middle of his first kiss. "I like you too."
Her body went rigid and chills ran down her spine. Then she smiled. She smiled with relief. "Oh thank god."
Eddie laughed before placing his hand on the back of her head and pulling her lips back onto his.


This was bad and awful and cringey and gross I'm sorry.

Thanks for reading, have a great day/night, peace leaves 🍃💞

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